Chapter Six

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˜ Chapter Six ˜

She could feel their eyes watching her , following her every move. It had been like this for days now, weeks even.

She would walk past their little group in the hallway and they would just look at her; as if she had committed the greatest sin.

And every time she would move a tad faster to get a away from their gazes.

"I wonder what their problem is ?" Ginny whispered softly, glancing over her shoulder.

" You noticed it too ?"

" Well of course, I mean if they stare any longer I swear their eyes will pop out."

Hermione smiled a little, pulling her books closer to her chest " They've been acting like that for weeks."

" Even Malfoy ?"

" Especially him. When we are in the common room, it's like his eyes are glued to me until I close the door of my room, and then when I come back outside ...he is gone; like he is waiting for me to leave."

They turned around the corner , passing a few younger students before they continued their conversation.

" Strange."

" To say the least." Hermione nodded in agreement , she would never admit it out loud but she wanted to know what he was up to.

She knew that there was something that was not right , she just couldn't figure out what it was.

" Did you tell Harry and Ron ?" Ginny asked curiously as she looked at Hermione.

" No, I don't really see the point. It's not like they can do anything about it."

" Maybe not but you can't know that for sure if you don't inform them."

" I'm not going to tell them, Ginny, and neither are you. The last time they suspected Malfoy for something we ended up following him the entire year. It was nearly becoming an obsession for some of us." Hermione pointed out, clearly referring to Harry.

Ginny shrugged a little, not impressed with her arguments.

"But their suspicion was proven right." She softened her voice a little before she continued: " Look I'm not judging anyone, I'm not here to accuse someone, not even Malfoy and his groupies. I'm just given you some advice if you think something isn't right, tell someone."

" I already told you."

" That is not what I mean."

Hermione halted before the staircase and pulled Ginny back so that they were standing face to face.

" I can handle this, it's probably nothing. So I'm going to repeat myself; I'm not going to tell Harry and Ron about this and neither will you."

Ginny pulled her hand back from Hermione's grasp : " you don't have to be so aggressive about it. What's the matter with you?" She asked sternly.

" Nothing, I..I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so harsh. I just want you to know that I'm old and wise enough to take care of myself. Though I love Harry and Ron, I don't need them to hold my hand during every step I take."

Hermione looked at her red-haired friend, hoping that she would understand. She needed to be out of their shadows for a while. She needed to walk her own path, finding out who she really was.

She knew it sounded quite dramatic but it was the truth and she decided that this time she wasn't going to ignore this nagging feeling.

" Alright." Ginny nodded.

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