The New Girl to Beacon Hills

By trash-trademark

3.1K 63 5

Aussie moves to Beacon Hills with her mom, dad, and brothers, Rhys and Flavian. Then she finds a guy in the m... More

Wolf Moon
Questing Wolf information
Second Chance at First Line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
Heart Monitors
Night School
Wolf's bane
Code Breaker
New Book!

The Tell

135 6 0
By trash-trademark

"Come on guys!" I called to my brothers. We were going to watch something  on Netflix tonight, since my parents are out on a date. I set the popcorn down on the coffee table and put the soda and cups next to it. The boys ran down the stairs and Rhys plopped down next to me. Flavian decided to be funny and laid down across us. We pushed him off and he just laid down on the floor in front of us. 

'What do you guys wanna watch?" I asked them, scrolling through the choices. I quickly went over AHS. 

"No! Go back!" Flavian whined. I just laughed.

"You're too young for that" I told them as I decided on Parks and Recreation. We were a couple episodes in when I got a text from Stiles.  Apparently, there's been an attack at the video store and he wants me to go there.

"Hey guys, I have to go. Go to bed now please" I told them. Flavian gave Rhys a look and turned back to me.

"Werewolf stuff?" Rhys asked. 

"Probably" I shouted as I ran out the door. The Video store is close to my house, so I just walked. I arrived there in ten minutes. Once I got to the crime scene, I searched for Stiles. I instead found Jackson and Lydia in the back of an ambulance. 

"You guys alright?" I asked them. Jackson gave me a quick nod and went back to arguing with the EMT's. I was about to leave when Mr Stilinski approached the car. 

"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine!" Jackson asked Mr. Stilinski.

"I hear ya" Mr Stilinski told Jackson. "But the MT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion."

"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping?" Jackson talked back to him. I gave Jackson a look. "Okay? I wanna go home!" 

"And I understand that-" Mr Stilinski told him calmly. 

"No you don't understand," Jackson yelled back at him. "Which kind of blows my mind since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent-a-cop like you!! Now I want to go home!!!!!!" I'm going to beat Jackson up someday, I swear....

"Woah! Is that a dead body?" Stiles exclaimed. I turned to where he was pointing. There was a man, covered in a black tarp, being carried away on a stretcher. I walked away to the sound of "everybody back up". I walked close to Stiles.

"Do you know what  happened?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"You're guess is as good as mine" He told me, looking at the body. I looked up to the roof and saw Scott.

 I then looked at my watch. "Shit, it's late! I gotta go, text me what happened." I told Stiles. He nodded and I walked home. When I came upon my driveway, I saw my dad's car was gone. He probably went out drinking anyways.. I thought as I trutted to the door. He has been really negligent of our family recently. When I walked inside, my mom was at the island in the kitchen.

"Where were you?" She asked me. I turned to her.

"Just out with Stiles," I told her. I technically was. "How was your date with dad?" I asked.

"It was good! We went out to this Mexican place!" She told me. But when I looked at her, I could see the stress behind her eyes.

"Goodnight mom!" I told her as I leaned over and gave her a goodnight kiss on the cheek. I then walked upstairs, already have taken a shower, and went to bed.

I woke up groggy. I got a lot of sleep last night, but this just happens. I decided to check my phone.

Derek had me up all last night... He even broke my fingers! I'm wondering why he doesn't have you do these types of things  Scott texted me. I just smirked.

Who knows? I might be conducting an investigation of my own! I texted back, trying to ignore the fact that he had just controlled me a couple nights ago. I focused on what was happening today. I have to go to Rhys and Flavian's parent teacher conference cause of how much Flavian beats up bullies and apparently Rhys could be put into a gifted program. My parents have to work so the teachers said I could go. Also, I have to go help the parents at the High Schools Parent Teacher conferences, the principal asked some students to. I had a sudden alarm that cam on my phone, spooking me.

Allison Argent's birthday today  It read. I grabbed the previously wrapped gifts and went downstairs. My mom was sitting in the same spot from last night drinking coffee. 

"Hey Aussie, Please remember about your brothers tonight. And good luck helping at conference!" She said as I grabbed a plum. 

"Thanks! What are you doing today?" I asked. 

"Going to the college downtown to learn about newspaper writing."She told me. I grabbed my backpack.

"Bye mom, love you!" I told her as I walked out the door. I had good timing cause when I got to the end of my driveway, Stiles and Scott pulled up. 

"So how's the hand," I asked Scott. He just set his head down in shame. "Well, I'm just glad I don't have to do any of that crap since I'm not one of you guys" I told Scott.

"Well you are the alpha's little bitch" Stiles told me. They laughed while I slapped Stiles upside the head. We arrived at school. I jumped out and walked briskly inside the school. I had to find Allison and give her her gift. I found her near the entrance.

"Happy Birthday!" I told her as she turned around. She smiled as she opened her present.

"How did you find out?" She asked me. We both looked at each other. 

"Lydia" We said at the same time. Usually Lydia won't talk to me, but if it has something to do with Allison, she'll talk. 

"Aww, you shouldn't have!" She told me, smiling at the leather jacket, earrings and headband I got her. 

"Oh no. You're one of those people who don't like having their birthdays celebrated!" I whined. If I had known, I wouldn't have gotten her it.

"Yeah... But I still love it! Thank you!" She told me, looking at the moon earrings I got her. 

"How old are you now?" I asked her as she put her clothes into her bag as nicely as she could. She motioned me to lean in. 

"Seventeen," She told me. "Pleaassee don't tell anyone!" She begged. I nodded, I'm not sure how she is in our grade, but I won't tell. 

"Well, I need to go to my locker, see you later!" She told me as we parted ways. I then went to my locker to go meet up with Isaac. I saw him waiting near my locker, oblivious that I was there. 

"Hey buddy,"I greeted, giving him a hug. "How've you been?" I asked.

"Good," He told me. "What about you?" He asked me. I sighed.

"It's been.. okay. Can you come over after school today so we can work on our French project?"  I asked him. So far we've just been working on it at lunch and study halls. 

"Sure, you live close?" He asked.  I shrugged. 

"No, but my mom will pick us up" I told him. "Meet me at the entrance to the school when you're ready" I looked at my watch. "Gotta go! See you later!" I told him as I walked to first period. 

"Just a friendly reminder," Mr Harris told us. "Parent teacher conferences are tonight." He said with his monotonous voice. "Students below a C average are required to attend. I won't name you because of the shame and the self disgust should be more than enough punishment" He said, walking close to Stiles. I wonder who he's talking about. 

"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" He asked, glancing down at Stiles, who was highlighting his work. He looked up. The door opened. Jackson came in and sat down. 

"Jackson, if you need to leave early for any reason, let me know."  Mr. Harris told him, putting his hand on his back. Yeah, not creepy at all Harris... Jackson nodded.

"Everyone, start reading chapter nine," Harris announced as he walked to the front of the room. "Mr. Stilinski" Stiles looked up with a highlighter cap in his mouth. I giggled.

"Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs, It's chemistry, not a coloring book" He told Stiles. I looked down at my sheet and frowned. It was filled with bright yellow flowers. Stiles turned to me, lifted his head up, and spit out the cap. The amazing part was that he caught it. I smiled and went back to work. Stiles sat forward to talk to Danny, who was sitting right next to me, so I decided to listen in.

"Hey Danny, Can I ask you a question?" He asked. 

"No" He told him.

"Well I'm going to anyway. Umm, Did Lydia show up in homeroom today?" He asked Danny. 

"I'm in her homeroom too!" I whispered to them. Stiles's face lit up with remembrance. 

"No she wasn't" I told them as I got back to my work. I need to get this done so I can free up my afternoon.

"Can I ask you another question?" Stiles asked Danny.

"The answers still no" Danny said.

"Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night? Did Jackson tell you?" He asked. Now THAT is gaining my attention.

"He wouldn't" Danny admitted, obviously a bit hurt that his best friend wouldn't tell him what happened

"But he's your best friend" Stiles said.

"Don't you think he knows that?" I told Stiles.  It looked like Danny was about to say something, but he kept on working.

"One more question" Stiles leaned over.

"What?" Danny asked, obviously agitated. 

"Do you find me attractive?" He asked as he fell out of his chair. I stifled a laugh as he got back into his seat. Class ended and after a while, I tried to find Stiles, but I failed.

Sooner than I realized, it was the end of the day and I was meeting up with Isaac in the parking lot.

"Howdy Partner" I whispered as I snuck up behind him. He whipped his head around and relaxed when he saw me. 

"Why are you calling me partner?"  He smiled. 

"Cause we're working on the project together!" I laughed. My mom then pulled up and we both got into the back seat.

"Hi, you must be Isaac. I'm obviously her mom, but you can call me Amy." She turned to tell him. He stuck his hand out so my mom could shake it. She did and I could tell it was a solid shake. My mom started to drive off so Isaac and I just decided to talk. By the time we got to my house we were  laughing. 

"Bye mom!" I gave her a hug through the window. She pulled me close and told me "He's a keeper." I felt happy that I made my mom proud and walked with Isaac inside. 

"So you wanna start to work on it so we can play on the PS3?" I asked him. He nodded. By the time we finished, I heard the twins bus. 

"Oh, my brothers are home." I told Isaac as he packed up his stuff. The door slammed open and Flavian came barging through with Rhys on his tail. 

"You don't have to come tonight," Flavian yelled, turning to show me his black eye. I just walked to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. I tossed it to him and shot Isaac a smile. 

"Spill" I told Flavian, gesturing for the both of them to sit. I felt bad because Isaac was seated in the middle of them.

"Well, its basically the same thing that happens" Flavian told me. I looked at Rhys. 

"What kid picked on you" I asked. Before I could get a response I got a text from Stiles. Shit. It was the alpha that attacked them at the video store.

"You two go upstairs and do homework. Once you're done you can grab you're own dinner and play some PS3 with us" I told them. They both ran upstairs to do their homework. Isaac and I moved from the kitchen to the living room. Isaac and I decided to talk while we set things up.

"Does he get hurt often?" He asked me. I turned to him.

"Yeah, My brother Rhys is just really shy and a lot of kids tend to pick on him. Flavian can't stand it because, First, he's his twin. Secondly, he's a hothead so he wants to make sure everyone is protected," I sighed. "But whenever he gets suspended, which happens a tad bit, We don't punish him cause he never starts the fight." I told him. Isaac smiled. 

"You seem to have cool brothers" He told me.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked him. He frowned.

"I did. His name was Camden, he died in the army" He told me. 

"I'm sorry" I told him. That must've been so hard.

"It's alright. Lets get the PS3 set up" He smiled. We got Little Big Planet set up when Rhys and Flavian came into the living room.

"Make sure you make is avatar look rad!" Flavian said, grabbing a controller and passing it to Rhys. Isaac ended up with a cowboy with steampunk goggles. I could tell Isaac, Rhys, and Flavian were having a fun time together. I looked at the clock and noticed it was close to the time of their conferences.

"Sorry Isaac, we got to go now, they have their parent teacher conferences," I told him as I shut off the PlayStation. Flavian groaned. I turned to Issac. "You want me to drive you?" I asked him. He tilted his head. 

"My mom lets me drive sometimes" I told him. He shook his head. 

"I can walk," He told me. "But thanks" 

"I should go over your house sometime" I told him. He looked at me.

"No," He almost shouted. "It's just that I like being near your brothers" He said. "Tell your mom I said thanks for having me over" He told me as he put on his backpack. 

"See you tomorrow!" I told him as I got my shoes on.

"Yeah, see you later" He told me as he left. I turned to the twins.

"Just grab a sandwich, alright?" I told them. They grabbed some food, and we got into the car. I started to drive since the school was only 10 minutes away. The boys started to talk about random things.

"Hey, just wanted to let you know," Rhys started to say. Flavian pushed himself up to the front so he could be included.

"We DEFINITELY approve of Isaac," Flavian said. "We can't wait till Scott comes over so then we could meet all THREE of your boatload of  friends!" He teased. I calmly looked at Rhys in the mirror.

"Rhys, honey, please hit your brother for me" I playfully told him. Rhys listened and smacked him upside the head. I grinned. We arrived at the school and we all went in. I pulled a slip of paper out of my pocket. 

"Soo... Rhys you're first?" I asked. He nodded. We made our way to their homeroom and I told Flavian to sit outside. 

"We'll probably be quick." I told him. He nodded. Rhys and I walked in.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Darth. You must be their sister Aussie" He said, reaching out his hand for me to shake. I shook it and sat down.

"Yeah my mom is sorry she couldn't be here," I told him. Rhys sat down next to me. "Now what would you like to start on?" I asked.

"Your brother is extremely bright for his age. He has gotten One hundred percents on every test, homework, and quiz. We also had him just try out a test we have for our GATE program and he passed with flying colors." He informed me. I turned to Rhys and gave him a high five.

"Good job buddy!" I told him. I turned back to Mr. Darth. 

"Is that all?" I asked confused. He nodded and handed me a couple of forms. 

"We just needed you to sign some things, letting us bring him into the program. I know it sounds stupid, but it's the school's protocol, sorry." He told me. I signed all of the forms and went outside to trade Flavian and Rhys out. Flavian came in and pouted as he sat down in his seat. 

"Now Flavian is a different story. He gets into so many fights" He  said as he looked through a file. I decided to stop him talking. 

"I have a question. Did he start the fights?" I asked. He looked at me. 

"No. But he probably hasn't told you the whole story. He may get hurt too. But he has exploded on his classmates more than once, we thought he would be responsible and tell you himself," I looked at the teacher in astonishment. "And it's not like it's only in situations involving his brother. He is over-reacting to things that could be simply solved." Flavian sunk lower into his seat.

"I have had a talk with the schools nurse and we were thinking your mom could take him to a doctor and have him tested for some sort of behavioral or personality disorder." He told me. I sighed. 

"Thank you, Is that all?" I asked. He nodded. I got up and took Flavian outside to Rhys. We all walked outside to the car. As Rhys got in, I grabbed Flavian's arm. 

"Hey, I'll talk with mom about it tonight when she gets home, and you can talk to me anytime" I told him. He yanked himself out of my grip and got into the car. As I started it up, I got a call from Deaton.

"Aussie, where are you?" He asked. I facepalmed.

"I'm so sorry, I've been so busy lately. I had to go to my brothers parent teacher conferences, then I have to go to the high school. I'm super sorry" I told him as I drove out of the parking lot. I heard him laugh over the phone.

"It's alright, I was just getting worried why you weren't showing up. I thought you might also be busy with the alpha running around." He told me. My heart stopped for a minute when he said alpha, but then I remembered he knows things about the supernatural.

"Yeah, it's a bit hard when he turns me into his bitch," I said as I saw Rhys's and Flavian's eyes widen. They don't know what I'm talking about. I suddenly remembered that I swore in front of my boss. "I am so sorry I just swore in front of you"

"It's alright, just don't do it again. I also called just to let you know it was a werewolf that attacked the man at the video store."

"Yeah, the alpha." I informed him. I heard him chuckle.

"So it seems like you've gotten everything under control, I'll leave you alone now, bye" He told me

"Bye, Bye" I told him as I hung up the phone. We pulled up to the house and I let the boys inside.

"Be safe" Rhys told me. Flavian just stood to the side. I smiled and said thanks as I drove back to the High School.

I arrived five minutes early and ran in to meet with the principal.

"You can just stand outside in the parking lot and if a parent seems lost, help them!"He told me. I nodded and went back outside. After a while, I saw Scott and Allison pull into the parking lot.I wonder why they're late. I was about to make my way out to them but I saw people running around in the parking lot. I smelled an animal so I immediately went to investigate, in case it was the alpha. I felt my fangs start to grow involuntarily. I willed them to go away cause they grow when I am in stressful situations.

     I then started to hear shouts and screams. I heard a growl near the sidewalk so I went there to investigate. People started to rush away. I saw Scott save Allison, but my attention was drawn to Mr. Stilinski, who was  trying to find the animal and help people. I decided to help. I started to make my way to him, but then a car suddenly backed up right into him. I ran up to the sheriff.

"Are you alright?" A man and I asked him. 

"I'm fine" He said, putting his hand up. I turned to the driver and flipped him off.  I heard a growl and looked in front of Mr. Stilinski. As I felt my fangs come in, Mr. Stilinski started to pull out his gun. I felt my fangs retreat when I heard two gunshots. I looked over and saw it was Mr. Argent who shot the mountain lion in front of us. I helped Mr. Stilinski up and had him walk over to my mom's crap mobile. Someday I'm going to get myself a 1969 Dodge Charger, my dream car.

"Do you need me to stay with you until Stiles get's here?" I asked. He shook his head. 

"I'm fine, you can go home" He told me I opened my car door. I drove off and when I pulled into the driveway I decided to shoot Stiles a text.

I hope your dad feels better, even if it's just a bruise I told him. I'm probably over reacting. I got out of the car and went inside. Once I got inside, I got a call from my mom. 

"Hey honey, the traffic is really bad where I'm at, so can you go drop some food off for your dad?" She asked. 

"Okay!" I said as I grabbed my wallet and my house keys from the counter. I locked the door from the inside and went to the car. I stopped off at a burger joint and got him a burger, some fries, and a Dr. Pepper. I drove all the way to the hospital and got out. I walked to the front desk and smiled.

"Hey I have some dinner for Luke Ness, can you call him?" I asked. She looked at her list of names. 

"Sorry mam, he doesn't seem to work here" I felt my heart stop in my chest. 

"Are you sure," I asked. "Maybe check it again" She clicked through her computer.

"Oh, I've found him," I breathed a sigh of relief. "He quit a couple weeks ago" I looked at her confused.

"Thanks for telling me." I told her as I walked out of the hospital. Once I was in my car I started to think, trying to calm myself down. Maybe he had to quit? I thought. It didn't make sense, but he couldn't have just quit. I drove home in silence. Once I got home, I ate the food I got my dad. Once I was done, I dumped the trash in my neighbors garbage, so my mom won't see it. I then climbed the tree leading up to my room, took a shower, and went to bed, completely forgetting about my werewolf problems.


If you're wondering why she climbed the tree, she locked her brothers in from the inside, so no one could get in from the outside. She had an alternate way of getting in.


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