Autobot Dangan Ronpa

By PearlTheTeen

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This is a story written by me and a friend years ago. Yes. It may be continued as the Decepticon one eventua... More

The First Death
-Doctor's Own Medicine-
The Second Murder
-Doing What A Wrecker Does Best-
Third Death And New Arrival
-Dare Devil's Free Fall-
Fourth Murder And Fifth
Trial: Ultra Magnus And Wheeljack

Trial: Ultra Magnus And Wheeljack Continued

10 0 0
By PearlTheTeen

Pov Tiger
When I woke up, I was on the second floor. I sprang up, "What happened?!" I was on a table in the medical section. Optimus ran to my side. Amber and the other humans were there also, all except for Madi.
"Easy, you need to rest." Optimus told me. Bandages were wrapped around me. Tons of books scattered the floor. I suppose the others don't know as much as Ratchet did when it came to the medical field.
"How long was I out?"

"Few hours at most. It was pretty deep. You lost a lot of energon." Amber frowned, almost crying.
"Where's Madi?"
"Guarding the stairs from Negatron."

"Negatron? That's a new one." I laughed. Though I am concerned about her
"Did Megatron hurt her in anyway?" I asked.

"No. After you blacked out, she blew another freaking amazing blast at him, hitting him in the right arm. IT WAS AMAZING!!!" Miko yelled.

If I could, I would have smiled. I sighed in relief and looked at the doors to the staircase. Barely ajar, I saw the faint yellow glow of her optics and heard her yawn.

Amber heard her yawn too, and walked over. " You go ahead and sleep. I got the next shift." I heard her say.
"Wait, I thought you said a few hours?"

"I did, but you can go ahead and sleep." Amber said
"No, really I'm fine. I don't Negatron to march up here anytime soon."
"Don't worry, I got it."
Reluctantly she agreed.
"But, I'm too nervous to go back downstairs." Madi's voice trailed off

"I see. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm hungry." Raf said.
"Me too." Jack added.
"Can we get some carbs here?"
Amber looked at the others. "Be right back." She sighed, racing down.

Amber returned with sandwiches for everyone. She gave one to Madi, but she didn't transform to eat it.
"Madi, what's wrong?"
"I'm just, I feel sick, but not actual sickness. Like, sick with fear. I feel safe in this mode. I don't want to transform."
"Trust me, you'll be alright." I said to her.
She shook her head. "I-I can't."

"Not after what happened to you." She frowned.
"Just do it for long enough to eat dis sandwich. Please. Or you'll regret it later." Amber pestered Madi.

Madi sighed, but transformed. She took her sandwich and ate it, but more like inhaled it.

" Thank you." She said after transforming again.
"Did you see Megatron or Waveous down there?" I asked Amber.

"No, I didn't" she said.

I sighed in relief and in nervousness. Who knew what they were planning.

Madi walked and stretched for a moment, and yawned loudly. She curled up into a ball in the middle of the floor. Not long after, she started to snore. Amber took the next shift. She sat on the first step. Raf read from some of the books. Some written in English or in Cybertronian. Miko fantasized over Madi. I don't think that she could believe that there was a giant Predacon in the same room with us. Jack seemed to doze off as well.
"You should rest, you need it." Optimus said to me. I nodded and fell asleep.

I woke up with searing pains in my chest. As I onlined my optics, I saw Optmus yelling something at someone.

I tried to sit up but I couldn't. My optics go blurry if I do.
"Optimus?" I moaned

"Just stay quiet. You can't injure yourself more. Madi is getting pain medicine. The stuff we gave you earlier wore off" I read his lips say, though I couldn't still hear him. The ringing was too much.

Madi ran back with the pain medicine. She had a box in her arms. She dug through it quickly and pulled out a needle. I winced as she injected it into my arm.
"Hope it helps." Madi whispered.

The liquid ran through my veins slowly soothes the pain. I feel a bit stronger and sit up.

I was dizzy for a few seconds, but afterwards I was fine.

"You really shouldn't be sitting up." Optimus frowned.
"I'm fine. Honestly."

I saw who Optimus was arguing with.

It was Waveous. What in the dragging Allspark was he doing up here?!?!
No wonder Madi looked uncomfortable.

I think they were arguing something about continuing the trial? I'm not sure

" Waveous, I refuse to continue the trail. If Megatron come near Tiger again..."
"He promised to stay away from her. He will not lay a finger on her."

Optimus had his battle mask over his mouth, he looked angry. Optimus looked over at me, then back at Wavous.
"If he does I'll kill him." Optimus said.

The kill thing did not compute well with the others. The humans piled into a corner, and Madi and Amber stood in front of them protectively.

Optimus carried me to the commons since I didn't have the strength to walk yet. He ignored the terrified humans and walked downstairs.

When we got there, I laughed.
"Stop laughing." Megatron groaned.
He was in a cage.

The humans came down behind us. I heard Madi and Amber laugh uncontrollably

"Just put me out of my misery..." He groaned.
"Continue the trial." Waveous said once everyone was seated.

"Where did we leave off? It looks like I don't have to scrap Megatron again." Madi said sarcastically.

I explained up to all the data I had.
"And that's all the data you need." Megatron smirked. "Even I wasn't here and I know who the murderer was."

"Woah, that's some serious skill." Miko said
"But you just can't say who the murderer was, wouldn't that be against the rules?" Raf asked
"I never said that I couldn't." Megatronous said.

"I spy with my little optics, one giant red murderer."

"What?!?" Miko yelled
My head whipped around. Optimus?! No, it can't be him!
Looking uncomfortable, Optimus sighed. "It's true. Wheeljack did kill Magnus though. That's why a grenade was missing. I saw Magnus die, right before my optics. I got so mad at what Wheeljack had done that I killed him. I had made a terrible mistake, but the damage had already been done." Optimus looked ashamed.
We all know what was going to happen next, but I can't stand to see Optimus go. Madi even started to cry.
"How sad," Megatron showed fake empathy. "We still need to have our execution, I guarantee it will be quite exciting." He said with a smirk.
A door opened on the stage, and Optimus walked in. The door closed then re-opened.

Instead of us walking in, Waveous let out Megatron, who went into that door. It vanished once more before another door appeared. Madi transformed before helping me walk in there.

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