It Will Never Be The Same

By Frost2012

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Chapter 1:The Real Truth gets revealed........
Chapter 2:What a night....
Chapter 3:Hermione's sad memory
Chapter 4:Surprises....
Chapter 5:Girlfriends and Boyfriends:here and there...
Chapter 6:Never mess wth the Golden Girl
Chapter 7:Something Unexpected...
Chapter 8:No matter what...
Chapter 9:The Game Helps....
Chapter 10:Can't keep them secrets forever...
Chapter 11:More nightmares...
Chapter 12:Truth Revealance...
Chapter 13:Shattered.....
Chpater 14:Long gone..
Chapter 15:The Long-awaited Day...
Chapter 16:The New Relationship...
Chapter 17:Meetings...
Chapter 18:"Enough,George!"...
Chapter 19: Do's and Don't 's of Life
Chapter 20:It's All Over...
Chapter 21:"I still love him...."
Chapter 22:Broken
Chapter 23:Secrets Unrevealed
Chapter 24:Dangerous Mission
Chapter 25: Didn't see THAT coming...
Chapter 26:New Personality
Chapter 27:A Fresh Start
Chapter 28:Rita Skeeter's news and a Ball
Chapter 29:"Shut up! Just shut up!"...
Chapter 30:"What do you think you're doing?!"
Chapter 31:Ignorance
Chapter 33:Lies
Chapter 34:A normal day in school
Chapter 35:"Why would I do that?"
Chapter 36:"Why does it always have to be me?"
Chapter 37:"What do you mean?"
Chapter 38:Halloween
Chapter 39:"Snow is waiting for you,Theo!"
Chapter 40:The Night Of Ball and Revealance
Chapter 41:On The Way To The Burrow
Chapter 42:Preparing the house
Chapter 43:"Is it safe to trust her?"
Chapter 44:Snowball fights,Sibling fights
Chapter 45:Christmas
Chapter 46:Day After Christmas
Chapter 47:Hermione's Secret Depression
Chapter 48:A gloomy day in Hogwarts
someone kill me

Chapter 32:Tragic Events.......or something luckier

73 3 5
By Frost2012

Friday. The worst day that could ever come.

Hermione got up and took a refreshing bath in cold water. Then she went out and got dressed.

She tied her hair into a half waterfall braid. Then she went to the Great Hall seeing all of them already there.

"Hey Arya."they said without any emotion. And she didn't reply back. Her hair went blank in the basis of no emotions of how to react at the moment.

"Are you okay?"Fred asks placing a hand on her back. She mumbled something which was inaudible.

"You'll be fine. You'll all be fine."he says moving closer to her and side hugging her.

"We gotta go. Are we flooing there?"

"I think so."

"Well,I must be going. I'm apparating to the Graveyard. See you all there." She says removing Fred's hand and disappearing in thin air.

"She must be really upset."says Daphne.

"Of course she is. Remember that night she accidentally slip out that Draco was lucky he still has his parents and she lost hers? That must be the reason why she's upset."says Ginny.

"She could've atleast let one of us to come with her."

"She needs to go alone. She needs space for a while."

"Let's go then." They took hold of the Diadem Port key and went away to the Ministry of Magic.

"Here we are." Luna,Fred,Blaise,Neville,Ginny,Ron,Pansy,Astoria,Harry,Daphne and Theo were there with Draco. While Hermione was on her own. She walked through the graves until she found the ones which belonged to her parents. Jean and Alex Granger.

"Hey mum. Dad. How is it up there? I'm sure you have met Harry's folks. And Lupin, Tonks and Sirius as well. I'm in love. I'm still the top of the students. I really miss you. I also found out that Blaise was actually my younger brother. I understand that you told me through the letter. It didn't matter how you told me. Just so that I know that he was my brother. Today is the day. My friends are at the hearing with Draco for his dad. I feel really bad for him. I really hope that what Narcissa gave me will help free him and get him back to his son. His son and wife needs him. Everyone on their family does. Guide us to the lightness,please. I must get going now. See you two soon." She placed both her parents' favourite flowers and apparated to the court.

'And you are counted as......"Kingsley starts to say but Hermione arrived in time. And the others' faces lit up. Draco,crying,looked down at where she was and forced a smile. And Narcissa does the same.

"I,Arya Reagan Alison Delilah Allen, come here to this case as his defendant. "She said walking closer to the cell.

"You seem to have a proof that he is innocent. Can you,show us that proof?"

"Of course."she takes out the memory vial and show it to him. "Ms. Narcissa Malfoy,kindly came to Hogwarts to give me this vial. Which contains,memory she took from her own husband,while being forced to work for Voldemort. This contains of what their poor family had to go through because of Voldemort,formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle. "

"Have you by chance,seen what is inside of the vial."

"Yes. I have. Which comes to my conclusion that he IS innocent. And not guilty. If his memory hadn't been removed,he would've given the information himself."

"I'll have a look at it,shall I?"he told her to come closer and kindly took the vial from her.

After half an hour, the memory finished. He collected the memory back to the vial and gave it to her again.

"As to the last minute evidence,"he says looking at her impressed and smiling. "that Lucius Malfoy is innocent. For those who are not willing to free the suspected guilty? "Five of the 30 raised their hands. "And for those who are willing to let go based on the proof and circumstances? "25 raised their hands.

"I account you,as......innocent. Case dismissed. Next please?" From above,they all hugged the two. After letting Lucius out,he was on a room being taken care of.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy. How are you?"she says coming to the room.

"I am fine young lady. May I ask who you are? You are not Hermione Granger by any chance,are you?"he says trying to sit up a little bit more.

"Sir,stay down. No. As you heard,my name is Arya Allen. One of your son's friends. I didn't come here with them. I stopped by at Godric's Hollow Graveyard before coming."

"Who did you visit there?"

"My parents. And now,Draco is really lucky to have his dad back."

"I see my wife gave you that vial?"

"Yes. She trusted me with it. You may come home after a few days."

"Why can't I come home next week? I want to see my son and wife."

"You will be seeing them soon sir. I must get going. I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you,Ms. Allen. "She went out of the room and went outside the court where they were waiting for her. Draco broke free from the group and ran to her hugging her.

"Thank you. My dad never would've been able to go if it wasn't for you."

"Well,your mom trusted me with the vial. I told you I could come."

"Thank you dear. As my son said,if it wasn't for you,my husband never would've been able to go."

"You were right in time Arya. Good timing. Anyways,we should all get back."

"Yeah,I agree." They took hold of the port key again and went back to Hogwarts.

"Well,how did it go?"says McGonagall rushing to where the teenagers were standing.

"They allowed him to go. He was innocent the whole time."

"And it was all thanks to Arya. She saved him from getting killed."

"That's what true friends are for. They will be there ready to help in your ups and downs."

"Shouldn't that what we were supposed to do? When you went to Godric's Hollow Graveyard? "

"I let you leave me. I was fine on my own. It could have been worse fot you all if you came with me. "

"And that is exactly,how I fell in love with you. "says Fred holding her hand and kissing her forehead.

"I wanna get to bed. There is a Hogsmeade visit tomorrow and I need it." She kissed Fred for the last time of the night and apparated to her room.

Once there she laid down on the bed. She got the book where she and the group were writing.

Anyone up? Other than me and my girl?

I am.

I am too.

I believe all of us are.

I can tell so Harry. I can tell so.

Keep quiet all of you.

Something wrong,Rea?

I don't know. I get this feeling I have to tell a truth but I don't know what.

That incident happened to all of us before too,you know.

In our second year,Mr. Glasses here heard voices he never heard before. So wasn't sure of what or how it happened before.

Still on that nickname,aren't we,ferret?

Shut up,Glasses.

Something going on between you two we should know about?



When is the Slug Club dinner? Party,actually.

Probably the week after next week. Or November.

'Slug Club'?

It's the group of students who signed themselves up with Professor Slughorn. Did you sign up?

Professor McGonagall told me she signed me up. You Fred?

I signed up in time.

Cool. Who all are there?

Me,Blaise,Ginny,Cormac (if he is alive),Draco,Neville, Luna, you,Dean,Seamus,Ron,Pansy,Daphne,Astoria and Theo. And other students I don't honestly know.

So much for being famous,Harry.

Oh,shut it.

Why is there weird sounds outside my window? Oh,nevermind. It's gone.

You sure it's gone?

Yeah. Night guys.

Night. You sure you don't need me there?

It's fine Fred. I'm probably just sleepy.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately.

The next morning

Hermione woke up with a confused look on her face. It was a saturday so she swept the confused look away from her face. She changed into comfortable clothes.

She allowed her hair to be the way it was and combed it only a little bit and only put her moisturizer and chapstick on. She grabbed their conversation book and her book of Quidditch Through The Ages and went out. When she got to the Hall only a few students were there. She grabbed a green apple and walked back out. She gave Filch her name and got to Hogsmeade. She went to the bookshop and searched for more books. After picking out 5 books,she paid and walked around. She couldn't find them. And then,she saw them talking happily in he Three Broomsticks.

"Seeing them, aren't you?"says a voice from behind her.

"Who are you?"

"Oliver Wood and Angelina Johnson. "

"And I'm Alicia Spinnet. They seem to be without you."

"Well. They said they will be waiting for me."

"And they didn't. Do you still trust them?"

"I-I don't know."

"This came out today."Angelina says handing her a copy of the Daily Prophet. And what she saw,nearly made her drop the paper.

" 'Hello readers!

Students of 6 confirmed about the newcomer Arya Allen. They said something about her being clingy to also newcomer from a few weeks ago,Fred Foster. They also said that she dresses like former student Hermione Granger just to make them feel worse.

"She's a huge cry baby."claims Luna Lovegood,daughter of Xenophelius Lovegood publisher of the Quibbler.

"She was never really nice. We heard her talking bad about us behind our backs one day."claims another student Blaise Zabini,known as Granger's brother.

"She makes us think that she is nice. But in the inside,her heart is cold as dry ice."says another student Draco Malfoy,former death eater.

"And she claims that my fashion sense is good,but I find the clothes I gave her in the trash. She's nothing but a real liar."says Ginny Weasley who claims herself as Arya's 'ex' bestfriend.

It looks like from these confirmations,that we shoukd not go near Allen. She is nothing,I repeat,nothing,at all.


Rita Skeeter '"

"They could never be trusted. We burned all the copies everywhere."


"We cannot burn the ones from Hogwarts." Hermione was in tears.

How could they?! Who do they think they are?!

"Thanks for the information. I need to go back. Maybe I'll go to Beauxbatons instead of being here with these trust eating people."

"Maybe we will see you on your room. You're on the lounge,right?"

"Yes. I'll be seeing you there." She ran and ran as much as she could back to the castle and to the Hall.

"Oh. There she is! Ar-"

"Don't you dare speak to me."she snapped passing them. All the other students looked worried and sad.

So it is true. The newspaper is real.

"Arya. What is it? You've never snapped before."

"Yes. I never did! Until this rubbish came out! I can't believe you! I gave my trust to all of you! And what did you do?! You used it all! Like a piece of parchment! I don't know why I ever trusted you!"she was crying and yelling at the same time. Her hair turned into a shade of vibrant purple.

"ARYA! ARYA YOU SHOULD STOP YELLING RIGHT NOW!"says Percy leaping from the teacher's table along with the others and the Headmistress.

"You wasted it all! And you made me fall into your stupid little trap! You gained all my trust and wasted it! You,Draco! I saved your father from being killed and had your mother trust me with the memory! This is what you give me back?! I can't believe you!"

"Arya. Arya,stop."says Percy placing his hand on both her arms. "You know they won't ever do this,Hermione."he whispers.

"Of course they will! They made me look like an idiot in the entire wizarding world! How could you?!" Percy,Bill and Fleur noticed her hands starting to get covered with thin layers of ice.

"Arya,stop it!"says Bill panicking.

"Remember! Your 'ealth will be low again if zis happens!"says Fleur panicking as well. With her purple hair,she apparated to her room. She laid in the bed and cried,and cried.

Meanwhile outside,the others were confused.

"Did you 6 do something?"says Bill eying the six people whose faces were red.

"No. Why would we? She's our friend."

"Liars! You said nasty stuff about her!"says Justin jumping from his seat with the newspaper in his hand.

"You even sent it to the while school!"says Susan Bones standing up as well.

"And we were there in time to burn the copies of the whole Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley even Knockturn Alley. Why?"says Oliver arriving with he two girls.

"We told you! We would never do such things!"says Ginny.

"It was sent all over the rooms of the whole school,Gin. "

"But it wasn't us!"says Blaise bursting from his seat.

"We still need proof. Fleur? Can you check in on her? We cannot let her be covered in ice." Fleur sped to her room.

By the time she got there,Hermione was on the bed,unconcious. Fleur hoped wjat she was seeing was not as bad as the thought in her mind. She touched Hermione's hand and dropped it,her hands on her mouth. She was freezing cold.

"It's too late. We let it 'appen. Again."she said tears streaming down her face,her hands still over her mouth.

"Honey. Honey,you're worrying us. What is it?"

"She-she w-was u-unconcious wh-when I r-reached 'zere."she said burrying her face in Bill's chest. Percy,Charlie and Fred who just arrived ran to her room and got shocked as Fleur was.

The three held her shoulders and apparated to the Hospital Wing.

"Madam Pomfrey. We need her warmed right away."says Charlie hurriedly.

"Did her emotions got out of hand again?"

"Yes. Anger and sadness. She couldn't take it and we noticed that her hands were starting to get covered with thin layers of ice."says Percy. The others arrived.

"You will be able to bring her back,aren't you?"asks Bill.

"Oh yes,I will. She will be back in Tuesady."


"Are you alright brother? I've never seen you so worried before."

"I am not alright. She will be there for 4 days including this day. "

"I'm sure we can just visit her after the classes her at lunch."says Ron patting his brother's shoulder.

"Let's just hope she will be fine."says Pansy.


Hello guys! This is literally so mean. I know. But we are nearing to 700!!! So,do you think when she wakes up,will she forgive them? Or not? And who gave those lies to Rita? Find out in the next chapter! Bye!


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