Unsaid Things

By phlezel_Bee01

425 13 10

These are things that I wish to say to others but can't or don't want too. So I just write them out. I am ver... More

Missing You...
A Crush
A Huge Influence
My Supporter
Shattered Heart
Unsure Emotions
Old Habbits
The Quiet One
The Old Protector
Expected Visit
Missing a Friend
Going Down
Day Dreaming
Authors Note
Stuck In L.S.
How Come?
To Whoever Is Reading
Authors Note
Care Giver
Growing Up
An Old Crush
Saturday Night
Thinking Back
First Day
People and their drama
Thinking of Him
The Dance
The Dance (pt. 2)
Longing For You
September 2nd, 2017
A. Woods
Sorry guys
It's you...
Here we go again
Once again
More things
Things and People
Long Awaited
You did this to me
Here we go again
Disappointing Excitement
If Only...
The Realization
So I was thinking
Just a reminder
So you've been asking
Dark thoughts
A hypothetical situation
Just more thoughts
So here we are
Soo... I don't even know
How the day went
Just when I thought...
More 3am thoughts
The Revolving Door
January 4th, 2020
Something I want to respond with
Some news to share
I love you but...
Mad Sounds
Late night thoughts
Things I wish to tell you
Once again
Unexpected things

Anxious Waiting

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By phlezel_Bee01

I stayed up late with you last night to make sure you were ok. I couldn't get good sleep because I was worrying about you and if you were going to be ok. I hope you will be... I was so happy to get to hang out with you today and then you had to be readmitted. I don't know if I'll get to see you now till you get out... I miss you and I worry was more than I should... Now I'm sitting here in school, letting my thoughts wonder to you once again... I wonder what you're doing, how you're feeling, and praying that God will give your pain to me somehow. I would do anything for you and you know that. I don't think I'll make it through the day without falling asleep though... I had nightmares all through the night.... I can't help but care about you, like you did for me. I just hope it doesn't go unseen... I miss you...

                ~Unsaid Things to a friend

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