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Hating On Wattpad

1.7K 199 527
By evil-converse-girl

As Taylor Swift said, "Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate." That's a lot of hate. But, she wasn't wrong- a writer (even just a reader or a reaper) will experience endless waves of hate from different people on Wattpad. 

I recently was introduced to the world of hate comments. As this story rises, I expect more hate to come my way. Now, hate comments don't bother me anymore and neither do the people to comment them. But they used to. I used to be bullied in school; since then, I learned to stick up for myself and realized that most bullies are all talk. If you stand up to one, they'll go pick on someone else.

And right now, I wouldn't really call hate comments hate. They are just comments meant to hurt the the writer's feelings by insulting their writing, views, and way of making a point. To me, that's a bit different than full on hate, but nevertheless, I call it hate. 

Also, here are a few types of hate on Wattpad.

ONE: COMMENTS. These are a bloody obvious way to hate. Youtubers do videos based off of these; and they are always amusing to those who don't really care what others think. To those who do care, hate comments can get pretty nasty and can lower anyone's self esteem. 

Either they're meant to just pick on someone or they are full-out hate, and the commenter's intention was to cause more than just laughs.

jfxfuh   <<<(we pause this chapter briefly for a word from my cat. he has spoken.) 

These comments not only are sometimes confusing, as to sometimes the comments either makes no sense or it seems like the person who wrote it was just trying to find something to bitch about. (Yes, I said the b-word, arrest me now).


Story: Tris jumped high, trying to get Four's attention.

Comment: Sure, let's make Tris jump like a kangaroo. You're an idiot, author.

They don't really make any sense and it seems like that person really just felt like being annoying or rude that particular day. 

And there are some that are just plain mean- an example which I cannot provide because my 'mean' will probably be nice. It's hard for me to spit out something really nasty because I feel dirty afterwards. 

It's myself shaming me, telling me I've been a very bad girl. 

Elise's Example:

Story: Vision entered the scene.

Elise's 'Mean' Comment: You're Infinity Stone in your head is soooo ugly, Vision. Get a life smh

Hence, you shall just have to think of any other mean comment's you have seen and enter it in here mentally- because I couldn't make one if my life depended on it.

Why? Because I soft as fudge. #justactslikearebel #basicallyjustpre-serumsteve 

TWO: RANTS. I know I'm not the only one who has been tagged in this super long, hateful rants about a celeb, political situations, other users, a picture, another website, etc... And I never liked these. 

I mean, I don't make hateful rants about a person who listed the names of the Infinity Stones wrong- when it's not illegal for that person to not know every stone's location, name, which movie they appeared in, which comic they appeared in, who has which stone, and so forth. I may have that knowledge myself (cause I'm a huge geek derp) but I've read rants that have been all about someone else not knowing supposed /common knowledge/. 


Oh. My. Goooooodnesss.

I was on my way to McDonalds when this dude was talking to me about the Infinity Stones. Like, he said Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto was the REALITY STONE. He's such an idiot- everyone knows it the freaking TIME STONE. This big freak went on to say that Hydra now has Loki's staff which had the SOUL STONE. And I screamed in terror. I was all, "HUNNY, THAT STONE IS THE FREAKING MIND STONE, bruh!!" And he thought I was being over dramatic, but he's still an idiot. Gosh, the world we live in. People are so dumb. We need another bubonic plague.

I see rants like these all the time. Not everyone is a Marvel fan- just like I know nothing about Harry Potter. I don't get mad if someone says something wrong about Marvel or DC, I just correct them. They're learning, so help them learn!  

Another rant I see is those one where another user should supposedly 'die in a hole' or something because this one chick stole this other girl's online boyfriend. You know, the rants that are made by either fitty 16 year olds with dating issues or eleven year olds obsessed with finding their one true love... online. 


Guys, I think you all have noticed that I've been really sad lately- and that's because Abigail left me.

I don't know what I did. I'm just a humble 7 year old boy, trying to make it through my hard life. I've been around for a while, just looking for love, and I thought I found it in her. But she left me for Peter. 

Stupid Peter just turned eight- she's into older men. 

That gosh darn biscuit should die in a freaking hole. I don't want to send her hate- but go over to her profile and make her feel super stupid. She's such a biscuit. Also, low-key go hate on Peter too. Sun of a gun.

Like I said, I just really feel down... I may not update for a while. I don't feel like I can ever move on. 

Also, if any blonde, green eyed, skinny suntanned girls are out there, please call 000-000-0000 for a boyfriend. 

Maybe it's just me, put I pity the girl more than I pity a little seven year old boy with a girl obsession. 

THREE: TAG, YOU'RE IT. These are just plain cruel. These are the people with a generous amount of loyal fans/followers- and if someone get on her/his bad side, you'll feel sorry for the person. Since their books have like, 9.5M views, they can alert 9.5M people to the wrong doing of their friend. All they have to do is type up a super sad rant and tag the person who did a terrible thing to her/him. 

And once she/he does that, all hell breaks loose. 

Thousands of crazy fans or followers go and just plain out torture the user she tagged. They PM them, post messages, tag them in their books, and comment on their story. Heck, they may even report the poor user. 

And the worst part? It may all be a lie. I've had it happen to me before. I don't want to say many details since it's pretty much blown over (and I'd like to keep it that way). But it happens to a lot of people.

I'm not saying that all popular profiles take advantage of their fame; but some do. 

You know, as George Washington said, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." And that's a bit dramatic (well, not really in the political world) but on Wattpad, very few Wattpad users go snobby. 

A lot of Wattpad users stay really nice through their rising Wattpad career (and I hope I can stay nice, too, if I do get that popular). 

But when people do send hate comments or post rants and send others to go make a person sad- it's just plain sick. The world these days are all about "you gotta be mean to survive", but that's not true. If anything, technology has helped us along so well that unlike the days before North America was even found by the Vikings, we don't have to fight to survive anymore. We have cars, phones, air conditioned houses. We all have some sort of money, even if it's just a few bucks. Even those who don't have money find help through those who do.

And what do we do? We use technology to bully people. We use it to lower each other's self esteem to make us feel better about ourselves. No, the world isn't perfect. But we aren't making it any better by being a bunch of brats- and no one is guilty.

Yes, I just called everyone in the human race a brat. We are all brats. 

Also, house cats are pretty mean too. They're on that brat list as well. The biscuits don't even care if they walk across you're keyboard or sit on your face. They don't give a single flip.

So, in the end (my new favorite quote), humans are nasty beings. They are mean to each other and do not hesitate to show their disgust- especially on social media. 

Hence, Wattpad is bound to have plenty of haters.

So, just shake it off (I must stop with the Taylor Swift puns) and keep going- because letting them get to you is what they want. Just keep on grooving (I can't stop, I won't stop making puns gosh darn myself) and enjoy your writing and your opinions- because those things are for you to judge, not someone else. 

Until next time, boldly go where no man has gone before. 


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