Super Genius (Origami X Reade...

By Relentlezz41

67.6K 1.3K 956

Don't call her Tobiichi this white haired chick is a handful. A stalker in a sense, a clingy girl, she gets j... More

Ch 1 - First Day
Ch 2 - Dates
Ch 3 - Cute Duo
Ch 4 - Hot Blood
Ch 5 - Eating
Ch 7 - Gawking
Ch 8 - Choosing
Ch 9 - Maid
Ch 10 - Downing
Ch 11 - Vacation Winks
Ch 12 - Twin Fling
Ch 13 - Twining
Ch 14 - Lotion
Ch 15 - Rebuttal and Choice
Ch 16 - Echo Bitch
Ch 17 - Twin Sisters (Mini)
Ch 18 - Phantom
Ch 19 - Yuri?
Ch 20 - Draining (Mini)
Ch 21 - Lesbian Experience
Ch 22 - Tea Time
Ch 23 - Girl House
Ch 24 - Isolate
Ch 25 - Evil Ways
Ch 26 - Confess (Finale)

Ch 6 - Spitfire

3K 58 49
By Relentlezz41

It was rather how to say........ interesting what went down with all the dates the day before. Mana and Origami working around the clock and Kurumi stirring up anything she felt like. But the food news is after Tohka gave some friendly advice over food. She made you two smile.

Annnnnnnd helped out next day prior to. You and Shido were at your lockers when hearing a familiar greeting.

"Morning boys. You look handsome today." Said Kurumi.

"I'm fine. Yourself?" Asked Shido.

Then three other familiar voices are behind the two of you.

"You are so dead dude."

"How dare you show your face around here?"

"That is, I don't know, lame?"


You smack your head and sigh. "Tohka?"


"Please show these broads the door."

"Hold it. Please leave Shido alone. Right here." Tohka pushed them out the nearest door.

"Phew. Thank you. Anyways. How's it going Kurumi?"

"Meet me at the roof when I tell you to. Both of you. Till then."

She walked away with a slight giggle. It was cute but after what went down yesterday you had to keep your guard up. More so because she wanted both of them. Not just Shido.


< Guys. Can you here me? > Called Reine.

< Where's Kotori? >

< Something came up so I'm taking lead. >

< Gotcha.  So what are me and Shido doing? >

< Stand by for now. We haven't picked up anything from Kurumi leaving the school but have not seen her since this morning. >

< Really where the heck has she been. Any ideas Cuz? >

< Nothing. >


A shadow surrounded around the whole school and you hit the floor. Shido seems a little heavy but that's about it.

< Ouch. Cuz. >

< (FN)? >

"Shido." Tohka panted.

< Why aren't I affected? >

< You sucked power from Tohka and Yoshino. You are the only one that can move normally. >

Then the intercom came on.

[ Shido darling. (FN) honey. Can you hear me? ] She laughed with evil intentions. [ If you need me feel free. I'm on the roof. I'd hurry if I were you though. Hehe. ]

< Cuz. I'll do my best. Get up there. Tohka will find a way. >

"But (FN) what about Shido?"

"I believe in him. You too. You can both do this."

"But your my friend and I like Shido. Really like Shido. What should I do?"

"Tohka you have the power inside of you. Awaken it. And I'll see you soon. Think of its better I don't move."

"Okay. Please be safe. I got to help Shido. I'll help you soon."

"Don't worry about me."

< Tohka has a little spirit energy to wave off this shadow barrier. You haven't absorbed any of that power. I'd recommend getting comfy and having a seat. Don't injure yourself. > Reine instructed.

< God dammit! >


< Sergeant Origami Tobiichi requesting one back up suit. >


< Origami you activated your emergency chip. Something wrong? >

< It's the school. I believe it's from Nightmare. >

< Don't be reckless. Sending backup. >

With her stubborn ways highly doubtful she would listen as she charged through the hallways. Then meeting with you unexpectedly.


Your body felt heavy so you were laying stomach first trying to fight off this pain. You turn your head and notice your girlfriend.

"Huh? Origami? Hey you're okay."

She gets down close and flips your body over. She hugs you. "(FN) talk to me. Please." She laid on top of your chest. "Just be okay."

"Shouldn't I be telling you that? You're the spitfire after all."

"I guess."

"You know it's amazing with this incidents we make it work."

"Yup. We put up with each other."

"Work and spirits. Yes ma'am."

"Even with you living with all those women."

"Really? Now of all times?"

"Their is no cheating right?"

"Come on. Really?"

"Honest question."

"And ask while I'm weak in this state. Well played."

A loud laugh was heard behind you. "Aren't you two just so cute. But I think me and Shido are the better couple."

"Kurumi." You attempt to get up.


"Hehehe. You two are just adorable. Shido just has something about him I really like. You're close though."

"Back off. He's mine." Origami got up and readied her sword. "Don't touch him."

"Awwww too bad. I'd share him occasionally."



Origami gets sliced and two not even getting out of the way of it. Her body hits the floor bit the shadow outside is still in tact raising concerns.

You get to one knee. "She must be on the roof. I heard that announcement. Could she be in a few places at once?"

"Take my hand. We're not finding out."

"Origami won't I just weigh you down?"

"I said take my hand and we'll get to the roof."

It's a little difficult but you have strength you grab onto her hand. "Okay. I trust you."

She used her jetpack to head up to the top staircase. You felt bad for weighing her down but you finally made it. But the next site to come about......

"Do it or I'll jump off this railing?"

It was Shido. Sure enough he ment it. He was stories high and on top of the guard rail. Kurumi in front of him.

"You make yourself a hostage? Don't make me laugh."

"Doubt me? Fine then." He leans backwards.


Shido falls off the railing. Thank goodness his plan worked. Kurumi dived down to save him.

< Shido please don't ever do that again. >

"I can't believe you would do something so stupid. Why risk your life to help someone like me?" Asked Kurumi.

"I told you. I want to help you. I'm not giving up. Neither is my cousin. We just want you to not hurt good people. Why is this shadow out?"

Kurumi lifts up her bangs to reveal a golden eye as well as a clock.

"Hehe my time."

"Your eye is a clock?"

"My Angel has a great extraordinary ability. Sad thing is it uses so much of my time. So I have to replenish it with other people's time. And sometimes I take them as food." 

< Shido....... this is....... mad. >

"We promised we'd save you. You don't need to hurt others." Shido snapped.

"And sweet boy what are you going to do?"

He stands on the guard rail. "I'll jump."

"Make yourself a hostage? Don't be so daft. You wouldn't dare."

< Shido! >

"See ya." He leans back and catches air.

< *Gasp* >

"Wait!" Kurumi catches him ten feet from where he jumped. Then brought him back to the roof. "I cannot believe you would be that stupid."

"You do crazy things to help people. No please stop this."

"Oh so sorry. But I can't. I have many of these with me. And this place will be mine soon enough. I must say though, I enjoyed attending school and seeing handsome guys."


"Get away from them." Origami crashed the party and pointed a gun.

"Ahhh. Didn't we have a talk? You cannot beat me. Ever!"

"But I can. Right Nightmare?" Mana appeared behind her sword in hand.

"But how many can you take on by yourself?" Kurumi laughed.

She was right. Not sure if it was clones or if it was illusion. No. It wasn't am illusion. Their will multiple Kurumi's covering the roof. A few holding you down as the little strength in you was no good. A hot warm sensation comes from the sky.

"Hey Shido, Cuz. Who's on the date."

Then along side Origami the shadow and the clones your strength vanished. You passed out and hit the deck.


Eyes blinking a few times you look up at the lights. You can tell right away you aren't in the same place. You sit up.

"Ouch. Where am I?"

You look to your left and Shido is still resting with Tohka laying next to him.

"You scared us there dude."

"Are you okay?"

To your right it was Yoshino and Yoshinon. They smiled.

"Hey you two."

"Seems like you're doing well." Said Reine entering.

"Nice. Uhhh what happened here?"

"It's a very long story Sukie. Kotori isn't ready to talk after the incident and the others are still recovering. Mana and Origami were sent to the hospital to be treated for injuries."

"What? Then how come I'm okay?"

"I don't know. That's one answer I cannot give you."

"I have to at least check on those two. I don't know how long Shido will be on bed rest."

"My projection is a few hours."

"Okay. I'll head off then."

"Alright. Be careful. I think is one you're doing alone. We won't monitor and your earpiece was taken out."

"Thanks Reine."


So you arrive at the hospital under your own power. But the lady at the desk is being hard on you.

"I can't allow visitors."

"Even family."

"It's just procedure."

"Any idea when I can?"

"None of your concern."


You come to realize seeing Mana was impossible by normal means. You walk down hallway to think.

Dammit. Shido and I can't see her and we don't know when. What's going on? I can't take this.

"(FN)." Said a voice down the hallway. It echoed and you stopped walking.


"Hello hun." She grabs a seat on a bench in the hall. You run over and gently give her a hug.



"You feeling okay?"

"I can't exert. Even though the I.V. is hooked up I can't do too too much."

"Isn't that hard for you?"

"Yes. Do you remember what happened?"

"I saw massive amounts of Kurumi and that was it."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. I'm still sore from it. I was worried about you."

"Then why'd you come for Mana?"

"So when Shido recovers he's not in panic mode. I thought you were somewhere different. At the least the floor. But they won't let me in."

"I can't give full details but they are using classified equipment to help her."

"And you Origami?"

"Waiting for you. Can you carry me to my room?"

"Why carry."

"To not exert."

"Okay fine. But how?"

"Piggy back."


"Giddy up."

OH COME ON! You squat down. "Hurry this up."

She grabs hold as you gently stand up. She squeezes her bosoms into your back your back giving you a quick shiver.

Huh? This fan service? The hell?

Then you get to the elevator. She's breathing heavily. It's obvious it's on purpose as she huffs and puffs down your lower neck and almost in your ear. You try to brush it off but then you feel a light gooey stroke across the back of your neck.

"Hey. Licking is crossing the line."

"Sorry baby."

Doing the best you can to stay composed the elevator door opens and her room is two doors down. After opening her door and gently placing her on the bed you thought it was over.

"I think I need too GAHHH!"

You tried to say leave but the knife Origami pointed at you by all means put an end to that sentence. In her other hand she's holding an apple.

"Peel it."

"Sure. I can do that." You find a nice surface to peel and cut the apple then put it on a plate. "Here you are."

"Now feed it to me."

"Isn't this a little crazy?"

"You want crazy try not feeding me!"

"Of course baby. Say ah."


"Here!" You swiftly shove the piece in her mouth. But still have your hand on it. God forbid she choke. Got her know. Wait. Backfired!

She chews and swallows the apple and grabs hold of your hand. She licks it clean and starts sucking it while making lewd sounds.

"Mmmm. Ahhh. Ohhh."

"Alright you can stop. Wait don't. This is gross. But feels good in way. God what's happening to me?"

She lets go and a long strong of spit breaks. "Mmmmm delicious boyfriend. Thank you."

"Sure. Anything else?"

"I need my temperature taken. I need help say.... sticking it in my mouth."

"Uhhhh..... alright."

"Sit on the bed for me."

You do so but you can tell something is just not right. She's planning something. And the seducing thing is a new thing for you.

"Why am I sitting down to take your temperature?"

She sits on your lap facing you and controls your arm to put the thermometer in her mouth.

"This is all the sudden. What's up?"

"Oh nothing. Just a girlfriend's intuition. You seem to like Kurumi's behavior so thought I'd try it out."

"But she likes Shido. I'm taken by you. No one else. I know you're the jealous type."

"True. Now here's the rules big boy. Anywhere you look you have to touch." She opens up her robe.

Try to look in her eyes. Try to stare into her eyes. Those are probably some awesome cans but, c'mon man don't think that. Concentrate. Oh no! I think I looked down.

"I didn't know you were a boob guy (FN)."

"I'm......... half and half?"

"You aren't getting away from groping me."

"I didn't."

She forces your hand on to her left breast. "Here. I like it here."

"Ahhh this is......"




"Maybe a little."



"You are cute when you're choked up. She was right. I get out of here in a few days. You're welcome for one on one play time at my house if you want."

(Lemon? Make the call.)

"We can talk about that later."

"I'll be thinking about you. It's so lonely living alone and not having some cute boy to take care of me and cuddle me asleep."


"We can talk about that later. I'm heading out."

"Just one thing."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"You passed out when? Did you see a fire spirit?"

"Fire spirit?"

"I think I saw one. It might have been the same one the killed my parents."

"And that's why you joined the AST and so hard for you to open up."

"Correct in a sense."

"But we put our work aside and do well together I think."

"And for how long?"

You shake your head. "Nowhere close to now."

"Okay baby. Goodbye."

"Bye Origami."

You shut the door behind you and breath deeply. You just can't shake off the words said briefly ago.

Okay. So she wants to seduce me. I get it. We're together. But Kotori I haven't heard of which is rare. But Origami has this sense I know who the fire spirit is that killed her parents. Which explains a few things. Oh man. I like having a relationship which work basically set up but this whole girlfriend thing is work.


Take it from a guy going 5 years with his girlfriend. It is work. Quite the amount of work. Who knows what comes next?

After all you passed out before what sounds like am epic battle. And Origami is potentially developing Yandere behavior. What's next no one can guess.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and have an awesome day cause you guys are the best are the best. Love you all.


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