City of the broken heart (The...

By gold_eyed_typer

25.4K 435 25

Clary and Jace have been a couple for two years now, but all hell breaks lose when Jace does something so des... More

I'm Different and Happy ~
The Reunion ~
The News ~
The Truth~
The Deal~
The New Consul~
The Confessions~
The dirty dares~
The Food Fight~
The Shower~
The Feelings~
The First Move~
The Catch Up~
The Planning~
~The Day Before...
The Big Day
City of Lustful Desire

City of the Broken Heart (The Mortal Instruments fanfic)~

3.6K 36 9
By gold_eyed_typer


I stared at the celling and sighed, it had been only two years ago that everything turned to nothing.

*Flash Back*

"Hey Iz" I exclaimed walking into the institute, it felt weird not to knock but Mayrse said that I was welcome in anytime and that I didn't have to knock.

"Hey Clary" She said her long, smooth black hair was pulled up into a high pony tail that rested atop of her head. "Where have you been girly?!" she exclaimed "Oh no where really, just here and there" I smirked and we both started to giggle.

"So what brings you here darling" she asked "Oh well it is Jace's and I's two year anniversary and I thought we might go out" I said gesturing my hand up and down my green floral dress. "What!!" she yelled "Clary! you are definitely not going out for your anniversary dressed like a flower bouquet!" she yelled "I like my dress" I said but knowing Isabelle, myself and her had a completely different taste in fashion, I was just the kind of person that would wear skinny jeans and a white tank top, but tonight I thought I might step out if my comfort zone and try a dress I had picked myself.

Isabelle on the other hand, fashion is like her addiction, everything is about short, tight skimpy things that made her curves stand out and gave her body an amazing shape. "Wheres Jace anyway?" I asked "In his room" she said turning around "Okay, see'ya later Iz" I said making my way to the elevator "Oh and Clary?" she said "Yeah?" "I want all the details okay?" she said smirking, I flushed but said "Sure thing Iz, but don't be disappointed when nothing happens" I said and then walked through the open doors.

It was awfully quite in the the institute, it must have been only Isabelle and Jace home. I rounded the corner and headed down the corridor to where Jace's room was. There was an awful lot of of noises coming down the corridor, it sounded as if someone was banging against the wall. As I neared his room, the noises became more clearer, and I managed to pick out some grunting. What in name of the angel is Jace doing? I asked myself.

I was just outside his door now and this time I could here voices on the other side it sounded like a female "Oh please don't stop!" she said "Never" I instantly recognised that voice.


I reached for the door knob and flung the door open. I stared in absolute shock. My mind was telling me to run, but feet felt as if they had been moulded to the ground. There in front of me was Jace but he wasn't alone. A black haired girl with brown eyes was pulled under neath him, as he lay on top, his legs on either side of her waist. Their clothes sprawled out all over the floor. My eyes moved instantly back to the pair on the bed. Jace kissing down the girls neck as she groaned and grabbed his head pulling him tighter.

I soon realised she was naked and so was he. The girl must have noticed my presence because she screamed. Jace swung his head around, his hair flicking in his eyes. I gasped in horror as I soon came to realise what had happened. Jace cheated on me! By having sex with a another girl, on our anniversary.

I felt the tears weld up in my eyes. The girl broke the silence "Who the hell are you!" she hissed "I'm Jace's girlfriend" I said emphasising the word girlfriend "No you're not! I am, have been for the past year! Actually today is our anniversary isn't that right Jacey" she said smiling up at him.

That was it! He cheated in me for the past year, on our anniversary. "Clary I-..." but I cut him off and lunged forward towards him, my hand swung up into a fist as I pounded it down on his face leaving his lip bleeding. I picked up their clothes and threw them out the window down onto the street. Then sprinted my way out sobbing.

I crashed into Isabelle, "Clary! What's the matter? Did something happen?" her hand cupping the back of my head as I hugged her, I sobbed even more into her top, probably making saturated it by now, but she didn't seem to mind. "Jace h-he h-had s-sex with another g-girl" I stuttered as my voice broke. At that exact moment Jace came running down with that slut right at his tail. That was it I turned to Isabelle and said "Izzy I love you more than anything, please say goodbye to Alec and Magnus for me and your parents and please, please look after Simon, stay gorgeous, I love you Iz. Goodbye" I let go of her with tears running down my face, Isabelle screamed for me but I just sprinted out the door without another look. I heard a lot of shouting and smashing but I just kept running until I made it home.


I felt tears sting back at the back of my head as I lay there. A small knock sounded on my door "come in I said" trying extremely hard not to make it oblivious that I was crying. It was my mum Jocelyn. "Clary honey, its time to do some training" she said "Oh yes, of course how could I forget" I said, smiling as I reluctantly pulled my covers off and swung myself off the bed.

Life now was still the same as usual except that my mother and I moved back to Idris and started out fresh there with Luke right at our side. Most of my heart healed but there was still a huge great hole there that no one could replace and that was the place that Jace took up. But now I hated, him I hated him with passion and instead of sulking around the place I kept myself busy with training and hanging out with my new friends, trying to fill up that hole with other things.

I survived the first few days but then snapped and broke down in tears. I had my friend's support. Rueben, Sophie, Nathan, and Kyle. I came down stairs, seeing Luke in front of the stove frying up what seemed like omelettes.

"Morning Clary" he said with a cheerful smile "Hey Luke, morning mum" I said to both of them. I slid down into my chair and grabbed one of the cups of coffee on the table. Jocelyn was already in her training gear and smiled at me.

"When you're finished with your coffee Clary, come down to the training room I have some important news to tell you" she said "sure thing mum". I finished my coffee in a matter of minutes and stalked off to the training room where Jocelyn was, throwing seprah blades at dummies. She smiled as she caught my presence. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me mum?" I asked "Lets do a bit of training first I want all your angry and sadness out of your system before I tell" she said smirking I looked at her unsure but then smiled and joined in.

2 hours later

"Wow what a work out huh, Clary?" my mum said nudging me with her elbow, I laughed and then stopped to look at her, she smiled and took my hand and lead me back into the lounge where Luke was waiting on the couch, he had several bags packed and he twiddling his thumbs.

He smiled when Jocelyn and I walked in. "So have you told her yet Jocelyn?" he asked "No but I'm about to" she sat down on the couch and patted the cushion next to her, gesturing for me to sit.

I sat down and looked at both my parents. "Clary?" Jocelyn said with a bit of excitement in her voice "We have something to tell you" she said "We, and when I mean we, I mean you and I. Luke is staying here to work with the Clave, but you and I are moving back to New York for a few months there is a mission we need to attend there and you will be accompanied by Sophie, Rueben, Nathan and Kyle" she said smiling and as soon as that the four came strolling in the door with their bags and suit cases, leaving me expressionless. I smiled and jumped up with excitement as I ran towards my friends hugging them "We're going to New York!" I exclaimed in Rueben's arms "On a real mission!" I said enthusiastically "When do we leave Ms Fray?" Sophie asked "Right now" she said and with that we went to the Clave and shot through a portal to New York.


All I could remember was that I was at Taki's and then a girl came along with Black hair and brown eyes she said her name was Renee and she asked if she could see my arm, at first I thought she was crazy but then let her.

Her fingers brushed lightly over my skin and then she grabbed my arm tightly and a stinging feeling came, then just everything went black. Then I remember Clary sobbing into Isabelle's arms, I was just wearing my jeans and the girl named Renee happened to be behind me in one of my button up shirts that hung loosely above her knees exposing her thighs she was examining her finger nails as if she didn't care.

I turned back to Clary and all I then heard was "I love you, Iz, Bye" and then she left I was thinking what the hell happened. As soon as she was out the door, Isabelle screamed after her tears streaming down her cheeks her mascara running down as it smudged. She turned back to me her hands clenched into fists at her sides as she was shaking, I stood in shock as she dove onto me, punching me in the face swearing at the top of her lungs "You! you! DISGUSTING BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU LITTLE SHIT HEAD!!!" she screamed as she clawed at my face.

Her nails dug into my skin and ripped my cheek, I yelped as I sprung to my feet, but she beat me to it and booted me with her huge 7 inch heels right in the stomach sending me flying across the room. I heard the picture behind me crack as my head smashed into it. She jumped onto me instantly slapping me across the face. I so did not want to slap her with all my heart but she sure was pushing it.

Thank god that Alec and Magnus came through the door, Alec looked at me then at Isabelle he instantly jumped on Isabelle pulling her back, Magnus had to help. Alec had to hold her while she trembled and shook in his hard grip, she swore and spat at me. I was so bewildered at what had happened, what did happen? I thought. "Jace? What the hell did you do to Isabelle I've never seen her like this before, you must have pretty pissed her off" Alec asked Jace "I-I don't know Alec, I swear on the angel I don't know" I said.

"Don't you dare lie Jonathan Christaphor Morgenstan" she said hissing "Izzy why don't you tell us what happened?" Magnus said "Fine but be warned, once you hear this you will all hate him-.." her chin pointing to me "..-exactly like me" she said "Well what happened?" Alec asked "Yeah What happened Iz-.." but she cut me off .

"Shut it boy or I'll shut it for you!" she hissed "Well, Clary came over dressed up for Jace, I went to the bathroom I come out and here she is, sobbing she ran into my arms I asked her what the matter was, and she just cried harder but then she told me and I was disgusted, she walked in on Jace and that Slut" she hissed "Hey!" Renee said "Shut up you Bitch before I rip your eyes out with my fingers" she threatened. Renee shut up instantly "As I saying she walked on them having sex, on there anniversary!" she spat at Renee and I.

Alec and Magnus gasped, I saw Alec which looked like he threw up in his mouth. "What!" I gasped as shocked as the others "I don't remember anything I swear on the angel Iz" I stopped as she started to cry, collapsing into Alec's arms "She's gone! she left saying she loves us and goodbye" she said talking to Alec and Magnus, I saw a tear escape from Magnus and Alec's eye and that was the first time I had seen him cry.

"Jace why don't you tell us what happened, your side of the story it would only be fair" Magnus said I nodded "All I remember was I was at Taki's making a special reservation for myself and Clary I sat down for a quick drink and then she came along-.." I said pointing to Renee "..- and asked if she could see my arm I thought she was crazy at first, but then I let her, then everything went black and I woke up and found myself standing here getting clawed in the face by Isabelle!" Pain shot up my arm as I looked at it I saw a black mark on my arm just beginning to fade, I gasped I knew which rune that was it was a controlling rune, I turned back to Renee who seemed quite shocked she started to back away, when I started to approach her, but she was to fast she sprinted away and before I could grab her she was gone.

Isabelle stared at me and then came to me, hugging me in a tight squeeze she cried into my shoulder, "I'm so sorry Jace, for hurting you come on lets get you cleaned up" she said pulling me along to the infirmary.


"Here we are guys" I said as we walked up to the apartment my mum and I used to live in, but since Madame Dorothea had her situation with the greater demon she died. So we had the whole building which originally was a house, but Jocelyn looked as if she had cleaned the place up a bit for our upcoming stay.

Down-stairs Jocelyn cleared all of Madame Dorathea's things so now there were three single beds where the lounge use to be and in the back where the bedroom was there was two single beds pushed up to the side of the wall. I take it that us kids were down here so we chucked our stuff in the room and went up stairs.

"Ms Fray?" Sophie asked "Yes Sophie" she looked at Sophie "What are we going to do about school?" she asked, the rest of us groaned and then cracked up laughing, Sophie loved school... Us on the other hand - well i wouldn't say we hated it but I sure as hell didn't love it like Sophie.

Jocelyn laughed "Yes guys thats another thing, tomorrow you get up at six, nice and early and start school I already enrolled you so your teachers are expecting you and your stationary and schedules are on your beds, okay?" we all nodded.

Jocelyn had cleared the kitchen, made my old room hers and her old room the lounge so the area was all nice and laid out. "Beat you down-stairs Soph" I said as she smiled we both sprinted down stairs and collapsed on our beds rolling around with laughter.

"Isn't this the best?" I asked Sophie she smiled at me "Oh yes as ever, how do you think school will be tomorrow?" she asked "I have no clue Soph" I said smiling "But I do know that apparently they do have a great bunch of hot guys" We both laughed and then we were interrupted.

"Hey girlies its time for bed" Jocelyn came in "Sounds like you two are having fun, but you do have school tomorrow and you do have to get up early tomorrow" she smiled. "Sure thing mum" I said "Night Ms Fray" Sophie said "Night mum" I said "Night girls" and she left. Now that I think about it I was actually tired and I drifted off into a soundless, dreamless slumber.


"JACE! GET UP WE'LL BE LATE!" I heard Isabelle yell "Coming!" I shouted, I reluctantly pulled the blankets off me letting the cold morning air come flooding in and bite me. I slowly rolled out of bed. I had been having sleepless nights always dreaming of Clary, wondering what she was doing right now, was she already with another boy? what was his Clary doing? I chucked on a pair of ripped jeans and pulled over a black tank that stuck to his skin showing all my biceps and muscles. I didn't bother about doing my hair just ruffled it then grabbed my bag and went down-stairs. Isabelle and Alec were both waiting for me when I got to the door "Sorry, sleepless night, again" I said "Its fine Jace we understand" Isabelle said.

By the time they got to school everyone was outside in the court buzzing around and chatting to their friends. For us once in our lives we not the odd ones out, this high school had a strong glamor on it making it look like a broken down old factory, it was as school only for shadowhunters. We found  our form class and made our way there Alec was on his last year here me and Izzy our second to last so we were in different form classes. Izzy was in mine and Alec in a different we broke up and said we would meet at lunch in the cafeteria.

I sat down in the desk closet to the window, not paying attention to anyone, finally a big loud broad voice sounded over everyone "Everyone please take your seats thank you, My Name is Bruce Walters but you will call me Mr Walters" he said someone knocked on the door and said something, me being me I didn't listen, "Class, I would like to introduce 5 new students that will be staying with us for the next 6 months, I hope you will make them feel welcome and look after them as I know you would."

I heard Isabelle gasp and I looked up, and almost lost it.


"This is . . . Sophia Wright, Rueben Anderson, Nathan Black, Kyle Shaw and Clarrisa Morgansten" they all stepped forward and smiled and waved to the class as there name was said, the girl called Sophia stood forward "Hi my name is Sophia but just call me Sophie" she said then Clary stepped forward "Hello everyone yes you may have known that Valentine is my father but don't worry I despise him but I now go but the name as Clarrisa Fray, but please just call me Clary" she said smiling as she stepped back.

I soon realised how much more beautiful she had gotten, she was taller almost the size of Isabelle but just a tiny bit smaller, her red curls had grown longer so they were at her waist, she had gotten curves and bigger boobs and might I just say she was stunning as always.

Mr Walters had told Sophie and Clary to sit at the two empty seats near me, Clary brushed past me her sweet scent of strawberries and vanilla wafted off her and my heart started to ache. I couldn't help it but follow her with my eyes. She sat down and put her chin on her elbows looking straight forward. Sophie caught me staring at Clary and whispered something to her Clary turned to look at me and then looked back up to the front, then she whispered to Sophie, Sophie frowned and turned back to me, but then smiled. What had happened? didn't I exist anymore? she had the reasons to ignore me though all the reasons in the world.


Hey guys I hope you liked those first few paragraphs. Don't worry Clace will come back I promise :) keep reading will update tomorrow!


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