A Broken Future: TMI Fanficti...

By samantha38wwe

47.9K 814 113

Jace cheated on Clary on there anniversary. 4 years later Clary is now the best female shawdowhunter of her g... More

Capter 1
Capter 2
Capter 3
Capter 4
Capter 5
Capter 6
Capter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
authors note
authors note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

1.4K 32 2
By samantha38wwe

No one's POV

Sebastian and Clary were at the top of a hill in Idris, looking out over the City of Glass. Sebastian was sharpening his daggers as he ready for what he knew would be a battle for his sister, his queen.

"Clarissa, come here" Sebastian spoke, his angelic voice rang through the cavern.

"Yes brother." Said Clary, her firey hair blowing in the slight wind.

"Whatever you do, stay close to me ok?"



Jace and the New York Shawdowhunters, along with the Miami institute Shawdowhunters were hiking up the hill to were Clary and Sebastian are.

Jace had Clary's necklace from Nathan and tracked her to the caverns. Jace was determined to get Clary back. He told everyone to focus on keeping Sebastian away from Clary while he destroyed the rune that was controlling Clary.

They made to the too and were faced with both Clary told Sebastian in gear, in front of them were around a dozen endarkened warriors.

"Johnathan, so nice of you to join us" Sebastian's voice bellowed out.

"Have I ever told you how much you sound like your father. You fight like him too." Jace retorted.

"That man was weak, i am much stronger. Unlike you. You have brought your friends on a suicide mission." Sebastian's words were full of venom.

"I'm willing to risk my life for Clary. We all are."

"Good, because you'll be dead before you get her."

Jace lunged at Sebastian and the sound of metal on metal rang out. The rest of the shadowhunters advanced on the endarkened. Clary stood in the shadows but Jace spotted her. Matt joined Jace in fighting Sebastian. Jace slipped past Sebastian and went to Clary she turned to run but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him. He took out his dagger and did a small cut through the controlling rune.

"Clary?" Jace asked, concern and fear dripping from his voice.

"Jace!" Clary flung her arms around his neck and brought his lips to hers. they shared a short but passionate kiss. "I thought i'd never see you again." Clary's voice was steady but Jace could hear the joy in it.

"I'll always save you. Now come on, we've got a fight to win.

Jace handed Clary a sword they both went back into battle. Jace and everyone backed up and looked at the enemies in front of them.  Sebastian saw Clary by Jace's side and anger flared in his demon-blooded veins.

"I see Clarissa is back to her old self. Such a shame really, I preferred you the way you were."

"I'm back, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Bad choice little sister."

The endarkened advanced on the shadowhunters. Sebastian walked to Clary and the two locked into a fierce battle.

"Give up Clarissa, you'll never beat me."

"I've changed since last time brother."

"Still so stubborn"

Clary fought Sebastian with everything in her. She remembered all the pain he's cause her and put that anger and sorrow into the fight.

Sebastian got an advantage and knocked her sword from her grasp. He ran at her and grabbed her. "If I can't have you, no one can" he whispered venomously into her ear as he drove his sword through he chest.

Clary let at an ear piercing scream and collapsed to the ground, her vision slightly blurred but she clearly saw Sebastian leave through a portal.

"Clary!" Jace screamed....

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