Caelestra, the Heavenly Conti...

By karineprincess

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Caelestra - The floating Continent which is home to the heavenly races of the world. Four very different peop... More

Chapter 1 - Bast Astra Part One
Chapter 2 - Bast Astra Part Two
Chapter 3 - Bast Astra Part Three
Chapter 4 - Bast Astra Part Four
Chapter 5 - Bellatrix Part One
Chapter 6 - Bellatrix Part Two
Chapter 7 - Bellatrix Part Three
Chapter 8 - Bellatrix Part Four
Chapter 9 - Ryuu Sin Part One
Chapter 10 - Ryuu Sin Part Two
Chapter 11 - Ryuu Sin Part Three
Chapter 12 - Ryuu Sin Part Four
Chapter 13 - Estelle Doll Part One
Chapter 14 - Estelle Doll Part Two
Chapter 15 - Estelle Doll Part Three
Chapter 16 - Estelle Doll Extra
(non-official)The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Two
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Three
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Four
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eevntful Path Part Five
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Six
Caelestra - Side Story: Nana
(non-official) Arianna, The Holy Town Part One
Chapter 17 - First Step
Chapter 18 - Second Step
Chapter 19 - Third Step
Chapter 20 - Fourth Step
Chapter 21 - The moon goddes

(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part One

79 2 0
By karineprincess

The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path

Part One

The story I'm about to tell is the tale of the lives of four very different people. For a single moment the path of these people crossed, changing their lives forever as they embark on a single, very twisted- eventful, path.

“Hyuh-hyuh-hyuh-hyuh-hyuh!” As you resound this voice in your head, remember to pronounce the ending as “uh,” as in “uh” when people don't know what to say. Now, this disgusting- elegant evil laughter comes from a character I leave as a mysterious shadow for narrative purposes. With the dramatic effect of a sun setting in the horizon, draping everything in a red glow, the shadow stands atop a hill, cape fluttering in the wind, arms open wide. Who knows what stupid- evil plot is going through his or her stupid- cunning mind (Of course, me. But of course, I won't tell.)?

Now, you may ask, dear reader: “What does this have to do with the story?” Well, I can't tell you right now, but let me assure you that there is a purpose. The image of the stupid- cunning being will stay in the back of your mind, eating away at you with curiosity, until finally a time comes when it will serve it's purpose. When it will emerge in the story.

But, for now, let us continue telling the story of how the lives of these four very different people actually come to cross. I'm sure you are all deeply curious about this, after all.

Surprisingly, the story picks off still at the busy city of light. I had not time to travel on my own before being swept up by this twisted- eventful path with my hateful- lovely companions.

Bellatrix was a small, delicate looking girl that came from a race not at all delicate. With a disposition that screamed: “Bully me!” she was being picked on by a group of teenage Caelosians.

After escaping the mob that ran after her angrily with pitch-forks, and traveling through a gruesome forest, where even the sound of a squirrel nibbling on an acorn was a terrifying affair for the crybaby- delicate girl, she reached the ever beautiful city of light without even noticing. How this might have happened, you may wonder?

Normally, the travel by foot from the forest at the outskirts of the city Pyralis to the city of Light would take, for the most experienced and strong traveler, a total of three days. Yet, she had reached it in only half. All around were rumors already starting to circulate about a terrible wind that cut through the forest, somehow leaving a mysterious trail of water behind, creating a small, thin river connecting the forest of Pyralis to the city of Light. Some were even wondering if it was the guidance of some kind of god, but no one truly understood why.

The forests connecting the two cities were only inhabited by small, harmless creatures. There was no need for any guidance against harmful animals. Of course, there was no use telling that to a crybaby- delicate girl who had managed to complete a five days, three at most, travel in half a day only because her fear had carried her at an incredible speed until she reached a point of complete exhaustion, fainting at the city of Light unaware of where she was, or who she was anymore.

And this is where we find her. In an alley of the shopping district, in the ever bright, yet more empty streets where everything to do with magic was the main merchandise, the small body of Bellatrix lay, twitching on the hard cemented ground, the sun particularly strong on her back.

Suddenly, though, a shadow covered her, relieving her pale skin from the scorching heat. At this, she relaxed into the hard ground, even managing to look comfy as she snuggled, mouth open and drooling, looking completely vulnerable.

As luck would have it, among the many different races that inhabited the city, a group of teenage Caelosian boys, from a race who detested weak creatures whose disposition screamed “bully me!”, stumbled upon her. The three shadows looked down at the vulnerable girl who mumbled in her sleep, smiling eerily- cheerfully down at her. Even if this were the bright city of light, from her position on the ground, looking up with drowsy red eyes, the image little Bellatrix saw was of the three shadows covered in darkness, the blinding bright light from behind them accentuating their dark silhouette, big, half moon smiles open wide in an evil- playful grin.

That day, everybody in the city heard the bloody scream resonating throughout, sending a shiver down their spine. However, the scream was especially loud for the ever elegant and emotionless Ryuu, as he passed by the group, a copy of a newly bought magical book tucked under his arm. He stops, hard black eyes staring at the scene as he slowly turns his head. The three figures were huddled around Bellatrix, covering her form as they snickered and laughed, poking what looked like a vagabond dog, but was really her, with tree branches.

Face blank, Ryuu turns back in front of him, eyes glaring all the same, the sun glaring stronger than ever back, as he expressionlessly just carries on his way. There were many more interesting shops for him to stop by, after all. Who cared about some dog who sounded like a crybaby girl?

And so he carries on, ignoring her cries as the pocking grew stronger. After seeing the color of her eyes, the same red as their own, instead of growing pity, the boys had grown even more determined to poke her into form. How dare a Caelosion look so weak? They just couldn't leave her alone.

This was the first meeting, a beginning of sorts. Now, where was Bast amidst this mess? Bast, being a cheerful- hateful boy who was always the center of trouble, was actually leisurely strolling through the city after reaching it through the lake.

Now, you may wonder how he had managed to emerge there, considering he had last been seen disappearing into a black hole that suddenly appeared amidst a lake known for its magic and beauty. Well, it was quite simple, actually. But, I feel that it is better to show you.

See that paradise of a plaza, a huge fountain overflowing with crystalline water standing grandly in the middle, made of the purest white stone? The bright white sunlight the city is known for hits the water ever so gently, making it glitter, giving the whole atmosphere a serene calm. Enjoying this atmosphere are families and couples, standing around, watching as the soft snow falls slowly, melting into the fountain, falling around their feat, to the detailed ground carved in mysterious swirls, the black in the lines always somehow coming through the fluffy material.

Now, see that particular couple, who seem to look the happiest of them all? They hold each others hand as if it were the most precious jewel, standing just in front of the fountain, letting the soft sound of it falling calm the beating hearts in their chests as they look at each other with pink cheeks and intense gazes. It is as if the whole world has stopped. And suddenly, it is as if the whole world has ended. Their love-filled expressions turn to horror and panic, before the boy grows the courage to pull on the girl's hand and get her the hell out of there, just like all the other previously serene and happy people in the plaza.

I know what you are thinking by now, dear reader: “What the hell just happened?! What could have scared them off just like that?!” Now, even though those questions could be answered with one simple, yet terrifying word, since this is a tale, and I am at the moment its narrator, I will not go straight to the point, but will instead take my time to mess with your hearts, and slowly reveal it in a stylish way only an author would know.

The city of light was, of course, known for its beautiful pure white light that bathed everything gently, and warmly. However, now in one of the most visited bright places of the city, was one giant black hole seeming to swallow any light in darkness. From it came a chilling wind that reached out for one's heart and took their spirits away. It stood right atop the fountain, whose waters were now dark and murky, a shadow from its former glorious sight.

Amidst the darkness, as if contrasting with the sight of the darkness itself was the most hateful- cheerful and evil- bright being, smiling an incandescent smile that could be well matched by the light that normally bathed the city warmly. Only, as we know, Bast was anything but warm. The azure blue eyes that gazed ahead told us of his hidden nature, if the fact he was smiling brightly at a bunch of people screaming and running in horror didn't already give it away.

One little kid had seemed to notice the elf, stopping and looking at his smiling form. The emotions that passed through his childish expression were short lived and contradictory, going from admiration at such a bright creature, to confusion, and then terror, and then admiration...and many other slight expressions hard to catch. Unfortunately, I'm better at reading the eyes. So, let's just say, the little boy with his innocent mind just didn't get the image in front of him seeing such a bright creature coming from such pith black and depressing darkness. That is, until he noticed the bloody sword that dripped from the elf's right hand. Horror came back with the tug of his mother's hand as he was dragged away, eyes glued to the mysterious bloody elf.

After that, as if nothing at all had happened, he had simply jumped down, as graceful as any elf, from his spot midair, and calmly walked around town, the blood on his sword slowly dripping down until it was almost unapparent. This way, the horror filled glances slowly died down, and other than the rumors spreading about him and the slight trail, he was having a completely ordinary and trouble free time strolling around the city with wonder in his azure eyes as he took in all the new and exciting sights.

Meanwhile, where was I, you ask? Well, that is a very good question. Because, at the very moment, I was in a very undesirable situation. Would you like to see how? I warn you in advance, dear reader, that it is not a pretty sight.

To understand you would have to see exactly what I saw: I disgusting man with features and a soul he should be ashamed of, shoving his face in the face of the petite girl with flowing silver and pink hair whose beauty could be rivaled by none, aka me, inches away as he scowled and curled his lips outward, looking like some Anjelika, only he didn't originally have beautiful angelic features like they did.

The shaggy hair, that felt like hard straw, grazed the delicate porcelain skin of my face as the guy's dark brown eyes, more like shit than chocolate, grew wide in a questioning way: “Huh~?”


“ Not gonna answer~?”


“You know, pretty lady, you're just making this hard for yourself.”


“I don't want to use force, but you're really pushing me.”


Seeing as I was still not answering, but just blanking staring at the face that so irritated me with its ugliness, he grew inpatient, and finally drew back, eying me irritatedly and tsk-ing. I may have looked calm and indifferent on the outside, completely unaffected, but the hands at my side were frantic, hitting my nails towards each other, trying to control the horrible desperate feeling eating at my chest.

The two lackeys- friends by his sides snickered, looking me up and down. “Looks like she isn't going to come willingly, boss.”

The fake anjelika smirked, a new found confidence making it's way on his face as I just stood there, face as blank and emotionless as ever. “Really, stuck up pretty ladies like you who think they are better than others are really hopeless. Guess I don't have a choice, huh?”

As the sword at his side was pulled from its scatherd, the wide evil grin on his face grew wider. Surprisingly, he looked even worse smiling, which just irritated me more. I just couldn't take this anymore. My parents, ironically, had the same detestation for ugliness as me. That is, staying trapped in that mansion all these years, I had not yet experienced such ugliness, other from my parents souls, and we can see I didn't really deal with that so well.

Completely unaware of the battle going on inside me between my sane side and the one who wanted to destroy anything ugly, they stood there, swords in their hands, as I started to slowly part my soft cherry-pink lips. They would have no idea of what hit them. And they didn't. Thump! And one of them fell to the floor. Shocked, the man and the standing lackey turned around confused, only to see nothing. Then, a very ugly angry face was turned towards me. “What did you do to him?!” He screamed in a furry as he lunged at me. “Huh?!”

“Now, now. It isn't very polite to attack a lady like that. Why don't we discuss this over a cup of tea? Hahaha.”

Yes, indeed I was in a very undesirable situation. And as we all now know, where there is trouble, Bast will appear. He just so happened to walk to the most undesirable situation, standing there smiling brightly as if he hadn't just knocked someone out and had interrupted a likely murder. As if there weren't a huge, bulky, angry, furious, blood-thirsty beast-like man before him wielding a particularly large sword, he smiled like he were actually calmly having a conversation about flowers over a cup of tea. He was never good at reading the atmosphere.

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