The Musketeer Girl

By GraceBeard

29.7K 771 28

What if D'artagnan didn't travel to Paris alone?? What if his fourteen year old sister had gone with him?? An... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 4

1.7K 35 1
By GraceBeard

Beaming through the thin curtains, the sun decided upon waking the two sleeping siblings; D'artagnan used the wash room to freshen up first, although it was freezing cold water they had to use. Kayley did the same and changed before joining her dressed brother in the hallway; they said good morning to Constance on their way out before making their way towards the Garrison where they found Treville. The older man greeted his niece and nephew once he saw them "help yourselves to some food" he offered "I have to go speak with the King and Queen so I'll talk to you later" and with that, he jumped onto his saddled horse and rode away. The brother and sister did as suggested and grabbed some bread and a cup of milk before taking a seat at one of the tables; they watched the cadets and musketeers train. "I'm gonna talk to Treville about training to become a musketeer" D'artagnan stated, earning a smile from his sister "that's great D'artagnan, I think I'll talk to the owner of the tavern about getting a job". Now that statement earned a blank look "what??" the man rolled his eyes "come on Kayley, you could ask Treville as well" he insisted; the girl chuckled "real funny brother, no one is going to allow a fourteen year old to become a musketeer, let alone a girl!!".  She wasn't wrong....exactly. The man signed "you know...everyone seemed pretty impressed with your fighting skills last night, including the musketeers" he reminded "at least talk to Treville and ask??" Kayley rolled her eyes before smiling "if it'll shut you up, I'll talk with Uncle Treville" that certainly put a grin on the mans face. "Also...could you help with my training?? Like father did??" D'artagnan asked, using his world famous puppy dog eyes....even though they held no effect over his sister "what?? Teach you like Papa did with us??" she asked earning a nod; the teen shrugged "sure".

As soon as they finished their breakfast, the siblings stood in a unused area of the Garrison and began their training; they duelled with one another but whenever D'artagnan did something wrong or his sister saw a way he could improve, she would say and show him. The cadets, surprised from what they were seeing, all stopped what they were doing to watch the two train, including the three musketeers who were sat eating their own breakfast. Just like the previous night, they were very much amazed "don't forget to move your feet!! They're not nailed to the ground!!" they heard Kayley mention; her brother nodded before moving from her attack "good". The teenager suddenly swiped her leg under the man, making D'artagnan fall on his back; his sister aimed her sword at his chest "but not good enough" she smirked. The fallen man returned the facial expression as the girl held out her hand for him; he gladly took it before pulling her down beside him - she let out a small yelp as she fell to her knees "sour loser". Everyone around laughed and chuckled at the scene as the two siblings climbed up to their feet. Treville had returned to the Garrison and was making his way up the stairs to his office; seeing the two's playful actions made him smile and chuckle as he remembered when he used to visit them and their father in Gascony many years ago - they were much younger then. As he was about to enter his office, the older man overheard Aramis speak "you know, I actually think Kayley could take on Athos" that one statement made their Captain halt; it seemed it also interested everyone else within the Garrison. "Yeah right!! Athos would beat her in a second!!" Porthos exclaimed; all eyes turned to the two "what do you say?? Athos Kayley?? Up for a little duel??" Aramis asked as the girl and her brother approached them; the two said fighters looked at one another "I don't mind a challenge" was the girls reply. Everyone's attention turned towards Athos who signed "go on then" many cheers could be heard.

The two removed their jackets and weapons so that they were only wearing their shirts, trousers and boots, swords in hand; this way it was a fair and even fight.

All of the cadets and musketeers placed their bets before standing or sitting back by the tables, allowing the two to use the entire Garrison for their duel. "Okay, I expect a clean duel from both of you" Porthos stated ", fight!!" he hurried to join Aramis and D'artagnan at the side. The two paced in a circle for a moment, waiting to see who would throw the first attack - it was Athos; the girl seemed to never throw the first move. Both fighters were incredible with a sword - it was difficult to say who would win; most people had bet on Athos, of course, as he was a trained musketeer for the King, was one of their best sword men within the entire Garrison and the fact he was fighting a kid didn't go amiss. The very few who had bet on Kayley was her brother, who knew the extend of her training and skills, as well as Aramis who decided upon having some faith for her. Treville rolled his eyes at the bets and focused on watching the fight at hand.

Furthermore, more attacks and blocks were made; the duel was lasting much longer then any of them planned. All of the cadets and Porthos now knew they had underestimated the teenager largely "she's actually keeping up with Athos!!" Aramis exclaimed in amazement; some of the others agreed whilst some just rolled their eyes - Porthos being one of them "rubbish!! He's just holding back". Hearing the two friends, D'artagnan smirked "actually, I think it's Kayley who's holding back" this earned two confused looks "I've seen what my sister can do, she always holds back when some ways, it's actually worrying" the two shared a look of shock and wonder. Returning their attention to the duel, they witnessed Kayley kick the man in the back, forcing him to the floor; before Athos could get back up, the girl already had her weapon aimed at his chest. All eyes widened in complete and utter shock "do you yeeled??" she asked, a proud grin decorating her face; it was even more surprising when Athos smirked up at her "I yeeled". The teenager held out her hand and helped her opponent up to his feet once she had withdrew her sword; Athos did the same once he was up. He shook the girls hand "you, Kayley D'artagnan, have a true talent for sword fighting!!" Athos exclaimed, earning a smile "thank you Athos, as do you" she returned the compliment "I believe that was one of the most difficult duels I've even experienced". Money was handed over to Aramis and D'artagnan as they had won the bet; many of the cadets patted the two fighters on the back "most interesting duel I've ever watched" the gun man stated; her friend agreed. Smiling, Treville watched the five before signing "D'artagnan!! Kayley!! My office!!" he called; they looked up at him "can these three come too??" Kayley asked. The older man chuckled as he rolled his eyes "sure" the two fighters grabbed their belongings before heading towards the office.

Now sat at his desk, Treville explained "I spoke to the King and Queen, as you know" he began "during our conversation, I told them that my niece and nephew were staying in Paris" this was rather surprising "and they wish to meet you". All eyes widened - what?! "The King and Queen want to meet us?!....Why??" D'artagnan asked in confusion; their uncle chuckled "I'm a close friend of theirs, as soon as they heard that you two were in town, they wanted to meet you" he smiled "the Queen especially wants to meet you Kayley". Now that they were all smiling "you three are coming too, the King wishes to speak with you as well" their Captain informed the three musketeers "go saddle up, we leave in five minutes" all five nodded and followed as ordered; they left the office before making their way towards the stables.

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