
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 2

3.9K 93 2
By Haddassa

Chapter 2

By the time lunch came around my anger built at everyone for keeping it a secret from me. I waited in line in the cafeteria to receive something that resembled mash potatoes and chicken nuggets. I was in line holding some milk when I spotted an empty table in the corner I could hide at. I never sat alone, so I knew they's never notice it was me. I spotted several of the boys in my families pack messing with a nerdy looking kid who could swear like a sailer. I wanted to go over there and help him, but if I did then they would see me and I couldn't make my escape.

I grabbed my tray of food and waited to pay. A plan appeared in my head and I knew what to do. I paid for my food slipped my apple into my bag for something to eat later. I walked up to one of the guys who were messing with the kid. Steve came over often enough I knew I could boss him around.

"Why don't you leave him alone," I offered in a sweet voice he didn't even realize it was me.

"Why don't you shut up," He said while turning around. " Oh hey, sorry Eliana."

"Did you know what they said to my dad?" I asked furious. His face turned to shock and so did the guys around him then he composed himself.

"Know what?" He asked trying to play innocent, and with those two words I dumped my tray on him and fled out of the cafeteria. I heard his screams echo around the hall.

I ran into the teachers lounge that I knew was empty, because it was the day all the teachers went out for pizza. I slipped through the back door and found myself in the back of the school where the teachers parked. I passed the parking lot and hopped over the small fence that led to the woods. I knew he would find me soon enough, but for now I cold hide. I found a tree that had rough bark and branches low enough for me to reach when I jumped, and climbed up the tree all the way to the top where the branches couldn't hold a growing teenage boy. From up here I could also watch for any pursuers.

I pulled out my apple after I got a satisfied check that no one was coming. I wondered if it was even a good idea to pour my food all over Steve. He'll probably get payback later. I started getting bored after I ate my apple, so I made one last look to the school and still saw no one, so I climbed down the tree. Once I got down low enough I jumped, landing in a crouch with a loud "humph". I spun around when I heard a chuckle. In front of me was standing a very tall well built strange man. My eyes widened, before hiding behind a face blank of emotions. 

"Hm... I wonder why you?" He asked himself. He leaned in close, and smelled my hair.

I wasn't too sure if he was a werewolf of a human. Either way, I decided to make the first move while I still had the chance. I kneed him in the balls hard and fled, leaving him behind rolling on the ground, cursing every swear word I knew. Huh, today just seemed to be that type of day where I leave guys behind screaming. I crashed through the trees and luckily I hadn't run too deep into the woods, because I found myself at that small fence again. I was still going pretty fast so I just grabbed onto the top and launched myself over landing on the hard cement as my legs flew out from under me. I heard a crashing in the trees to my left.

I quickly stood up trying to shake off the protests my back was giving me. I started to run when I heard a growl, and was knocked off my feet again as something hit me hard in the back. I hit the ground hard again as I landed on my knees, screaming out in pain. I spun around just as a large wolf crouched over me. My eyes widened and I screamed out not only in pain but in fear. The scream was loud and could pierce through glass. The wolf on top of me snarled at the high pitched scream, and leaned closer. I could smell his terrible breath and see the slobber covering his yellow teeth, as he snapped at me to be quite with another growl.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of a way out of this situation. Well I had a huge wolf over three times my weight on me who I knew wouldn't be getting off any time soon. I was still right by the fence too far for anyone to see me with all these cars in the way, and I doubted anyone had heard me. I just had to hope someone came searching for me to either make sure I was all right, or get revenge over what I did to Steve. I didn't think any of those chances are really high. I relaxed and just focused on a chance to get away. Maybe crawl under a car where he couldn't get me.

With my eyes closed and my body relaxed he relaxed a bit himself leaning away a bit. I took that chance to kick him in the gut, while I rolled towards the car to my right. He growled at me and grabbed onto my boot and tried pulling me back out. Luckily these boots were very easy to remove, so I just twisted my foot and off came my boot in his mouth, sending him backwards a bit with the force he had been pulling on. I crawled the rest of the way under the car and hid there, thankful werewolves were too big to get under. He tried tipping over the car but it was a big solid suburban.

I heard a sudden howl coming from nearby, and looked in the direction to see dark grey paws running toward the brownish ones of my attacker. I sighed in relief as one of my brothers attacked him. After a minute I saw more paws coming from the direction of the school and a couple pairs of shoes. I heard a loud grunt from my right and then the brown paws vanished over the fence, with a few more following including one of my brothers. I stayed under the car hoping my brothers and their pack didn't find me. I knew it was a more worthless attempt than a kid who plays hide and seek, but can't stop giggling from under the bed. After a minute a head popped under the car. Adam didn't grin at me like usual. I knew he wasn't very happy with me just taking off with the situation I was in, but I still saw a spark of happiness in his eyes as he saw I was still alive and conscious.

"Come on out," he said as he tried to reach for me. I slowly crawled out from under the car as my ankle and knees protested.

As soon as I was out from under I was grabbed into someones arms. I looked up into Dylan's worried yet relieved face. He squeezed so hard I was starting to wheeze. "I need to breath." I wheezed out. He set me down and then looked me over.

"What happen?" He asked suddenly.

I glanced around and my eyes fell on Steve. I quickly looked back to Dylan and started to explain.

"Well I sort of found out something, and got really pissed. So I kind of did something and then ran off into the woods. I found a nice tree to hide in and then when I came back down he," I said pointing to the woods," was there at the bottom. He chased me and now I'm here." I stumbled the words out so fast, I wasn't sure any of them understood.

"Are you hurt?" Philly asked as soon as I finished.

"Nah, just a couple of scrapes and bruises."

"Yeah right I can see the blood coming through your jeans," Adam said.

I glanced down and sure enough right by my ankle was some blood seeping through my jeans. As soon as I paid some attention to it, it started throbbing. I rolled up my pants to take a look and found a couple of bite marks from when he was trying to pull me out from under the car. I hissed a bit under my breath and looked back into the faces of my families pack.

"It's not that bad! Just bandage it, and I'll be fine," I tried to explain in a calm voice.

My brothers still looked furious though so I knew it didn't work. I sighed, "I'm fine I swear."

"Does anybody know who he is?" Adam asked.

"No, not a clue. What did he look like, Eliana?" Philly asked me, and every face turned to look at me.

"Um he was a lot taller then me." I heard somebody snort 'everyone was'. I glared in that direction. "He had light brown hair and really dark eyes. He was maybe 6 feet, maybe a bit less."

"He was probably a Steffen's. Why do they want a human girl when they could have the pack's next alpha?" Dylan asked to no one in particular.

"Because I'm fricken awesome." Nah it didn't break the ice like I hoped it would. I walked over, well actually limped, and wrapped my arms around Dylan's shoulder.

"All of us should head to our house, to talk to my Dad." Dylan commanded. Then wrapped his arm around me to help support my weight. "We need to get you home, and have Mom look at your ankle."

"And skip school?!" I gasped, pretending to be shocked.

As an answer he pulled me up into his arms and carried me to the edge of the woods. He set me down and shifted. I quickly got onto his back, and held on as he ran through the woods with maybe another 8 wolfs following. Soon the forest started to change into the woods I have ventured for 3 years. Dylan slowed down, and we all found ourselves right outside the yard. I climbed off of Dylan and crawled up the fence as the rest of the pack just jumped over. Once I wobbled my way into the house, I found my dad coming up to see what all the noise was.

"Eliana what happen? Carrie you may want to come in here," Dad said calling out to mom.

He scooped me up and took me to the living room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hid my face into his shirt. This was what I always imagined home to be when I was little. He set me down on the couch, and called out for mom again. Within a minute there was a lot of stomping as a mass of boys came in dressed in some of the clothes we always kept in our tool shed out back.

"So would you kids like to tell me what happen?" Dad asked.

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