Forever | h.s.

By caselovesoned

7.9K 320 37

"Even if I were to leave you today, tomorrow, or years from now, you should know; I've loved you since, I lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 2

312 5 0
By caselovesoned

~Annabel's POV~

We walked into the banquet hall. It was huge, and beyond beautiful. The lighting was dimmed, but not too dark. It was the perfect romanctic lighting. The tables were circular, and draped with beautiful lilac table cloths. There were gorgeous white and lilac flowers in the middle of the tables, and notecards with names on them, at the corner of every plate. Everyone chattered amongst themselves, and I walked alongside Brielle.

"So, how do you know.. uh.. Dan, I'm guessing?" Brielle asked. Dan was Lilly's dad. She was probably somehow related to Kristy, Lilly's now step mom.

"Yeah, Dan. His daughter is my best friend, her family loves me." I sheepishly laughed.

"Oh, I see! Yeah, I kinda assumed it would be Dan you knew. I've never seen you around Kristy, and I sure as heck would've if you were related to her." Brielle laughed. "Kristy is my aunt." She said, answering further questions that I would've asked. I nodded, laughing along. We got our seating arrangements, and thank god I was at a table with Lilly, and Brielle. Kristy probably knew I would want to be with Lilly, and she probably wanted us to get to know Brielle. We walked over to the table together, and sat down. I waited for Lilly to come over, and she finally did after a couple minutes.

"God, you'd think being here for planning out the wedding multiple times would benefit me in helping me find my way." Lilly huffed, sitting down next to me. I laughed.

"This is Brielle, Kristy's niece." I leaned back in my chair, so Lilly could look over and say hi. The two girls greeted each other. We were at a table with 2 other twin girls, that didn't want to talk to anyone but themselves, and 2 guys. There was one more empty seat. The guy didn't slip in, until a speech given by someone I didn't know. Everyone was laughing hysterically. Well, every adult older than 27, so no one realized he slipped in last minute, except the people at our table. He was tall, with curly brown hair that was pushed back, in a messy, but sexy hairstyle. He had electrifying green eyes, and very defined cheek bones, and jaw line. His white dress shirt underneath was unbuttoned, enough to see tattoos. I couldn't help but stare at this extremely hot guy infront of me. He watched the man giving the speech, like he was here the whole time, and understood everything he was saying. I examined his facial features, until his eyes locked with mine. I didn't know whether to look away, or keep staring. I looked into his green eyes for a few more seconds before looking back at the standing man with the microphone. I saw him smirk from the corners of my eyes. After the speeches were done, the waiters and waitresses started putting food on people's tables.

"Who the hell is that?" I whispered quietly, but enough for Lilly and Brielle to hear me.

"Who, him?" Brielle glanced over at the handsome guy that sat across from me. He sat slouched in his chair, with the side of his shiny black dress shoe on one knee, chewing something, while on his phone. Very classy.

"I don't know, why?" Lilly smiled, knowing what I was thinking.

"That's Harry. Harry Styles. He's kind of a trouble maker. I don't really know him, but he's supposedly a brother-in-law to one of my second cousins. We're barely related. He never shows up at family outings, or anything." Brielle whispered. My eyes kept glancing down at his exposed chest, trying to make out what tattoos he had.

"He's.." I began to speak. I felt the 2 girls' eyes stare at my profile, eager to know what I was going to say.

"Do you have a problem?" The guy spoke. He had a deep accent, which I was not expecting. Weren't British people supposed to be polite? I looked at him, with a shocked expression on my face. I could see Brielle and Lilly glaring at him from the corner of my eyes.

"I.. I.." I stuttered, obviously stunned.

"I can obviously see you looking at me. It's pissing me off." I frowned.

"He's an asshole." I spoke, loud enough for the table to hear me. All he did, was keep his eyes locked to his stupid phone, while he scoffed, and shook his head, smiling like I was some sort of idiot that wasn't worthy enough for him to say something back to. I spent the rest of the wedding, getting hit on by unwanted guys, and dancing with Lilly and Brielle. An upbeat song came on, and I felt the need to go on the dancefloor and dance.

"Guys, wanna go dance?" I exclaimed excitedly.

"You go ahead," The two girls laughed. "We'll stay here and rest our aching feet." Lilly and Brielle sat down on a nearby chair, and took off their heels, while I walked away, onto the dancefloor, searching the crowd for someone to dance with. The lights were flashing different colors, and the music was blaring. A lot of the adults were around the room, laughing and talking to friends, and to Kristy and Dan. I stood alone, waiting.

"What are you doing alone?" A tall blonde guy approached me. He looked about my age. He wasn't bad looking, his breath just reeked of alcohol.

"I-I'm looking for someone to dance with-" I said, as he came closer. His eyes lowered to my breasts, and I grabbed the dress and pulled it up, hoping he would look away. He smirked, and laughed.

"I'll dance with you." He came closer, forcing a hand onto my lower back, and pulling me closer.

"N-No, that's okay." I took my hand against his chest, and pushed him away.

"C'mon, let's have some fun." He whispers. I almost gag at the alcholoic scent that runs into my nostrils.

"Please, no. I don't want to." I try to shove my way out of his arms, but it doesn't work. His grip is too strong and I can't slip out.

"What's wrong baby? Don't be afraid." He whispers, his hand traveling down my back. I yelp when it touches my butt.

"Get away from her. Now." I hear a deep voice behind me. He storms over to the man that's holding onto me, and grabs the man's shoulder, forcing him off of me. That's when I saw his face. Harry.

"Aw come on, man! She's a babe. Let me have a go." The blonde chuckles deeply.

"This isn't a joke. Get away, before I take matters into my own hands." Harry growls. The blonde turns pale, when he realizes who he's speaking to.

"I-I'm sorry man- Harry- I didn't realize she's your girlfriend." He stutters, backing off. Harry shoots him another glare, as he grabs my wrist, and pulls me aside.

"What the hell are you doing?" He looks at me with angry eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to dance, I didn't know-" I try to explain, until I get cut off.

"This may be a wedding, but there are dangerous people here. I don't want to see you get hurt." He mumbles.

"What?" I asked, confused. Did he just say he didn't want to see me hurt? Does he care about me?

"You think I care about you, don't you?" He chuckles. Maybe not. "I couldn't care less about you. I don't even know you. Don't think that just because I saved your ass out there, we're friends now." He walks past me, leaving me in shock.

"Wait," I call out before I realize what I'm doing. He turns around with an annoyed look on his face. "Thanks." I say, joining my two hands together. He turns around without another word, and walks away.


Sasha Pieterse is linked on top or to the side! (: She plays Lilly!


Love Casey

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