The Beta

By JacqTheWriter

83.4K 5.1K 566

Boy meets girl. They fall in love, overcome some tragic hardship, and live happily ever after. Except what ha... More

Author's Note
Sneak Peek
Author's Note
Author's Note


1K 67 0
By JacqTheWriter


Admittedly, I wasn't thrilled with the idea of my girlfriend wearing my mother's clothes. But I should've known Faye would blow my expectations out of the water. She never failed to. This certainly wouldn't be the first.

She emerged from my parents' bedroom shortly after disappearing into it. The black, floral dress fitted her top half more tightly before flaring out at the waist. Even though it was mostly loose, her supple, rounded curves couldn't be concealed. I didn't realize I was gawking until my mother cleared her throat.

"It feels a little long, since your mom is so much taller than me," Faye said, blushing as she refused to meet my gaze. "But what'd you think?"

"I think..." I couldn't believe I was actually struggling to speak, to breathe even.

"You have him all tongue-tied, Faye," my mother teased. "That's a good sign. I'll see you two lovebirds at the Pit."

I nodded to acknowledge my mother's words, but I didn't dare tear my eyes away from Faye. My body moved to hers, like a magnet drawn by some unseen force. She smiled when I directed her gaze towards mine.

"I'm starting to rethink this whole party thing," I told her. "We can stay in and watch movies, if you want."

"Really?" Her eyes actually brightened.

"Sure. If you stay in that dress and let me kiss you."

Grinning, she rolled her eyes. "Come on, wolf boy. I didn't just put heels on for no reason. You better take me out."

My eyes flickered down to her feet. Little pink toenails poked out from a pair of black wedges. "Your first time wearing heels around me, I might add."

"Yeah," she grumbled, "so you better catch me when I trip."

"Of course." I kissed her forehead, her nose, and finally her lips. "I'm not letting you go even once tonight. Not a chance."

Her chuckle seemed forced while she smoothed out the chest of my shirt. My heart beat a little faster, and she took a hold of my collar.

"Let's go get some food, shall we?" she asked, sticking out a glossed lip.

At this point, I would kiss Faye's feet if she wanted me to. I took her hand and headed for the front door.

"My offer to stay in still stands..."

"Nope. Not this time."

I scoffed. "Okay. Next time then."

This laugh was more genuine. "Next time," she agreed.

The Pit was raging by the time we got there. A large crowd already surrounded it, red solo cups and beer bottles in hand. Somewhere nearby a radio played pop music. Faye's grip on my fingers tightened.

"Do you think Sarah will be here?" she asked me.

"I doubt it. She doesn't want to leave Titus."

The reminder of my best friend's condition took a chip out of my mood. I didn't want to think about problems I couldn't fix right now. Tonight, we were supposed to celebrate the turn of a moon cycle, a fresh start. Although the guilt of what I did to Titus might never go away, I could at least distract myself with other things. Eventually the guilt would fade.

"Want something to drink?" I led her to the coolers set up a few yards away from the fire.

"Is there any soda?"

I released her hand to dig around until I retrieved a can of Coke and Sprite. Faye chose the Coke. After cracking open our beverages, we headed over to the wood logs situated around the Pit. Faye rested her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"Hey, you know something?" I whispered.


"I love you."

"Well, I love you, too."

"And one more thing."

She quirked an eyebrow.

Posting a placid look on my face, I said, "I think you're kinda hot."

"Really?" she replied. "I've never been called hot before."

"If anyone else calls you hot, I'll have to knock out a few teeth. But I do think you look stunning in that dress."

"I'll wear this dress forever if you do the same," Faye bargained.

"I look that good, do I?"

A grin stretched across her face. "Like a lumberjack."

"Mhmm. I could get used to that."

"Me, too. So go chop down a tree for me."

I laughed. "Anything for you, darling."

"Good," she said while leaning in to kiss my cheek.

We quieted for a few minutes to just stare into the dancing flames. Fire had always captivated me. It was so wild and mysterious. People gave themselves more credit for taming it than they should; fire was no one's master.

"Faye, Rian."

Our heads lifted to acknowledge Aunt Fanny. She offered a closed-lip smile. She sat on the other side of Faye.

"How are you, Fanny?" Faye inquired.

"Just fine." She glanced at the fire before turning back to my girlfriend. "How are you?"

Smiling, Faye answered, "Good. I'm doing well. All things considered."

"I heard about what Titus did. It's a shame the doc had to knock him out. Poor kid just isn't himself."

"He's going to get better," I told them. "The doctor's going to find a way to heal him."

Faye gazed at me through a sympathetic look. On the other hand, Fanny didn't bother to mask her disbelief.

"You better start praying if you think that," she retorted. "If you're into that praying stuff. Nobody's ever seen someone react that way to a killing spree."

"It wasn't a killing spree," I growled through clenched teeth. "He killed one Rogue. One death was all it took."

When it looked like Fanny was going to argue, Faye jumped up from the log. "Rian, will you take me to get some food? I'm starving."

"Yes." I rose from the log, spared Aunt Fanny the glare I desperately wanted to shoot her, and led Faye away from the fire. "Good call," I whispered.

"I could tell you were getting ready to pounce," Faye replied. "I really am hungry, though."

"Me, too."

We headed over to the grill where the older generation was conversing and flipping hot dogs. My parents were both nursing a bottle of beer.

"Hey," I greeted once we were within reach.

My mother turned to face us, a relaxed smile slung across her lips. "Hi. Are you two enjoying yourselves?"

Faye and I both nodded.

"Is the food ready?" I asked.

"Just about." She dipped her head at the grill. "Barney said the hot dogs have another few minutes left."

"You can open the first dance," my father remarked with a haughty chuckle.

Rolling my eyes, I started to turn away from them. Titus' parents stopped me, though.

"You should, Rian!" his mother quipped. "You know he and Sarah would if he was..." Sadness briefly flickered across her face. "If he was feeling better. You should do it. It would make him proud."

"Everyone knows I'm a miserable dancer," I replied, irritated. Why did everyone have to keep mentioning Titus?

"I can't dance either," Faye told me, "but we can give it a try?"

"I hardly know the dances myself. It would be disastrous."

My father waved his hand nonchalantly. "I'll show her the first dance. Faye looks like the bright type." His voice deepened almost challengingly as he added, "I'm sure she'll pick it up quickly."

"No," I growled.

Faye gripped my arm with both of her hands. "It's okay, Mr. Whitewater. I'm not good at dancing."

"It's just Calvin," he told her. "And I think you should give it a try. You'll have fun. I guarantee it."

"He's quite the dancer!" my mother boasted proudly.

"Faye is not dancing with anybody," I snapped. "Except for me."

Then, knowing I would combust if I didn't walk away, I tugged Faye away from their group and onto the patch of grass we used as a dance floor. Faye was studying me curiously, surprised by my behavior. I wrapped my hands around her back and let my fingers drift to her rounded backside. Gasping, she hastily pushed my fingers back up.

"Rian!" she hissed.

"Sorry." I pulled her in a slow square, glaring at the observers. "My father is just ticking me off."

She wrapped her hands around my neck and sighed. "It was a little weird that he asked me to dance with him. I agree."

"He's doing it to push my temper. He always pulls crap like that."

"Have you two ever gotten along?"

My gaze held hers while I answered, "Nope. Maybe when I was really young, but not since I can remember."

"Well, maybe we can mend your relationship together? Maybe I can help?"

"I'm not pulling you into my relationship with him. He's never going to change."

Her hands slipped around my jaw, eyes softening. "Never say that. People can change, Rian. They just have to want it enough to persevere."

"Well, he doesn't want it. Trust me," I said firmly. "Now, don't try to plan anything behind my back to reconnect me and him. We'll just end up killing each other."

"I won't go behind your back. But, I do have a question."


"How will your relationship work when you become Alpha? Won't you be his boss or whatever?"

A smirk lifted my lips. I hadn't considered that. "I guess so. I'll get to push him around for once. He'll hate that."

Faye gave me a disapproving look. "Be the bigger man. Don't stoop to his level, Rian. You're better than that, and life is too short for revenge."

"Why must you always be so positive and wise? I hate it," I joked with a lopsided grin.

"Oh, hush. You said it yourself: you need someone to balance you out." She leaned up onto her toes to brush her lips across my neck, because she couldn't reach higher. "I think I do a decent job at that."

The breath in my lungs seemed to get forced out from the force of her touch. I met her mouth with mine to quench the longing in my veins.

"You're my perfect equal," I whispered against her lips. "You don't have think twice about that."

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