23 Extraordinary Forevers

De ShelbieHope

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It was at that very moment I felt a sensitive touch.I would have stood there in an endless reality had Donny... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 {part 1}
Chapter 7 (part 2)
Chapter 7 (Part 3)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

171 23 7
De ShelbieHope

            It had now been about an hour or so since Don and I got here. People have been piling into this huge house for about twenty minutes now.

            Don and I were sitting at the bar sipping on some homemade daiquiris. Mine tasted just like a snowball. It was cheesecake-candy apple mix. The only difference from a snowball is that it had that sting of alcohol in it. Then I looked to my right, and I couldn’t believe it. Brandon was gushing down his second watermelon daiquiri. Even though, Don and I had no problem drinking, we preferred sweet drinks over anything else. 

            I looked at him and he looked back at me with a sly face. “Ya know, if you keep drinking you won’t be able to drive us home.” I said tapping his nose with my extended finger.

            He scrunched up his nose and replied, “Yea, sweet cheeks, I know.” His words were slurred, and he was already getting a buzz.

            “Okay,” I paused and stood up. I walked around the bar to the small fridge and grabbed a bottle of water from it. When I sat back in my seat, I took the daiquiri from his hand and replaced it with the bottle of water. “Drink.” I demanded.

            Sometimes I feel like his mother. I make his lunch in the mornings, I get him medicine when he is not feeling well, I wash, fold and put away all of his cloths. I basically do everything for him but wipe his rear end.

            I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it though. It almost feels like I have a child, just minus all the dippers and whining. Don’t get me wrong, I really do want kids one day, but I enjoy the one I have now: a big 23 year old baby.

            As he tried to reach for his drink, I pulled it away from him. “No.” I said when he tried the puppy eyes on me.

            Just then Don’s phone rang out with a text message, so he dug around in his pocket for it, pulled it out and read it. After reading it he shoved it back in his pocket strange look on his face.

            “What did it say?” I asked him. He didn’t even look up, and then began sipping on his water. “Donny, what did it say?” I asked again. And again he didn’t answer. So I decided to reach into his pocket and see for myself.

            As I reached over, and dug in his pocket, he sarcastically choked on his water and playfully said, “Whoa, getting a little frisky there, huh?”

            “Oh shut up ya big buffoon.” I said pulling his phone out of his pocket. Hastily I went through his phone to read his text message. Considering we had the same phones, it made for easier navigation through his phone. The only differences between the two were our backgrounds, and the selection of apps on our phones.

            Bottom line: two for one sales are pretty nice, especially when no contracts are involved.

            As I opened the message, I noted that it was from Jared. I presumed that it was to let us know that he was here. Reading the message, my heart jumped for joy. Hey, we are pulling into the drive way now. So do whatever y’all have left to do, we will be there in just a few seconds.

            I looked up at Brandon with a some-what angered look on my face and then out at the crowd. There were way too many people in here for everyone to casually find a spot to stand without someone getting hurt.

            I knew everyone here would be able to hear me if I announced they were here, so I looked around and tried to find something to stand on. Looking to my left, I found the perfect thing: the bar.

            Readjusting my dress, I used Brandon’s shoulder to help me keep my balance as I climbed on the bar stool and stepped up onto the bar. I surveyed the room to see Dustin, whose attention I had. He seemed to be angry that I was standing on the bar, but when I motioned for him to shut off the music, his anger quickly vanished, and began fiddling with the stereo system.

While I waited for him to turn off the blasting stereo, I continued looking around the room. I already had most people’s attention, and as soon as the music was gone, I began to speak. “Jared and She...” I trailed off. There were a few people who were still murmuring here and there.

Aggravation swept through me. “You guys!” I hollered. Now I fully had everyone’s attention, contempt took back over me along with a smile. “Jared and Shelbie are turning onto this drive way now. So everybody, please find a place to wait or whatever.” I continued, as people frantically dispersed. “That does mean quietly.” I hopelessly added.

With Matt right by his side, Dustin walked through the crowd over to me and helped me down. “Thanks Bubba.” I said grabbing my drink with my right hand, and Don’s hand with the other. “C’mon love.” I said pulling him in the same direction as Dustin, Matt and me. Seconds later, we were blending in with the huge crowd.

            As we could see through the huge glass doors, Jared’s car pulled up, people began to quiet down. It barely took a few seconds for Jared to shut off his nice Nissan SUV. It was almost like mine. I hate to brag but mine is a newer model, and I like mine a lot more than his. I adored my heated seats and my voice control stereo.

            He then got out of the vehicle and rounded to the passenger side to open the door for Shelbie. When she got out of his vehicle, Jared still had that blindfold on the poor girl.

            The color of her dress beautifully complemented her skin tone, and her shoulder length, bleach blond, wavy hair only added to her beauty.

            She was wearing an emerald green dress similar to mine, but her was strapless and bit longer, and to add to the shimmer of her dress, a pair of black leather stilettos.

            As they began to walk in the gravel parking lot, it looked like Shelbie twisted her ankle, so Jared swooshed in and picked her up. She out a small squeal, yet large enough that everyone inside could hear. We all laughed at her from the other side of the two glass doors.

            Now inside Jared set her down and she still had a curious smile on her face. “Jared, where have you dragged me to this time?” she asked still blindfolded. When Jared didn’t answer she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest putting all of her weight on her right leg.

            To be honest, the way she was standing, made it look like she was a professional model or something. Her figure was flattering, her smile was amazing, and her lips were gorgeous. Not quite Angelina sized, but they were plump and beautiful. Plump enough to make me jealous.

            As I admitted to myself that I really was jealous of her lips, I still was feeling contempt with myself, and I didn’t know why.

            “Jared…?” she asked again as he came to stand by Don and me.

            Oh yea. I am jealous of her lips and her boyfriend.

            I shook the thoughts out of my head as he whispered to us. “Thanks, you guys.”

            I nodded back with my response, “No problem.” I whispered back. We both looked at Don for half a second who was completely zoned out.

            Jared returned my look then turned back to Shelbie and continued, “Okay baby girl, you can take it off now.” And so she did as everyone simultaneously screamed surprise. She jumped back in utter shock as she let out yet another squeal. She covered her mouth as she gasped and started laughing through tears of joy.

            As we all began singing happy birthday, Jared’s words hit me, baby girl. My smile quickly vanished as World War III broke out in my head.

            I had no idea what the hell was wrong with me tonight. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jared. I really love Brandon and he is my boyfriend; and I really like Shelbie but she is Jared’s girlfriend. Jared loves her, not you! I told myself in my own head. But he is your best friend and you have known him since you guys were in dippers. And it was true. He and I have been friend since we were in dippers. We played around in the sandbox before we could even walk.  He is my best friend, not hers. I argued with myself as the war raged on in my head.

            The singing finally ended and Shelbie was standing there in utter shock. Jared stepped towards her and pulled me along with him. Just walk away, I thought to myself but it wasn’t that easy. I wanted to with everything I had in me, but I simply couldn’t do it. So I manned up for the second time tonight and demanded myself, you are already over here, so just stay: even if it kills you.

            “Oh my God, Jared!” She said kissing him on his lips. “This is so awesome!” She paused and kissed him yet again. The sight of her wrapped around my best friend made me want to vomit.

            Finally it came to be my turn to tell her happy birthday, and so I did with a simple hug. “Happy birthday.” I said into her ear.

            Thankfully, “Thank you.” Was all she could manage through all the people surrounding her and with that I walked back to Brandon who seems to be a little more aware of everything. Finally, someone who can clear up my mind. I thought, and with my drink still in my hand, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

            “Do you want to dance?” Don asked me. His voice was still just a bit slurred and his eyes were still dilated.

            Come to think of it, I wanted nothing more than to with him. The thought of me dancing with Paige’s boyfriend come to mind, and I mentally put Brandon in his place and thought of our bodies grinding on each others. The thought sent a numbing feeling to my lower stomach. So I gulped down a large sip of my drink, and nodded in approval. With that he led me to the middle of the room, where people where already beginning to dance themselves.

            In moments, we drowned in a sea of barely legal adults, and teenagers. A good bit of the people dancing around me didn’t look old enough to even know what alcohol was, but they did know how to party.

            Most of the younger looking girls were grinding on their boyfriends like whores. Don’t get me wrong, I respected each of them just as much as the next person, but I was in shock because I never danced like that until I was at least 18. I also didn’t have a boyfriend who had sex on his mind 24/7.

            Finishing off my drink with the last huge gulp, I began to nudge my way through the crowd over to the bar get rid of the cup, or get another drink. Don didn’t follow, which was actually a surprise to me. Instead of stopping to hopefully wait for him, or turning to locate him, I kept walking with a smile on my face.

            Just as I got to the bar, or at least had it in my sight, some wild dancer backed into me. For a half second, I thought I would be okay, and keep walking, until I hit the floor. With a loud crack, my hip hit floor, and I gasped for air trying my hardest not to scream. The pain shot from my hip up my back, and I took everything in me not to break out in tears. I knew I needed to get up, because the same person stumbled over me again, sending another shock of pain up my back. This time, I did cry out in pain.

            Thankfully, the cup my daiquiri was in was only a Styrofoam cup, because it feel out of my hands. As I reached to pick it up, Someone backed up and stepped on it. I jerked my hand back, so that he wouldn’t step on my hand too.

            At that moment, someone kneeled down behind me and helped me to my feet. Somewhere deep down inside of me, I had hoped it was Jared, and as I turned to thank him, my smile faded, when I saw Travis. He was standing there grinning at me from ear to ear, like he expected a medal of some sort for helping me get up.

            “Thank you.” I tried to holler over the blaring music, returning his friendly smile.

            “No problem.” He assured me, bending down to pick up  the smashed Styrofoam cup. “C’mon Mrs. Clumsy.” He joked, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bar. Surprisingly, his hands were soft. Not too many guys have soft hands like he did.

            As we neared the surprisingly cleared bar, I sat back on the stool I was sitting on earlier, and Travis rounded to the other side. He kneeled down out of sight for a second or two, and stood back up with a bottle of bear in his hand. Effortlessly, he popped off the cap with his bare hand and took a sip. It became obvious to me that he drank more often than what I thought. He then came and sat down next to me.

            It wasn’t until he sat down that I noticed, he looked terrible. His eyes were puffy like he had been crying, and his eyes were blood shot. “Travis.” I said calmly, resting my hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” He turned forward and his head slumped over. I could hear a muffled sniffle, and my heart broke for him. I wandered if everything was okay. “What’s wrong?” I  pleaded to him. I began to rub my hand on his back trying to calm him down. I could feel that the muscles in his back were tense, and I could feel his ribs expand when he inhaled.

            “Travis. Please tell me what is wrong.” I began to beg. I wanted to deeply to help him out. “I have a shoulder if you need to cry. Two if it’s really bad.” I kidded.

            In that instant, he looked up at me. His cheeks were damp and replied, “Thanks.” He said taking a large gulp of his drink, leaving the bottle just about half empty. “He swallowed his drink and looked back at me. “I may just take you up on that offer.” He paused and traced his words in his head. Just when I thought he was about to reply, he didn’t. He got chocked up and turned back and faced the bar.

            “Travis, I am not going away until you tell me what is wrong.” I demanded.

            Through his small muffled cries, “Hollie just broke up with me.” He confessed.

            Wait a minute! I thought to myself. What did he just say?  “What happened?” I asked in utter shock.

            Before answering me, his finished off his bear. He tipped back the bottle, and then set it on the bar before leaning on the bar himself. “We were making out and she brought me upstairs for a more quiet,” He put his hands in air gesturing air quotes when he said quiet, “place. The she tried to take her dress off and I wouldn’t let her.” He then rummaged his hands through what little hair he had on his head, and struggled to continue without crying even more. “She got mad at me and told me that I wasn’t good enough for her, cause I didn’t know how to have fun.” His voice began to crack, and he clenched his jaw trying to hold back tears.

            “I tried everything to convince her that she has had too many drinks but she just walked out. She wouldn’t listen to anything I was saying. I tried to tell her that I wasn’t against having sex before marriage but I wasn’t going to give myself to her when she was drunk. I would have at least wanted her to be sober so she could remember something like that.”

            To be honest, I didn’t know who to feel sorry for. Obviously I should feel sorry for Travis, right? But was he really telling the truth, or was he just covering his ass? He knows very well Brandon would kill him if anything happened to Hollie. I truly wanted to feel sorry for Travis, because Brandon would be more reasonable if she broke up with him, and not the other way around.

            “Have you tried to call her?”

            “He looked at me like I were stupid. “Umm, yeah.” His voice had just drowned in arrogance. This is the type of attitude I expect from thirteen year olds who are just hitting puberty and think it is cool to disrespect people; the attitude that made me want to slap him in the face, no matter what just happened to him.

            It took just about everything in my not to reach over, and ‘accidentally smash my hand into his face. But instead I took I took deep breath and held my hand back. “look Travis, I am only trying to help you out. I am not against you and I am not out to get you or anything. So take a deep breath, calm down, and do not talk to me like that again.” I said to him.

            His expression calmed down, as did the muscles all over his body. He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I could see his back were his ribs were attached, expand and deflate slowly. He then stood up and stated firmly. “I am sorry, Ali, I am just having a really rough night. This…” He waved his hands around the room, and I looked around for a second see people dancing wildly, and random people making out with people they’ve probably never met before in their lives, then turned to focus my attention back on him.

“Isn’t my seen. I don’t belong in a crowd like this, and I feel like an outcast here. I just lost the girl I fucking love, and now I can’t even find her. She won’t answer my phone calls, or even my text messages, all because I thought I was doing the right thing.” He pleaded.

Before he said anything, I interrupted him and said, “Look, I am not going to say I understand, but I do understand the situation.. I paused standing up and facing him directly. I hadn’t realized how short he was. I stood face to face with him. I then remembered I was wearing stilettos. “Go look around for her, okay? She probably just went to take a walk on the beach or something to take her mind off of things.”     

I reached up and gave him a long comforting hug. “Go look for her, and if you can’t so much as get in touch with her in,” I trailed off trying to come up with a reasonable amount of time, and continued, “I don’t know. Let’s say 30 minutes, come find me, or text me, and I will come help you.” I let go of his neck, and looked at him. He was still stairing behind me as if he had seen Hollie. The look on his face told me that it wasn’t her, because if it were then he wouldn’t have tears were now drowning his eye balls right then. Just as they began to overflow, I reached up and whipped them away. I kept a warm smile on my face as I titled his chin up to look at me directly. “It’ll be okay.” I assured him.

Without any words left, he nodded and sadly walked off. He shoved his hands in his pocket and ducked his head low. He didn’t even walk to the crowd, he just sneaked past them all, and walked through the front door.

As I watched him begin to disappear down the stairs, I began to think; Were could she have gone. I know she doesn’t just run off like that without telling anyone where she is going. Before completely disappearing into the cool Nashville night, he stopped and looked at someone coming up the stairs. The figure looked familiar. I began skimming through all the people I had seen tonight and tried to figure out who she was.

Her dress was short like mine, and almost everyone else’s here. Her hair was long, and bleach blond. Her curves were beautiful. As I began to image myself with her body figure, it hit me. Adrienne. I whispered barely audible. What is she doing here? I questioned. I thought she supposed to be out of town this weekend.

Quite frankly, I didn’t really care why she was here. It just bothered me that she lied to Dustin. All though, I don’t if she told him she wasn’t leaving or not. It really wasn’t my business, so I shoved the thought of her out of my head, and walked back over to the bar. I rounded it like Travis did, when he grabbed his bear. I looked up at the bar, and it was still sitting where he had left it.

I have been classified as a neat freak in the past, but I didn’t even think to pick up the bottle, I left it there, and reached down to get a shot glass. Just after, I grabbed a bottle of tequila. Instead of pouring it in the little shot glass, I put the bottle up to my mouth and took a swish of it. Setting it down walked up and took a seat.

“Ya know, if you keep drinking like that, you be able to drive us home.” He said softly with a sarcastic smile on his face.     

I didn’t even respond, I only nodded my head with a smile on my face.     

“What’s wrong?” He asked. The thought of Hollie and Travis popped into my head. Clearly, my expression was weird because the smile on his face turned into concern.

“Nothing.” I lied.

“Umm, are you sure?” He paused. It seemed like he knew what he was going to say, so I raised an eyebrow, telling him to continue. “You never drink like this, and I know something is definitely wrong when you do.”

I rummaged through my head for an excuse to tell him. I hate lying to him, but there is no way in the world I could tell him what was really bothering me. Suddenly, and thankfully, the image of Adrienne walking up the stairs struck my mind.

I turned my express into a questioning look, “I thought I saw Adrienne walking up the stairs to the house.” I said. It made me happy, because it did kind of bother me that she told Dustin one thing and did another. But I was happy I didn’t lie to Brandon.

“So?” He said to me as I walked around the bar to him.

“So, she isn’t supposed to be here.”

“Wait a minute,” He said, grabbing my hand. “I thought you and were cool.” He reasoned.

 “I don’t have a problem with her, and that’s not what I meant. I just mean that she told Dustin she was going to be out of town this weekend.” And with that our conversation was finished.

With my hand still in his, he led me to the middle of the crowd. On our way, I had been knocked over, and come to think of it, my hip did still hurt.

As we made it to the middle of the room, he turned around, and put my arm around his neck, And I put the other there too. Clasping my hands behind his head, he stared down at me so passionately. His eyes were tense and there was barely no room at all to slide a magazine between our bodies.

My heart began to pound inside my chest. It felt as if someone had replaced my heart with a bomb set to detonate within seconds. When he put his arms around my waist, he pulled me even closer, which I didn’t think was even possible.

We stood there dancing to a slower beat song, and staring intently into each other’s eyes. Lust was beginning to fill in mine, and I knew it had completely taken over him. I wanted nothing more than to bring him upstairs and have to time of my life, but I knew deep down inside of me that tonight was not the night.

The song began to fade away, and more people came back to the dance floor, when a more fast beat song came on. That’s when Brandon pulled me to the edge of the crowd.

Suddenly my back hit a wall, and Don enclosed the space between us. I tried to pull myself off of the wall as I was feeling a little claustrophobic; but no luck. Don gave a small push, and my shoulders remained on the wall. His left hand slid around my waist to keep my bottom off of the wall, as he began to grid on me. He placed his other hand on the wall just beside my head.

He began to move my body in sync with his, and slowly, he moved in closer to my face. Lust began to sting my limbs. It filled in my eyes, and took completely over my heart. It made my body numb, and caused me to lose my breath. I was gasping for air, as everything around me began to slow down.

Nothing seemed to matter to me. All of my focus was on him; he had my attention 110 percent. The music was droned completely out, there was no-one left, they were still lit, but nothing was there.

I had enough of waiting for the soft touch of his lips. I wanted to feel that adrenaline rush, that electric, light as clouds feeling. I wanted nothing more than him.

Anticipation had killed enough of me, I fought it off, and fought through almost collapsing underneath him. His lips began moving in sync with mine. Time which already was paused, slowed down even more. My eyes fluttered closed as Brandon kissed me. H

He was now sanding so close I could feel his heart beat in his chest. His two was pounding, and I knew lust had taken over him too. His kiss was so deep, so passionate, so in need of me.

I didn’t want reality to come bring me back to the real world. I wanted to stay here so that he and I could cherish each other’s hold. The world was ours, and nothing seemed to matter at all anymore.

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