The Soul of a Dragon

By ataddei19

103K 2.3K 182

Genevieve Lily was born a year before Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley. She was put in an orph... More

Letters from Hogwarts
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21

Chapter 17

1.9K 59 0
By ataddei19

The next day, Charlie brought to Genny's attention what was missing the night before. Not through any thing he did directly but rather by just seeing him play with Teddy.

Remus and Tonks had forgotten something at the manor and came by to pick it up. Genny  and Charlie being the wonderful hosts they were convinced the Lupins to stay for lunch. While Genny talked with Tonks, the men played with Teddy. Charlie was easily becoming one of Teddy's favorite people in the whole world.

"He's going to be an amazing dad." Tonks said. Realization struck Genny. She wanted kids. That's what was missing. But she thought 18 was too young to have kids and they should wait until she was at least 20. 

"Yeah. He is." Genny said. "I suppose that's what comes with 5 younger siblings."

"I'm sure it does. I was lucky Remus had changed Harry's nappies before. I had no idea how to do it. And I thought I would drop Teddy."

"I'm assuming you didn't" Genny said and Tonks laughed, shaking her head.

Remus walked up to them. Teddy and Charlie were nowhere in sight.

"Where is my darling godson and husband?" Genny asked with a smile.

"Charlie volunteered to change Ted's diaper. Brave man, he is. I'm pretty sure Teddy pooped." Remus said.

"I should probably go help him."

"Gen I don't think Charlie needs any help."

"Who says I talking about Charlie?" She said with a beat before finding her husband.

"Sometimes that girl really worries me." Remus mumbled loud enough that Tonks could hear. She snorted and he playfully pushed her shoulder.

"Oi! Teddy! That's not funny! You ruined my new blouse!" They heard Genny shout. "Blimey you are going to be an amazing chaser." 

Remus and Tonks were rolling with laughter as Genny came downstairs wearing her once-white blouse. 

"Oh shut it." She said with a small smile and went to her room. 

"She's right you know. He is going to be an amazing chaser." Remus said. 

"Nah. He's going to be just like his mummy. A stunning beater."

"Tonks. You-"

"Shhh...I know these things."


"Shh." She said and put a finger to his mouth. She had never actually played Quidditch at school and Remus knew that. 

"T-" "Shh! Listen."

"Good job Tedster. It truly was a job well done. Our plan worked." They heard Charlie say as he came downstairs, with Teddy giggling in his arms. Remus snorted causing Tonks to burst out laughing. 

"I heard that! You are in big trouble Charlie Weasley!"  Genny said. 

"Oi! Teddy we have to run! The Ironbelly is coming after us!" They heard Charlie say sweetly and watched as he jogged slowly into the room. He walked over to Remus and Tonks and handed Teddy to them. 

"All changed." he said.

"Yes, we heard."

"Blimey, is she in her roo-"

"Hello everyone." Genny said as she walked in, wearing the same blouse but cleaned. Charlie gave her a nervous look before sitting down in a chair. Genny seemed to have given up her anger but Charlie knew, it was going to come out sometime. 

"G-G-E-" Teddy said from Remus's arms. 

"Um. Hi Teddy." Genny said, "He's only a month old right. He shouldn't be talking yet. Not for at least 5 months or something."

"I dunno if I would consid-"Remus started

"G-G-E!G-G-E" Teddy said the sounds and lifted up his hands to usher Genny in to pick him up. She did so and he stopped saying her name. Or rather his version of her name. 

"It seems there are some brains in there," Genny said with a laugh. 

Charlie gave Remus a confused look which he returned. Tonks rolled her eyes and asked Genny if she wanted to go outside with Teddy, to which Genny said yes. Remus and Charlie were left alone in the house.

"Genny is going to be a great mum." Remus said, "You mark my works." 

"I'm sure she is. She's truly a natural." Charlie said, "But we are going to wait until she's at least 20. "

"Sounds like a plan. I don't really care honestly, but I know if James were here that would probably be his limit." Remus said. Charlie blushed slighty, "This is an interesting topic. Please tell me more Professor Lupin." Charlie said.

"I don't think you want to know more, and if you do ask your father."

"Yes, sir....Sir, what can first the chicken or the egg?"

"Bloody hell Weasley! Use your head! Obviously the egg."

"Ah but there's where you are wrong, it was the chicken." Charlie said and started making chicken noises. Remus rolled his eyes. "And the Ministry trusts you with a dragon sanctuary?" Remus mumbled.

"What was that?" Charlie said with a sly smile.

"Nothing." Remus said with a sigh. He could see why Genny fell in love with the idiot. He was exactly like James. Well, not really. But there were definitely similarities! 

"Well, I-"

"Hello, Darling Husbands!" The women said as they came in. Charlie and Remus put on a weird face and the women laughed. 

"I told you so!" Genny said to Tonks and sat down on Charlie's lap. 

"Yes, you did," Tonks said and sat by Remus. 

"What did my lovely wife tell you?"

"That you guys would think it's weird if we came in like that," Tonks said.

"Uh honey, where-"Remus started. Genny began making sleeping motions with her hands, indicating Teddy was taking a nap. 

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