She's DARK He's COLD

By raniya_shah

12.7K 715 243

Falling in love with an enemy knowingly is wrong. What if, it happens unknowingly? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " W-what th... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter -6
chapter- 7
chapter- 8
chapter- 9
chapter - 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter- 13
chapter- 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 41

chapter -1

2K 67 57
By raniya_shah



Graduation day (meaning )- getting a diploma or academic degree or the ceremony that is sometimes associated with it, in which students become graduates. Before the graduation, candidates are referred to as graduands. The date of graduation is often called graduation day.

Yup! That day is TODAy. Ha!

  Guess what? Even after this day like people will do, I won't have any change. Nah. Not because I don't want it, but because I can't have it. Maybe never.  

Here I am. Walking or literally running downstairs where the twins are watching cartoons on our TV. ( not a great one but at least we have one.) Sometimes I think how is it easy for them to wake up before me ( but then they don't do the two very horrible jobs ). Ugh, I'm getting late. Anyone who notices me missing will ring up here numerous times and it's going to irritate Joseph.

I noticed no sign of neither mum nor Joseph. Who am I kidding, aren't they always gone. Even though the twins are not my real siblings, but somehow they are related to me and I am happy to be responsible for them. Walking over to the twins and messing with Vinnie's hair, making him frown. I like it; my father used to do it to me and his hair are just so soft. Tillie looks over at me and smiles. He's just like me. Carnal should be here by now to babysit them but maybe she is late.

I still don't get how they get up in the morning, but actually, it shows that they are going on with life even when the events of the night before are disturbing.

My mom's behavior doesn't affect them or anyone anymore. It's just the same like always. But we never know when those hunters of mine will capture me... and things will change. I just want the twins to be safe.

Both of them are an ideal type of boys, they understand and even if they don't, they never ask. I am proud of them. May God keep them safe.

They know or maybe they had to know all the types of seriousness from around here. Around me.

Yes, I am not a very happy/talkative one but the opposite of it.

I am the most serious one anyone can find in here. But I was never like this. Sometimes we have to change ourselves for the better, and maybe its what I want to do, to shut people out. out of my problems.

Walking out of the front door and heading to my car- I have a car and that is because I work hard.  I'm cool with it, it helps to divert my attention from the endless problems I have.

Driving to school is fun. I drive fast. Thinking about my past problems or the present ones is not fun but it makes me strong. I'm not gonna say that I'm the weak one or innocent of any kind or even good or... maybe I am. But I don't want anyone to know me that way and like me. I want them to stay away from me because it's better for everyone. I have to fight back to show them that I'm not the weak one. I am the one that my name describes me as " thorny shrub".  

  Walking in the school seeing around for any sign of my friends - Nillie, Ottilie or even Rickwenson, but there's no one in sight. Signing, I started to walk deeper into the building. As I make my way around I see people move to the side avoiding me or getting scared of me. Nothing new.

My friends are even one of them but a little bit less scared. They get hesitant while talking to me sometimes. It's all because of me having a not so warm behavior. People here call me DARK, well I didn't deny that. I mean just look at my attire, it's all dark. The dark colors I wear and this scarf always around my neck, my hair is hidden under this scarf. They are long and a darker shade of brown just like my father's ... My father. I miss him. 

I'm not so tall, maybe 5 feet... but it doesn't matter how I look and how I am even though I get a lot of compliments from the people who are not so scared of me. I have green eyes, small nose and slightly pouted lips, all on pale skin. I don't prefer putting any makeup. These all things together makes me dark, well I make it dark by the tone I use and the glares I send around... ah not to forget the pouches I can throw at anyone I dislike. Everyone around here knows it and that's why they don't mess with me. I like to keep it that way. As today is graduation day everyone is happy and cheerful, but it's all going to be the same for me. I have to work the whole of my life and hide my identity. My real name from everything.

Just because of my hunters. I know one day they will get me and have their revenge and I am cool with it as well. I just want my family, a half disordered one, to be safe. Just me to take revenge with. Not them. I Love them except for Joseph.

My mum and Joseph don't care about anything or anyone, they just drink and eat a lot. Both are destroyed. They don't know where they live and I am very tired. So tired that It hurts, but I have to live. live for the twins, for their good beings. I know I will be gone one day but I have set them to live without me. I just have to tell them about an account in which I put money for them so that when I'm gone they will not have any problem In life and as for mum and Joseph I don't know, I really don't care anymore. I miss that mum who was very innocent, beautiful and caring ...she is long gone along with my father.

Seeing my friends in the hall where the decorations were taking place. I made my way towards them, Nillie was the one who noticed me followed by Ottilie who was with the school's Bad Boy 'Dash Evans'. Guess what? He's one of the people most scared of me. I only once told him to never think of hitting on me in 'MY WAY' kind of way and that made him avoid even looking at me. I smirked looking at his way as he excused himself from there and walked in the other direction.

"Eliza," Rick said.

" Oh, finally she came. " Nillie said along.

" Yeah, I kinda went out of time, the 2nd job keeps me out till late and that explains my waking up late. " I said.

"Anyways, I am so excited aren't you?" Nillie says.

" What's there to be excited about?" I shot back.

I mean come on it's not any fun. It's just you getting graduated. 

But I can't say that. She has a life full of fun and fun. Not that I'm jealous or maybe a little bit.

She is all happy, funny and interesting with good looks and here look at me. I am the monster in a girl's clothes.

Nillie frowned, " You are just always the same. Show some emotion sometimes. Happiness, sadness or even just smile more... it won't hurt, I promise I have tried " she said smiling at me.

" I know right! This is just very boring. Did you notice Dash go away when he saw her coming?" Ottilie said with anger and frustration.

I looked down at my shoes as I hear her talk with Nillie about how Dash is the best kisser an all... I know its the truth that I'm too rude but how am I supposed to show any of these emotions. 

 When I see myself becoming weaker I block it by fighting back and distracting my eyes from tearing and body from falling. I'm just tired of this but I still have to continue.

That's what I did, I gave them a dark look which shut them up. That's what I know, I can't show them the real me. My hunters are still finding me. I have to be non-existent and unknown to this world.

Now let's see what happens when I start to live without going to school and finding a better job for better savings. I hope I get a nice job. It's not like my current jobs aren't good, In fact, they are very nice. It just makes me very tired working on two times and now that I have a degree, I mean I'm gonna get it today right. So I will find a better job with better salary and timings.

Walking around with my friends following behind. I sometimes think how are they even my friends or maybe sometimes they wish to leave but are too scared of me. The thought made me sad.

Rick was the first one to approach me. He was the kind who doesn't mind staying out of peoples business and I like it that way. He talks about anything or everything but never talks about me or asks me any kind of personal thing. I'm thankful for that and then Nillie, she was Rick's life back then. How is it to see some lovebirds actually officially breaking in front of you. It's like they never loved or maybe there's nothing like relationships and if by chance there is any, then it will never last for long . Note it I have got many examples around me to believe this.

My parents being away from each other even though they loved each other more than anything. It's sad that either the people die or simply they are separated or maybe they don't love itself. Anything, but I have never found any happy endings.

I wish I never love anyone. Well, there's a rare chance for me to be in a relationship as I know I'm just gonna vanish one day. They will find me one day.

And Ottilie, she just happens to be bold and talkative. She talked to me when I saved her from some guys mistreating her and as for Otillie she always said that I am a hero for saving her even if she was capable of saving herself. Like this, she started getting along with me and the other two as well. They know about my jobs but never asked me why I do it. I like it that way.

The announcement was being made and all the parents gathered around, some were entering and started taking seats waiting for the names to be called for their child to receive the diplomas. Almost everyone had the cameras in hand. Nillie asked to excuse herself as her parents were asking for her to come and sit with them. This followed by both Rick and Ottilie.

I'm alone. I just have to go take my diploma and never come here again. This is the last day in here for me and I will be lying if I say I will not miss this place even though I didn't like coming here in morning and all ...but still.

As the names started being called I sat on the side and watched all parents getting happy at their child holding diplomas. I wish my family was never what it is now and like other parents mine also was taking my pictures being happy and me smiling the whole time. It's just a dream that's never going to happen.

I sat there looking down thinking nothing. I sometimes wish to go back at that times to change what happened back then. It all happened because of me. The day she entered our house, the way she tried to push dad. Everything happened wrong, very wrong and me being the one who fights I did what I thought was right and then the real drama started... it was horrible.

I don't know when my name was called and I had to move on the stage to get my diploma. Ms.Addison smiled widely at me, which made me happy. At least someone is looking like this at me. I never knew if she knows about me and my problems but I guessed she has doubts about me and still never asked anything yet. I am happy that she respects my privacy even when sometimes I look vulnerable.

I took the diploma and looked down to move back and let the others pass because they have their parents over here to take their photos, unlike mine. I hurriedly made my way down the stage and went to sit in the same place I was before.

No one noticed me having no one here with me made me relax. I should be going back home now but I chose to stay and wait for my friends and congratulate them for the last time and say goodbyes. I don't know if I'm going to meet any of them again. I will miss them.

After hours of waiting there, I found them making their way towards me. Nillie and Ottilie were both very happy. I smiled so there mood doesn't spoil. Then Rick looked happy as well. They neared me and gave me a group hug. I like hugs it relaxes me but the temporary ones like these don't do anything to me.

I sometimes want to hug someone without opening my eyes ever. I want to stay there forever... like my father's arms. They relaxed me. As I don't get to do any of that so I listen AL Qur'an, yep! it's a Muslim holy book. My father was Muslim who read it for me when I was not well or when he wanted to soothe me. I don't know much about his religion but he taught me most of the surah's, Ayah's that I say when I miss him. Listening to AL Qur'an helps A LOT. It removes all my worries and put an unknown emotion in my heart, I wish my father was there to show me his religion deeper.

My father loved my mom even if she was a Christian, he respected her religion and never asked her to change. They were too much in love to think about the changing of religion.

" Earth to Eliza. " I heard Nillie say while moving her hand in front of my face.

" Um.. yeah sorry I got carried away, " I said.

" Listen, girl, you could have at least moved your head to where we were sitting. Look at this picture we took of you looking down like you're gonna just run away any moment, " Ottilie said.

My head turned at her words. Picture? Uh?

They must have noticed me confused because of what Rick took out his camera to show me the picture of me taking the diploma. I was looking down while taking the diploma. I never knew someone will take my picture. That made my heart swell with happiness. If only I could pay them back for what they did.

" It's not our fault okay you just didn't look our way ..." Nillie said.

I looked at all of them and smiled the widest I could ever, they looked shocked but covered it sooner.   

Ottilie started telling me about what happened when she started going on the stage and how her heartbeat was on heights, she is cute. Nillie interrupted her and started telling about the celebration party they are having, Rick told us about the place where it is and I got that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I just can't go anywhere unknown to me. The party's address was written by Nillie in hurry. I didn't pay attention as she was talking to Rick about the party's whereabouts.

" Listen, guys, I should not go as I have my shift at the time," I said trying to tell them for not inviting me to the party. It's not like I haven't gone to one but it's just that I can't go often. I mostly don't get time so it explains it.

"Nah we are not listening to this bullshit we know u are scary and all but Eliza I am going to say the truth and that is you're gorgeous and if you smile often anyone will fall for it. Stop being away from everyone. The day after tomorrow I'm going to Canada to my uncle and aunt. So let's be together and make this time a memorable one. "

Nillie looked at everyone after saying it, everyone nodded their heads at that. I can't do anything but do the same. I can't just say no to this. I'm scared, I know but I even know how to fight so chill I will save myself.

Nillie beamed with happiness at our approval. Rick looked at her with adoration. He still looks the one to not get over her but she is always his friend type of a girl. I don't know about this I just want them to live their lives and never give up even when they can't help but fall again and again. I want them happy that's why I keep my past and present or the future away from them. I am DARK and for this type of dark, there's no light. I can't destroy their futures for me.

Rick went to his other friends and congratulated them all. Ottilie went away to go to Dash and Nillie stood beside me to give me a paper.

" Here take this, this is the address for the place we booked for the party tonight, remember to come okay? I want you to be happy with us and remember us even when we are gone away from here." she said handing me the paper. I took it and shove it in my back pocket. She smiled and then went towards her parents who kept on calling her.


Guys this was the 1st chapter. Please vote and comment, and do let me know what you think of this story.




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