Rained on my Heart (Gaara lov...

Par Calienia

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Calienia Moonsilver has lost her family, village and best friend. Her heart is almost torn completely, she do... Plus

Prologue (mostly background story)
Chapter 1 The Orochi Curse
Chapter 2 Silver eyes
Chapter 3 The cookies almost kiss
Chapter 4 Calienia's different emotions
Chapter 5 Ariving at the sand Village
Chapter 6 Day 1 in Suna
Chapter 7 Fun at the beach!
Chapter 8 Enchanted Valintines day
Chapter 9 Truths of the past
Chapter 10 Hospital of Hell
Chapter 11 The love doctor has arrived!
Chapter 12 My not so perfect life
Chapter 13 Leaving the sand...
Chapter 14 The grain of sand in the Ocean's tides
Chapter 15 Wing women
Chapter 16 Anna's and Kankuro's wedding day! ^_^
Chapter 17 A Celestial Heart break part 1
Chapter 19 A date on the beach
Chapter 20-final The arrival
Info (Important stuff!)

Chapter 18 A Celestial Heart break part 2 He saved me from Myself

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Par Calienia

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I starred at the other me in horror. I began sliding back until my back hit a wall. The other me chuckled. She was wearing the same thing as me,

(I forgot to mention that Calienia took her hair down in the last chapter when she got home.)

But had the dark eye showing. I looked at my night stand and picked up my mirror.

‘My eyes were normal this whole time?!’

I set the mirror back down and looked at the other me who was now on the bed crawling her way up to me. My whole body shook like crazy from the fear and tears fell from my terrified eyes.

“There’s no need to be afraid dear Calienia. I’m here to help you.” She said while putting a hand on my left cheek.

I flinched and turned my head away, squeezing my eyes shut and letting more tears fall free.

“What a terrible life we’ve had, all I want to do is make that pain go away.” She said and I opened my eyes to look at her.

“H-how?” I said shakily.

“All you have to do.” She paused and leaned in close to my ear. “Is become one with me.”

I stopped breathing for a moment and then coughed up more blood.

“You can’t possibly live without a heart. Your luckily the shards are still enough to keep you going, but only for awhile longer. Become one with me and all the pain and suffering will stop.” She whispered putting the hand that was on my cheek on my chest.

I cried more while coughing up blood, I couldn’t breathe and the light was fading from my eyes. Or at least whatever light was left that was in my dark little room. I had the light off and the blinds were closed, not to mention it was night time already.

I didn’t want to die but I didn’t want to become one with this scary side of me either. I wanted the pain to stop.

I shed a few more tears before nodding and the other part of me pulled away and laughed evilly.

“The curse is complete.” She said with a demonic voice and grabbed my wrists, pinning them to the wall.

A dark demonic purple light flashed around us and I felt pain in every corner of my body as my darker half forced her way into my soul. The pain was so great I screamed at the top of my sore lungs and felt bloody tears go down my cheeks.

-Gaara’s P.O.V.-

I was finally done with work and hurried to Calienia’s house. It was night time so you can imagine how bright the purple light flashed when I got close by. I heard Calienia scream and I ran as fast as I could to her house until I finally got there.

I burst through the doors and into her room when the screaming stopped and the purple light was gone. My eyes widened in horror when I saw Calienia.

She was leaning against the wall in her brown tank top and underwear. Her eyes looked like the starry sky but pitch black and demonic. Blood was pouring from her eyes and from her chest down to her torso. Calienia slowly turned her head to look at me. Her mouth was partly open and her expression held shock.

“Gaara.” She said in her voice along with that of a demon’s.

She began smiling.

“I’m going to kill you.”

My eyes widened as she stood up from her bed and walked closer to me. I backed up a bit and she stopped in her tracks.

“No. You’re the Kazekage. I’ll make the village suffer first!” Calienia yelled and grew wings that spread out like an eagles but looked like a tainted doves.

She jumped and flew up breaking the ceiling and flying into the sky.

‘I have to save the village!’ I thought and ran out of the house to go after her.

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I woke up in a cold pitch black place.

‘Where am I?’

I stood up and saw something shine through the darkness. It was my heart. The shards were glowing pink and sparkling and there were small gremlins piecing together my heart. Every shard they put back together turned black and had a demonic purple glow to it.

“Isn’t this wonderful Calienia?” I heard my dark half say but I couldn’t see her.

“What have you done?!”

“You mean what have we done. Every shard that our minions piece together makes us stronger! Soon all our pain will be gone and we can live peacefully.”

“Peace…fully?” I said feeling numb and sat down leaning against something in the dark.

I closed my eyes and I could see everything my dark half saw. She was flying in the sky above the village.

-Calienia’s dark half P.O.V.-

I made hand signs and grinned evilly.

“Water style. Eternal dark flow!” I yelled and hit the village with tainted waves of pure darkness.

I had water style but all my techniques were dark and evil.

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

“What are you doing?!” I asked terrified watching the villagers getting swept away by the tides.

“These people have tortured us! They chased us down like we were a slut who would sleep with any man who got to us first!” My darker half yelled.

“Yeah…but…” I trailed off feeling numb again.

“Don’t worry; we will destroy our pain together!”

“Destroy…our pain.”

We swooped in and spotted some children in a dry place of the village, crying out for their parents. We were about to attack- me not really being in control- when Anna jumped to the kid’s aid.

“Lightning style, lightning flash cry!” Anna screamed and hit us with a burst of lightning.

We screamed in pain. Our arms were wet so it hurt more.

“Wind style, dark moon cleave!” We yelled and were about to slice Anna when Kankuro jumped in front of her and got slashed.

“Kankuro! Anna!” I yelled out. “No! What are you doing?! Those are my friends!”

“Are they?!” The darker me snapped.

-3rd person’s P.O.V.-

When Calienia saw Kankuro get hurt, one of the shards the gremlins pieced together turned back to pink.

“They tease us child! Yes they do, they tease us with their perfect lives.” Dark Calienia said while fighting Anna and Kankuro.

“What do you mean?” Calienia asked.

“Look at them! Their married and have a child on the way, don’t we deserve love like that?! Don’t we deserve a family to?!”

Calienia fell back to silence and went numb again. The shard that turned pink fell back to a dark demonic purple.

Anna was about to get hurt again but Kankuro pulled her inside his puppet.

“Ha! As if wood can stop me! Nothing can stop me!” Dark Calienia said and charged for the puppet. “Wind style, dark wind cross cut!”

Kankuro jumped in front of the puppet and got severely injured. Anna watched with horror from the cracks of the puppet as she saw her new husband fall to the ground bleeding.

(No he’s not dead!)

“I told you boy, you should have listened.” Dark Calienia said and then was caught in sand.

“Calienia! I don’t know what happened to you but this ends now!” Gaara said with anger. “Sand coffi-

Gaara stopped when Calienia turned her head and looked at him. She looked like the normal Calienia with tears where the blood was.

“Are you going to kill me now Gaara?” Calienia said as if she were going to cry more.

Gaara’s body shook unsure of himself.

“Ha! Like you can kill the one you love!” Dark Calienia yelled and used water to make the sand fall, her face going back to dark eyes and bloody tears. “Water style, irresistible dark water blast!”

Gaara didn’t even try to dodge, but once dark Calienia was about to punch him with dark water pressure waves she stopped right in front of him as if paralyzed.

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I opened my eyes the moment I heard my dark half’s words.

‘He can’t kill the one he loves? Gaara…Gaara loves me?’

I closed my eyes again to see what was happening.

“What are you doing?! Pitiful child, I was about to end his life!” My darker half said in the real world so even Gaara could here.

(Yes they have been communicating mentally.)

“Why kill Gaara?!” I said wanting an answer.

-3rd person’s P.O.V.-

Every time Calienia spoke her eyes would turn bright white, like white with silver sparkles and the bloody tears turned back to normal tears and the wings were white with a blue wave pattern. Every time dark Calienia spoke her appearance was the same as before with dark eyes and bloody tears with black wings.

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

“Why?! Why kill Gaara?! He is responsible for our heart break! He was with Matsuri and didn’t even chase after us! I bet he finished things with that girl before he entered our room!” Dark Calienia yelled.

-3rd person’s P.O.V.-

By this time Calienia’s heart was fixed and half glowed bright while the other remained dark. Both Calienia’s were in control.

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

“The only reason I didn’t chase after you was because I had to stay and work, I had no choice!” Gaara yelled.

“Ha! Work he says, then what about the girl?!” Dark Calienia yelled back, still struggling to move her arm and punch Gaara down.

“I tripped on my robe and fell on Matsuri! I tried calling you to explain but you didn’t answer.” Gaara yelled again.

Calienia gasped.

“Don’t listen child! He’s lying!” Dark Calienia yelled.

“Have I ever lied to you?!” Gaara yelled and then trapped dark and light Calienia in a hug.

“He’s lying!” Dark Calienia tried to convince.

“You said he couldn’t hurt the one he loves.” Calienia said mentally.

“Yes but-

“Doesn’t that mean he loves me?”

“Well yes but-

“Then he’s not responsible for our heart break.”

“Then who is?!” Dark Calienia yelled annoyed.

“We are. We misunderstood. You are me and you convinced me he hurt us. So it’s your fault.”

“What don’t blame this on me?! That’s it, I’m taking over!”

“As if I’d let you!” Calienia yelled and suddenly they were both in their mind next to their heart.

They both looked like they did in front of Gaara only the dark half had a black corset dress with red and the light half had a white corset dress with blue. They were both bare foot and ready to fight.

“Water style, dark shark rain!” dark Calienia yelled making hand signs and water sharks started falling like rain.

Calienia dodged it and flew behind her.

“Wind style, straight wind slash!” Calienia said and charged in getting a direct hit. “All this time I’ve been clueless. You knew and kept it from me. Gaara loves me and for so long my heart has been trying to tell me I love him to!”

“No, please! I beg of you!” The dark half said crawling back on the floor while the light half walked up to her slowly. “How can you be so strong?!”

“I now have love back in my life.” The light half said and did hand signs.









(Hand signs ^)

“Don’t fuck with my love life! Water style, water swallow!” The light half yelled and engulfed the dark half with pure water.

-3rd person’s P.O.V.-

There was a flash and the dark half was gone forever. The curse mark on Calienia’s wrist diapered and Calienia fell back but Gaara caught her. Her eyes were back to normal and her tears were dried. The wings disappeared and Calienia was wearing the same thing as before.

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I was sitting on the ground now and Gaara yelled me up. I felt my heart fall back apart. After all, now that the darkness is gone there isn’t anything to keep my heart together. I put my hand on Gaara’s chest and gripped his shirt.

(Or vest thing, whatever.)

“Calienia, are you still in pain?” Gaara spoke softly.

“Of course I am. I’m dying.” I said and Gaara gasped.

“You can’t, I won’t let you!”



“Come closer.” I whispered and Gaara leaned in.

“I came by your office today…to tell you…” I trailed off hearing my voice drift away.

“To tell me what?!” Gaara asked eagerly.

By this time Anna, Kankuro, Temari, Shikamaru, Suzu and all the villagers were around us. Anna was crying into Kankuro’s shirt and Temari was just hugging Shikamaru. Suzu stayed emotionless while watching us.

“I…love……you…” I trailed off and blacked out, letting my hand fall back to my side.

-Gaara’s P.O.V.-

A tear fell from my cheek and I grinded my teeth.

“I love you to…Please don’t go Calienia.” I whispered and leaned down.

My lips gently locked with Calienia’s and I gave her a soft kiss. When I pulled apart Suzu was standing in front of me with a worried look.

“Do you mean that sir Kazekage? Do you really love Cali-Chan?”

I nodded.

“The breakaway Hokage, the one we had before the destruction of our village, Gave me this in case something were to happen.” Suzu said and stuck out her tongue.

The mystery village’s symbol was there.

“Touch your tear and hold out your hand sir Kazekage.” Suzu said and I wiped away my tear and did what she said.

Suzu licked my hand and the symbol disappeared from her tongue.

“Now place your hand over Cali-Chan’s heart”

I did what she said and saw light dust fall from the sky onto my hand and disappear. Calienia breathed in and sat up, gripping my shirt.

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

“I’m…alive?” I said and Gaara hugged me.

“Calienia, I love you to.” Gaara said and I blushed.

“Y-you do? You really do?”

Gaara pulled away and looked at me.

“Yes.” Gaara said and leaned down giving me a sweet kiss.

My eyes remained open in shock but then I closed my eyes and blushed, enjoying the kiss. Gaara pulled away and said.

“I do.”

I smiled and everyone cheered and clapped. I stood up and realized why half of them were clapping.

I was still in my brown tank top and underwear.

“I’m exposed!” I screamed and covered my underwear as best as I could.

Gaara, Suzu, Anna, Kankuro, Temari, and Shikamaru all laughed.

Gaara picked me up of my feet and used his sand to shield me.

“Thanks Gaara.” I said with a smile. “Would you um…”

“What is it?”

“Ok I know the guy normally asks this but…Gaara would you-

I was cut off by Gaara kissing me.

“Yes, I’ll be your boyfriend.” Gaara said and I blushed and smiled.

And that’s how my story began, but I have a feeling I’m going to have a lot more adventures with Gaara. I really did love him and still do; after all, he did just save me…from myself.


Hope u liked it!!!! I worked really hard on it and I just love how sweet it is. I've also been needing to put that pic up for awhile now-------------->

I drew it and then took a picture and brought it to life with paint. Also the story isnt over! I repeat this is not the end! The story will end somewhere in the 20th chapter or so but I plan on making a book 2, although I'm not sure what to use for the cover yet, maybe I'll make it that pic ----->

whatcha think? Anyways thanks for reading and until next time! later! :D

and....i felt this needed a story so I found one that fit as best as it could sooooo yeah, enjoy!

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