The Renaissance

Από HollyAnderson185

154 0 3

Warning: what you're about to read is a complex story involving flashbacks and endless mystery, where 2 soulm... Περισσότερα

June 22, 1986
August 22, 2016
June 22, 1986
August 23, 2016
l'Angolo di Paradiso
May 13, 1956
June 22, 1976
August 24, 2016
May 13, 1956
June 22, 1976
May 14, 1956
Un Cambiamento di Prospettiva
August 24, 2016
May 15, 1956
June 30, 1976
May 16, 1956
August 28, 2016
August 30, 2016
May 21, 1956
Ossessionato dal Passato
August 31, 2016
May 28, 1956
The Perfect Gift
May 31, 1956
September 3, 2016
June 30, 1976
June 1, 1956
September 4, 2016
June 5, 1956
June 30, 1976
September 4, 2016
September 5, 2016
June 31, 1976
September 5, 2016

September 2, 2016

2 0 0
Από HollyAnderson185

I've spent the last few hours in the campus library, consumed in the book. Augustus asked where I was, and I told him to come find me, hoping he can act as a distraction.

"What are you working on now?" he asks, sitting down beside me.

"Oh, just another assignment for my Roman History & Culture class."

"Wow, that professor's working you pretty hard."

"This was actually a bonus assignment. He wanted me to research psychics for some reason."

"That's odd," Augustus says, and I agree with him.

"Oh well, this'll boost my grade even more. I can even go talk to Profeta again."

Augustus suggests we actually go and find her now, since the market is still set up. I realize I could probably use a break from sitting here all day and agree. We arrive at the market, and look around for her tent, but it's not in it's usual spot. We look around the entire market, but we can't find her anywhere. "This is weird, she's here almost everyday," Augustus point out.

"Yeah," I say, and check the time. "Well, I have to work soon anyway, so I better get going."

"Okay, I'll walk you back," Augustus offers.

After a few hours of another slow shift, I notice a women sitting in a chair in the corner. It's Profeta. I leave the cash register and go over to her. "Profeta, how are you? I came to see you today, but I couldn't find you."

"Hi, Alexandria. Unfortunately, I've become quite ill."

"Oh no. How ill?"

She pauses, looking me in the eye. "I'm dying, Alex"

"Wait, what?!" I stare at her in disbelief.

"Call it a psychic cold, if that makes you feel better." She lets out a sigh. "I'm just getting old. Don't worry too hard, dear. It's not worth it."

"But, Profeta, you're not even that old!"

"I'm older than I look."

I can't believe this. "Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?"

"No dear, I don't need anything. But I want you to listen very carefully."

I brace myself, expecting another eerie warning. "You are very cared for, Alexandria. Trust me on that. You are surrounded by those that love you, especially that boy. Hold on tight to these relationships, whether they're a lifelong friendship or a new romance. People come into you life for a reason. And please remember, love is truly the most powerful thing in the world. It will guide you when you need it." 

I start to feel tears welling up in my eyes, but hold them back, trying not to get too emotional. I help her stand up, and hold the door open for her as she leaves. I try to go back to work, but am lost in my thoughts for the rest of my shift.


When I get back to my suite, I call Augustus right away. "Augustus. You won't believe this."

"What is it?" he says, sounding worried.

"Profeta is dying."


"I saw her at Starbucks today. She's really sick, Augustus."

We decide to go visit her the next day. We  top at the market on the way, picking up some flowers and a bucket of fresh peaches. After asking around for a while, we manage to figure out where she lives. We find her small apartment, and knock on the door. "Profeta?" I call,  hoping she can hear me.

"Come in, it's open," I hear her say.

We open the door to her cute little apartment, decorated with rustic furniture. She's laying on her bed, holding a cup of tea.

"We bought you these," I say, showing her the flowers and the fruit.

"Oh, you guys are so sweet."

We sit on the bed beside her. "How are you doing?" Augustus asks her.

"I won't lie; not very good." She's cut off by a momentary coughing fit. "Augustus, can you please open the window? It's way too hot in here."

"Of course." Augustus gets up and opens the window by the bed halfway.

"That's better." Profeta relaxes a little.

"Profeta, when did this start?" I ask.

"Honestly, I don't really know. It came on so gradually, I couldn't tell you. This actually happens to a lot of us. All the energy can become terribly exhausting after a while."

"I would imagine."

We all sit in silence for a while, just listening to the sounds of the city from the open window. Profeta opens her eyes. "Can I tell you guys something?"

"Anything," Augustus says.

She takes in a deep breath, almost bracing herself, like whatever she's about to say will bring her pain. "I'm just going to tell you the truth, since there's no point in me keeping it from you any longer. You two were meant to be together."

Augustus and I look at each other, then back at the psychic. "It's no coincidence that Alexandria came here all the way from California. In fact, I helped to make it happen, sending you all my energy. You see, you two are soulmates. The universe meant for you to be together, from the very beginning of time."

"Does this have to do with reincarnation?" I ask, making the connection.

"It does. I won't lie, this isn't the first time we all met." My eyes widen. "But I'll save that for another time."

Augustus and I look at each other, not knowing what to say. "That's not all," she continues.

"You two are being haunted, by someone from my past. That's why I keep telling you to be careful Alex, and I mean it. This person is dangerous."

"Who is it?" I ask, my alarm growing.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you yet. I'm telling you far too much already. But what I can tell you, is that I made a terrible mistake, a long time ago."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Augustus asks.

"No. Well, actually, you kind of already did. But recently, I've realized that the mistake I made wasn't what I had originally thought it was. I spent so long focused on one problem, that wasn't even that big of a problem, instead of realizing what I actually did."

I look at Augustus and frown. I feel like there's something I should do, but I have no idea what could possibly do. Profeta speaks up again. "Promise me you'll be careful. Be aware of your surroundings constantly, pay attention to who you're talking to. This person is incredibly close. In fact, you've already-" She's interrupted by a sharp pain in her side, and she clutches her stomach, groaning.

"Profeta?" I say in alarm.

"It's okay. It passed. You guys should get going. It's getting dark."

Before we leave, I make her more tea, and cut up a few peaches for her. "You two have a good night, and make it home safely."

"Sleep well, Profeta," I tell her, then close the door.

We walk to my suite in silence, trying to comprehend what she just told us. I go in and lock the door, now taking what she said seriously. I lay down on the bed with a sigh, and Augustus lays down next to me. "Now what do we do?" I say.

"Where's that book?" he asks.

I sit up and find it in my bag. Augustus takes it and opens it. "There has to be something in here that'll help. Maybe something to cure her."

"Do you think whoever this person is is hurting her somehow?"

"That's exactly what I think." Augustus says, determined to find an answer.

I grab my laptop, and we spend the entire night researching. I notice the sun rising, and I shut my laptop in frustration. "Nothing," I say.


I lay my head down, exhausted, feeling regretful. Augustus lays down on his back. "Now what?"

"I have no idea. Unless we can somehow figure out who this mysterious person is."

"That's not a bad idea. I guess we'd just have to be extremely observant and try and look out for anything abnormal."

"This person is probably pretty smart though, since we haven't noticed anything yet."

"Aren't you learning about the minds of psychopaths?"

"Oh yeah, I am," I remember. "I guess that could come in handy."

"Yeah. I guess we better start thinking like one."

"I'll try my best."

After Augustus leaves, I manage to get a few hours of sleep in before my first class of the day. At 9:00, I drag myself into the shower since I can't remember the last time I had one, so that is obviously the priority right now. I scrub myself clean, braid my hair, put on a comfy dress, and get going.

I have Psych & Law today, so I take the opportunity to ask my professor a few questions. "Hey Mr. Ravioli...what would be some ways to look out for psychopathic behaviour?"

"Why, are you hunting one down?" he asks, chuckling.

"Just curious." I say casually.

"Well, I think one of the biggest signs would be a lack of remorse. Psychos don't feel any guilt whatsoever, and that is of course why so many of them become serial killers. They'll go on a killing spree without thinking twice. Also, they have an inflated self-worth, and an uncanny ability to charm and manipulate anyone."

"Okay, thanks."

"Hope that helps."

I leave the room and head to the library to continue my psychic assignment (and also to research ways on how to help Profeta). After reading a few more chapters, I find something pretty interesting. I call Augustus immediately.


"We can transfer her some of our energy," I say on the way to Profeta's apartment.

"Because we're soulmates?" Augustus asks.


"Okay. How does that work?"

"I'm not really sure. Probably a spell or something."

We go inside, and find Profeta sitting in a chair reading a book. "Are you sure you guys want to do this?" she asks, already knowing why we're hear.

"Positive," I say.

"Alight. Can you close all the curtains and light the candles?"

Augustus and I get the room ready, and we all sit in a circle on the floor. The book is open to the page with the incantation, surrounded by three candles, one in front of each of us. "Okay, we'll all need to join hands. And I'll warn you now, you two might feel a little off for a few days, but it'll pass."

"It's okay. As long as this helps you," I say.

She closes her eyes, and starts speaking in Latin. I feel tingly inside, and then like something is being sucked out of me. A wind starts blowing around us, and I suddenly feel extremely tired. After a minute, Profeta stops. "It's done."

We all open our eyes. "That felt so weird," Augustus says. 

"Well I did just draw out some of your energy."

"What should we do now?" I ask.

"The best thing for you to do would be to go home and rest for a while. Don't do anything too strenuous."

We get back to my suite, and I lay on my bed, thinking. Augustus lays down beside me. "So," he says. "I guess we're soulmates."

"Destined to be together," I say in a mocking tone.

"This is all so crazy," he says.

"Tell me about it."

We both fall asleep, too exhausted to do anything else. I wake up with a sickening feeling, like I just had a nightmare, but I can't tell what it was. I look over at Augustus, who is still asleep and facing the other way. I sit up against the wall, and just think for a while, staring out the window. So, over the last ten days, I've arrived in Rome, met my soulmate, met a dying psychic, and found out that some psycho person is haunting me. Oh, and that reincarnation is actually a thing. I wonder what happened in my past life...

Augustus wakes up and notices me staring out the window. "What are you thinking about?"

"What if this person is really dangerous. They have ability to suck out a psychic's energy, without even being near them. What kind of person is more powerful than a psychic?"

"Don't worry about it too much," he says, and puts his arm around me. "How about we go somewhere and get our minds off this."

We decide to go to "Angolo di Paradiso", where we went on the first day we met. I order spaghetti, but realize I don't have much of an appetite when the food arrives. I just twirl the noodles around my spoon.

We go for a walk after, and the streets are alive with people and music. We find a park and sit on a bench, watching people go by. Augustus can obviously tell I'm still stressed because he says, "Don't worry about anything." He then pushes a strand of hair out of my eyes, and leans in and kisses me. It's slow and gentle, and totally what I need right now.

He pulls back and smiles, then does it again. "I've been waiting for you to do that," I say, smiling.

"Me too," he admits.

He walks me back to my suite. He asks if I'll be okay here by myself. I tell him I'll be fine, but kind of want him to stay. Before he leaves, I kiss him, returning the favour. "Goodnight, my soulmate," he says.

I laugh, "Goodnight, Augustus."

I get ready for bed, then fall asleep and finally have dreams that aren't haunting.

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