Dil Se Dance

By eripeoptimus

16.4K 491 47

St. Louis College of Commerce and Arts, Mumbai. The highly demanded college for the rich kids and scholarship... More

Into the Streets
The Reunion
The Challenge
The Dazzlers
The Encounter
The Heats
The Ego
Lame Excuses and Sleepless Night
The Reason
The Plan
The Weaklings Team
Practise and Problems
Back To The Streets
The Blackmail Friendship
Amar and Bharat
The Qualifiers
RDX Sir's Party
Pehla Nasha
Taani Shekhawat
A New Problem
Shivam Agnihotri
Swayam or Shivam
Shivam's Party
Heart break
The Eliminations
An Unexplained Theory
The Assault
The Avengeance: Part I
The Avengeance: Part II
Smriti Ghai
Connecting Dots: Love at First Sight
Connecting Dots: Ghai Murder
Last Day
The First Time
The First Time: Swayam's POV
Team St.Louis
The Kiss
The Beer Effect
The Rescue
Amazing Show
Surprises After Rejection
Juicy Effects
Bringing Back Dancing Cinderella
Failing Controversy

New York Life

294 9 1
By eripeoptimus

An year passed...
Yale University, New Havens, US...
"The fuck is wrong with you?? It was the most beautiful thing any man could dream of!!" The brown haired guy shouted at his curly haired brunette bestie who sat in the middle row of the empty lecture hall.

"It was embarrassing..." Swayam stated.

"Are you having some brain congestion or something? Because what I just heard you call this situation 'embarassing'? She proposed you in front of world, pulled of the bloody song in an amazing way, played the fucking guitar... I mean you should kill yourself if you still think of it as embarrassing..."

"Cole! Its not what she did... It's because she's Anna!... I never expected it from her... I mean I clearly had a hint she liked me, for god sake I played cupid on her for James long back ago... but didn't think she'd do something like this now..."

"What's wrong then? You now know she likes you a lot still after all the bull shit you've pulled through..."

"She's a nice girl Cole... But she deserves more..."

"Don't tell me you are rejecting her for a silly girl who broke your heart an year ago, who doesn't give a shit about where the fuck you are or a probability whether you'll see her again or not..." Cole argued.

"I'm leaving... Don't follow me... I'll see you back in the apartment..." Swayam walked to the exit throwing his duffel bag in his shoulder.

"Anything else sire?" Cole teased.

"Yeah... Do keep a check on that pouty mouth of yours... Don't let your jaw break with my fist..." Cole chuckled as Swayam raised his first in the air before leaving to tease the former.

As he passed through the hallway adjacent to the auditorium where Anna had publicly proposed him through a song, with the crowd cheering for him to say yes, half an hour ago. He looked around and found the area cleared off of students.

He walked to where the stunt was pulled off and found the same blonde girl in white Tees, leather jacket and a pair of denim jeans sitting at the edge of the dais with her head in her hands.

She stood up the moment she sensed his presence.
"Swayam... I-I... I'm sorry... for-for..."

"Come, I'll walk you to your dorm..." He offered and she nodded. He took hold of the guitar she held and followed her to the ladies hostel.

"Hey... I feel ashamed for doing that to you... I didn't know your feelings for Sharon was still there... But please think for yourself and move on... I mean she'd be here if she cared..."

"She doesn't know I'm here... Doesn't know what I'm doing..."

"Of course she must be knowing it Swayam! The whole world knows... You are a celebrity! You're heading the top dance company called, 'Destiny', the Daily always has an article on you and us and how the students wants you to concert the company to an academy..."


"Yes! You should go through the paper... We are the favorite young couple of the world... Even if we haven't worked it out on us..."

"Anna... This is not going to work... I'm in love with..."

"Dance... I know... And you should deny it when it comes to that silly girl you pushed me away all those years ago for... And now too.."

"And that's the truth... She's nothing in my life now Anna... It's just that I'm not ready to..."

"Move on??? What! It's already been a year... Okay then how much time will it take?? Just tell me so that I know for sure that my patience will bear a fruit in the finale..." They reached the gate to the ladies hostel.

"Anna..." He frowned.

"Swayam... People are already speculating things about is whether you like it or not... What's wrong if we date? We already have chemistry... Maybe you're meant to be with me... Don't you think?"

As he looked, he found the innocence and hope stagnant in her facade, so much so that he felt it impossible to reject her. Maybe it was time to move on. Maybe she was the one fate chose for him. She was there from the beginning. She waited for him to he returned back to U.S.

"I'll see you tomorrow, 6 am." He said softly, his fingers caressing her cheek. And for the first time in the last few hours did he see the sweet smile on her face. Something in him clicked, the stimulant he had desired to feel again and he leaned in to give a peck on the spot he fondled on her cheek.

Her grin broadened, her face reddening that caused him to smile back at her. "Goodnight Anna..."

"Goodnight Sway..." She squeaked and then jolted up in rejoice as soon as he turned around to leave. Her fellow girl friends who witnessed the activity applauded for her and Swayam chuckled as he walked away.

"What??!! Did I hear that correct Mr. Shekhawat? You are dating this girl, let me pronounce it right... 'Anna'? Is that right?" Cole teased as he walked into apartment where they both lived. He saw Swayam busy in his laptop with one hand yielding the smartphone.

"Yes Cole! And don't disturb me, I'm going to make a call to India... I was suddenly struck by an idea for a performance when I kissed Anna..." He bit his tongue as he realized what he just said.

"Wow!! You kissed her already?? Oh I'm guessing your are just making up things for letting me know you both swapped each other's saliva??" He teased again walking to the sofa causing Swayam's cheeks to heat up.

"I-it-it was just on the cheek... And I did it because I hadn't felt that emotion all the year..." He justified.

"Hmm... Okay-okay you were saying something... " Cole said awhile removing his bag on the sofa and entering into the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's related to our stable earnings and performance altogether..." Swayam said as he closed his laptop.

"Regarding the flash mob?" Cole asked from the kitchen amidst his cooking skills unleashing on the oven and stove simultaneously.

"No, the theater... We are going to buy the one we usually rent for our shows... We run different shows and collect the rent and that will keep us in a profit all the time..." He replied.

"And how exactly are you planning to buy it?" Cole asked while bringing the plate containing the omelet and bread he prepared.

"I'll tell you once I make this call... Oh and bring the juice out for me too..." He asked Cole and got himself immersed in the caller tune.

"Swayam?" A female voice responded.

"Visakha, I want you to come..."

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