Seduced By The Jung Twins ✔

By atlas-carter

3.7K 381 176

[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** Both striving for the affection of on... More

Prologue || My First Kiss/Promise
One || Jung Hoseok
Two || Jung Hosung
Three || Song Hana
Four || Chemistry Class Pairing
Five || The Twins' House
Six || The Awkwardness
Seven || Standoff
Eight || Hosung & A Fight
Ten || A New Side Of Hosung
Eleven || Hoseok's True Feelings
Twelve || The Twins Fight
Epilogue || Hosung Ending
Epilogue || Hoseok Ending

Nine || The Bad Boy's Room

162 22 2
By atlas-carter

Here I am once again, getting a ride with the Jung brothers to their house. This time I'm hoping to work with Hosung on our project together and hopefully he doesn't get too difficult. Although, he was acting a little weird earlier. It was strange to just have him suggest that I come to their house this time instead of me pushing him. The car ride is silent of talking, but not silent of booming music. He has the volume high up. Damn, I'm surprised he hasn't broken his eardrums yet. I know I couldn't stand to listen to music this loud. I sit in the back seat, texting my parents of my whereabouts and when I'll be coming home.

"Dude, what are you doing?!" He asks in shock. I glance up from my phone in confusion to see his brother fiddling with the radio. The volume has been turned down too.

"The music is too loud," Hoseok states with a shrug, "You don't want your partner to be brain damaged because of your knack of listening to music at such a high volume." He may be acting standoff, but he's still worrying about me. That's kind of comforting. Hosung goes to say something, but nothing comes out and he shuts his mouth. He huffs as he doesn't argue. We soon pull into their driveway. Their house is as big as last time. Of course, I didn't expect it to get smaller or anything. He unlocks the door and holds it open this time.

"Thanks," I thank him as I walk into their house, "Hey, does your dad usually come home late?"

"That's not any of your business," he snaps as he sends me a cool look. I shrink back a little bit and bow my head.

"Hosung," Hoseok scolds his brother with a stern look. Hosung clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I apologize with a sigh, "I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries. I was just curious is all because the last I came over he wasn't here either." He stares at me for a moment before sighing. He glances at Hoseok who is still giving him a stern expression.

"Sorry," he apologizes as he places his car keys in the drawer next to the door.

"I'm going to make myself some tea," Hoseok announces as he glances at us, "Do you two want some?" Hosung shakes his head in response before heading towards the stairs. Hoseok then glances at me. I give a small nod. He nods back as he turns around and heads into the kitchen. I glance to see where Hosung is. He's by the staircase, but he isn't going up. His head is down and he's looking at his phone. I take this opportunity to go into the kitchen. Once there, I see Hoseok carefully making tea.

"Hey," I greet him with a smile as I enter the kitchen. When he hears my voice, he glances up in surprise.

"Hey Y/N," he greets me back in a somewhat monotone voice, "The tea isn't ready yet. I just started making it."

"I know. That's not the reason I came into the kitchen," I respond as I approach him. He nods as he goes back to making tea. I approach him some more until I'm practically right behind him. "Hoseok, did I do something to make you mad at me?" He doesn't respond, but he stops making the tea and stands there in silence. "I don't know what it is that I did to make you mad, but whatever it is I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad in any way. All you've done is been nice to me. The last thing I want to do is be mean to you, so if you could please tell me what it is that I did then after that I'll leave you alone." There's a short silence before he sighs, but doesn't seem to respond. I sigh heavily as I turn around. "Ok, I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry though." As I go to take a step, I feel a hand grab my arm, turning me back around. I come face to face with him. He has a serious look in his eyes as he stares into mine. "Hoseok?"

"I'm not mad at you," he replies as he keeps my gaze. His hand reaches up to my cheek. His hand is big and warm. It's soothing. "It's complicated right now." I nod in understanding.

"Well, could you possibly tell me?" I ask curiously with hopeful eyes. He pauses for a moment before sighing and removing his hand from my cheek. His hand drops beside him and he steps away slightly. I sigh in defeat. Looks like he isn't going to tell me.

"Hey! Are you coming or what?!" Hosung asks impatiently as he walks into the kitchen and sends me a scowl, "Come on, I want to get this project over with, so that I can get back to other stuff."

"Alright, I'm coming," I answer with a sigh as I turn around to follow him. As I go to leave, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I glance around to see Hoseok holding out a tea towards me.

"You wanted one right?" He asks with a grim expression. I nod as I take it from him.

"Thank you," I thank him as a I give him a sad smile before turning around fully and following after Hosung. He leads me up the stairs and down the hallway. The hallway is long and there are several rooms. Even though there are only the two of them and their dad, it looks like most of the rooms are used. I glance at the drawings and paintings hanging on the walls of the hallway. "Did you draw any of these?"

"Nope. I ain't got time for that crap," he responds as he continues to walk ahead of me. I scoff at this. Crap? Art isn't crap if it's beautifully done.

"Dame, don't insult artwork that's beautifully done like this," I say in a firm voice. I hear him sigh. He's probably rolling his eyes at me too. "When an artist puts all of his or her time and effort into their paintings it's not something to call crap about." He turns around and walks backwards while facing me.

"I meant I'm too busy video gaming to do art," he states with a shrug and a slight smirk. Of course, video games. I guess I shouldn't expect someone as lazy as he to do art. "So, what's the deal with you and my brother? You two dating or something?" Why does he have to say it like that? He seems to spit out that last question.

"No, nothing like that. We're just friends," I reply looking directly at him. He stares at me for a moment before raising his eyebrow at me.

"You sure? You two seem pretty close," he answers with a curious look. Why is he suddenly so interested in my relationship with his brother?

"We're not as close as you may think," I voice with a sigh. He eyes me for a moment before shrugging and turning back around. "He seems to be really standoff around me for some reason and he won't even tell me why. He started acting that way ever since he left the nurse's office to go see who it was that was watching us." He suddenly comes to a halt when I say this. I almost bump into him, but I manage to stop myself. He seems to be thinking. "Um..... Hosung?" He continues to stand there for a bit before shaking his head and starts walking again. That was weird.

I follow him to the end of the hall to his door that's painted in completely blood red. Big bold letters are painted on the door too. It reads: IF IT AIN'T IMPORTANT THEN GO AWAY. I click my tongue at that as he opens his door. I follow him inside and my eyes go wide at how messy it is. Clothes are laying all over the ground, dirty socks are resting on the arms of a chair, and food is littered across the room. It reeks of B.O. and it smells as if something died in here.

"Sit wherever," he gestures around his room as he plops himself down in front of the TV, in a squishy chair.

"Geez, did a tornado come through here?" I ask as I step over clothes and food and sit on his bed. He rolls his eyes as he grabs a bag of potato chips then grabs a video game controller and turns on the TV. Oh no, I am not going to have him playing video games while I do all the work. He's probably going to yell at me for doing this, but I don't care. I walk up to the TV and shut it off. Like I expected, he stands up with a pissed off expression on his face. Before he's able to say anything, I already beat him to it. "No video games until we get this project done." He glares daggers at me. "You can glare at me all you want, but you are going to do your part of the project."

"You really are a pain in the ass," he mutters as he puts his video game controller down and sits at his desk. He takes out his binder from his bag and slams it on the desk, clearly annoyed that I'm making him do this. "Why did I end up partnered with you?" I give him a cold glare.

"I don't know," I respond coolly, "Why did I end up partnered with you?" He returns the glare after I say that. We sit there for a few minutes just glaring at each other until I finally break the stare from my eyes starting to water. I hear him snicker. "What's so funny?"

"I won," he states with a victorious smile. I raise my eyebrow at him in confusion. He won what? "The glaring contest. I won because I didn't blink." I stare at him with a neutral expression before rolling my eyes.

"I didn't realize that it was a competition," I murmur as I look off to the side. I hear him chuckle in amusement.

"What? What was that?" He asks teasingly as he puts his hand to his ear, "Was that the sound of defeat?"

"Shut up," I say in a huff as I grab his pillow and throw it at him. He easily dodges it though.

"Is that all you got?" He asks taunting with a smug look. I let out a big sigh as I go to grab another pillow, but instead my hands grab something solid. I bring whatever it is that I grabbed in front of me and look down at it. To my surprise, it's a sketchbook. I flip open to a page and my eyes go wide at how beautifully drawn out it is. It's a drawing of a boy crying. I'll admit that the theme is a bit depressing, but the artwork itself is drawn extremely well. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I glance up and right when I do, the sketchbook is snatched from my hands. I glance up at him to see an annoyed, but also slightly embarrassed expression on his face as he holds the sketchbook tightly to his chest. "Don't go looking through things that aren't yours." He gives me a glare before placing the sketchbook beside him on the desk.

"Sorry, but you're a really good artist," I comment with a shrug. He rolls his eyes.

"It's not that good," he mumbles as he begins to doodle on his notes, "I mean, it's not like I'm a professional artist. It's just some lame sketches." I can't tell if he's being modest or if he's just embarrassed and he's trying to cover up his embarrassment by pretending like it's nothing.

"They aren't lame though," I speak with a small laugh, "They're really good. You've got an amazing gift. Why not let others see them too?" He turns his gaze to me and stares directly into my eyes. He has a piercing stare as his eyes seem to boar into my soul. I feel uncomfortable under his gaze and I try to avert my eyes somewhere else, but before I do he averts his gaze and grabs his notebook.

"In that case, if I'm apparently so amazing, mind if I draw you?" He asks with a grin. My eyes slightly widen at his request. He wants to draw me? Why me? I mean, I'm not exactly that pretty or anything. I'm pretty much just normal. Although, I'm sure with his skill he would probably be able to make me look prettier.

"Really?" I ask in surprise and uncertainty. He gives a nod as a mischievous smirk appears on lips. Uh oh. Nothing good comes out of him smirking like that.

"Really. Now how should I draw you?" He asks as he looks me up and down. His mischievous smirk still plastered on his face. I shrug as I take my water bottle out and take a sip from it. His smirk becomes devilish as an idea pops in his head. "Oh, I know. How about I draw you naked?" When he says this, I immediately spit out the water that I had just taken a sip of and it goes flying all over the room. He watches this in shock before he bursts into a fit of laughter. I grimace at this.

"I'm sorry I even asked," I grumble as I wipe the few drops of water from my mouth. He chuckles humorously making me glare at him. "It's not funny, so stop laughing."

"Haha ahaha," he laughs as he holds his stomach, "Holy shit I haven't laughed that hard in so long. Your reaction though was priceless. I picked the perfect moment too." Of course I just had to be drinking water when he said that.

"Shut up," I remark as I take a bag of chips and fling it at him. He catches it with both hands and smirks. I groan in frustration. "Ugh, I give up." He lets out a heartfelt chuckle as he sets the bag of chips on his desk.

"Hehe, you're fun to tease," he proclaims with a grin. I sigh heavily.

"Yeah yeah, get to work buddy," I respond as I roll my eyes. I hear a small chuckle escape his lips as he turns to his binder and opens it up. I too get my own binder out and open it up. We both get to work on our parts of the project. By 8:00, we both had our parts of the project done. He ended up needing help on his part though. I was reluctant, but he promised that I could look at his sketches if I helped him, so I did. We had flipped through each sketch. Most of them had the same theme as the first one that I had seen, but there were a few that seemed happy. My favorite one had a little girl and a boy sharing their first kiss. It was sweet. When we finish looking at the last one, I close the sketch book and give it back to Hosung. "Those were really awesome Hosung. If you become an artist I would definitely buy your artwork."

"Thanks," he thanks me as he places his sketch book back on his desk before turning back to me. I glance at my phone quickly. It's getting late.

"Well, I should probably head home now," I announce as I stand up, packing my things in my bag. He nods as he stands up too. "Thanks for cooperating with the project." He nods again as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks down at the ground awkwardly. "Anyways, see you tomorrow." I wave to him before leaving his room and walking down the hallway. As I walk, I hear footsteps behind me. I glance around to see him walking behind me. I eye him in confusion.

"I can't very well let a girl walk home alone now, can I," he states with a small smile, "Come on, I'll give you a lift." Wow, he's being strangely considerate. Wonder if he's feeling ok. I give a smile of appreciation as I walk down the stairs beside him. I notice Hoseok sitting on the couch with a cup in his hand and what seems to be his homework in the other.

"Bye Hoseok," I say as we walk to the front door. He stands up and walks over to us. He smiles at us.

"You two get your project done?" He asks curiously. I give a firm nod.

"Tch, none of your business," Hosung snaps as he lets out a scoff before opening the front door. I roll my eyes at this before turning to Hoseok.

"Surprisingly, we got it done and he didn't complain too much," I reply with a smile. He smiles back and gives a nod. "Well, I got to go home now. See you tomorrow at school." As I turn to leave, I feel a hand latch onto my wrist making me stop in my tracks. I glance around to see him gently holding onto my wrist. "Hoseok?" He goes to say something, but nothing comes out.

"No, I have no right to stop you. I already decided to let go of those feelings," he mutters as he looks at me apologetically and lets go of my wrist, "Sorry. See you tomorrow. Good night Y/N." With that, he turns on his heel and walks into the kitchen. I watch his back as he leaves. What did he mean by he already decided to let go of those feelings? I'm so confused. Either way, I can't stop my rapid heart from beating faster. Not too long ago, I had realized that I had feelings for Hoseok and yet he seems completely uninterested in me that way. I wonder, should I let go of these feelings and move on or should I still hold onto them? With a heavy heart, I leave the Miller brothers' house and get into the car with Hosung. He drives me to my house and walks me up to my front door.

"Well, see you tomorrow I guess," he says as he turns to leave, but I stop him and grab his arm. He turns to me with a questioning look. I find myself staring into his eyes. He looks so much like Hoseok. I know it's wrong of me to try and see Hoseok through Hosung, but I can't help it. "What's up?" Without even thinking, I close the distance between us and my face inches closer and closer to his. His eyes widen as my face comes closer to his. "What are you-?!" I bring my lips to his cheek and give it a quick peck before slowly backing away. His eyes are round as he touches his cheek. "Why did you....?"

"I don't know because I wanted to I guess," I answer with a shrug. He stares at me for a moment before a smirk plays on his lips.

"Oh~, I get it. You just wanted to get me back from teasing you about drawing you naked," he recalls as he points at me. His teasing tone seems to bring me back to my senses and my eyes widen at my bold move. That wasn't really the reason, but I suppose I can go with that.

"Haha, you got me," I respond nervously as I rub the back of my head. He grins at this.

"I knew it. You're a sneaky one, aren't you," he comments as he playfully glares at me. I find myself stifling at laugh at that. "Well, I suppose I deserve that. Anyways, see you tomorrow Y/N."

"Yeah, see you tomor-...... wha....," I hesitate with wide eyes as I watch him leave, "You called me by my first name." I mumble that last bit as I watch him get in his car and drive off. He never calls me by my first name. He usually only calls me YOU or says HEY. I think this is the first time he's called me by my first name. For some reason, I begin to feel a warm feeling rise in my chest and a smile creeps up onto my face.

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