Seduced By The Jung Twins ✔

Autorstwa atlas-carter

3.7K 381 176

[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** Both striving for the affection of on... Więcej

Prologue || My First Kiss/Promise
One || Jung Hoseok
Two || Jung Hosung
Three || Song Hana
Four || Chemistry Class Pairing
Five || The Twins' House
Seven || Standoff
Eight || Hosung & A Fight
Nine || The Bad Boy's Room
Ten || A New Side Of Hosung
Eleven || Hoseok's True Feelings
Twelve || The Twins Fight
Epilogue || Hosung Ending
Epilogue || Hoseok Ending

Six || The Awkwardness

195 21 3
Autorstwa atlas-carter

Last night Hoseok drove me home and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't stop blushing after that. It was so embarrassing too because when I came into my house both my mom and dad apparently overheard my conversation with Hoseok, on the porch. They asked me if he and I were dating. Of course, I denied it right away because we aren't dating, but I swear I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast. I don't know how to explain or really comprehend with how I'm feeling. I know I stayed up all night trying to figure out these weird feelings, but either I couldn't figure them out or I just didn't want to admit them. Possibly both.

It wouldn't be surprising though if I suddenly had a crush on him. I mean, he is handsome and super cute. He's also really nice, charming, funny, understanding, caring, and pretty outgoing. Despite the fact that he could very well be a playboy, I suppose it wouldn't be so horrible if I started crushing on him. You know, just join the rest of of his fan club at school, the one who glares holes in other girls' backs whenever he talks to a girl other than them. On second thought, now that I think of it, I'm not and I don't want to be one of those girls who is so madly in love with someone, along with a bunch of other people, and gets jealous so easily. I'm just not that kind of person.

I don't know how I'm going to face him today though. I can barely look in the mirror without blushing like crazy. I keep touching the spot on my cheek where he kissed me too. Yeezus! I don't know how I feel, I don't know how I'm supposed to act when I see him, I don't know if I should expect him to just suddenly ask me on a date or what! Gah~, I need some advice and quick!

When I got to school, I didn't exactly ignore or avoid him, I just didn't make eye contact with him. He also seemed to be a lot more comfortable with me, if that even makes sense. I mean, like he talked to me as if he's known me for a long time and that he didn't just meet me about three to four days ago. Anyways, I kept stuttering and rambled a lot. I do that when I get nervous or when I'm embarrassment. It's how people, who have known me for a long time, can tell when I'm nervous or embarrassed. I already knew Hana could tell that something was up because she kept eyeing me when she noticed me stuttering. I know I can never hide anything from her because she'll always catch on.

I sigh heavily as I take my seat in my first class. After this morning in the locker bay, I just took off like a rocket. I had to get out of there as fast as possibly. I could barely stand being there. I was that nervous and embarrassed. Soon, Hoseok, Hana and the others come in and sit in their spots. I glance up and my eyes immediately meet with his. He sends me a heartwarming grin and a soft spoken wink. My eyes widen at his gestures and I avert my eyes. I grab my bag and pretend to rummage through it.

"Lose something?" His voice appears in a whispered tone right beside my ear. My whole body jerks in alarm and I glance around to see him crouching down beside my desk with a slightly amused expression. Goddammit, this is not going so well.

"Um.... no, I'm j-just l-looking for m-my......," I begin to say as I quickly glance into my bag. My eyes lock on a small, purple hair clip. "My hair clip! Yeah!" I quickly show him the hair clip in panic. He eyes it curiously before glancing back at me. I stifle a nervous laugh as I use it to pin back some loose hair. He watched me as I do that. Dude, stop watching me!! I gulp nervously as I can feel his eyes on me.

"You're so cute Y/N," he comments as he turns his gaze off of me. My eyes widen and heat rises to my cheeks at his comment. I stare straight ahead in shock that he said that so calmly. Why am I the only one feeling really nervous right now? For most of class, he doesn't bother me that much, but once in a while I'll catch him glancing my way. By the end of first period, I feel all fidgety. I really need to go take a breather. When the bell rings, I grab my things and head straight for the girls' bathroom. I enter the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. I let turn on the water of the sink and let the faucet run before splashing some cold water onto my face. I need to cool my face off because it looks like I just came out of a sauna. Just then Hana comes in and approaches me. Oh no.

"Um.... hey Hana," I greet her with a small wave and a nervous smile. She crosses her arms and taps her foot on the ground.

"Yong Y/N," she announces in a high pitched tone. Yeezus, she used my full name! She means business.

"Um.... yeah?" I ask in a fearful tone as I shrink back. She appraoches me until she is directly in front of me and peers into my still red face.

"Tell me what is going on with you and Hoseok, right now," she commands as she raises her eyebrow. I gulp at this and look away. "Tell me right now or else I am not letting you leave this bathroom until you do." She actually will keep me locked up in here if I don't. I sigh as I take a deep breath and explain to her what happened yesterday. She listens to me attentively without interrupting me and once I'm done she stares at me for a moment before her eyes widen. "Really?! He kissed your cheek?!" I nod slowly as I look away in embarrassment. "I knew it! I knew he loved you!" Her voice echoes through the bathroom and I try to shush her.

"Hana, shush, don't say that so loudly," I say in a panicked voice as I place my finger over my lips. She nods in understanding and settles down a little bit, but still smiles brightly.

"Sorry, but it's so cool since I kind of predicted that you two were going to be together," she states with a victorious smile. I raise my eyebrow at that. She predicted that me and Hoseok would be together? When was this?

"Hana, he just kissed my cheek," I respond with a shrug, "It doesn't mean that we're together or that we'll be together." She clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes.

"Still that means that he likes you," she says suggestively as she nudges me and sends me a wink, "Maybe even more than a friend."

"Yeah, I highly doubt that," I retort as I let out a laugh. I doubt someone as popular as Hoseok would go out with a girl like me.

"Believe what you want Y/N. I know when a boy has feelings for a girl. It's written all over his face," Hana comments with a knowing expression. I stifle a laugh.

"Yes because you're suddenly the expert on dating," I remark with a teasing smirk. She sends me a fake laugh making me giggle.

"Hey now, no one said that I was an expert. I just have this hunch," she replies with a shrug. I sigh in defeat. Well, she's definitely had more experience with dating than I have, so I suppose she knows what she's talking about.

"Alright, fine. I'll trust that you know what you're saying," I answer with a knowing smile. She smiles triumphantly at me before scrunching me in a tight hug.

"Ooo~, I can't believe my little Y/N is all grown up and having her first boyfriend," she rejoices as she hugs me tightly.

"You sound like my mom," I voice with a laugh as I hug her back, "Besides I'm not little. It's not like I just became a teenager. I've been a teenager for quite some time. It's just that no guy has really noticed me until now." Actually that's a lie. Minus the boy that I met 12 years ago, no other guy has noticed me in a dating way. She scoffs as she pulls away and grips my shoulders.

"Yong Y/N," she starts as she gives me a serious look. Oh, she used my whole name again. That must mean that she's down to business again. "You are the most loving, caring, understanding, bubbly, cute, beautiful, loyal, and awesomest friend that I have ever had. People don't like you just for your cuteness. They like you because you're an amazing person. Come on, you should have more faith in yourself."

"Hey, I wish I could see myself as you see me, but unfortunately I'm one of those people who believes that everybody else is better than me," I speak with a sigh. She sighs too as she hugs me from the side. I hug her back.

"You're so silly Y/N," she comments as she pulls away and flashes me a smile. I smile back at her. "Now back to the Hoseok situation. From where I'm standing, he's totally got the hots for you, but from where you're standing he may or may not like you in a romantic way. Am I right?" I simply nod in response making her nod back. "Well, the next step is to find out if he likes you in a romantic way and then if he does then you can get your feelings straightened out and then you two can date and get married and make lots of babies and love happily ever after." My eyes widen at each thing that she says. She notices me staring at her wide eyed. "Am I thinking too far in the future?" I nod with a slightly nervous expression. She sighs, but gives a nod. "Ok, well, we'll just start with trying to figure out if he likes you in a romantic way or not, alright?" I nod again in understanding. "Good, now let's head to our next class." I nod as I sling my bag over my shoulder and follow her out of the bathroom. We head to our next class. Through most of second class, Hana and I try to pick up signs from Hoseok to see if he may possibly like me, but seems to be acting like normal. Maybe I got my hopes up thinking that a cool guy like him would like a girl like me.

When lunch comes, we go to the cafeteria and get in line as usual before heading to sit at our table. This time Hosung, Namjoon, and Yoongi aren't there eating with us. Only Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Seokjin, and Hoseok are sitting with us. I wonder where those two are. I don't worry too much about it though as I eat my lunch. Lunch is surprisingly not as gross today as it has been in the last few days. As I finish eating, a chocolate cookie is passed to me. I glance up to see Hoseok smiling at me.

"You've been looking a little down since second period," he states as he places the cookie in my hand. My eyes slightly widen at this gesture. I take a glance at Hana, who's smiling knowingly at me. Is this what she meant by trying to see if Hoseok likes me? I sit there slightly confused.

"Thanks," I thank him with an awkward smile as I bite into the cookie. He smiles back in response. Once we're all through eating, we head to our lockers. When we get to our lockers, Hosung, Namjoon, and Yoongi are already there. The three of them have bruises and blood splatter across their faces. Their clothes are slightly ripped. I guess they got into another fight.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Seokjin in asks in curiosity. As they're about to respond, the principal storms into the locker bay.

"You three in my office, now!" The principal yells with a furious look on his face. Oh boy. The three, beaten up boys sigh as they follow the principal to his office. As they go by us, I lock eyes with Hosung, who stares at me for a moment before looking away. He had this weird look in his eyes, but I couldn't quite figure it out.

"If he keeps this up, he's going to end up getting expelled," Hoseok mumbles to himself as he sighs and opens his locker. I gaze at his profile. He has a worried look on his face as he takes his bag out of his locker. He notices me staring at him and glances my way. "What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" I immediately shake my head and avert my gaze. "Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?" I simply nod as I keep my eyes looking into my locker. "You wouldn't happen to not be making eye contact with me because of what happened yesterday, right?" My eyes widen at this. So, he knew why I was acting strange. I try to play it cool and laugh it off.

"Haha, what, of course not," I respond with a laugh, but really inside I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. He chuckles at my response and shrugs.

"Well, have fun in chemistry," he replies as he waves to me, "I'll see you later." I wave to him as he leaves with Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and Seokjin who kisses Hana on the lips before leaving.

"Now I'm sure that he likes you," Hana murmurs with a smile. I sigh as I semi ignore her comment. We walk to chemistry class together. The three boys of course aren't there. I guess they're still hauled up in the principal's office. Just as I think that, I see the boys walking with their heads down and the principal is walking right behind them. He leads them into the classroom and the class begins. Hosung sighs as he leans back in his chair. I side glance at his profile. His right cheek is swollen and he has a cut on his lip. He notices my gaze and snaps his head to look at me.

"What are you looking at?" He asks in a cold voice as he gives me an icy glare before turning his attention back to the front. I sigh and roll my eyes as I too turn my attention to the front. There's just no winning with that guy. Class goes by at a good pace and during that class time we are given the opportunity to work on our projects. Hosung, of course, is being difficult and doesn't want to do any work. "Here, you do it."

"Don't give it for me to do," I answer as I push his work back at him, "You have to do your equal share of the work. I can't go and do your part just because you don't want to do it."

"Tch, you're no help," he snaps as he scoffs. I clench my fist together. "I'm not getting anything done and it's your fault."

"My fault?" I ask in shock and a little bit louder than I should have because now everyone is staring at us, including the teacher. Oops, oh well. "Hosung, you've barely gotten anything done because you refuse to work with me, you refuse my help, you refuse to work as it is."

"Just now I asked you for help and you wouldn't help me," he retorts with a sour look. Liar! He is such a liar! Is this because I tricked him into coming to class?

"Actually, no, you didn't," I respond in an obvious tone, "All you did was toss your papers at me and said here, you do it. I will help you if you ask me for help, but I will not do your work for you." He clenches his jaw as I say this.

"I never asked you to!" He exclaims in annoyance as he narrows his eyes at me.

"No, you didn't. Instead you expected me to just do it for you," I reply huffing, "The world doesn't revolve around you! I'm not here, I'm not your partner to just take over and do your work whenever you don't want to do it, ok?! I have my own share of work that I have to do and I am not about to let you pile all of your work onto me. If you want to get your part of the project done then do us both a favor and stop being lazy!" I hear murmurs from the other students. Hosung glares at me with a piercing gaze.

"You really are a pain," he states as he shakes his head, "You trick me into coming to class, so that the teacher can give us a huge project. I'll bet when he asked you to trick me, you asked if I could be your partner. That's probably why you agreed to trick me, so that I would be your partner."

"Ok, what is your problem?" I ask with a look of disbelief.

"My problem is that you tricked me and now you won't give me any help," he remarks with an irritated look.

"I did what I had to do to get you to come to class!" I protest as I throw my hands up in the air in frustration. He scoffs at this and gives me a dirty look. "Convincing you was out of the question. Trickery seemed to be the only option, so I did it. As for not giving you help, I have offered to help you so many times and each time you refused saying that I should mind my own damn business." We stand up together and face each other. We glare at each other with hateful stares while our classmates watch in anticipation. "It's not my fault if you keep refusing my help and if you're going to lie and say that I don't help you then fine! I won't help you because you should be doing your part by yourself! I will not waste my own time trying to help you when you don't even want my help! So, stop being an jerk and do your part of the proje-!" I'm cut off of my something hard making an impact with my cheek. The impact sends me flying backwards into the wall. My head collides into the wall with a lot of force. I groan as I feel my head start to pound.

"Mr Jung!" The teacher scolds Hosung in shock. It's hard to comprehend because of the immense pain that I'm feeling, but I'm pretty sure that Hosung just punched me.

"Oh my god! Y/N! Are you ok?" Hana asks in alarm as she races towards me, pushing Hosung out of the way. I sit up and place my hand at the back of my head. I can feel something sticky between my head and my fingers. Confused, I bring my hand in front of my face. Something red drips from my fingers and onto the ground in front of me. Am I bleeding? "Oh my god. You're bleeding!" At the sound of that, chattering erupts from the other students. I glance up to see that Hosung no longer has his angry look on his face. It's replaced with a look of horror. "Hosung, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Hana glares daggers at him. He stares at me for a moment before grabbing his bag and dashing out of the room. I watch him go through my slit open eyes. I can feel my vision getting fuzzy. My eyes droop as my consciousness starts to fade. "Y/N, don't worry. Just stay awake. Y/N? Y/N. Y/N!" I hear my name being called fainter and fainter as darkness takes over.

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