Seduced By The Jung Twins ✔

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** Both striving for the affection of on... More

Prologue || My First Kiss/Promise
One || Jung Hoseok
Two || Jung Hosung
Four || Chemistry Class Pairing
Five || The Twins' House
Six || The Awkwardness
Seven || Standoff
Eight || Hosung & A Fight
Nine || The Bad Boy's Room
Ten || A New Side Of Hosung
Eleven || Hoseok's True Feelings
Twelve || The Twins Fight
Epilogue || Hosung Ending
Epilogue || Hoseok Ending

Three || Song Hana

193 24 17
By atlas-carter

I wake up this morning feeling slightly more confident. Yesterday, while sitting around and drinking tea, my mom encouraged me that I shouldn't just let people walk all over, that I should stand up for myself. She told me though that if I'm really not comfortable with standing up for myself then I should start with not letting people get to me. That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm not going to let Hosung get to me, no matter what. I stand up from my bed and head to my closet. I pick out an outfit and put it on quickly.

I put on a royal blue hoodie, dark blue, jean shorts, a royal blue watch, and sneakers. I top the whole look off with a royal blue, rose, hairpin and pin back one side of my hair. Once I'm done I head downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning mom," I greet her with a smile as I sit at the table. She smiles back at me as she sets a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me. I snarf down the food.

"Whoa, easy there tiger or those eggs will come out your nose," mom jokes with a chuckle. I stifle a laugh as I slow down my eating.

"Haha, sorry mom," I apologize as I take my last bite and then bus my dish to the sink.

"Alright, come on, I'll drive you to school," mom says as she gestures for me to follow her and so I do. We get in the car and drive off to school. She pulls up in front of the school and lets me off. "See you later. Have fun." I wave to her goodbye as I grab my things out of the back. As I watch my mom's car drive off, I feel a set of eyes on me. I glance over and I meet Hosung's gaze. His black hair blows swiftly in the wind. He stares at me for a moment before turning his head away. That was weird. I shrug it off as I head inside the school and into my locker bay. When I enter my locker bay, I notice a girl with dark brown hair standing at a locker across from mine.

She seems to be staring intently at her phone as if she's waiting for a text or something. As I open my locker, I keep my gaze on her. I don't remember seeing her here at all yesterday. That's strange. As I get a closer look at her, my eyes slightly widen in surprise.

"Hana?" I ask in shock as I stare at the girl. The girl turns to look at me when her name is called and her eyes widen too. It really is her. Wow, I haven't seen her since elementary school. Her name is Song Hana. She was my best friend in elementary school. She's wearing a cute dress. The top half of the dress is white while the bottom half of the dress is a mint green color with white pokadots all over the skirt and a light brown belt sits along her waist.

"Y/N! Oh my god! Is that really you?!" She asks in shock as she approaches me and stares into my face.

"It is! Hi!" I greet her with a laugh as I open my arms wide. She smiles excitedly as she jumps into my arms.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it's really you!" She exclaims excitedly, "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming to my school?"

"I don't know. I guess I've just been busy lately," I respond with a shrug. That was a lie though. The truth is that after my sister committed suicide I've had a hard time moving on from that. She nods in understanding and just as she's about to respond, Hoseok appears beside me with a smile.

"Hey Y/N," he greets me with a smile as he opens his locker. I smile back at him in greeting. As I'm back to introduce Hana to him, she's already jumping into his arms. Well ok then.

"Hoseok!" She squeals as she hugs him tightly. Poor boy. He looks like he's getting the life force sucked out of him.

"Hana, let go of the poor boy before he loses oxygen," I insist with a giggle. She giggles too as she lets go of him. He breathes in a big chunk of air before composing himself. His original skin color seems to be coming back to his face.

"Hey Hana," he greets her back as he sends her a smile. Does he know her?

"Hi! I haven't seen you in so long!" She states as she gets right into a conversation with him.

"Same. How was your trip?" He asks curiously. They seem pretty close. They appear to be hitting it off pretty well too. I wonder if they'll become a couple.

"Oh, it was awesome," she responds as she smiles in remembrance. Ok, here's my chance to ask.

"Wait, you two know each other?" I ask in confusion and curiosity. Both of them glance at me with neutral expressions before glancing at each other. Did I ask something weird?

"Of course we do Y/N," he states with a nod.

"Yeah, did you already forget that I went to this school before you came?" She asks as she raises her eyebrow. I feel the light bulb go off in my head. Right. Stupid stupid stupid. I mentally face palm.

"Right. I knew that," I reply as I look away in embarrassment. She giggles in response, clearly not believing me. "Whatever. I can be slow sometimes."

"Yeah, says the girl who always got straight As back in elementary school," she answers with a scoff as she places her books in her locker. I scoff at that. I didn't always get As. I did get lower than an A once. It was depressing. I was upset about it for a whole week after that.

"Not true! Remember when I got a C on my math test? I was so upset!" I protest as I point my finger at her. She rolls her eyes and sighs at this.

"Yeah and that's because that was your first C on a test! You always got As," she retorts with an obvious tone. As I'm about to respond, she beats me to it and continues. "Besides, the only reason you got a C on that test is because you didn't have time to study." I sigh in response. That's true. I didn't have that much time to study at the time. "Also, remember I got a D on it? I didn't do very well either. We were both in the same situation."

"I know. I remember. You forgot your purse in your locker, so we went back at night time and then we ended up getting locked in over night," I remark with a sigh as the memory flashes through my head. That was a night that I couldn't ever forget.

"I know. We were both freaking out like crazy, thinking that we were never going to see our families again," she speaks as she giggles in remembrance. I stifle a laugh at that. We did freak out when the janitor locked the door. We started banging on the door, but he couldn't hear us. Plus, it was super dark at that time too, so we couldn't really see anything.

"Yup, we did have a pretty thrilling time that night, but we didn't get much sleep either," I voice with a nod as I flash her a smile. She smiles back at me.

"Well, yeah, we stayed up pretty much all night talking about boys. Obviously! I mean, who could pass an opportunity for a sleepover when it was given to us?" She asks with a matter-of-fact tone. I stifle a laugh at her sass. Yeah, it was a good time, but the results of our test made the getting locked in the school at night a horrible idea. I mean, it was fun, but I doubt I'll ever do that again.

"As entertaining as it is to watch you two rejoice about your past moments and memories, we should probably head to class now before the bell rings," Hoseok insists with a chuckle. Oh god, we completely excluded him from the conversation. I almost forgot that he was there because he was so quiet and didn't say anything or interrupt us. Hana and I giggle in response as we shut our lockers and walk out of the locker bay. As we walk out of the locker bay, Hosung and the others pass us and walk in. I notice Hana and Hosung make eye contact before they glance away from each other.

"What was that about just now?" I ask curiously. She seems to understand what I'm asking because she sighs.

"I kind of had a thing for Hosung a while back, but he made it perfectly clear that me and him were never going to happen, so I backed off," she explains as she rolls her eyes. I nod in response as I glance back at Hosung, who's getting books out of his locker. "I don't need him though because luckily I have Ian."

"Hey babe, you're back from your trip," Seokjin states as he steps beside Hana and kisses her cheek. She giggles at this and hugs him sideways. As I watch her and him chat, my eyes drift to Hosung, who's watching them in disgust.

"Alright, well, I'll see you in class Hana," I announce as I go to leave with Hoseok.

"Oh! Wait! Hold up!" She calls out after me as she gives Ian one more peck on the lips before chasing after me. When she catches up, I smirk at her knowingly. "What?"

"There you were getting upset at me for not telling you that I was enrolled here and yet you didn't tell me that you had a boyfriend," I comment as I cross my arms. She blushes as I mention this.

"Well, it's just that I wasn't sure you had gotten over the incident that happened three years ago, so I didn't want to boast about having a boyfriend," she claims with a small smile, "Plus, you've never had a boyfriend too." She was thinking about how I would feel. That's sweet. That's just like her too. I smile as I sneak a hug from her. She laughs as she hugs me back. We make our way up the stairs and down the hallway on the fourth floor.

"You've never had a boyfriend?" Hoseok asks as we enter the drama class together. I shake my head in response. "Wow, to be honest, that's kind of surprising considering how cute you are." I feel my face heat up at this and I look away. He chuckles at my reaction. "I know I would be happy to have a cute girl like you as my girlfriend." I blush wildly at his comment as we take our seats.

"He lo~ves you," Hana teases me as she smirks, gesturing over to him. I click my tongue and roll my eyes, trying to brush it off, but I can't seem to hide my rosy cheeks. "I totally ship you two together already. I know you two would be so cute together and he seems like the type of guy to treat a girl well."

"Can we stop talking about that?" I ask with pleading eyes, "Plus, he's sitting right next to us. He might very well be able to hear you."

"So? Who cares?" She asks with a shrug as she sends me a wink. She's teasing me again. Ugh. As the bell rings, Seokjin, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung walk in almost like they own the place. Seokjin smirks when he sees Hana and sits behind her. Good, he'll keep her busy so that she doesn't keep teasing me.

"Wow, Seokjin is really good," I comment with surprise in my voice. Seokjin and Hana are busy putting on a small script for us.

"Yeah, he apparently wants to be an actor when he grows up," Hoseok responds with a smile. I nod in response. Well, Seokjin would definitely be a very good actor if he does become one. Hana's pretty good. She's always been good with handling crowds and people watching her. I'm so good with handling the pressure of having people watch me while I perform or do something.

Class goes by reasonably quick and we go to our next class, literature. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin are in this class too.

Soon lunch comes and we head to the cafeteria. We get in line at the food court area and get our food before finding a table. Today, I'm sitting with Hoseok, Hana, Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, and finally Hosung, who is sitting with his two close friends Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi, who I just recently met. The whole gang. I watch as Hana and Seokjin feed each other. I still can't believe that she has a boyfriend. As I finish eating, I notice Hosung standing up with his tray. I stand up too and follow him to the garbage, placing my tray on top of his.

"Hey, are you going to class today Hosung?" I ask curiously as I go to strike up a conversation with him. He gives me a cold look.

"No, I told you yesterday that you shouldn't count on seeing me there unless if we blow things up," he responds harshly as he turns around and walks out of the cafeteria. Oi, he's such a sourpuss. I roll my eyes and sigh as I go back to join the others. Once lunch is done, we head to our lockers to grab our things. When we come to our lockers bay, I see him already there.

"Where'd you go at lunch Hosung?" Hoseok asks curiously as he opens his locker. His brother ignores him as he slams his locker shut and gives us a cold glare. What's his problem? He pushes past us, his shoulder bumping into mine as he leaves.

"He's such an asshole," Hana comments scoffing as she shakes her head disapproving, "I can't believe I actually had a thing for that guy." Well, he definitely seems to push people away on purpose. I sigh as I grab my bag and close my locker shut. We make our way to our next classes. I have chemistry first today, after lunch. I head there and enter the classroom. "We have all our classes together. This is so exciting." I nod in agreement as we take our seats.

The class soon starts. All through class, I find myself glancing from the door to Hosung's desk, semi hoping that he'll show up, but he doesn't. I let out a sigh. Wait, why do I even care if he shows up? He's been nothing but a jerk to me, so why do I suddenly care if he shows up or not? I think long and hard, but a reason doesn't come up. I decide to ignore it as the class drags on.

When the bell rings, the teacher calls me up to his desk. I pack my things up quickly and walk slowly towards the desk. Hana waits outside for me as I continue towards the teacher's desk. I bite my lip nervously as I stand in front of the desk. The teacher glances up at me and smiles in greeting.

"You wanted to talk to me," I say with a small smile. He nods in response as he stands up from his seat.

"Yes, I will be handing out a very large and very important project tomorrow and I would like Hosung to be here as well," he begins as he gathers up pieces of paper on his desk.

"Ok, but what does this have to do with me?" I ask in confusion and curiosity. He sighs as he looks me directly in the eye.

"I would like you to be the one to convince him to come to class," he finishes as he waits for my response. I stare at him for a moment as the information sinks in. He wants me to convince Hosung to come to class tomorrow. That might be a little tricky, considering since the fact the only way he'll come is if we get to blow things up, but I suppose I could just make up that we are. "Can I assign you this job?" I think for a moment before giving a nod. He smiles at this and thanks me. I leave the room feeling uneasy. Leaving with Hana for our next class, I try to come up with ideas as to convince Hosung to come to class tomorrow.

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