Seduced By The Jung Twins ✔

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** Both striving for the affection of on... More

Prologue || My First Kiss/Promise
One || Jung Hoseok
Three || Song Hana
Four || Chemistry Class Pairing
Five || The Twins' House
Six || The Awkwardness
Seven || Standoff
Eight || Hosung & A Fight
Nine || The Bad Boy's Room
Ten || A New Side Of Hosung
Eleven || Hoseok's True Feelings
Twelve || The Twins Fight
Epilogue || Hosung Ending
Epilogue || Hoseok Ending

Two || Jung Hosung

255 25 7
By atlas-carter

By the end of lunch time, I had made friends with Hoseok's friends. Among them were, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, and Kim Seokjin. They all seem nice. I could have sworn I saw them earlier in the parking lot.

"Y/N, what class do you have now?" Hoseok asks as walks with me into the locker bays. I glance down at my schedule. I have biology next. That's a good. A fun class, a class that I'll enjoy. He glances over my shoulder at my schedule. "Oh, you have bio next? So do I." He's awful cheerful. "Let's walk to class together." I give a nod of agreement as we enter a locker bay. I glance down too see what my locker number is. Oh, looks like my locker is in this locker bay. "Hey, your locker is right next to mine!"

"Yeah and Hosung's," Jimin states as he glances at the locker next to mine. The locker has a bunch of drawings on it. They're surprisingly good.

"Oh, who cares?" Hoseok asks shrugging it off, "If he gives Y/N a hard time then I'll tell him off or something." The others sigh in response. "Besides, who would want to give her trouble? She's too cute." Ok, buddy, you shouldn't go throwing words like that around to just everybody.

"Careful there Hoseok, she might get the wrong idea if you keep saying stuff like that," Seokjin remarks as if noticing my uneasiness. Hoseok glances at me and I flash him a knowing smile.

"Well, it's truth though," he replies with a shrug. My body stiffens at this as I slam my locker door shut and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Ok, let's head to class now," I say hurriedly with a nervous laugh as I start speed walking towards the stairs. He follows swiftly after me and we head up to the third floor. We enter the classroom together and sit in our seats. Class starts and I immediately get into it. Biology has always been fascinating to me, especially the ecology part. I'm hoping that one day I can be a researcher just like my mom. Needing a drink of water, I raise my hand.

"Yes, Miss Yong?" The teacher asks as she looks at me.

"May I go get a drink of water?" I ask politely. She nods in response as she hands me a hall pass and I leave the room. I walk slowly down the hallway. There, I see a water fountain and signs pointing to the ballroom. I walk towards there and stop at the water fountain. I take a few sips of water. As I drink from the fountain, a guy comes out of the washroom. I stop drinking and glance up. My eyes widen when I come face to face with Hoseok, except he has different clothes on and he has black hair. "Hoseok?" He looks at me with a scowl on his face. His lip is bleeding and his cheek looks swollen. What the hell happened to him? He continues to stare at me for a moment before scoffing.

"Tch, you must be the new girl everybody's talking about," he responds in an uninterested voice, "Not that I care or anything." Well, if you don't care then why did you bring it up? I scoff at the harshness in his voice. What is up with him? During the first half of the day he was all bubbly and welcoming. What's with the sudden mood change?

"What's your problem?" I ask in a slightly surprised and confused tone. He gives me the evil eye as he turns around to leave. Without thinking, I grab onto his jacket. He swings his head around to look at me and glares daggers at me.

"Let go," he snaps as he tries to pull his arm away, but I keep a strong hold on his jacket.

"No, not until you tell me why you're suddenly being rude and obnoxious," I retort with a firm expression. He eyes me furiously for a minute before his frown turns into a devilish grin and he backs me up against the wall.

"You're pretty feisty, aren't ya," he states as he grins smugly, "So, what's your name new girl?" His grin worries me a little bit, but I keep a strong face as I go to answer him.

"It's Y/N," I voice in a strong tone as I push him away from me. He stumbles back a little bit, but regains his balance and eyes me suspiciously.

"What did you say your name was?" He asks with uncertainty as he takes a step towards me. I take a step back as I notice this.

"I said my name is Y/N," I repeat in a louder voice. His eyes slightly widen when I say it and he stares at me for a moment with a look of wonder before his eyes narrow and he shakes his head.

"No, that's impossible," he claims as he starts to pace back and forth. I raise my eyebrow and scoff. "She can't possibly be the same girl." What's he babbling about?

"What are you talking about? Do you think I don't know my own name?" I ask with a look of disbelief all over my face. He thinks for a moment before grunting.

"You know what, never mind. I don't have time for this," he mutters, sighing in annoyance as he turns around and makes his way over to the stairs.

"Where are you going? Class is this way," I state pointing down the hall. He turns around, scoffing.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm skipping," he points out in an obvious tone as he turns back around, "I would have thought that Hoseok would have told you that I skip a lot." Before I'm able to reply, he rushes down the stairs. He thought that Hoseok would have told me? That must have been Hosung that I had just talked to. Wow, they really do look alike. I guess that explains the sudden mood change because that wasn't Hoseok at all. That was his brother. I stare at the stairs where Hosung had just left.

"Y/N," I hear a low murmur. I glance up to see Hoseok coming my way. Yup, that was definitely Hosung. I smile at him in greeting. "Are you ok? The teacher noticed that you were gone for some time, so she sent me out to look for you to make sure that you were ok."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassure him with a nod as I glance back to the stairs, "I think I just met Hosung." His ears prick up at this and he looks at me. "He came out of the guys' bathroom when I was drinking from the water fountain. He was kind of rude and he asked me what my name was." He listens carefully and attentively. "When I told him what my name was he didn't believe me. It was like he thought that I was making it up or something. Then he started talking to himself and before I knew it he had made his way down the stairs."

"Yup, well, that's Hosung for you," Hoseok responds with a shrug and a goofy smile, "He can come off as cold sometimes, but underneath he can be nice." Yeah, clearly deep underneath.

"Yeah, you didn't mention that you had an identical, twin brother," I speak as I raise my eyebrow at him. He chuckles in response.

"Sometimes I find it more entertaining to have people find out for themselves," he explains curtly. So, me finding out that his twin brother is a complete asshole is entertainment for him? I find myself questioning this guy's logic. "Don't worry though, you'll probably have a chance to talk to him again. In fact, I think he might be in the same chemistry class as you." Oh great, so I'm going to have that jerk be in the same class as me. Oh the joy. I flash Hoseok a forced smile when really inside I'm screaming. He walks me back to the biology class and we continue the class until the bell rings.

I then make my way to the chemistry class, which is right next door from the biology class. When I enter the classroom, I notice that the teacher already has equipment all set up and ready to use. This should be fun. He said that Hosung is supposedly to be in this class, but I don't see him anywhere. I suppose that's a good thing though because then I won't have to see his face. I take a seat in an empty chair and place my things on the ground. The bell rings as students come flooding into the classroom, taking their seats.

"Would you stop pushing me?!" I hear an annoyed voice ask from outside of the classroom. I glance at the door to see Hoseok pushing Hosung into the classroom.

"Ah, Mr Jung, how nice of you to join us finally," the teacher says in a slightly irritated tone, "Please have a seat next to Miss Yong."

"There, see, sit next to Y/N," Hoseok insists as he continues to push at his brother's back. Hosung tries to stop his body from moving forward by planting his feet into the ground, but it doesn't seem to work very well. He really hates school, doesn't he.

"No, I don't want to sit next to her," he complain as he goes to turn around, but Hoseok stops him. "Come on, would you let me go already?"

"No, you will sit down and you will learn something for once in your life," Hoseok instructs as he pushes his brother all the way to the desk next to mine and sits him down in the chair. Hosung glares daggers at his brother.

"Better listen to your daddy Hosung, you don't want to get grounded," Ian says taunting Hosung. Hosung snaps his head around and glares at him.

"Shut your trap, asswipe," he growls at him. Ian rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything else.

"Good. Alright, have fun. See you Y/N," Hoseok voices as he leaves the classroom, waving at me. I wave to him in response. I glance over at Hosung to see him taking his phone out and immediately typing away at it. He's already texting in class. He notices me looking at him and glares my way.

"What are you looking at?" He asks coldly as he looks me up and down before looking back at his phone. Geez, what a sourpuss.

"Mr Jung, please put your phone away and pay attention," the teacher instructs in a stern voice. Hosung clenches his jaw as he places his phone back in his pocket and slumps back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Thank you. Now, I want you all to get into pairs and head over to a set of equipment and then we'll get started." All at once, the students begin pairing up. I glance around in alarm and within no time only me and Hosung are left without partners. Oh no. "Mr Jung, you will be Miss Yong's partner." I bite my lip to keep from protesting.

"Whatever," Hosung mutters under his breath as he sighs heavily. Together, we both stand up and make our way with the rest of the class to the stations of equipment. "Man, this sucks. Why do you torture me like this Hoseok?"

"Because he cares about you and wants you to have an education," I suggest not looking at him. I can feel him burn holes into my head.

"You shut up," he snaps as he scoffs at me, "I wasn't talking to you." I don't think I'm going to be able to stand him for the rest of the class. Plus, there's no doubt that he's not going to do any work whatsoever. I sigh heavily as I listen to the teacher's thorough explanation before touching the equipment. For today, we are just figuring out how to use all of the equipment. "Damn, this is so fucking boring."

"Well, you can do something instead of just standing there with that sullen look on your face," I suggest as I gesture to the equipment that I'm not using. I soon feel his presence right behind me. It looms over me like a dark shadow. I then feel his breath beside my ear, tickling my the bare skin of my neck.

"I thought I told you to shut up," he says, venom laced within his voice. I shiver at the feeling of his hot breath touching my ear and I step away from him. This guy is pissing me off so much right now.

"Fine, I'll shut up, but you could at least pretend that you're having fun," I argue as I turn around and face him. I send him a hard glare before turning back around. He scoffs in response as he walks over to his desk. He picks up his bag and slings it over his shoulder. "Where are you going?"

"The only thing that's fun about chemistry is the part where you get to blow things up once in a while," he states with a shrug, "The rest of the work is boring as fuck."

"Mr Jung, language and back to your station," the teacher instructs in a firm tone, but Hosung rolls his eyes at the teacher.

"Hosung, we still have to learn the rest for the tests and maybe for jobs in the future," I argue trying to make him understand somehow, but he doesn't seem to want to listen because he shakes his head and makes his way to the door.

"Look, I really don't give a shit about any of this, so when it comes to the time where we can blow things up then let me know," he insists with a neutral expression, "Until then I don't see any reason to come to class, so don't expect to see me for a while."

"Wha-?! Hosung!" I call out to him as I rush over to the door and peek my head out. Hosung stands there with a blank expression on his face.

"I'm not going back in there, so you can either continue to sit through the teacher's boring class or you can be a rebel like me and ditch class," he voices with a mischievous grin, "It's up to you, but if you decide to skip with me then I won't think you're a total goodie-two-shoes." I scoff at this and shake my head. His mischievous grin turns sour and he glares at me. "Figures you're a teacher's pet." He practically spits the words out as he turns around and leaves. I sigh as I watch him leave before going back to my station. Such a jerk. The rest of class is tiring and I'll admit boring, but I mostly can't get what he said out of my head. For some reason, I can't seem to get out of my head how different he and Hoseok are. As the school day comes to a close, I pack my things up and head downstairs. My mom had already texted me five minutes before the bell rang that she was waiting for me. I hurry down the stairs and to my locker. There in the locker bay I see none other than Hosung and what looks to be his friends. Oh brother. When he notices me standing there, he looks at me and scoffs. "You just can't seem to leave me alone, can you new girl?"

"Ok, 1: my locker is in this locker bay and 2: I have a name and it's not new girl," I shoot back as I open my locker. He groans in annoyance.

"Of course, your locker has to be right next to mine," he complains with a sigh, "Also, I'd watch that attitude of yours. Cause if Hoseok isn't around then you might just be going home with a bloody nose." Did he literally just threaten to beat me up? Unbelievable this guy.

"Beating me up isn't going to solve anything and skipping class isn't going to make high school end quicker," I voice as I slam my locker shut, "It'll make it go slower and if you fail grade then you will have to redo it while all of your classmates graduate. So, unless if you want to retake grade 12 then I suggest you at least come to class and pretend like you want to be there." His eyes are slightly widen and so are his friends as they stare at me in surprise.

"Wow, the new girl's got guts," Jungkook states with an impressed expression. Hosung simply scoffs at me and turns away, showing me his back. Damn jerk. Why am I letting him get to me? I groan in frustration as I turn on my heel and go to the front of school. I see my mom's car waiting for me and I approach it. I get in the car and throw my bag in the back before heaving a heavy sigh.

"That bad of a first day?" She asks with a concerned expression. I groan as I cover my face with my hands. I have a migraine.

"There were these two, twin brothers. One is super nice and friendly and the other one is such a jerk and a bad boy too in a way," I start to rage, "The bad boy one kept finding ways to piss me off. He got to me and now I'm pissed off that I let him get to me." Mom sighs as she places her hand on my shoulder.

"Well, next time show him that you won't let him get to you and within time he will stop," she says suggestively. I sigh as I rub my temple. "How about I make you some nice chamomile tea and then you can rage all you want about this jerk." I stop rubbing my temple and glance up at her. She smiles sensitively at me making me smile back at her. I give a nod as I try to calm myself down. As I do, mom starts up the car and we drive back home. Thus ends my first day at my new school. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I'll show that jerk that he can't get to me. I go to bed that night feeling a burst of confidence.

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