Last chance for honour

By astarkofwinterfell

427K 11.3K 976

Sansa Stark and Jamie Lannister are forced to marry, their family's hatred for each other is inevitably going... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54

Chapter 42

4.9K 129 13
By astarkofwinterfell

Jon stared across the table at Jamie, waiting for him to speak. Jon thought of the first time he had encountered him. He still had the same arrogance surrounding him, the only thing that had seemed to have changed was his missing right hand. He had told Arya and Rickon to leave them alone to speak, just the same as Jamie had asked Brienne.

Jamie rested his gold hand on the edge of the table, shuffling his elbow on the arm of the chair. He straightened his back, meeting Jon's dark eyes. "I'm sure you have an idea of why I am here" Jamie spoke boldly.

Sansa instantly came into Jon's mind. He had heard of how Joffrey had forced his sister into marrying the kingslayer. He thought of what Arya and Rickon had told him about Ramsey and what he had done to her. Jon replied with a slight nod. "My Army is large enough to match Ramsey's, but he has the advantage of Winterfell, without the help of the Wildling army, I can't ensure Ramsey's defeat."

Jon tightened his jaw in agitation. "So you've come here for my assistance to help you get back what was taken from you". He had never trusted the Lannisters, he followed his Father's instinct in distrusting them when they first arrived in Winterfell. Jamie furrowed his brows in response to Jon's reply. "How could you ever imagine I would want to help you, after everything your family has done to mine?"

"We both want Sansa to be safe, if you would just listen to me you'd realise you need me just as much as I need you" Jamie began to raise his voice. "Of course I want Sansa safe, she's my sister, why should I trust you? Why do you care so much, she's a Stark, I'd always believed you preferred the company of your sister anyway".

Jamie looked down, thinking for a moment before he spoke again. "I don't want to take Sansa back, that's not why I'm doing this, I want her safe with her family, not with Ramsey Bolton. I care about her-". Jon swiftly interrupted "Enough!" Jon stood up, scraping his chair back behind him.

Jamie stood up after him "What are you going to do? Leave her with him? If you help me I swear to you as soon as I know she's safe, I'll never return to the North again... please".

"When has your word ever meant anything Kingslayer?"

Jon stormed out of the room leaving Jamie alone. He let out a large sigh, slumping back down in his seat. A small part of him had tried to ignore his doubts and had beleived Jon would agree to help him, he needed Northern support to take Winterfell.

He could feel the anger raging inside of him, the more he thought of Jon's words the more he reminded him of Ned Stark, the man who hated him. He didn't care what any of them thought of him. All he cared about was Sansa.

With or without Jon's help he was going to rescue Sansa, she needed him.


Brienne threaded through the thick layer of snow that rested on the board walk. She headed up towards the castle walls. Looking ahead she saw Arya staring out across the snow. "I thought I'd find you up here" Brienne spoke softly but still loud enough for her to hear.

Arya turned to look at her before turning back to the snow. "You know why Jamie's here don't you?" Brienne asked, not expecting an answer. Arya screwed her brows together. "Has he come to cripple my other brothers as well? Was Bran not enough?". Brienne walked closer towards her "Arya, I understand your resentment towards him, but Sansa's still in danger".

Arya quickly interrupted "We can still save Sansa, Jon has the wildling army, the rest of the North will come to our aid." She began to walk away, back inside. "You can't guarantee the allegiance of the Northern Lords, it will take too long, you need Jamie's army." Brienne started to follow her. Arya carried on walking.

"The longer we wait, the longer Sansa's in danger, Jamie has given his word to Jon that as soon as Sansa's safe he will return South." Arya stopped "It's not my decision to make, it's Jon's and he's already told Jamie no". She turned to fully face Brienne, her expression had changed from anger to sorrow. Brienne's eyes were pleading with her "Jon will listen to you, you have to try".

Arya thought for a few moments before nodding, all she could think of was her sister left with that monster. She had failed her, she had promised her she would get her out and she had broken that promise. She could feel the heat of her hate for the Lannisters filling her stomach. But they had no choice, they needed Jamie's army.


Myranda unlocked the door, she peered into the room, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness. The candles had burned out hours ago. She started walking slowly towards the figure lying on the bed.

Sansa felt a hand rest on her arm, she jumped at the touch. She looked up seeing Myranda smiling down at her. "Your husband has sent me to fetch you". Sansa sat up slightly in the bed, keeping her eyes fixed on her.

Myranda walked back over to the door she had left open. "Well come along, you don't want to be late for your husband do you?". Sansa edged herself off the bed, feeling the familiar aches in her stomach, she tried not to show Myranda any pain she was in.

She followed her down the cold hallway, entering a dimly lit room. She could see the steam rising from the bath. As she entered the room fully she saw Ramsey perching in the end of the bath tub, lacing his hand across the waters edge. He looked up smiling at Sansa. Myranda began to close the door behind her, interrupted by Ramsey's order "That'll be all Myranda". She held his stare for a moment, before glancing back to Sansa in envy. She left the room, leaving the two alone.

"I have a dinner organised tonight, the Northern Lords will be attending of course, I want you to look your best". Sansa stood motionless, trying to focus entirely on the steam rising from the water, avoiding the sickening smile on Ramsey's face.

"Take off your clothes" Ramsey waited for Sansa to obey. She walked closer to the edge of the bath tub, she bang unlacing her dress. Pulling it down from her shoulders the dress dropped to the floor. Ramsey's eyes ran across her body. He looked down into the water, signalling for her to get in.

The water burned at Sansa's ivory skin, turning it a irritated pink colour. She didn't care, she could barely feel it in comparison to what Ramsey had done to her. Ramsey untied her red hair, letting it fall over her shoulders, the ends dipping into the water slightly. He picked up at clean cloth from the side of the baths and rinsed it in the water, before gently beginning to brush Sansa's back with it. His eyes remained fixed on Sansa, she continued to avoid his gaze.

Ramsey spoke his usual taunts at Sansa, the words meant nothing to her anymore, she felt like nothing anymore.


Sansa sat at Ramsey's side watching the Lords feast and drink as if nothing had ever changed since her father's rule. Ramsey gripped her hand close to him as a sign of affection in front of the other Lords. Sansa met Lord Karstark's gaze as it fell upon her. She presumed that he thought she would look away, but she kept her eyes fixed on him, until he eventually glanced away.

Sansa looked at the food in front of her, she hadn't touched it. Ramsey kept looking in her direction. "Eat" he said under his breath. She turned her face to meet his eyes, she knew he wouldn't do anything now in front of everyone, he would punish her later, she didn't care, continuing to ignore him.

She felt the familiar tinges of pain in her stomach return, they had been absent for a few days. This time they were worse, the pain struck her suddenly. She shuffled in her chair slightly, sitting up straighter. The pain began to get heavier in waves, her hand tightened in Ramsey's grip, bringing her discomfort to his attention.

She brought her other hand closer to her stomach, clutching desperately at her waist, trying to make the pain stop. Her breathing became heavier, as the pain continued to increase. "What is it? What's wrong?" Ramsey urged. She felt the room become quieter around her.

The pain became unbearable, she tried to stand but her legs wouldn't carry her. The more she tried to keep her eyes open, the more blurred her vision became. Her hearing prevailed longer than her sight, she could hear Ramsey's orders to his guards, before everything went black.


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