3 Things I Hate About You

By _ohcaptain

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“There are 3 things I hate about you. 1. You always make me worry about you. 2. You somehow always make my fr... More

1. Yes and No
2. Park Chanyeol is Perfect
3. Daehyun's Jealousy
4. Standing Stationary
5. A day with Daehyun
6. Sudden confession from a prank letter
7. Absurdity
8. Failed plan is humorous
10. Motive of the fist
Not an update
11. First encounter
12. Confession 1
13. Second and last encounter
14. Second and last encounter: part 2
15. The fault in our relationship
16. Change
17. Life moves on like a conveyor belt
18. Divulgence [final]

9. Opening Up

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By _ohcaptain

Chapter 9 – Opening up

"Seeing you walking like this hurts me!" I blurted out.

Oh no. Oh god. What on earth have I just said to him? 'Hurts me'? Are you kidding me?! I mentally cursed myself for being such an embarrassing blunt girl especially in front of Jung freakin Daehyun.

"I-I mean, uh... I hurt my leg too! So yeah it h-hurts me." I ran like a lightning to my bedroom and shut the door. I swore to myself that I won't be getting out of this room until tomorrow, because I did not want to make a fool out of myself more in front of him. No more, Minha. No more.

Well, I guess I won't be eating dinner today – which is not fine for me, although I had eaten a lot in the afternoon from that lovely date I had with Chanyeol. I bet Yongguk and the others will ask me to go downstairs and eat dinner and it's rude to refuse.

I closed my eyes and groan in frustration, thinking, why am I such an embarrassment, while punching my own bed. Today is supposed to be a good day, not an excruciating one; but no, my fate is just so unlucky.

Author's POV

When Minha swiftly ran upstairs, little did the two of them know that five figures were watching them like a hawk from the kitchen door. They were not only shocked, but utterly happy that Minha finally, finally hints it to Daehyun.

But when Minha rephrased her sentence, the five of them wish she didn't say that.

"Why did she have to say it again?" Himchan complained. "That was such a good tip-off right there!"

"Calm down Himchan, of course she was embarrassed." Yongguk shut his mouth.

"Yeah true!" Youngjae agreed. "I wouldn't even have the courage to restate that since I'll be so embarrassed."

"But what do we do now?" Zelo suddenly spoke.

"Well, I guess we'll have to leave them alone for a day? Who knows, maybe they'll open up to each other." Yongguk slyly grinned.

Himchan frowned. "And what if they don't?"

"Oh, come on stop being so pessimistic!" Youngjae retorted.

"Stop arguing with what I keep on saying!" Himchan snapped.

Yongguk stopped the both of them before they do physical actions. "Guys guys, stop! Daehyun's going to hear us, and we don't want that to happen."

"So where are we going then?" Zelo said.

Jongup clasped his hands. "How about we stay in a hotel? It'll be great!"

"Yes! We can play pool, go outdoor swimming, and drink in the club!" Yongguk had the biggest grin on his face.

The other four were astounded at the latter's response; drinking would be a problem to them, since Yongguk have this bad habit of acting like a complete 5 year-old boy when he's drunk. "Uh... yeah, except the drinking part." They said in unison.

Sun rays hit towards Minha's face in a straight line as she forgot to close the curtain last night, and she groaned in displeasure because she could no longer sleep anymore.

Sunday morning had been a pretty bad start of the day, but that didn't cut her enthusiasm to spend the day with her friends, because when she went downstairs she didn't see anyone anywhere – which was odd, as usually Himchan is seated on the dining table and Yongguk is at the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Uh... Yongguk oppa? Zelo?" She quite yelled their names downstairs, and got nothing in reply.

Are you serious right now? Minha went back up to her room, and before she reached the front door there stood Daehyun leaning on the wall frowning at his phone screen. She jogged back to her room and shut the door close to prevent from any embarrassing moments occurring.

Daehyun who was slanting on the wall had his eyes still fixated on his phone. Why was he there? Well, he messaged all of his members saying 'where the hell are you people', and groaned in frustration when they said that they were ditching him for the day.

The members had to make up an excuse for it, and Youngjae told the latter that they were going to do something that doesn't involve him, in which Daehyun wasn't very pleased and he knew that Youngjae was lying.

He swore he was going to torture annoying Youngjae whenever he comes back.

Youngjae agreed to go with him to an entertainment store down the road to buy some of the latest movies today and now that he's not here, he couldn't.

Meanwhile Minha was lying on her bed, texting Chanyeol and Sojin asking if they were free today because she isn't going to stay anywhere around the house when she knew that the only person who's currently in here is Daehyun.

Hey Sojin! :-) Are you free today? I feel like going out, since I'm very bored in the house.

Hi Chanyeol! I was wondering if you're free today. Because If you are then um yeah, are you free? :-)

She texted the both of them, hoping that at least one of them is free (more to Sojin for the reason that she just went out with Chanyeol yesterday and she didn't want to make him feel uninterested).

At about 10 minutes later one of them answered, and it was Chanyeol who replied her message; but somehow she has this feeling inside her that he isn't going to be anywhere around free.

Ah sorry Minha, I have dance practice for our upcoming music video so I can't really go out... :-(

She bitterly smiled at the reply, she should've expected that he was busy; since yesterday he was talking how things got more packed every day since their popularity rises on their date.

Minha went down the stairs as her stomach grumbled; she was apparently hungry because she didn't eat dinner last night. But as she passed the dining room to get to the kitchen, there was Daehyun, sitting down on one of the dining chairs.

"Do... you want me to... make breakfast?" She hesitantly asked as the latter looked away, acknowledging her presence.

She was very much expecting him to say either "whatever" or not respond at all, but this time was the first time she was taken aback at his reply.

"Sure." Daehyun said flatly.

Minha quickly proceeded to the kitchen, trying to hide the smile that formed on her face. This was the first time ever Daehyun would agree on something she requested.

She quickly grabbed 3 eggs, a bowl and a frying pan. There were two parts of the kitchen: the stove was in a room separated from the kitchen counter where the cutleries are placed (and a microwave as well) beside the dining table, since they don't want the whole house to smell like foods.

And that was a benefit to Minha because she didn't want Daehyun to see her back while she's busily going here and there to find the ingredients, and not to mention that she is a very clumsy girl. Of course, she didn't want to be embarrassed in front of him.

She took out a package of bacon from the freezer, and placed it all on the pan after she finished cooking the eggs. The cooking time took about 10 minutes and little did she know that Daehyun's stomach was grumbling all the way as he was grateful Minha wasn't around.

Getting out of the kitchen, Minha was walking with big plates on each hand, noticing the latter who was sitting there for the whole 10 minutes.

"H-here you go. I... hope you like it." She sheepishly smiled and meticulously set the plate in front of him.

Daehyun looked at the plate in awe – he was craving for some American style breakfast, because Yongguk and Himchan aren't bothered to make one for the six of them. And now that Minha made it for him, he's actually thankful to her.

The both of them ate in a complete silence, the only thing that could be heard was the clacking sound of the fork and knife, and Daehyun swore he's never been into an awkward situation worse than this one.

Later on the day, there stood Daehyun in front of Minha's bedroom – supposing he was trying to ask her about something. He kept on quietly talking to himself and do some gestures, and if there were anyone in the hallways they would think of him as a psycho.

When Daehyun finally had the courage to open the door, it suddenly opened, revealing Minha in a simple sweater on top of a white shirt and a washed out jeans. Yes, Daehyun was kind of checking her out.

"Uh, do you want to... go out with me?" He asked.

Minha swore her heart suddenly fluttered, and her eyes unconsciously widened as she looked at his face. "–I mean, literally go out." Daehyun clarified.

 What happened to the cold Jung Daehyun who always ignores me? She thought. For once Daehyun finally opened up a little bit, and Minha was already quite happy with just that.

"S-sure, yeah." She laughed awkwardly. "I was about to go out anyways."

The two of them strolled down the street, now the distance between them was closer than last time when they were at the opposite sides of the road. Not too close either though.

After Daehyun insisted to go to the store Youngjae should have been going with him, Minha agreed since she didn't know where else to go and she knew she'll be lost anyways.

When they went inside the huge store, Daehyun removed his shades, but his mask was still worn because he didn't want any fangirls to start following him around and create scandal because he's with a girl.

Minha was overwhelmed at the store; she walked around and sees racks of CD games and unique silverwares. (A/N: basically it's like Virgin – well it is Virgin but the store name is different in here. But yeah you know what's inside Virgin.)

She even saw BAP's albums across the rack of CD albums. She was awed when she sees Daehyun's pictures inside the album, and once more she wondered why such a handsome guy could have an icy cold personality.

"I'm done." Daehyun's voice startled her as she thought he was still by the cashier.

She looked sideways. "O-okay."

The both of them walked out, and the both of them were dragged by a quite old man in front of a stall while saying, "Oh! You two are such a sweet couple. You two should join the contest!"

A confused face was plastered on Daehyun's face, and Minha was restraining her laugh because the latter looked really cute with that face.

"Aand we're finally complete!" The man on top of a stool said. "Now, let the couple game begin!"

"COUPLE?!" Both of them screeched in unison.

"Oh my, yes my dear. You see that standing stick? You have to get as much loop as possible into that. Goodluck!" The man said.

Daehyun and Minha were surprised; heck they weren't a couple. When they saw their opponents, they all had such bothersome expressions to the point that the two of them suddenly had this fierce energy inside that could wipe out all of them.

Who knew they were suddenly competitive when looking at other couples when they weren't even one.

"Ready... set, go!" The man shouted.

Daehyun started throwing the loops, and since he was good at basketball he managed to score 4 already. They took turns tossing, but mostly it's Daehyun since Minha admitted that she wasn't really good at throwing stuff.

The time limit was 1 minute and soon it was down to 5 seconds left as the crowd became more absorbed watching them flinging and throwing the loops.

"And... STOP!"

Daehyun and Minha who were engrossed at the game suddenly snapped out to reality, and realized it was the end. They look at the other couple's stick, and Daehyun hoped his team got the most loops in.

The man and his assistants counted the loops on each stick, and they finished counting in about a minute, making Minha more nervous.

"The winner of this game is... this couple!" The man pointed at Daehyun and Minha – who was uninformed about the fact that there was only 5 cm gap between them – was surprised, because they didn't know they would win.

Both Daehyun and Minha had their eyes wide in awe. "Woohoo! We won!" Both hands interlacing with each other and they jumped around in happiness as if they just won something very big.

The two of them suddenly realized what they were doing when the crowd cheered loudly, and awkwardly let go of their hands as they backed away.

"What a sweet couple you two are!" The man cooed. "Here's your prize!"

The man gave two hats, one has the writing 'Her Guy' embedded on the hat, and the other one was 'His Girl' on it. Minha and Daehyun thanked the man, and proceeded on walking back home.

Who assumed the atmosphere walking back home was really loud? The air was utterly awkward, as the both of them hold their hats in their hands because they didn't want to wear it. Of course, Daehyun was even embarrassed holding it.

It was around 7pm when they arrived back home, and Daehyun suddenly had the courage to ask Minha to watch a movie with him in the living room and of course, Minha wouldn't reject it.

"Do... do you want to watch a movie with me?" Daehyun asked.

Minha looked at the latter in wide eyes. "M-movie? O-of course, sure."

Daehyun gave a half smile in reply, and Minha swore it was the first time she ever see him a bit smiling.

They prepared two cup noodles and drinks before starting to watch, and it took quite some time since Daehyun spilled some water on the floor when they were in the kitchen.

After finally settling down on the sofa, Daehyun played the movie – which was an action movie – and they started eating the noodles.

Half an hour had passed and all they had in their hands was the empty cup of soda, which they finished several minutes ago. Their eyes didn't leave the screen from the beginning, and not to mention they were sitting quite far from each other on the sofa.

Minha had her eyes closing for a while, indicating that she's getting sleepy. Sometimes she would suddenly lift her head up to stay awake, and Daehyun unexpectedly noticed it.

He saw her eyes closed again, and he was in the verge to tell her to go sleep. But of course, he wanted to continue watching the movie since he always wanted to watch it.

Several minutes later Minha couldn't hold back her sleepiness and her body was slowly falling towards Daehyun, and he caught her in time. When he caught her in his arms, he suddenly had this weird feeling forming.

His heart was beating twice as fast as normal, and he sure know that things just got better.


HELLOOOO MY LOVELY READERS. I had to make this chapter completely focusing on Daehyun and OC, since there'll be things coming up sooner. Be prepared, readers. Be prepared.

I apologize for the late update since I didn't have the motivation to write this crappy chapter for the whole complete month. Well, I hope you like it and please let me know if you do!

XOXO, _ohcaptain

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