Mercy x Reader: Your Guardian...

By FFLlama

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You were Dr. Angela "Mercy" Ziegler's medical assistant before the conflict at the Swiss base. After the figh... More

Author Note
Chapter 1: The Doctor
Chapter 2: My Dreams
Chapter 3: Dead or Alive
Chapter 4: Flight
Chapter 5: Meet the Parents
Chapter 7: A break
Chapter 8: Aloha
Chapter 9: Waikiki
Chapter 10: Paradise (lemon)
Chapter 10: Paradise (the real lemon)
Chapter 11: The Final Day
Chapter 12: Returning Home
Top 1000!
Chapter 13: Dr. Schmidt
Chapter 14: Ana
Chapter 15: Restless Night
Chapter 16: A Night to Remember (Lemon)
Chapter 16: A Night to Remember (Lemon for real this time)
Chapter 17: Life
Chapter 18: Halloween
Chapter 19: Reflecting
Chapter 20: A Christmas Surprise
Chapter 21: Valentine's Day
Chapter 22: Success and waiting
Chapter 23: Two New Angels
Apologies Pt 2
Chapter 24: Highs and Lows
Chapter 25: Dr. Schmidt's secret
Chapter 26: New Endeavour
Quick Update (I'm Sorry)

Chapter 6: Stress

11.2K 143 265
By FFLlama

Three Months Later
"Dr. Ziegler and Dr. (L/n). We need one of you in the ER." A doctor tells you two.

You and Angela look up from your work. Over the past few months, you and Angela had been researching more and testing the resurrection ability at a hospital not too far from home. However, you guys hadn't made any progress since the failed full resurrection of Gabriel.

You give Angela a glance. She gives you a pleading look, meaning she wants you to deal with the patient. Usually Angela would rush to the situation, but today she seemed a bit more on edge, wanting to work on the project more.

"What's the situation, Dr. Patel?" You ask.

"This person, Annabelle de la Rosa, has a bullet close to her lung. The bullet is also poisoning her bloodstream."

"Then we don't have much time. Angela, can I borrow your staff?"

"Yes. Of course." She says without looking up from her work.

You grab her staff as well as one of your elixirs and x-ray visor and rush over to where the patient is being held. You wash your hands and put your gloves and mask on before starting the operation.

"Dr. Patel, keep the healing stream on very low. We want to keep her alive, but not seal up where we're operating." You say.

"Yes Dr. (l/n)." Dr. Patel says.

You inject one of your elixirs in the patient to stop the bullet poisoning from spreading and to start getting rid of it. After that, you switch on your x-ray visor so you can see where your operating.

"Where's the bullet, sir?" An omnic doctor asks.

"It's close to the lung. We have to carefully remove it. Total silence, please." You say.

The whole room is quiet as you carefully operate on the woman. You control the mechanical arms in the small incision holes around the bullet wound. This was to allow the patient to heal faster, avoid accidents, and spread less germs in contrast to operating with your hands.

Using the visor, you make your way to the bullet and carefully grab it with the arms. You start to pull the bullet out very carefully. You don't want to hit any vital organs on your way out. The bullet is removed and you drop it in the silver pan.

"Bullet removed. Begin healing process." You say as you turn off your visor.

The people clap and you thank them. They start to begin the healing process and you walk out of the room.

"What's the situation?" A young doctor asks outside of the ER.

"Another successful procedure." You say.

"Awesome. If you don't mind, I have a question to ask you. I asked Dr. Ziegler first, but she told me to see you."

"Yeah. She's kinda on edge today. Probably because we haven't made much progress on our research and she hasn't slept enough over the past few days. Anyway, what's your question?"

The doctor shows you an x-ray of some metal wedged into someone's leg. You tell him what to do in detail and he thanks you.

"Thank you so much Dr. (L/n)." He says.

"My pleasure, Dr. Lee." You say and pat the young doctor on the back.

"Hope you guys make a breakthrough on your research."

"I do too. For the people's sake and Angela's."

"Have you tried to get her to rest?"

"Of course I have, but you know her. She's quite the workaholic. She knows it's bad for her health, but she really cares about others. We've been working on this project for a long time, and I think she's getting anxious for some results. See you around, Dr. Lee."

You two wave goodbye and you head back to yours and Angela's office. When you get there, she's working on some sort of experiment. She looks up as you enter and smiles.

"Did you save her?" She asks.

"Yes I did. The bullet is removed from her system." You say.

"Super. You came just in time for a test."

"Great. I take it you'll need your staff."

"Ja. Danke (y/n)."

"So what animal are we testing today? Just so you know, I'm tired of eating chicken."

Angela laughs. Throughout the several tests you've done, you've used chickens to test. They're easy to come by and, if the test fails, you can bring it to the butcher and have a nice meal.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but we have another chicken." She says.

"Well I hope it works, then." You say.

Angela places the chicken on the testing area and has you shoot it. She then grabs her staff and attempts to resurrect the chicken. A yellow outline of the chicken forms at the spot you shot it. Soon the yellow stops and the chicken is back to normal, at least in appearance.

"The cells....they've stopped constantly decaying and regenerating!" You exclaim.

"They have?" Angela says and moves closer. She sees the chicken not in a mist or unfeathered. Angela gets super happy. "Oh Mein Gott! We did it!"

Angela kisses you and goes over to see the chicken, but her happiness starts to go away. You see this and go to her side.

"What happened? Is something wrong?" You ask.

"Ja. The cells might have stopped rapidly decaying and regenerating, but I'm not sensing much brain activity." She says.

You check the monitor that displays brain waves and you can see that there's very little to no activity. You bow your head down in disappointment. So close!

"At least we made some progress." You say, wrapping your arms around Angela.

"We did, didn't we?" Angela says.

"We're closer than we were before. After three months of researching with nothing."

"But Gabriel's brain was functioning, be it...different. He's so focused on revenge and death now."

"You know what he calls himself?"

"The Reaper. Maybe there was some sort of error between this evidence and Gabriel's results."

Angela rushes to her computer and starts typing on the keyboard. And you thought she was coming home for a full rest today.

"Angela, no. No more research today. We've made progress. That's all we wanted to do for a while."

"I know, but we're so close. I want to figure it out." She says.

"You're not going to figure out much with two to three hours of sleep. Look at yourself. You've got bags under your eyes and they're bloodshot. Your hair is messier than normal. You're stressed out and quick tempered, something I didn't know was even possible. You can't think well with sleep deprivation. You know that."

"I was able to do this, wasn't I? I want to figure this out and maybe finish the project. I want to accomplish this."

"Usually I'm fine with your workaholic trait, but there's a limit to how much you can work. We made a discovery. That's all we wanted to do today."

"We accomplished that, but we can be finished today with the whole thing."

"You and I both know that's impossible. Come on. Let's head home on time for a change. We can cuddle up on the couch and read a good book or watch a movie."

"As appealing as that sounds, I'm not going to do that today. However, because I love you, and the discovery was made, I'm willing to compromise. Give me two hours. It won't matter if I find anything or not. Two more hours, then we go home."

You sigh and put your hand against your face. At least she was negotiating with you. Over the past few weeks, she had said a quick no and gotten back to work. You could head home, but you didn't want to leave her alone, so you stayed with her until after sundown. Even though you were sure she would have slept at the hospital if she could, you made sure to bring her home. At home, Angela would eat a quick dinner (usually some form of chicken), take a quick shower, change into her pajamas, and then work on her laptop until two in the morning without eating or a bathroom break. She'd read for up to half an hour before finishing her night routine and going to sleep to wake up at 5:00, so you two could be ready at the hospital by six.

"The offer is on the table, so I'd take it if I were you." Angela says.

You sigh. "Fine. Two hours. You want me to get you some coffee?"

"Ja bitte."

"Alright. I'll be back."

"Danke (y/n)."

You head out of the room to get Angela coffee. However, you don't get the coffee the hospital has. Instead, you go to the Kofi Aromo down the street. They're a popular coffee chain with plenty of locations around the world, from Ilios to Numbani. It was Angela's favorite coffee place, so you did her coffee runs for her there.

Before you go to Kofi Aromo, though, you head to yours and Angela's condo. You had only stayed at your parents house for a couple of days until you two found a hospital that would allow you to both continue your research and help patients. Being successful Overwatch doctors, it didn't take too long, and you found a hospital a few cities over from your parents place that would accept your requirements. You two found a nice condo close by and lived together there.

You enter your condo and get straight to work. You had a present for Angela when she returned home to relieve her stress and just show your compassion for her. No, it's not what you're thinking. It's too early in the story for that. It was just something to get her to relax and rest after stressful months. You also start to prepare what you hope to have for dinner. If the chicken was still there, you could add some of the chicken to the dish.

Once you have it set up, you head to Kofi Aromo and grab Angela's coffee, which was quick since no one was at the shop at this time. When you get back to the hospital, half an hour had passed. Only an hour and a half to go. You enter Angela's and your office and see her sitting at the computer, typing on the keyboard.

"Sorry it took so long. There was a long line at the shop." You lie.

"Well is the coffee hot?" She asks, only looking away from her computer screen for a bit.

"I'll let you judge that."

Angela takes a sip and smiles. "It's hot. Danke Herr Doktor."

"Bitte. Find anything yet?"

"Nein. Unless you call an ad for McDonalds something."

"Well it's not what we wanted, but it's something."

Angela does a soft laugh and you sit down at your own computer. You figure that you should try to help find some data for Angela. But you got distracted easily, and eventually just ended up watching YouTube. Angela didn't seem to mind. This was fairly normal.

After some time, your alarm goes off, signaling that the two hours are over. You look at Angela and she nods, finishing her notes and turns off the computer. You get up and look to where the chicken was supposed to be, but it wasn't there.

"Hey, what happened to the chicken?" You ask.

"Oh. I gave it Dr. Lindskog. She came by while you were getting my coffee." Angela says.

"Okay. Well, guess no chicken tonight."

"That's right. We can have something else for a change."

"What would you like?"

"Ich weiss nicht."

"Does pasta pesto sound good?"

Angela's eyes light up at the sound of that. "Yes, that does sound good."

You two get into your car which was lent by your father, a '67 Ford Mustang GT. You opened her door and let her inside before you entered yourself. You exit the garage and head to your condo.

Angela POV
This whole resurrection project has taken over my life. I'm starting to have nightmares of cells and formulas with chickens roaming the world. I'm glad we made the discovery, but how long until we make the next one?

When we get to our condo, I'm about to get out when (y/n) stops me.

"Give me a minute. I have to check something."

I nod and (y/n) exits the Mustang. I take out my phone and take a look at myself. I definitely do not look my best. I'm not wearing any makeup, but that doesn't matter. (Y/n) says I look beautiful with or without it. However, my hair is messy, even in its ponytail, and I definitely look tired.

I rub my eyes a bit and I turn off my camera to text Genji. He was still trying to find a sense of belonging, and I wanted to get an update. He said he was in Africa at the moment, and still felt like an outcast. I encourage him to keep looking and to maybe try visiting Italy or Nepal. As I send the text, (y/n) walks out into the garage and motions me in.

I enter our condo and gasp when I see the things (y/n) did. He had made our dining room super nice, with a nice tablecloth, some lighted candles that smelled great, and the two glasses of wine complimented the pasta very well.

"Well, what do you think?" He asks.

"It looks...wunderbar. You didn't need to do all of this."

(Y/n) blushes a bit. "I know, but I wanted to make you feel special and relax a bit. You've been stressing for a while. Thought it was about time you relaxed."

He pulls out my chair and I sit down. We then eat dinner and drink our wine. We talk about several things, but avoid talking about the project by (y/n)'s request. He told me that I was not to think about work for the evening.

"Thank you for a wonderful dinner, (y/n)." I say.

"My pleasure." He says. "Want a massage?"

I nod and (y/n) starts to give me a massage. I must've been very tense, because I feel him go over several knots in my back and shoulders. It feels good, and I let out sounds of relaxation, which I guess (y/n) liked, because he'd stay in that area for a bit. After several minutes of this, he stops and I thank him.

"Thank you (y/n)." I say.

"You're welcome. Do you feel relaxed now?" He asks.

"Yes I do. Thank you for all of this."

"Don't thank me yet. There's still one more thing left for your evening of relaxation."

"Really? Well, lead the way."

"Why? The floor has a trail to lead you."

I look down at the ground and I see a trail of flower pedals (both real and fake). I smile and look at (y/n), who's smiling back at me. I get up and follow the flower pedals. They lead me to the bathroom, where the only source of light was coming from the several candles. The trail of pedals leads to the bathtub. (Y/n) heads over to it and turns the hot, steamy water on.

"Baths are always relaxing, aren't they?" He says and I nod. "Your book is by the side, ready for whenever you want to read it."

I thank him again and start to disrobe, taking off my lab coat, pants, shirt, and leggings. As I'm doing it, I see (y/n) averting his eyes and putting a hand over his face. I laugh at what he was doing.

"(Y/n), you don't need to do that. I'm fine with you seeing my body." I say.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna get slapped if I look." He says.

I laugh. "Don't worry. It's fine."

He stops averting his eyes and puts his hand down. I'm just in my underwear right now, but it's still enough to get (y/n) to blush. I take off my bra and panties and test the water.

"It's a good temperature, but it's not full yet." I say.

"Right. Yeah. Uhhh... you look...beautiful. I mean... uhh...I haven't looked too much and you look nice I mean....uhhh... You know what? I'm just going to stop talking now." He says.

I laugh at my flustered boyfriend. "It's fine. It's just me without my clothes."

"I know, but that's why. I feel like I should join you in the unclothing and bath."

"I wouldn't mind that, but tonight is my night. Maybe another night. Speaking of baths, I think mine's ready."

"You're right. It's your stress-free night. You need to relax." He says as he turns off the water and start to enter the bath. "You want me to put on some music?"

I let out a relaxed sigh as I let myself down in the bathtub. "Ja. Can you put on some 60s classic rock?"

(Y/n) nods and puts on the music. Wouldn't it be Nice by The Beach Boys starts to play as I close my eyes in relaxation as the warm water feels delightful against my skin.

"Is there anything else you want me to take care of?" He asks.

"No thanks. This is just perfect." I say.

"Alright. If you need anything just let me know. I'm going to be looking for"

I laugh and the blushing (y/n) walks away. This was a wonderful evening he did for me. I was under a lot of pressure to find out one thing about my project, and I was getting tense and not getting enough sleep. What did I do to deserve all of this.

I sit in the bathtub reading my book and listening to bands from the '60s. The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, etc. If I hadn't had coffee earlier, I probably would have slept in the bath. It was so relaxing after the hectic few months.

After about half an hour, I get a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see (y/n), and we kiss.

"You want to go to bed? You deserve a long rest." He says.

"I suppose it would be best. We have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning anyway." I say.

"Oh I already told the hospital we weren't going to show up tomorrow. We're taking a day off."

"Really? Danke (y/n). Ich liebe dich."

"I love you too. Now come on. Your pajamas are on the chair."

I get out of the bathtub and (y/n) hands me a towel. I dry myself off and put on my pajamas. We head to bed and I have one of my best slumbers in a long time.

(A/n) Holy crap this was a long chapter. Over 3k words! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, since it was so freaking long. Remember, if I make an error in my German, feel free to correct it. I'm learning the language and there are bound to be mistakes, so feel free to correct me and I'll change it to be more accurate. Have a nice day :D

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