To the Maun and Back

By countryreb020

103K 3.7K 161

After a divorce she's left with her ex husband's hobby and everything included. So when she starts hauling t... More



3K 113 3
By countryreb020

It's been a full month since loosing the little one I carried for three months. His parents didn't know, mine? I called the number of the ranch to find it disconnected. Oh well.

I held our one year old boy in my lap as J.B pitched hay to the cattle. I don't want another baby just yet. I do want another in the future though. Like he said. We can try again later but for now work on getting this one out of diapers and pull-ups.

I don't want two in diapers at once. After we fed the cattle we went to the barn to clean it up. "No I'm cleaning the loft." I told J.B. "I'm not letting you." He countered. "Don't care babe."

"Your going to think babe when I've got you pressed against the wall." He said doing as he said. Both of my arms were pinned above me as he kissed me. His tongue licked along my bottom lip. I denied him.

I then tried and he let me. Our tongues fought for dominance for a while. I didn't give up until he finally pulled back. He knew he'd lose but tried anyway. "This isn't over Mrs. Mauney." He said lowly.

"Until tonight it is. Don't you have to go and get Bella from her mom?" I asked. "Yeah. I'll be back in a little bit and take R.J with me." He said before kissing me again and letting me go.

I spanked him good while he walked out of the barn. "I will get you back Ches even if it is tonight." He said. "But I love getting revenge." I told him. He shook his head. I had to giggle.

Then grabbed the ladder and went up. I started shoving the hay to the back I saw something slither in the hay. Oh so there's snakes. No worries I dealt with them at my dad's ranch.

I started pitching it into the trailer down below. I spotted one snake and grabbed the shovel. I stepped on its head before cutting its head off with the edge it. It squirmed a bit before it was dead.

I pitched it to the side and continued. By the time J.B was back with Bella I had killed two more. He came up to check on me. I saw another one moving towards me. I backed up just enough for it to come out a little bit. "Have those things been up here the whole time?" He asked.

"Least you married a woman who was raised around this." I told him. He shook his head. We had a day to do things around the ranch before we had to leave. I saw it again or I think it was the same snake and forked it with the pitchfork.

I lifted it up seeing a perfectly speared snake. I had to laugh. It was still alive. "Your dangerous." He said. "Your the one that married me." I told him. He sighed. "Why do you have to be right most of the time?"

He helped me out looks like we both got what we wanted. We both wanted to clean out the hayloft and here we are cleaning it out. "Um Chesney. I think R.J needs his diaper changed." Bella said from below.

I propped my pitchfork up and went down to change it. She was definitely right. After I changed it I threw it in the trash and went back up. Bella and R.J were in the office watching movies and playing with toys.

Once it was done it looked clean. He hauled the hay off while I took the kids to the house. I gave them supper. He came in and ate with us before going to get a shower.

"He's upset." Bella said. "How do you know?" I asked her. "He doesn't say a word at all even while eating and directly goes to get a shower." She said. I went up after telling her to watch her brother. I opened the bedroom door and closed it. He was in the bathroom shirtless looking at himself in the mirror.

"What have I done wrong?" He asked. I went to him and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his back. "You haven't done anything wrong." I told him. "Then why do I feel like something is missing?" He asked.

"If you want we can have a little romp in the shower after the kids go to bed." I told him. He turned to face me. "Then how about now?"

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