Start Again (BoyxBoy)

By KaelReal

782 26 3

There comes a time in life when we try to start a new chapter and everything just swirls around you as you di... More

Start Again
Chapter 1- First Day
Chapter 2 - Nostalgia
Chapter 3 - Dissonance
Chapter 4 - Ecstasy
Chapter 5 - Trouble
Chapter 6 - Inevitability
Chapter 7 - Acceptance
Chapter 8 - Akwardly Sweet
Chapter 9 - Truth
Chapter 10 - Rude
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Regret
Chapter 13 - Restriction
Chapter 14 - Vengeance
Chapter 15 - Resolve
Chapter 16 - Fire


86 2 0
By KaelReal


This is utter bull crap. I can’t believe I’m actually here. After waiting for a long period of time, I am finally here. Wait, but I hate it. Fudge puppies. I started to groan and my mother noticed it.

“What is it, sweetie? Aren’t you excited to finally arrive here?” My mother asked excitedly.

“Yeah, right.” I said and I rolled my eyes

“Oh, that’s okay. You’ll get used to it. Now, come on. We have to go to your father before he leaves without us and takes away all our stuff.” She laughs and walks away in haste.

We went out of the airline gate to look for my dad who went ahead to get our baggage. I was amazed at how the place looked. It was so different from back in my home country. Great, now I’m homesick. I shouldn’t think about it because that’s the main reason why I wanted to go here in the first place. I wanted to start again because I felt like my life was a total waste. I was daydreaming too much that I didn’t notice where I was walking. I knew that I wanted to go to the store to buy something to drink, then I just bumped into someone and I immediately fell backwards.

“Oh, crap.” I said as my life flashed before my eyes. My life is over. This new start ends with a great tragedy. The headlines on the news tomorrow would be “Child died from clumsily bumping into someone then falls backward to his eminent doom”. Yeah, I would be famous. HELL YEAH.

I was caught in my little dreamland and forgot that I was falling, then the person I bumped into suddenly held my arm and lifted me up. I was still screaming when I was already up, traumatized by the feeling of falling. People were looking at me and suddenly a hand covered my mouth.

“Be quiet. Just look at where you’re going and be careful next time, eh?” He whispered.

I stopped shouting and looked at the tall, blonde guy in front of me. I was stunned, so I just nodded back at him and said, “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. Bye.”

He placed his hand on my shoulder and he walked past me. I wanted to ask his name, but I stopped myself. I came here to start my life anew, not to flirt and be a slut the first minute I arrive.

“Oh, there you are! How’s my nephew doing?” someone exclaimed.

I jumped out of shock. I looked up again and saw my uncle.

“Are you alright? You look kind of pale. Here, have some juice that I bought and let’s get you back to your parents.” He passed me the bottle as I was still zoning out. I just followed him as he helped us bring in our baggage to his car and drive us to his house.

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