You and Me | Peybrina

By peybrinacowan

23.1K 498 102

The show that has brought them all to fame Girl Meets World has just rapped up season 2. But will the charac... More

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t w e n ty - e i g h t
t w e nt y - n i n e
t h i r t y

t w e n t y

400 11 0
By peybrinacowan

*Special shout out to: @Mylifeasjay_1*

Sabrina POV:

I woke up in a strange room.

I was about to scream when I noticed arms around me.

This only made me more freaked out until I realized it was Peyton.

I then remembered how I couldn't sleep because I was so scared, so Peyton came to my bed to comfort me.

I want to tell him yes and be his girlfriend so bad...but I think feelings for Paris may be appearing.

The people following Bradley's dad are in California.

His dad told Bradley that we have to get to Miami to be safe.

I don't know why Miami was chosen, or how long it will take, but at this point I am just following orders.

Rowan texted on the group chat and said when everyone wakes up we should go and get some breakfast.

After we can hopefully have some fun before we have to hit the road again.


Rowan POV:

As we walked up to the hotel to pack our stuff I noticed that Peyton and Paris were talking.

They had actually been talking a lot on this trip.

Sabrina followed talking to...


They were laughing, and talking just like old times.

I had to take a double take, to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me.

I got over it of course, and walked up stairs with Corey.

After some discussion (via group chat) with the others, I booked our new hotel in Santa Fe.

We decided that we would stay there for two days, and drive a long time the third morning.

As I finished packing I went to help Corey with his stuff.

He asked how I was feeling about the trip, and I honestly didn't know.

We put our stuff in Paris's truck and waited for the others.

That is when a really cute boy cat called me....oh boy.





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