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Sabrina POV:

I watch Corey and Rowan walk in hand and hand. 

I guess Rowan got what she wished for...

Maybe I should've tried to make things work between Peyton.

We could all be dating just like the fans want.

It  just hurts that he didn't tell me.

If we won't have an honest relationship then what is the point?

I think of all of this as I head to my trailer. I notice the lights are on and peek through the window.

I see Peyton decorating for what seems to be a party.

He is putting up a huge banner that reads "I'm Sorry Sabrina."

Yeah. I don't think I'm going to let him go just that easily.

Peyton POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about Sabrina.

I really like her...maybe even love her and I can't stand the fact we aren't together.

I asked Corey for help and he said the one thing girls like is a suprise.

So I decided to throw a secret party, at which I could ask her to be my girlfriend.

I know it sounds over the top.

But simple just won't do.

Rowan POV:

I can't wait for Sabrina's surprise party.

With everything she has been going through, from her mom moving out, to her dad becoming an alcoholic she could really use someone like Peyton.

They were meant for each other just like Corey and I.



If you haven't heard sorry to be the deliverer of bad news...Girl Meets World is cancelled. Fans are making petitions of course...but as of right now its over. January will be the last month airing new episodes. Disney decided to cancel its MOST popular show after 3 seasons.  I thank the cast, MJ, and everyone that made the show possible for airing it around the time it did. I was beginning middle school during that time and loved the life lessons.  It has been wonderful to see Riley and Maya grow I just wish it could last longer. 



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