Take A Chance On Me || Willia...

By DodgersKings

161K 2.3K 68

Mariana didn't mean to fall in love during her semester abroad in Toronto. It just kind of happened, curse th... More

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XXI
Part XXV
Part XXX
Part XL
Part XLV
Part L
Part LI
Part LII
Part LIV
Part LV
Part LVI
Part LIX
Part LX

Part XLI

2.2K 40 2
By DodgersKings

A/N: Confrontation is about to happen! 

Mariana's POV- December 2016

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't close the door?"

I looked at William and nodded.

"You can do that if you want" I replied.

He looked at me and stepped back.

"I can, but I promised Ellie I'd hear you out"

He lightly grinder his teeth as he looked at me.

"Even if you didn't"

His jaw tensed and he signaled with his head.

"Come on in"

I slowly stepped inside the condo and turned to him as he closed the door.

"Living room is this way"

I followed him out of the small hallway and into the living room. 

"Sit down where ever you want"

I took a seat and I watched as he sat as far away as he could from me. He looked at me and let out a sigh.

"Why are you here?"

"I owe you an explanation" I told him.

He smiled and lightly chuckled.

"I deserved that in May, don't you think?"

He raised an eyebrow as his mouth formed a straight line.

"Your life is much better without me" I stated.

He laughed and I watched as he showed his first emotion. His eyes glossed up as he stared at me.

"Boy are you wrong there"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Did your brother tell you about that panic attack I had in front of him?"

I nodded slowly.

"Do I seem well to you?"

He looked well physically, but mentally I knew he wasn't.

"I haven't slept a whole 8 hours since the day I got dumped with a note. When I do sleep more than 8 hours it's usually because I'm hung over or because I'm exhausted from a panic attack I had! I'm not well at all"

He needed to let all of this out, so I let him.

"Do you know how exhausting it is to not show anyone your emotions?"

He pushed his hair back and closed his eyes when he flinched.

"Cause I've been doing that since May, and it's exhausting!"

I don't think he noticed, or cared but he was shaking.

"Girls throw themselves at me, and I push them away because I'm still in love with you!"

He stood up and I watched as he paced.

"How do you think I felt that night when I got back from a game to find a box with everything I gave you in front of the door with a note saying I'm sorry, I can't do this?"

He stopped pacing and looked at me.

"You never let me give you an explanation, and that's what hurt the most. That you believed my psycho ex-girlfriend!"

I heard the door open and he stopped talking. Kasperi and Nikita both walked into the living room and I watched them scramble back out. The door closed and William turned to look at me.

"I thought I was going to die, I wanted to die"

He slowly shook his head.

"I wanted to get on a plane and fly to Los Angeles and I couldn't because I had to fly to Albany for a stupid game! You told me you were going to let me explain, so I'm going to tell you what I was going to tell you and you're going to hear it because I deserve that!"

I nodded and watched as he took a deep breath. He pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"I met Elsa when I first moved back to Sweden after my dad retired. We were friends for two  years before I made a move. Her parents didn't let her date until she turned 17 so for her 17th birthday I asked her out on a date. She said yes and I asked her to be my girlfriend on our third date. She was my first everything, and I thought I was going to marry her. She dumped me the day after I got drafted because she wouldn't be able to handle the long distance. What a way to celebrate getting drafted, right?"

He sat down on the couch across from me and pushed his hair back.

"I admit I looked for her the following summer, but I let my feelings get to me. I tried to get back with her, but she turned me down. I was so in love with her that I let myself think that sleeping with her was a way of still being in a relationship with her. The same thing happened the following summer, and when I got to Toronto I found out that she was seeing my best friend. He didn't want to tell me until it was serious, and then right before I met you he told me it was serious. The thing is it wasn't for her, they're not together anymore. She dumped him when she found out I was in a relationship with you"

I bit the inside of my cheek as he leaned back on the couch.

"I'm just hurt at the fact that you left and didn't even hear me out"

He stood up and took a seat on the coffee table in front of me.

"You can talk now"

I looked at him and I felt all my emotions I had been holding in come out. I wiped my face and held both my hands.

"I'm so sorry" I told him.

He nodded slowly.

"I got scared" I admitted.


I sniffled and looked down at my lap.

"Of being in love" I told him.

I sat up a bit and closed my eyes.

"I was going to tell you that I was in love with you that night" I stated as I opened my eyes to look at him.

He closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands.

"And then I got that message from your ex-girlfriend. Ellie read it and she got me super paranoid by telling me that I needed to talk with you and clarify everything. I should have told your ex to fuck off, and I should have deleted the message. I didn't though and I'm at fault for pushing you to read that message. I should have never made you do that and I am so sorry for any emotional damage that I have caused" I said to him.

I sniffled and wiped my face.

"My parents aren't together like yours Will, they can't be in the same room without fighting. They were friends with benefits before she got pregnant. The only reason they got married was because at the time it was the right thing to do. In my parents case it was my dad who caught feelings. He was head over heels in love with her, and that all ended the day my dad and I walked in on her with another man. The look on my dad's face mirrored the one you gave me the night we argued. I don't want to end up like them" I stated.

"We're not your parents though because from the looks of it we both caught feelings"

I shrugged.

"Lets say you had been pregnant though, marriage doesn't exactly fix anything. It's 2016 Ana, you can have a baby without being married"

I nodded and he smiled a bit.

"You weren't pregnant, right?"

I shook my head.

"Ok, good"

I watched as he stood up and made his way up the stairs. I heard the door close and just when I thought he was going to stay in there I heard a door open and close. I watched as he walked down with a box that he placed on the coffee table.

"I don't want these things, they're yours"

He handed me a box of tissues and I took the time to clean my face. 

"Your brother is something"

I smiled and sniffled as he sat on the coffee table.

"Let me see your hand?"

I stretched out my left hand and he grabbed it. 

"It's somewhere in here"

He pulled out a box and let go of my hand to open it. 

"I gave this to you"

He clipped on the charm bracelet and looked at me.

"How long are you here for?"

"I told my dad I'd be home before Christmas" I replied.

He nodded.

"I've got a game tonight, I should probably text the guys and tell them they can come in now since Kappy does have to get ready for his game"

He pulled out his phone and did that, but never let go of my hand.

"Are you staying with Ellie?"

I nodded.

"Is she busy tonight?"

"I don't think so" I answered.

He nodded and pushed his hair back.

"Do you want to start all over?"

I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We are both apparently in love with each other still, so I was thinking we could go out on a date or something. The game ends late, but we could go watch a movie or something. I could drop you off at Ellie's if you want, or we can come back here. No sex though, I don't think we should have sex until we're sure if we really have feelings for each other"

I nodded slowly and he smiled.

"Ok" I said agreeing with him.

"I should nap"

"I'll go" I told him as I stood up.


He stood up and shook his head.

"I just got you back, you're not leaving my side until you have to"

His cheeks flushed up a bit and I nodded.

"Ok, do we nap here or your room?" I asked.

"My room"

I nodded.

"All the rooms are upstairs"

I followed him upstairs.

"I live with Nikita and Kappy in case you didn't know"

He turned to look at me once we were upstairs.

"We have lots to talk about but you're here for until?"

"Thursday" I answered. 

He nodded.

"Alright, my room is this way"

He stopped in front of a door and opened it.

"The game is at 7:30, but I have to be there at 5:00"

It was a bit past noon, so he had more than 3 hours since he did take forever in getting ready.

"I'll drop you off at Ellie's, do you think she'd want to go to the game?"

"I don't know but I can ask her" I said.

He nodded and I sat down on the bed. I slipped off my shoes before texting Ellie asking if she wanted to go to tonight's game against the Penguins. 

"If Jeff is there he can come too"

I nodded and watched as he lied down. My phone started ringing and I answered the call.

"Hello" I greeted.

"You're with William?"

"Yeah, he's actually about to nap" I said.

"Things are good?"

"I'll talk to you about that later" I told her.

"Yay! Of course we can go to a hockey game"

"Ok, I'll let him know" I stated.

I ended the call once we both bid goodbye and I turned to Will who was sitting on his bed.

"I still sleep pantless"

I smiled.

"It doesn't make you uncomfortable?"

"I'm alright" I told him.

He nodded.

"You look like you could use a nap as well"

I laughed and nodded.

"Come on now"

I slipped off my jacket and his eyes trailed down my body.

"You've lost weight"

"I actually haven't, I've been working out a bit and I actually have back the body I had during my soccer seasons" I told him.

He nodded and frowned.

"I thought you weren't eating"

I laughed.

"Oh Will, you know me. There's always time to eat even if it's during class" I stated.

I nodded and he patted on the bed.

"Let's sleep"

He set the alarm and lied down. I climbed up on the bed and placed my phone on the night stand. I turned to face him once I was lying down and he smiled.

"I don't bite"

I shifted closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I flinched at how tight he squeezed me but said nothing as he let out a shaky breath.

"God I missed you"

I shifted so I could look at him.

"I missed you too" I admitted.

He smiled and I kissed his cheek before putting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead before settling down. He pressed his nose in my hair and I heard as his breathing deepen. I fell asleep soon after, and only woke up when I heard a light knock on the door. The door opened and Kasperi peaked in. He was dressed in a suit, so he was probably on his way out.

"Are you decent?"

"Yes" I replied.

He walked in and carefully sat on the edge of the bed.

"I need to talk with you and I know he will wake up if you move away from him"

I nodded slowly and turned to face him. 

"You two talked things through?"

"Yes" I answered.


"We're going to talk about it after watch a movie tonight" I stated.

He smiled.

"Good, good. I got to say its real nice to see Willy asleep"

He scratched his jaw.

"He really loves you Mariana, don't break his heart again"

I nodded.

"Don't promise me, promise him that"

With that he stood up.

"I'll see you around, I like pancakes"

I smiled and watched as he slowly made his way out of the room. I moved Will's arm around my waist and sat up. I made a face when he shifted a bit.

"Just getting comfortable" I told him as his eyes slowly opened.

I tucked my arm under his neck and let him wrap his arm around me again. 

"Go to sleep" I told him.

I closed my eyes and pressed my nose against his forehead. He was exhausted, I could feel it radiating off of him. What killed me the most was that I was the cause of it. I have to admit though, it was one of the best naps since May.

A/N: Do you guys not hate me anymore?

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