Part X

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Mariana's POV- January 2016

William shut off his car and looked at me.

"Last night was fun?"

I smiled.

"It was" I admitted.

He had been true to his word, and let me finish my reading before he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. While we looked for a movie to watch, we got to know each other. He told me about the many siblings he had, 4 sisters and 1 brother. His family was incredibly close, so he was a bit surprised when I told him my family didn't get a long. I told him I had a twin brother, but that we weren't really raised as twins. Problems aside though, my brother was my best friend.

"So you're open to another sleep over?"

We ended up falling asleep in the living room talking with each other as Superbad played in the background.

"I am" I replied.

He smiled and my phone buzzed on my lap. I had a text from Ellie asking,

Are you awake?

Ellie got laid last night, so she had not spent the night at the dorm.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I have class" I answered.

"Are you free?"

I nodded.

"I'm free after 2PM" I said.

He smiled.

"How early is your class on Tuesday?"

"9:30 AM" I replied.

He nodded.

"Would you be willing to spend the night?"

"Your guest room does have a Queen sized bed" I stated.

I smiled as he chuckled.

"Ok" I said.

"What are you craving?"

"Steak" I answered.

He hummed.

"Well Vik will not be home tomorrow night, so we could make the steak at my place or we can go out and eat steak"

"Staying in sounds nice" I told him.


My phone buzzed again and I looked down at my phone.

I'll be there in 5!

"I need to go inside so I won't have Ellie hounding me with questions" I said.

I looked at William who smiled.

"Alright, well I'll text you"

I nodded.

"Can I try something?"

I smiled as he tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Like?" I asked.

"Kiss you"

"Ok" I said.

He let out an airy laugh and I closed my eyes as he cupped my face. Just as he was about to kiss me, there was a hard knock on the window. William chose to ignore the person knocking and gave me a hard kiss. We both pulled away and I smiled at him as I tried to catch my breath.

"I'll text you"

I nodded and he pecked my lips again before letting me go. He slipped on his sunglasses as he unlocked the car doors. I opened the door and looked at Jake who pursed his lips as he looked at me.

"He can't park here"

"He was just leaving" I said as I closed the door.

I opened the back door and pulled out my duffle bag. I closed the door and watched as William pulled out of the parking spot and drove away.


I looked at Jake and hummed.

"Did you have a good night?"

I smiled.

"I had a great night" I admitted.

I opened the door and made my way upstairs leaving a confused RA outside. Once I was inside the room, I let out a sigh and lied down on my bed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket when it vibrated. I had a text from William,

I didn't get you in trouble, right?

I laughed and glanced up from my phone when the door opened. Ellie closed the door and grinned at me.

"So a jealous little birdy just informed me that you too did not spend the night"

"Nothing happened though, tell me about your night" I said as I replied to William,

He snitched on me to Ellie, so I'll let you know

"I had mind blowing sex"

"Lucky" I told her.

She wiggled her eyebrows.

"So you were out with the cute Swede"

I nodded.

"How'd that go?"

"He knows how to kiss" I stated.

She laughed.

"Wonder what else he can do with that mouth of his?"

I threw a pillow at her.

"I'm joking! Well at least I know that you had a good night"

I nodded.

"So you and William are talking"

"We are" I told her.

"Well you are here for a couple of months so enjoy your Swede"

"I'll try" I said as I laughed.

"So what has Jake so pissed?"

"William and I were kissing in the car and he saw" I replied.

She snorted.

"What a little bitch"

A/N: I'll try to post again in a few hours. 

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