Part XXI

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Mariana's POV- March 2016

I let out a sigh as I took a look at the final score, Senators 3 Toronto 2. 

"He shouldn't take the loss to heart, he scored his first NHL goal"

I looked at Martine Forget, Jonathan Bernier's fiancee and smiled.

"Let's sit here for a bit, they've got to talk with the media anyways"

I nodded.

"So tell me about yourself"

I was a bit angry at Will at the moment because he made me sit with the WAGs (Wives and Girlfriends). I sat on my own for a bit until Martine asked if she could sit with me. I was thankful for that because I felt incredibly uncomfortable. I wasn't going to be the bigger person and introduce myself to each and every single one of them. 

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Where is home? I recognize your accent but I cannot pinpoint it"

"I'm from LA" I told her.

She smiled.

"Jon used to play for the LA Kings"

I knew that, he was traded to Toronto for Ben Scrivens and some other guy. 

"I actually interned for the Kings during their cup win in 2014" I stated.

"Is that what you want to work in once you're done with school?"

I shook my head.

"I'm actually double majoring in Nursing and Communications" I said.

She hummed.

"So you want to be a graduated nurse"

"A nurse practitioner" I corrected her.

"That's really cool, I personally never had the brains for school but congrats to you for majoring in not 1 but 2 things"

I smiled.

"Thank you" I accepted.

I guess we talked a little longer than we thought because we both glanced up when Will knocked on the door as he stepped inside.

"There you are"

"Here I am" I said as he made his way over.

He smiled at Martine and looked at me.

"Are you ready to go?"

I nodded and stood up. 

"It was nice to meet you" I told Martine.

She smiled.

"Look for me if you come to a game alone"

"I will" I promised.

She stood up and looked at William.

"Congrats on your first"

He smiled.

"Thank you"

I looked at Will who laughed when I swatted his arm.

"What was that for?"

"We agreed to no hickeys" I told him.

He grinned.

"I'll make it up to you"

"Of course you will, no sex for the next week" I whispered to him as I made my way to the door.

He frowned and followed me out.

"That's just mean"

I winked at him as he reached for my hand.

"I got something for you"

"Yeah?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I'll give it to you in the car"

I stopped walking and he laughed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Ana"

He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

"You look nice in my jersey"

I rolled my eyes as he nuzzled his nose against my cheek.

"Come on"

He gently tugged on my hand and I willingly let him lead me out. Once we were in the car, I slipped my jacket off and he cleared his throat when I began to slip my jersey off.

"What are you doing?"

I looked at him and smiled.

"It's time you get your mind out of that gutter Will" I joked.

I slipped off the jersey and adjusted the blouse I had on under.

"What is it you wanted to give me?" I asked.

He smiled and reached into his pocket of his suit jacket.

"Close your eyes"

I closed my eyes and he placed something on my hand. 

"For you"

I opened my eyes and looked down to see a hockey puck.

"Is this?" I asked as I looked at him.

He smiled.

"I want you to have it"

"You should give this to your mom or your dad" I stated as I looked at the puck that had FIRST NHL GOAL,  Assisted by B. Laich 05/03/2016

He shook his head.

"It's yours"

I nodded and smiled at him.

"This is really sweet of you" I told him.

He grinned.

"See, my mind isn't always in the gutter"

I laughed and accepted the kiss when he leaned in.

"So are we really not having sex?"

I looked at him.

"Only because you scored your first NHL goal" I stated.

He hummed.

"But I'm keeping my word William, no sex for a week after" I told him.

"I'll change your mind"

He tried, but he didn't.

A/N: Someone private messaged me asking how many chapters I had written for this story and the answer is so far I have typed up 35 chapters worth. I'm currently working on 36.

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