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William's POV- December 2016

It was very hard not to get recognized here in Toronto. At the moment I was doing a great job, and I didn't even try. I was seated in the middle of a coffee shop drinking coffee and reading the copy of The Outsiders that Mariana let me borrow. The book sat on top of the box of things Mariana had given back to me. I decided to give the book a shot, and I was going to admit it was a good read. I'm also sure no one really recognized me because I was wearing my glasses. I literally felt like Superman as Clark Kent. 


I looked away from the book and glanced up to see a blonde across from me. She set her cup of coffee on the table and smiled. As soon as she smiled, I immediately recognized her.

"Ellie" i said.

She laughed.

"Do I really look that different?"

"You look good" I told her.

I stood up and accepted the hug she was stepping forward for.

"It's so nice to see you"

I pulled away and she pointed at the chair.

"Mind if I have a seat?"

"Not at all" I said.

I took a seat and she slipped off her beanie.

"I almost didn't recognize you, it was actually Jeff who pointed you out to me"

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He's on the baristas"

I nodded slowly and glanced towards that direction.

"I'm pretty sure he made my coffee" I stated.

"He probably did" 

She smiled.

"You look good"

"Thanks, how were finals?" I asked.

She made a face and reached for her coffee.

"They were rough"

"Well at least you're done, you've got one semester left" I said.

"Don't remind me, I got some senior portraits taken the other day and I cried like a baby after"

I chuckled.

"George took those, right?" I asked.

"You know George"

I nodded.

"Yeah, his friend is dating one of my teammates" I told her.

She nodded.

"Congrats by the way"

"Thank you" I accepted.

She smiled.

"How are you?"

"Tired" I admitted.

"You're sleeping well, I can see there are no eye bags under those pretty eyes of yours"

I laughed.

"Have you talked with Mariana?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I actually talked with her last night"

"That's cool" I stated.

I had Mariana's phone number, but I didn't want to call her. I wanted her to call me because it was her that ran away. I know she had unblocked me on all social media, and I had George to thank for that. I don't know what he told her, but I was glad he had said what he said.

"We actually talked about you"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah, she asked how you were doing"

I hummed and looked at my empty cup of coffee.

"She could have just called me and asked" I told her.

"It's exactly what I told her"

I nodded.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"What time is it?" I asked.

She pulled out her phone and looked at the screen.


"I should probably head out, I'd promise Auston I'd help him do something" I said.

She nodded and watched as I stood up.

"It was nice seeing you"

"You too, let me get your number. Maybe we can get some lunch or something, Jeff is invited of course" I told her as I pulled out my phone.

She took my phone and I looked at Jeff who was making his way over.

"You're heading out already?"

"Yeah, I've got to go lay our rose petals all over Auston's apartment" I replied.

He chuckled.

"Have fun with that"

"I owe him" I stated.

I had puked on his girlfriend more than once, and hogged her after I had those panic attacks.

"It was nice seeing you"

"You too man" I replied.

I took my phone back from Ellie and she grabbed my hand.

"Hear her out though, ok?"

She squeezed my hand as I nodded.

"Ok" I promised.

A/N: Daylights Savings ruins my sleeping patterns even more.

Take A Chance On Me || William NylanderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora