Part I

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Mariana's POV- January 2016

I adjusted my backpack as I made my way out of a bookstore in downtown Toronto and silently thanked my roommate for telling me to come get my textbooks at this time. There was no one around, everyone seemed to be at work or busy with other things. It honestly seemed a bit strange seeing as it was Friday, I assumed a lot of college students didn't have class today like I did. I made my way towards the crosswalk and pulled my phone out as I waited for the light to turn green. Suddenly, I felt a body collide into me making me lose my balance.

"Hey, watch where you're going" I scolded as I steadied myself.

He mumbled an apology and I raised an eyebrow as he slumped against the light post. He coughed and my eyes widened as he stepped forward to cross the street. I was quick to react and grabbed his hand pulling him towards me, not towards incoming traffic and the car that could have ran him over.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked.

He had sunglasses, so I couldn't see his eyes. He steadied himself by placing his hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned him around when I recognized the face he was making. My brother had a habit of making that face when he was about to throw up after a night out, and I was right. I scrunched up my nose as some of his puke landed on my boots.


He was slurring, but he did not smell like alcohol nor was he acting like he was on drugs.

"Are you ok?" I asked as he turned to face me.

The glasses he was wearing had from his face, and were on the floor covered in his puke. He had the prettiest blue eyes, but his eyes were incredibly dilated.


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but that just made matters worse because he began slumping on me.

"You're concussed" I stated.

He nodded slowly and I hooked my arm around his waist as my phone started ringing. 

"You need to go to the hospital" I told him.

He looked at me and I frowned when I realized his whole body was shaking. As he leaned closer to me, I realized I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered the call from my roommate.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey, so I'm by the bookstore. Are you done? I was thinking we could eat some Chinese food"

"How close are you from the bookstore?" I asked.

"I actually just parked my car in front of the bookstore"

"I need your help" I stated.

There was a light pause.

"Oh god"

She groaned.


I ended the call and steadied the blond who was about to pass out.

"Oh my god Mariana, when I said you should make this semester memorable I didn't mean it like this"

"Hopefully we don't end up in prison. I don't think my family would appreciate having to come to Toronto to bail me out" I said as I tried to hold him up.

She nodded and clapped her hands.

"I'll grab his legs, you grab his under arms"

A/N: Yes the title of this story is an ABBA song, you know since he's Swedish. 

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