Tell Me I'm A Screwed Up Mess

By Kryptonite101

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Kara a 17 year old girl is finally re united with the one and only Harry Styles after moving to New York leav... More

Tell Me I'm A Screwed Up Mess
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
CHapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6

200 0 0
By Kryptonite101

HELLO! i'm sorry i havent uploaded in a while, i've had no internet :( BUT ENJOY! 


We finally arrived at the studio. Thousands of screaming fans were all lined up out side screaming and chanting "ONE DIRECTION"

it all felt so odd, i felt out of place, like i shouldn't be here. I seen two girls dressed as carrots, there must be a reasonable explanation but really? CARROTS? 

We were hurried in by guards. The boys walked in one by one with me following close behind. When we finally arrived at the dressing room. two tall older ladies immediately started doing hair and makeup. The screaming hushed as the door closed. 

i looked around the Dressing room. there was two couches facing each other i sat down on one of them with a huff "i can't believe i agreed to coming, i feel so out of place, WHY DID I COME!?" i said pretty much talking to myself. Harry plopped himself next to me while Louis sat on the other couch stretching out his legs, propped on one elbow looking down at his phone. 

"you came because you love me" Harry said smiling at me. i huffed again 

"you wish buddy" i said laying down my, my head in his lap and my legs on the arm of the couch. 

"thats the biggest lie!" louis said looking over at me smirking. 

"i agree you. you came all the way from New York just to be with him, if that isn't love, i don't know what is!" Zayn said. i looked up at a blushing and smiling Harry

"so that means you love me lots!" Harry said playing with my hair. I tried to say serious and say 'nah' but i couldn't his cute little face was just too overwhelming! i looked up at his face as he looked down at mine. I heard a strange sound as if a photo had been taken and then Louis cheeky giggle. i pouted at him and then went back to talking to Harry.

"okay maybe i do love you lots!" i said smiling. Harry through his hands up 'wooing' in victory i laughed along with the other boys.

Zayn and Liam Had Finished hair and makeup Niall And Louis were next. Harry and i still sat on the couch talking. 

"hey, why are there girls outside dressed as carrots?" i asked Harry. he began to laugh. what, what was funny? 

"arm well, when we were on x-factor we uploaded video diaries to youtube and we'd answer questions fans would ask. and someone ask us what we fancy in a girl" He began after recovering from laughing. "Louis decided to say he likes girls who have taste in carrots, and now he is carrot boy, he's kinda stuck with it." Harry finished off. We both looked at Louis he shrugged and blushed a little.

Harry and i sat there Talking about pointless things until it Was Harry's turn for hair and makeup. he replaced himself in Nialls seat while Louis still sat in the one next to him. 

i sat up and watched as Harry Picked up a large blush brush from the makeup bag and began to stroke the ladies face. i giggled as i continued to watch him smile at himself, green eyes full of happiness and cheeks creased with dimples. Harry continued to stroke her face 

"harry! behave!" she said giggling slightly. 

"damn it Harry! How many times do i have to tell you!" Louis scolded Harry. he shoved his phone in his pocket and snatched the brush from Harry. Harry huffed, crossed his arms and pouted. "i have taught you better! watch and learn!" he stated tickling the ladies nose causing her to go into fits of sneezes. Harry, Louis and i all Laughed. 

"thats how it's down" Louis said proudly throwing the blush brush back into the bag. and dusted off his hands. After she had recovered from her sneezing fit, The lady smacked Louis upside the head. He completely over exaggerated collapsing to the floor. 

"DO NOT FEAR!" Zayn said whipping his head around looking at Louis then running to his side. "'VAS' HAPPENIN' MAN IS 'ERE" he said in a weird indian.. kinda accent thing.. reaching down helping Louis up. Once back on his feet, Louis cupped Zayns face. 

"OH YOU!" he said. Harry had finally finished hair and makeup and it was time to go on set. 

At that moment, my cheeks burnt from continuously smiling. honestly, i don't know what it is about these boys but that just genuinely make me happy.

I followed the boys out to the wings. the set was simple 5 chairs facing the audience and one chair on an angle to the audience and where i'm guessing the boys would sit. everyone began to hush. i'm guessing it was almost time to go on. i was getting nervous. and i wasn't even going to go on stage! jesus! i guess i was just nervous for them?

"are you nervous?" i whispered to Harry

"kinda, i'm kinda used to it" He whispered back. i smiled and he returned with his perfectly structured one. 

"in 5.. 4" i heard the director say he was probably miming 321 action with his hand. i heard the host introduce them. and they walked on stage in single file. Niall sat next to the host followed by Zayn Harry Louis and Liam. 

"Everyone say Hello to the boys of ONE DIRECTION!" she said motioning her hands to where the boys were sitting as if the audience couldn't see where they were. i rolled my eyes. 

"we aren't one direction" Louis said


"yeah, we're the other direction" Harry said going along with Louis silly joke. The Audience and the host laughed. I listened to the rest of the interview. i heard a lot about how they weren't supposed to go through in the x-factor how Harry chose the name etc etc. 

i zoned out a little looking at my phone. More notifications. Shit. i cussed under my breath. i started bring my nails anxiously waiting for the comments to load my breathing became heavier and deeper. I knew I shouldn't be reading this here but i did anyways. 

'clearly edited'

'stupid bitch'

'you wish buddy!' 

my eyes welled with tears. shit shit shit shit! why, why do they do this to me!? i know i shouldn't care and all but i do! i wish i could be one of those people who didn't care what people thought. but i did. this is what they made me. a wreck. a complete mess! and i couldn't do anything about it, i was just a depressed teen with no idea what a life with friends is like. 

I realised how zoned out i was. my hands were shaking and my lip was quivering. i quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching me. i met two, big, green  concerned eyes. 'are you okay?' Harry mouthed at me. i ferociously blinked back the tears. smiling and giving him the thumbs up. 

"now boys." the host began. Harry's head whipped towards her "lets ask the question all the ladies want to here. who's single and who's happily in love!?" she said 

"HAPPILY INLOVE" Liam and Louis both shouted

"single" Niall said 

"sadly, single. looking for a lady though" Zayn said sending a wink to the audience i heard multiple girls scream. 

"i'm a single pringle" harry said smirking 

"watch out, Niall liked pringles" Louis said making them all giggle. 

"now Harry, this is a surprise to me" She said 

"oh? how?" Harry asked obviously interested. he sat up straight rather than slumped in the chair. 

"well i found a couple of photo's on twitter today!" she said looking over to the screen beside her head. It was the photo of Me Harry and the boys Covered in silly string. they zoomed in to just me and Harry. i was on Harry's back Kissing him on the cheek. 

"Well, Thats Kara" he said. the audience 'oooo'd"  "i've known her since birth, she left when we were both 8 and moved to New York. it was like, the worst day of my life" He continued the audience 'awed' "but now she moved back and we're the best of friends again" he said smiling widely. the crowd cheered and wooed

"what about this one? this was only from about half an hour ago, Louis tweeted it" Harry shot a look at Louis while he smiled cheekily. it was the photo of me laying in Harry's lap while he played with my hair. my arms were resting on my stomach. it looked like we were staring into each others eyes, it looked so intermit it isn't even funny! 

"thats when we were in the dressing room, we were just chatting, reminiscing" he stated relaxing. 

"so she's here?" she asked. i aware to god, if i have to go on stage….

"well yes, but she rather not come out" He said, awwww Harry you sweet heart i thought to myself.  

"okay fair call, but i must say, she does seem to dress a lot similar to Louis?" she began 

"I KNOW!" Louis said "when she knocked on the door, i opened it and it was like looking at a girl version of me with black hair. i was shocked i couldn't move so we kinda just stared at each other. then she mumbled something and went to walk away and Harry came and saved the day" Louis explained. 

The Interview went on for another hour or so before they finally performed. i listened closely to their voids. they were all so different and unique yet when they were put together it was like… i can't even describe. it was perfection. i knew i could sing a little i guess but now that i know about these guys the standards must be high. theres no way in the world that i could be better than either one of them. i walked back to the dressing room and checked twitter. i had net checked since i uploaded the photo. 

i had 30 new followers. i followed them back and i was already being tweeted about. 


i replied: @Directioner101 thank you lovely.. xo 

@iLoveLouis: @Kara_Jones:) You're so lucky! send our love to the boys form all the directioners! xxx

i replied: @ILoveLouis yes, i am lucky! finally back home with my bestest friend on the planet! i'll make sure they'll get the message from all you #directioners

@MrsStyles: @Kara_Jones:) totally taking my man! ahahaha but you's are so cute together! you already look like a couple! you's should date! p.s send harry big love for me! 

i replied: @MrsStyles hahah i'm sorry! i'll try and share him around ;) and i'm not sure, i don't think we'll date aha i'll leave that to you ;) and i'll tweet you his reply! xo

i loved twitter, i felt so loved by strangers. it was great. The boys finished their performance. i rested them all with a hug and giving Harry a kiss on the cheek. 

"you's are amazing!" i said. they all thanked me for the compliment. guards rushed us back to the car and within a few minutes i was squashed between Harry and Niall. The Car drove off quickly, i watched as hundreds of Girls chased after the car. 

"doesn't that freak you out?" I asked.

"nahhh, we're used to it" Liam stated "still unusual but doesn't freak us out as much as it used to."

"they only usually chase after the car when Zayns in it" Niall added, i looked over at Zayn who was looking at himself I rolled my eyes and quickly changed the subject

"How does paparazzi find out so quickly about pictures you posted and stuff" i asked not really talking to anyone inperticular. 

"Nothing is safe on the internet and the host was following each of us and we followed back exetera exetera" Louis Explained. I nodded. I better be careful with what i post n stuff then. 

My phone Vibrated, i was hoping silently that it wasn't another notification.

'hey beautiful, I've made a last minute decision to go out with some friends tonight. I'm sorry! could you stay at Harry's?  xoxo -mumma '

i smiled, she got to spend the night with her friends and i got to spend the night with mine. i told her i'd ask. 

i snuggled onto Harry's arm looking up at his big green eyes "Harry Bee!" i said "You know how you're the besets friend i could ever ask for right?" i said still looking into his pretty eyes. A smile spread across my face Matching the grin on Harry's 

"I know, i know" Harry said being cheeky. i giggled. 

"Could i pretty please with rainbows on top stay at your house for tonight?" Harry's laugh rang through my ears, i looked up at him puzzled, what was funny?

"Thats a stupid question, you know you can stay whenever you like!" He finished. I Smiled largely at him as he hugged me tightly. 

"OH EM GHEE, SLUMBA PARTYYY!" Louis yelled through the car. we all laughed. 

I went to text my mum to say that I was staying at Harry's Then i remembered about twitter. 

"oh by the way you guys. @ILoveLouis sends love on behalf of all the directioners and @MrsStyles wanted me to send big love to Harry" I said smiling 

"tell her i love her with all my heart" Harry said the boys awwwed

 "and thank the other one for the support and tell her we love every single one of our fans and we'll never stop loving them" Liam added. i nodded jotting it down and tweeting it in two separate tweets. 

by the time i was done and i had shoved my phone in my pocket we were at home. and hopping out of the car. we walked inside single file. 

"aahhhh Home Sweet Home!" Zayn sighed flicking his shoes off and going to watch TV. The i sat on the couch adjacent to Him leaning back and relaxing. taking in all of the events from today. 

"so did you enjoy your day?" Louis said with a cup of tea and biscuits in hand. He sat next to me since it was "his couch" Louis had already changed into  comfy home clothes. he was so cute even when he looked daggy! 

"it was great! i felt a bit odd, but yeah it was fun" i replied nodding as Louis did munching on some soggy tea biscuits. 

"shall we watch a movie after Harry and Liam come back with dinner?" Zayn said 

"how are they getting dinner if they can't drive?" Louis asked with a mouth full of biscuit. 

"they can walk" Zayn said. 


"yes a movie would be grand!" i said "but first, Shower!" i said leaping up and walking half way down the hall. then i realised, i don't know where Harry's room is. i walked back into the lounge room. "umm, directions to Harry's room?" i asked. Niall got up 

"i'll show you" he said. God that accent was so perfect. He Walked me to Harry's room and i thanked him. and walked in. i started to go through his draws to find a jumper. I found a photo of us in his top draw. the glass was cracked. it was when we were 5 and we used to run around the streets in cat dog underwear rein-acting events from aladin. i smiled at the photo. but i wondered why it was smashed and buried at the bottom of his top draw. what did this mean!? i stood there staring at the photo wondering and also reminiscing on the past i had with Harry smiling every now and then. 

"err, what're you doing" Harrys voice met my ears, i spun around meeting his eyes. he was standing in the door way. 

"arm, i was looking for a jumper to sleep in because i was gonna go for a shower"

"oh, HEY! i've been looking for that!" he said taking the photo off me "it broke i've forgotten to get a new frame" he said. i nodded. "here wear this, you'll suit it" he said winking holding up an oversized grey jumper. i laughed 

"thanks has" i said. walking out and going to the bathroom. 

I ran the water. i turned to the micro and studied my body. i was getting really skinny. my hip and solar bones poked out. i should probably start eating more. i attended my fresh wound from last night, taking the bandage off and getting in the shower. as the warm water touched my skin my arm burned for a second but the pain faded. i noticed an in shower radio. i turned it on and Lego House by Ed Sheeran was playing. I, without realising, Began singing along in the shower. 

" three words have two meanings

but theres one thing on my mind

it's all for you.

and it's dark on a cold december

but i got you to keep me warm…" 

i belted out the lyrics. when the song finished i dried myself and put on Harry's over sized hoodie. it reached mid thigh. i re-bandaged my wrist and towel dried my hair. on the way back from the bathroom i dropped the clothes i was wearing into Harry's. i opened the door to a sleeping Harry with a photo frame clutched to his chest. i went over and kissed him lightly on the forehead. On the way out i grabbed a hair brush, even though i thought Harry didn't own one, and walked to the lounge room while brushing my hair. as i came to the end of the door way. i seen the faces of the boys especially Louis'. He was smirking cheekily/

"what are you smirking at Mr Tomlinson" i said lifting up loui's legs and replacing them on my crossed legs. He looked up from his phone. 

"Well Miss Jones" He began re positioning his feet getting comfortable "i heard a little someone singing in the shower" He finished winking and wiggling his eyebrows. i felt my cheeks heat up immediately. i began playing with my hands. 

"nah, it was that radio thing" i protested

"i don't remember a lady singing lego house" he argued

"well it was a cover in the radio" i didn't look at him when i spoke 

"yeah a cover by Kara Jones in the shower" he winked. I rolled my eyes and took a breath to comeback at Louis. but Zayn cut me off telling us both to be quiet because the movie 'Ace Ventura Pet Detective" was about to begin. i smiled to myself looking down at my hands remembering how Harry and i would waych it 5 times over in one day quoting it almost word for word. 

I had the best night Laughing and quoting the movie with the boys. i'm not sure when but i dozed off at some point during the movie on the couch. 


THERE YA GO ! ahaha 

more will be uploaded soon! promise! 

bye for now not forever xx

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