Code Lyoko: The Broken Time (...

Por DakkokuSuru

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Tells the following story about what happened after Season 3 ( X.A.N.A 's defeat )...Hope you guys enjoyed it... Más

Season 1: X.A.N.A Awaken//Episode 1: Start Up (Part 1)
Episode 2 : Start up ( Part 2)
Episode 3 : Project Paradox
Episode 4 : New Allies , New Hope
Episode 5 : The Terror From The Sky
Episode 6 : XANA Halloween Surprise
Episode 7 : Unknown Danger
Episode 8 : The Christmas Miracle
Episode 9: Time Loop
Episode 10: The First Wave
Episode 11: Cold Cut
Episode 12: Paradox Past
Season 2: Broken Reality // Episode 1: Paradox and Consequences
Episode 2: Back on Track
Episode 3: Fracture in Time
Episode 4: Who's Who
Episode 5: Jack and Annie
Episode 6: The Dunbar Brothers
Episode 7: Destiny
Episode 8: Brother Showdown
Episode 9: Winter's Howl
Episode 10: Seize of Camelot
Episode 11: Hard Time
Episode 12: Final Battle (End season 2 )
Season 3 : Legacy // PROLOGUE - Birth Of A Generation
Episode 1: Ghost from the past
Episode 2: Team Lyoko Warriors
Episode 3: Surprise Attack
Episode 4: Fusion of 2 Generation
Episode 5: Rise Of The Descendants
Episode 7: Rebirth of XANA
Episode 8: Family Reunion
Episode 9: Sweat ,Bits and Bytes
Episode 10: Rises of Evil
Episode 11: Family Business
Episode 12: Return to the past
Episode 13: New Replica, New Trouble
Episode 14: Dokusei no Numa
Episode 15: Pieces of the puzzle
Episode 16: Pride and Love
Episode 17: The Doctor, The Artist and The Gunner
Episode 18: The Great Beast
Episode 19: Back to the future (Final)
Episode 19: Back to the future (Alternative End)

Episode 6: The First Test

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Por DakkokuSuru

Date 1st October , 2030- the Lyoko 2.0 sever's maintenance is done, they recover most of the data back but inside the game still occur some glitches, 1 of the player actually automaticaly fly into the air then devirtualize, although the game still allow him to respawn but he reported the bug then stop playing. At school the team still talking about what have happened in last week, some of them are still in shocked of the aftermath of XANA

- Oliver: i can't still believed my mom is my dad

- Yumeko: Oliver-san, just let it through

- Emma: but she is a transgender or what, you only told us she is your parent

- Oliver: she is biologically change, first she is a boy then after the Paradox-higamajic thingy he become a she like snap, change gender

- Edward: man, that sound very mess up if you tell like that

Nathan and Carla show up

- Nathan/Carla: hello everyone

- Edward/Eric/Oliver: yo Nathan

- Maya/Emma/Yumeko: hi Carla

- Edward: hmm, your cast have been remove, that is awesome

- Nathan: yeah i know,but my hand is still weak at the moment, i can't lift heavy object and stuff

- Emma: poor guy

- Carla: hey Oliver, maybe after school we can go to that carnival at main street, what do you say?

- Oliver: sure why not but after 6pm alright, we have to do some work first? Anyone want to join in

- Eric: neah, i'm pass

- Yumeko: i would love to

- Maya: me too

- Edward: sound great

- Emma: sorry boy, i have some business to discuss with my dad

*Bell ring* they all go to class, at 4pm, they go to the game center to begin their training. They enter a room with 6 scanner ready, Jeremy begin the process and they all virtualized, before that Edward ask a question

- Edward: who are we training with today, is it some professional gamer

- Jeremy: no, it their parent

- Edward(surprise) : what!!!

The spawn in a separate location distinct from the map, over there, their parent are waiting for them

- William: welcome to Lyoko 101, you are here today for a training in which you master your Skill, Weapon and Ability. Any questions?

- Oliver(*raise his hand*) : Oh oh oh, me me

- Odd: yes Oliver,

- Oliver: why do you dress like a big purple cat and why your hair so funny?

- Odd: first, this is my combat outfit and second of all my hair is the hottest in Lyoko

- Jeremy: hello, everyone, i will start the program, you guy pair up, ok?

They pair up, Maya with Aelita, Eric with Ulrich, Yumeko witb Yumi, Emma with William and Oliver with Odd. Jeremy start the program and the world begin to reshape into many terrains

At Aelita's side, they spawn in a very high area with cliff and unstable ground

- Aelita: for this training you will fly with me through all the obstacles, destroy some target and collect the floating golden coin.

Aelita summon her wing and fly up, Maya follow the lead, she fly over an very beautiful landscape, she fly over a narrow passage, learn how to do a barrel roll, learn how midair stop and dash. Overall their training go smoothly. At William's side

- William: alright Emma, we fight 1v1 with our sword

- Emma: that's it , that is my special training?

- William: no, this is (*turn to super smoke form*)

William sneak behind Emma back and surprise attack her, she dash forward flip William's sword up, William sweep kick, Emma jump and slash down,

William block the attack, the shockwave form the block push both Emma and William backward

- Emma: man this sword is heavy

- William: you know how long it is since i last step in here, i'm getting to old for this

They both laugh at William joke, then continue on the sword fighting. After a while Emma learn some new combo she could use, she learn how to use Force Pulse(shockwave pulse form XANA's sword) and Heatseeker(Control the sword). At Odd's side

- Odd: alright son, climb that wall with me

- Oliver: that wall is 50 feet tall, how could i even climb up there

- Odd: well you got my power isn't it?

- Oliver: yes but i don't have your cat suit

- Odd: stop calling it a cat suit. You possess a unique skill call Wall Run while i have Wall Climb so... (*jump to wall and climb*)

- Oliver :hey! (*run on the wall*)

Odd climb very fast due to her agility and speed while Oliver is having a hard time because he is running on a vertically platform. Seeing being distance by his mom, Oliver use Booster, a little exhaust pipe open and launch out, Oliver gain a great amount of speed, he go pass his mom wink to her while saying "see ya later".

Meanwhile at the real world

- Jeremy: Edward, you take over the control, i have somewhere else to go

- Edward: where are you even going

- Jeremy : you know, back to the lab and monitor, oh yeah 1 other thing i forgot to say, good work on that United Program, who know combining 2 generation's power into 1 could be so useful

- Edward: right.... thanks dad

Jeremy then go back to the lab. At Ulrich's side

- Ulrich: son i'm going to teach you how to use the sword properly

- Eric: i'm think i'm fine with my gun dad

- Ulrich: really? Quadriplicate!!!

Ulrich split into 4, he surroundes Eric, fire his shotgun but all miss, he then smile and said

- Eric: ok i think i know how to attack you, to make thing interesting, i'm gonna throw these bullets to the sky to reload my gun, when it in the chamber i win... 3...2...1 (*throw the bullets up*)

Ulrich and his clones rush to attack Eric, at that moment Eric seem he can slow down the motion of the world, he draw out his sword slash the right, left, behind clone then point the sword at Ulrich, he suddenly stop, the bullets fall into the chamber, Ulrich was amazed at Eric sword skill, they reset the training but this time both of them using sword and trade attacks with each other. At Yumi's side, both mother and daughter are practice using telekinesis to move a large rock but some how Yumeko can't use telekinesis

, she try and try but couldn't succeed. She then use her skill Deadmark, she cast it on the rock and it instantly melt. Then Yumi tell her to practice throwing the fans to increase her accuracy. After the trainning, Edward, Maya, Oliver and Yumeko ask their parent to go to the carvinal, they gladly agree while Eric and Emma go back home. Oliver rendezvous Carla at the park, the team go there to meet her but when they show up they don't see Nathan

- Oliver: Carla, there you are, where is your brother?

- Carla: he run into trouble with my uncle so he can't go

- Oliver: that ashamed

- Carla: don't worry

They call go to the carnival entrance and buy 5 tickets, Edward notice the ticket stand and the ticket printer were leaking electricity, he ask the manager and he said it find, then he use some tape to seal the leak when he seal it the printer explode and burn the ticket stand, the nearby employees bring the fire extinguisher and extinguish the flame, Edward fell unsecured

- Edward: maybe i don't think that we should go in, i have a bad feeling about

- Carla: ah don't worry, it just only a minor incident, beside, weve already paid for the ticket, we can't leave now

- Oliver: yeah man, just go

- Edward: fine

They entered, at mid way, Maya and Yumeko split up and go left to the House of Mirror while Oliver, Carla and Edward head right to the Spooky House, the girl enter the house and somehow got lost in the process, while the other enter it, the Spooky house use 3d image projector and some time animatronic to scare all who enter, they enter it, they go and enjoying beinh scare, Carla are so afraid that she hold on tight to Oliver, Oliver think to himself after this Carla will be his girl friend, but all of not what it seem, when they go upstair on the second floor an animatronic demon grab Carla and pull her into the wall, she scream as it pulling, Oliver try call for help but there is no one in the House and the spooky music they play were too loud to be noticeable, then a chain of electricity conduct through all animatronic, their eye all turn red and the XANA symbol were on their eyes

- Oliver: i think this is not part of the house isn't it

- Edward:(*swallow his saliva*) : nope, let get out of here

- Oliver: what about Carla?

- Edward: she will be find, at least they can't get her

They run across the hallway, and reach the staircase to the first floor behind them are a bunch of Zombie animatronic chasing them, they got jump scare by the 3d image at they reach the floor, they all punching it but soon they realize what it is and calm down. Edward quickly call Maya and tell her they are under attack

- Maya(*phone ringing*) : hello?

- Edward(* running and breathing*) : Maya, go to dad lad now, tell Yumeko to call for Eric and Emma , and hurry up (*hang up*)

- Maya: Ed? Ed? Eeed! / Yumeko, let get out of here, i my brother is being under attack, get to the lab now

They follow a group of people and finally get out the house, they rush to the lab while callinv for help, when they reach their, Jeremy is already waiting for them

- Maya: dad, what are you doing here?

- Jeremy: the alarm just go on and on, get in, i already virtualized the other 2, hey where is Ed and Oliver?

- Yumeko: Edward-san and Oliver-san are under attack by animatronic in the Spooky house at the carnival

They get in and start the process, they spawn at the Ice Area, the team regroup and begin moving

- Jeremy: alright boy and girl, get to the southeast tower near your position, be careful,the radar are showing up multiple enemy

They run across the vast ice land and encounter some monster but they quickly take it out, they reach the tower and see Nero are there, waiting for them

- Nero: finally you show up, i thought my monster take care of you, guess i have to do all the work myself, Ha!

Nero create a coliseum made out of ice surrounding for a radius of 500 feet. Nero charge in, the team hold their position, Eric are shooting at him but he to quick for the bullet, Emma use Heartseeker, Yumeko throw out the fan, she draw in them the word "Cut", Nero block all of their move but the reflection slowly destroying the surrounding wall, the battle go on, meanwhile at the Spooky house, Edward and Oliver are almost reach the entrance until the 2 door suddenly shut, trapping them inside, Oliver tell Edward to stand back as he try to do a spinning kick to open the door, he shouted and kick at the but the result is that end up with a scream in pain

They decided to go to the living room and use of it furniture to seal all entrance. Edward then call Jeremy

- Edward: *phone ringing*, *pick up*, hello dad, what ever you are doing make it fast, we can't hold out for much longer

- Jeremy : hang in there Edward, the team will deactivate the tower soon

At Lyoko, Nero conjure up some ice cube looking monster, Eric shot it and it shattered into 4 little ice cube and explode releasing cryogenic gas that freeze, Eric step back up but the gas spread so fast that he got his left hand froze.

- Eric: ah !!! My hand, i can't move it

- Yumeko: oniichan, let me melt that ice, Fire!!!

Yumeko write 2 letter mean Fire in japanese on her hand and warm up Eric hand, after a brief moment his hand defrost. He then use his ultimate skill cal Deadshot, he lock on a target the fire, the bullet will chase that target until it get the target, Eric open up the chamber and spin it, he hold hia breath stability, he lock on to Nero, then slam the bullet chamber back into the gun, all 6 bullets come out and track on Nero. Nero, concentrate all his power on his right arm, the arm mechanical gears begin running quicker, Nero grab all 6 bullets, the team is shock for what he did, Nero flick the bullets back at Eric and devirtualize him. Nero get closer to the girl and they spam there skill of energy orb and fans slicing. He punch throw Yumeko to devirtualize her instantly, he grab Maya's hand and drag her into the tower, Maya shouting "let me go" but it is futile, Nero access the tower, opening the HUD, he place Maya's hand on it to open the protocol HUD

, he disabled the restriction access to Sector 5, then throw Maya down the void under the tower, he then transfer a virus in to destroy the Ice Area just for the fun of it, he walk out of the tower with a smirk on his face, a flash of lightning struck down and he gone, Maya fly up using angel wing to avoid being plunge into the Digital Sea, the Ice Area crumble piece by piece, the ice are melting and there is a hole in the sky of that Area, the light passing through the sky and devirtualize Maya.

- Jeremy: what the, the Ice Area is self destructing, *turn his attention to the scanner booth*, Maya, are you alright?

- Maya: i see it all, the Area is self destructing itself by letting the stream of virus sweep through , it take the shape of a beam of bright light

- Jeremy: *calling Edward*, Ed, you're there? Hello?... ... ...

- Edward: ... ... ..., phew! Thanks dad and the team, you save our skin

- Maya: *take Jeremy's and set it on speaker* actually, we lost, Nero have gain access to Lyoko's and can attack at any time

- Edward: Oh my... i'll talk to you later, the employee are here to rescue us *end call*

The employees break the door to rescue Edward and Oliver, they ask them what really happen, they just answer the animatronic gone mad and begin attacking peoples, the manager said if they ignore this incident and don't sue them, they will get a 1 year special card to enter the carnival for free, Edward have no intention of using it but Oliver accept the offer immediately, then he goes upstairs and rescue Carla out of the wall she been drag in, after she wake up she see Oliver there and thought he is a hero for rescuing her.

They both hold hand as Oliver take her home, Nathan were at the door waiting for her, they said to good bye to each other the Oliver go home. Edward go back to help Jeremy fix Lyoko. Meanwhile at Tyrone private lab

- Tyrone: well done, only 1 code left for the Cortex, if you can take all the data from the original Lyoko then my Cortex will be completed, no more day and night of checking for hacker and virus, and it all thank to you Nero and Clara

- Nero: no problem, after all, we do owe you our life

- Clara: without you we wouldn't have born

- Tyrone: very well, i expected you 2 will do an excellent job for next week attack, i'll try my best to diverse their attention elsewhere, now begone, i have a of work to do

What Tyrone didn't know that Franz Hopper was eavesdropping on him but he only hear a section of their conversation, Franz begin investigate to find some evidence to prove Tyrone is working with Nero and Clara

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