All Alone

By Experiment51

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Avianna's life was in a constant downward spiral, each obstacle surpassing the last. As a girl who lost the a... More

All Alone
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 6

87 4 20
By Experiment51

Author's Note: You will notice that I do not use cuss words, though if you wish to imagine the actual words that are fine. I understand that high school boys don't say things like frickle-pickle, but I find the substitutes so much funnier, and they match my values.

Kaden's POV

I don't why we always hang at Logan's house. Logan is actually kind of a dick, maybe that is why we are such good friends. They texted me while I was in the middle of feeding my baby sister, whom I found on the floor in the laundry room, sleeping right next to the heater. As a two-year-old, I don't think she fully comprehends that her life isn't normal at all. She looked at me with wide eyes when I picked her up and placed her in the high chair, I only broke the stoic facade for one person and that is Lanie, my little sister. Her baby blue eyes seared into mine as she refused the chicken. 

When my phone buzzed she looked excited like she knew she was about to get off of the hook.

Group Chat: Idiots

Hey K we are working on the car today, you coming?-Logan

I need you to help me beat up J! He ate my frickin sandwich!-Aiden

Aiden is chasing me around the garage! SOS!!!!-Jacob

They are being idiots-Luke

HEY!-Aiden, Jacob, Logan 

Shut up I'm coming!-Kaden

Shutting the cursed phone off, I turn back to Lanie, who somehow seems smug. I give her a small grin and lift her out of her chair before walking over to the sink. How does she manage to get so messy when her food sits on the tray untouched? She giggles splashing the water around, seeming especially pleased when the spray hits my face. 

Getting the child into clean clothes was always rather tiresome, I do not know how I manage every day. After wrestling her wispy espresso hair into pigtails, I dress her in a little blue skirt and her favorite gray t-shirt. Setting her on the floor in my room I move to change my shirt, which had been effectively drenched. The wooden drawers creak open, and I grab a clean gray t-shirt. Lanie watches as I switch tops and gurgles when she spots my leather jacket, her chubby fingers reached for the sleeves, almost voicing her approval on my taste in outfits. Placing her back on my hip, I grab the keys and we walk out the door, equipped with nothing more than a pocket-knife and a sippy cup.

Lanie struggled out of my grip after the first block, eager to show off her jumping skills as we walked to Logan's house, she was a fan of their cat, and Logan eased his mother into the arrangement that resembled babysitting. 

By the time we reached the house it was 2:00, and I could hear the strands of obscenities from the bottom of the driveway. I picked Lanie back up, and we strolled up the cement, Lanie pulled my unruly brown hair every two seconds. As we reached the garage door, I noticed the conversations stop and the fawning begin.

"Awww, Lanie you look so cute today!" "Say hi to your favorite uncle Aiden Lanie!" "What?! No, say hi to your favorite uncle Jacob!" 

I handed Lanie to Jacob, much to Aiden's displeasure, and nodded at Luke who regarded me with a lazy salute. Logan broke off from Aiden and Jacob, making his way to my side and flinging an arm over my shoulder's. 

"How does it look? We've been working on the engine for a couple of hours now", Logan seemed extremely proud of the handy-work, but I shattered whatever delusions he was having. 

"I almost forgot how truly crappy you guys are as mechanics when you don't have Luke or I helping you", I threw a glance over at Luke, who gave a weary shrug, making it obvious that he had not been helping at all.

 Rolling my eyes, I plucked Lanie out of Aiden's arms-I don't know how he got her from Jacob-and looked at Logan, "Who do I leave her with today?"

"I think that Ms.Wilkes kids are here today, so ask Claire, she likes little kids", Logan looked concentrated as he answered as if this was some tedious issue that needed to be handled with the utmost care. I nodded and entered through the garage door, only to be met with a little boy no older than six, I think he is Claire's little brother; the brown eyes and brown hair fit the part.

He stared up at me until his eyes zeroed in on Lanie, then he squealed, "Claire there is a baby! A little baby!" Yup, definitely Claire's brother. The ten-year-old bounced down the stairs, rushing faster when she saw Lanie. She slowed to a stop as she reached me, and shook Lanie's tiny hand, before turning her gaze to mine, as if asking permission. 

"Can we go play with your baby? Logan told us we would need to help, and I promise we will keep her safe!" Claire's eyes held a pleading gaze, and I handed her the squirmy toddler without saying a word. I don't trust many little kids. Claire sets Lanie down, and they are toggling back up the staircase within moments. I take their leave as permission to go back to the garage.

Upon entering, I am meant with the smell of smoke, "Where's mine?" The guys turn to me sheepishly before tossing a cigarette my way. Grabbing a lighter off of the work table, I set the filter on fire. We start working on the Corvette, Luke and I end up undoing most of Aiden, Logan, and Jake's handiwork. They feigned offense when we started rearranging parts, and I glared, effectively shutting them up.

We wasted time for a while, Logan started questioning the meaning of life, leading to Aiden talking about the fast food injustices.

"Why do you think we are here, like, what is the point of existing if some countries still don't have access to fries?!"

"I don't know man, I mean they say that we have to be all successful and crap, but what good does that do if no matter how rich you are the McDonald's ice cream machines still don't work?!"

They were still laying on the tiled garage floor when a dog started barking, causing Logan to pop up and slam his head on the underside of the Corvette. "Fudge muffin that hurt like a rutting cow!" We laughed at his stupidity until he got up and wiped the grease off of his face, demanding that we go inside and find out what startled him. 

We walked through the main hall, our feet making hollow thuds on the floor, only to be greeted by the sight of a rather short girl, with a rather large dog. Claire and Chris flanked her, Chris seemed to be playing with the husky, and the girl just stared at Logan's mom. There was no emotion in her features, only a drop of uncertainty in her eyes. She wasn't too bad on the eyes, with gray eyes and waist length black hair, but she seemed more like Luke, silent and stoic, though Luke has almost black skin and the rough short hair to match. 

Logan's mom seemed to be getting pissed, and we soon found out why. "Your new older sister is rather snooty isn't she Claire, I can't believe she won't even respond to her siblings, how blatantly rude!" Mrs. Stock's comment made the girl who is apparently some type of sibling to Chris and Claire-flinch. She still didn't respond and her expression remained impassive, but Claire looked livid.

"I apologize if my sister's condition is an inconvenience to you Mrs.Stock. I didn't realize that my Mom hadn't explained it already. Avianna is mute. Her lack of speaking isn't out of a sense of superiority, rather a disability. If she could speak, I am sure that she would be delighted to make small talk with you, but she can't! Have some respect for the daughter of your dead friend!"  

Claire was shaking with rage by the end of her spiel, and the girl-Avianna- seemed surprised at the support, though she recovered quickly and I think she started looking at the guys and I. Naturally, I maintained a rather bleak demeanor, but when I looked at the guys, they were stifling laughter. I, personally, felt a little peeved. Mrs. Stock continued to attempt conversing with Claire, but none of that conversation was particularly intriguing.

  "Oh, your mother and I were such lovely friends! The accident was such a tragedy, though with a husband like that, it was to be expected. I was thrilled that they finally took him away, he ruined her you know. Your father wasn't a very pleasant man." My eyes snapped over to the girl because as soon as they started talking about her father, her entire demeanor changed. 

She seemed on edge and not at all prepared for what Logan's mom said next, "How are you, dearie? The entire bridge group heard all of the rumors going around in the investigation about the extent of his crimes since Victoria decided to adopt you. Which of those rumors are true? Did he really-?" The girl cut her off by violently shaking her head, then she snatched her leash and fled from the house, flanked by Chris and Claire. As the door closed, Mrs. Stock began venting.

"What an awful child! Honestly, she may be a victim and all, but some manners would be nice. Oh, Logan, we do need to maintain appearance with dear Victoria, and Avianna will be a senior in your school, so please play nice." Logan's mom set off down the hallway, still cursing at the 'petulant child'. The guys and I shared a shrug before heading back out to the garage, where Jacob chose to begin divulging theories.

"What if she is a secret agent? Or a mob boss? Ooh what if she used to be a pop star, but then she lost her voice permanently and Daddy cut off her trust fund? Or maybe she was a chef and it was a cake recipe gone wrong. Guys, the possibilities are-" "Shut up Jacob", Luke looked pissed, so Jacob shut his trap and we all settled onto the pavement.

"She does seem intriguing. What do you think my mom was going to say?" Logan looked at all of us, waiting for a response.

"I don't know man, but you heard your mom, we will see her on Monday, we can figure it out and mess with her head later. Right now we need to work on this gosh dang car", Aiden seemed exasperated, so we fell into silence, minus the occasional crude joke, and parted ways at eight, it was past Lanie's bedtime.


1789 words

That is all

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