My Roommate, The Fukboi (Boyx...

By CelineZella

1.7M 57.8K 25.6K

Petite Theo Walcott struggles with rent and is forced to search for a roommate. But what poor little Theo did... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60- All The Things I've Missed
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter! Part1!
Bonus Chapter! Part2!
Bonus (Smut) Chapter!

Chapter 20

35.2K 1.1K 651
By CelineZella

««One of my favorite songs from the legend, Elvis Presley, that I thought would fit with Calum always thinking of Theo. »»   :)

* Calum's POV *

His hands wrapped around my neck and my hands pressed his chest against mine by his waist. I've wanted to do this the first time I saw him. Now that I did, I'm not going to let go.

I held his body up against the wall and gripped his waist. I pulled away only so we could breath and then pressed my lips back to his before he could say anything. His fingers tangled in my hair and his lips parted slightly. He gripped my hair, which turned me on.

I slid my tongue into his mouth and I heard him gasp softly. I wanted to go further. Prove to him that I was better than that dork.

His hands disappeared from my hair. His palms flattened against my chest and he pushed me off of him. I took a step back. We were both panting and he looked up at me past his black rimmed glasses. "What was that?" He asked, touching his lips.

I smirked. "Did ya like it?"

"This is wrong. So wrong." He mumbled to himself, looking down.

I tilted his head up by his chin. "No. I don't think so. Personally, I like it." I grinned. I leaned forward to kiss him again but he pushed be away.

"No, Calum! I have a boyfriend." He said. He turned and went to his room, slamming the door behind him. I stood there, staring at the door.

Well....look what you did. Great fucking job Calum.

I didn't know what to do then so I just turned and went back to my room. I shut the door and laid down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. My fingers traced my lips. They still tingled from the kiss. I didn't know what came over me. I wish it didn't happen like that. I imagined our first kiss as a soft and passionate kiss.

Yes I thought about kissing him. And yes, I did imagine it as a 'soft and passionate' kiss.

The first time that's ever happened. I closed my eyes and let out a loud sigh. It's only Friday and it's about nine o'clock, to early to go to bed. One more week till September. I decided to go ahead and go to bed so I turned off the lamp and kicked off my shoes and climbed into the covers.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up around eight the next morning. I had nothing important planned for today and it'd probably be embarrassing to hang around Theo all day so on decided to go into work.

I took a quick shower and dressed into my work clothes. I left my room again and went to the kitchen. I rummaged through the fridge, trying to find something to eat. I fixed me a quick grilled cheese sandwich to go. I was almost done fixing it when Theo came out of his room, hair messy and eyes watery. He looked up at me and his cheeks flushed slightly.

I gave him a small smile and he walked past me, nervously scratching his elbow. "Where are you going?" He asked, voice small.

"Work. Just fixing me something to eat." I said, wrapping up the sandwich.

"Um, well, what time do you go in?" He asked. I turned and looked at him and he was leaning against the counter, staring down at the ground.


He looked up at me. "I can, um, fix you something if you'd like to wait a little longer. I'm pretty hungry too." He said.

I turned back around and smiled. "Nah, I'm good with this. Thanks, though." I grabbed my keys and my phone. "Call me if you need anything. I'll find out later if I'm working a double." I slid the phone in my pocket and made my way to the door. "Oh, and don't make it weird, Theo. I was a little tipsy and had no clue what I was doing. Let's just be friends." I said. I smiled and shut the door. When the door closed, my smile fell.

The only way I could face the feelings was if I rejected them. He does have a boyfriend. And no matter how much it angers me, he likes him. My drunk self brings out my real feelings and I guess I was really jealous about Adrian. My excuse was that I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing.

I took the elevator down and headed to my car. I tried to stuff my emotions down and head to work but he kept popping up in my head. I hated how I couldn't just admit my feelings to him and he could drop that other guy. But then again, I have a hard time admit my feelings and I most likely never would have kisses Theo if I was sober.

I arrived at work and parked my car. I sat in my car, staring at the steering wheel.

I don't know why I like him. He's not my type. He's not on my level. He can't even match his clothes. But his smile, his laugh, his sass, and so much more. I just can't get him out of my head. I sighed and leaned my head back on the seat.

I'm so fucking dumb to think it was okay to kiss him. Even if I was tipsy, it's no excuse. I turned off my car and got out. I locked my door and headed inside. I tried clearing my head but he was still there, smiling at me with his eyes that always look at me like 'Really?' for the stupid shit I do.

I shook my head and the doors opened, welcoming me to a hellhole called work.


I decided to only work morning shift so I got off around four. I picked up some food for me and Theo to eat for lunch. He didn't call or text me so I figured he was still at the apartment.

I drove to the apartment, windows down and music turned up. I pulled into the parking lot and climbed out of my car, grabbing the boxes of Little Caesar's that I got. I locked my car and headed inside.

A woman in a jogging outfit passes by me, putting her headphones in. She smiles at me and checks me out. I smile back at her and turn away, uninterested. I take the elevator up and unlock the door.

I open the door and the apartment is empty. I look around and set the pizza down on the counter. Theo's door opens and he comes out, hair as messy as always. I notice that his lips and cheeks are redder than usual but I don't say anything.

"Calum. I didn't know you'd be back so soon." He says, shoving his hands in his back pockets.

"Yeah. Decided I'd get off early." I said. Kicking my shoes off and smiling at him.

He chuckles nervously and I try to read his face. His eyes dart around and he notices the pizza box. "Oh, food!" He says, licking his plump, red, lips.

I open the box and steam rises up from the pizza. The smell fills the kitchen and he walks over, grabbing a plate.

I walk around the counter and into the kitchen and stand behind him. I put my hands in either side of him and trap him in my arms. He turns around and faces me. "Calum."

I couldn't stand being away from him since we kissed and I wanted to do it again so badly. I felt bad for being rude to him this morning and saying stupid things. Of course I don't want to be friends.


I lean forward a little and was inches away from him when the door opened. He shoved me away and I staggered back. I look over at his door and see Adrian there. I let out a low growl and cross my arms. "Hey, Calum." He says, walking over to Theo. I was very tempted to shove him back but I just puckered my lips and held back.

"I told you to stay in the room." Theo whispers to him. Adrian puts a hand on his waist and leans over him and grabs a piece of pizza from a plate.

"I smelt food." He said, taking a bite.

"Didn't know you had company over, Theo." I said, puffing my chest out a little. Adrian looked over at me while chewing the pizza and then looked down at Theo.

Wait a minute. Is he the reason why his lips are so red? Has he been making out with Theo all this time since I've been gone? Theo looked over at me and then his eyes fell when he realized that I understood. "You didn't tell him? I'm sorry, dude. He told me that you said it was fine." He said, smiling at me.

I would've never said it was fine. I would've driven back right away and wrestled you out of here. I gave him a fake smile and went to my room. "Eat all the pizza. I'm full." I said, slamming my door.

I heard murmuring outside and then the door close. I sat down on the edge of my bed and stared at the wall. So I can't invite people over but he can? I guess that's fair.

I decided I did want the pizza so I snuck back out and fixed me a plate. I heard hushed whispers and giggling. I rolled my eyes and went back to my room.

I didn't want to be here with them but I had nowhere else to go. Put the plate down on my nightstand and took out my phone. I got a text from Nick and I read it.

Hey dude I finished work and got nothing else to do, wanna hang out?

What a coincidence. I had nothing else to do either. I replied back saying yes and took a bite of my food as I waited for a reply.

My phone buzzed.

Can I come over? Mom brought her friends over and she won't let u come over.

Yeah sure. Just text me when u pull in.

My clothes were everywhere and my bed wasn't made so I decided to cleanup before Nick got here. I've been talking with him a lot about the whole dog business. The lady at the shelter told me that the German shepherd I want was gonna have to be gone by next week or they'd give him to some other family.

I had enough money, I just needed to fix some things here and talk with Theo about it. But as you see, it's really hard to talk normally with him.

A few minutes later, my phone rang. I left the room and threw my plate away. I waited on the couch as Nick made his way up. A second after I sit down, he knocks on the door. I stand back up and walk over to the door. I open it and he's kneeling on the ground, fixing his shoe.

He looks up at me and smiles. "Give me a second." I smile and nudge him with my foot and he tilts over. "Calum, quit! I'm gonna fall." He says, trying to keep balance.

I wait patiently as he finishes up. He stands back up and looks over my shoulder. He waves and smiles and I turn around and see Theo there. He looks at Nick then back up at me.

I smirk and close the door as Nick walks over to Theo. I grab Nicks arm and drag him to my room with me before he can open his mouth.

"Ow, Calum. What's wrong?" He asks as I close the door to my room. I turn back to look at him and he sits down on the bed.

"He brought his boyfriend." I said, crossing my arms angrily.

His eyebrow went up. "Boyfriend? Theo's queer?" He asks.

I roll my eyes and walk over and sit by him. "Shut up."

"Why do you care?"

"I don't. I'm just saying." I avoid eye contact with him.

"You sure? Cause it seems as if it bothers you." He says, nudging my arm with his elbow.

"It doesn't! Ugh, I don't know why I told you.  I don't even care anymore." I shove him away and he laughs.

"You told me cause I'm your best friend and you tell me everything. Kinda like how I know when you're lying."

"Well, luckily, I'm not."

He lays down on my bed and puts his feet in my lap. "Yeah right. But whatever. You like girls so it doesn't even matter." He sighs.

"Yeah." I mumble.

"You do like girls only, right?" I shove his feet off of me and stand.

"You're getting on my nerves." I say, looking over at him.

He laughs and sits up. "Just wondering! Well, you might just be bi."

I narrow my eyes at him. "I hope you know that I can kick you out."

"Sit down Calum. I'm just playing with you. I know you." He says, patting the spot beside him.

I smirk and nod my head. Yeah, he's just kidding.


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