Electric (Bucky and Avengers...

By adriannekok

1.8K 198 44

|COMPLETED| She was rescued by the Avengers from a experiment medical lab, but that doesn't mean Periwinkles... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chatper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Drawing of Periwinkle

Chapter 8

86 10 4
By adriannekok


   I was sitting in the doctors office. My mom dragged me there because I was  having really bad headaches, and of course my mom thought it was life threatening. She overreacted over everything, my love life, my social life.
    My thoughts were interrupted when the doctor came in. My mom looked at him, a worried look on her face.
"The, uh, test results came in" said the doctor.
"And?" Said my mom.
"There's no easy way to say this...your daughter has brain cancer"

  Those words. Those very words, are how my life started to fall apart around me. I remember the pain I felt. I remember the look in my mom and dad's eyes when they heard the news. I remember going to my room after coming home from the doctors office. I remember screaming into my pillow, praying every night I would be healed. I remember accepting my fate. I remember those looks of pity on everyone's face. I couldn't take it. I actually lashed out at my parents and my friends. I just hated the way they looked at me.

  I wake up. No, I fall off my bed. I sit up, rubbing my head and groan, swearing under my breath. Another memory with little information. 
    I know I was diagnosed with cancer, and I know that I accepted my fate a long time ago, but my parents didn't. They were filthy rich, so they did everything in their power to make me better, but I think it only did more damage then good.
   I sigh, I need a drink. I get off the floor and walk into the hallway. I try my best to navigate through the hallway, muttering a string of curses every time I make a wrong turn. I finally reach the kitchen and grab a cup from the cabinet. I fill it up with water only to spill its contents when I see a figure near the window.
"Tony?" I gasp. "You scared the shit out of me" he turns around, chuckling.

"Oh ha-ha" I say sarcastically.

"What are you doing up?" He asks.

"I could say the same for you" I say.

Tony walks past me and grabs a roll of paper towel to clean up my mess.
"I was in the lab" he says, while wiping up the water. "Your turn"

"I was thirsty"

"So you try to navigate the halls on you own for like half an hour just to grab a drink, when you could just as easily get one from the tap in your bathroom?"

    I pause. "Yeah..." I say, awkwardly crossing my arms. "I guess I just needed to clear my head"

"Knowing you, your head is never clear. It's always thinking" Tony wipes up the last bit of water and throws the used paper towel in the trash.

"Yeah, my mind is always busy" I say smiling.

"Tony, are you ever going to talk to Steve about what happened today?" he looks down, suddenly interested in the floor.

"How about he talks to me first" he says. I roll my eyes.

"This is going to get worse. How can you guys be able to communicate during missions? You can't just avoid him all day, hiding in your lab. You need to talk with him" I rant. Tony sighs and nods. He just agreed with me, that's new.
     I suddenly feel my head getting he–avy, my eyelids feel like a weight like the ones in the gym. I take in a big yawn as sleep tries to take over.

"You should go to bed" Tony says. I nod. I stop at the door way, and turn to Him.
"Tony" I say.


"I don't know the way" Tony makes a breathy laugh, and picks me up bridal style. I finally embrace sleep and slowly drift off.

                    •     •     •     •

   "He's escaping!" I hear someone say in German. I'm running as fast as I can through the woods, kicking snow. Dodging roots in the dirt and bullets in the air. Guards are getting closer. Hurry! Hurry!  I have to find the blond guy–Captain America. I have to know my past, I need to know who I–


   I fall to the ground, an awful pain in my right side. I don't have time for this! I get up, the only thing fuelling my energy is adrenaline. Keep going! Please just a little more! I'm racing through the trees in the night. More gun shots, more shouting.
   Guards suddenly appear in front of me. I bit my lip under my mask, and get out my two knives. They attack but I kill them with ease. I feel both my knives dig into their necks, their chest, their hearts. Slitting their throats or knocking them out.
      I look around, surrounded by dead HYDRA agents. I wipe my knives on my pant leg, and put them back in their holsters. I suddenly feel the pain from my gun shot wound. I hold the wound with my real hand. I need to go, I hear more coming. I take off, trying to ignore the pain. They won't stop looking for me, so I thought they should have a very loud surprise. I take out a button when I'm far enough. I hide behind the trees and push it.


   Half of the HYDRA base explodes in flames. It's a good thing I managed to set off some of the bombs in their lab, with some help of course. I take off again, knowing exactly where I should go. While they deal with their base being engulfed in flames, I will be finding my latest mission. She knows the Avengers, she knows Steve. I have to find her.

                       •     •     •     •    


    I'm in the gym, training with Natasha. She's teaching me how to do a round house kick without getting sloppy.
"That's it, good job. Elbows in Winky" I stop to take a water break. I grab my water bottle and take a big gulp of its contents.
"You've been training for a while now. You should go and take a break" Nat urges me. I shake my head.

"Not gonna happen. I almost got it, I just need to straighten my form and–" I'm cut off by her.

"Take a break" she says.

"10 more minutes" I say. Natasha sighs before answering.
"Fine. no more then 10, or I'll round house kick you to your room" we both laugh and continue. I punch the punching bag while Natasha gives me quick notices on my form once in while.
"Hey....have you seen...Steve around?" I say between punches.

"Hmmm...no not really" she answers.

"Don't you find...that a little bit strange?"

"Well, he's going through something"

"Yeah...I know"

"Don't worry, he's tough. He'll be fine"

"This is...his best friend...we're talking about here"

"Watch you feet" says Natasha. I stop and steady my feet again and continue punching.

"You sure...he's gonna be ok?" I ask.

"Sure of it. Now show me your kick" I pause, readying my stance. I swing my leg over and spin my body, performing an almost perfect round house kick. The punching bag flys off its the chain it's attached to and hits the wall. I smile at my progress. I look at Natasha, to see a proud look on her face.

"Nice job" she says. I smile, ear to ear.

"Yes!" I say fisting the air.

"Nice job Winky" I turn to see Steve walking into the gym.

"Thanks" I say, smiling proudly.

"Natasha, can we talk?" Steve gestures outside of the gym. Natasha nods and then looks at me.

"We'll continue this tomorrow" she walks off with Steve into the hallway. I walk over to a bench to the side where I left my things. I open my bag and find my water bottle and chug all that was left. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, at the corner of my eye I notice Steve and Natasha.
I could just get in a little bit closer... No! That's rude!
   I shake the thought out of my mind and walk towards the exit, unnoticeably passing by Steve and Natasha. 

"-don't know if he actually did escape, Steve" I hear Nat say to Steve. Who escaped? I stop in my tracks and listen in, getting curious.

"They're after Winky. What are we going to do?" Natasha says, in a worried tone. Wait, Black Widow, worried?

"We don't know that" says Steve, a bit of venom laced his voice.

"You and I both know that if he comes here, he's going to wanna find Winky first. They think she's the next assassin, he's gonna lead them right to her"

   I can't listen to this anymore. I speed walk to my room and shut the door. I throw my gym stuff off to the side and pace the room.
  Someone's out to kill me.

Dun dun DUUUUUNNN!!! I like this chapter a little better. We get look at Winkys past, which I think is pretty good so far. Vote comment!!!

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