Chapter 16

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      I'm Sitting in the infirmary while Natalia patches me up. She obviously looks very worried about Winky. Does she think it's my fault? A familiar ache goes through my head. It used to be much worse then a headache. It used to feel like someone was drilling into my brain and picking up the worst memories it could find.
I burry my head into my metal hand, slightly groaning. I start to remember Steve with a bruised face. I sit beside him with a cold rag for his black eye.

"I swear Steve, one day you're going to get into a fight in an ally way and never come out. You need to take care of yourself more" I scolded him. The pain in my head worsens.

"He was being a jerk Bucky? What was I supposed to do?" Steve argued. I sighed and continued to tend to his wounds.

"You remembering something?" Natalia asks. I snap out of my trance and look at her.
"Yeah,'s nothing" I say. She just nods and gets back to work. She stitches the last cut and puts her things down. "Done" she sighs.

"Thanks" I say as I put my shirt back on. Im about to walk out, but Natalia stops me.

"What happened at S.H.I.E.L.D.?" She asks sternly. I sigh before answering. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes. I know Winky, and she would be a lot harder to capture then you think"

I sigh, and explain what happened. Once I finish, Natalia looks more worried.

"I'm so sorry, Natalia" I say.

"It's Natasha now" she responds coldly. "I know you tried to save her. Now help us get her back, Bucky"

"I will" I promise. I turn and walk out the door, and head to Starks lab. Once I walk in, I see Tony at the computer monitor, trying to find the USA HYDRA base.

"Did you find it?" I ask. Tony just shakes his head. I know he doesn't like me. Is it because he knows what I did to his parents? I guess if he did, he would be wearing his Iron Man suit, shooting at me in some abandoned warehouse or something.

"I really did try–" I start.

"I heard you the first time" Tony says. I'm about to say something, until Steve walks in.

"You got anything Tony?" He asks. Tony sighs.
"If I did, I would have told you" he says, sounding frustrated.

"We all want to find her to, y'know" says Steve.

"That's what I'm trying to do" says Tony, finally looking at us. I heard he and Winky are very close, like brother and sister close. Tony must blame himself for This.

"I have found the HYDRA base Mr. Stark" I hear the disembodied voice say. Tony's eyes widen and turns back to the computer monitor. He pushes some buttons and taps the screen.

"Got their location. Everyone suit up!" Tony rushes out the lab, followed by Steve and I.

• • • •
My eyes flutter open. My heads pounding and my whole body aches. I groan as my head slowly moves up.

Oh I'm still here, yay, I think.

"You're awake, good" says Carlos. I thought I couldn't feel any worse until I heard his voice.

"You know, HYDRA really needs to step up its game" I say. Carlos looks at me, confused yet again.

"You're telling HYDRA, to...up their game?" Hey says. His words are choppy and unsure.

"Torture and threats, that's the oldest trick in the book. If you really want to scare me, you're gonna have to get creative"
Carlos pauses for a second, thinking of what to say next. Finally he asks, "like what?"

Electric  (Bucky and Avengers fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat