Chapter 15

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    I groan in pain as I slowly move to my side. I feel something wet on my flesh arm. I wince as I feel the wound. I think a stray bullet hit my arm, and the impact knocked me off my feet. It's a good thing Winky–
   My eyes shoot open. Winky, she was taken by HYDRA! I have to find her. I look around and realize I'm still at the S.H.E.I.L.D. agency. Why didn't they take me? I ignore that question for now, and try to get up. Everything feels sore. I groan again, using a pillar to help me up. I look all over me to find any other wounds, but all I find are bruises. I feel my head and find a small cut–probably from the fall– on my forehead.
    At first it hurts to move, and I stumble a few times. My head spins as I try to walk, causing me to fall to my knees. I swear under my breath as I try to get up again. I regain my balance, wincing when a sudden pain shoots through my side. Bruised ribs.

Oh just perfect, I think.

I fight through the pain, as I usually do in these kind of situations. I was shot in the abdomen not that long ago and managed to ignore the pain for two days before Winky patched me up.
I sigh. I should have tried harder. I shake those thoughts out of my head. I don't have time to wallow in self pity, I need to find Winky.
     I make my way out of S.H.I.E.L.D. and head back to the Avengers tower. Once I reach the sidewalk I sprint, ignoring my body telling me to stop.

Almost there, I think.

    I finally make it and burst through the doors. I look around for anyone close by but it's empty.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. where's Steve?" I ask.

"Steve is in the gym Mr. Barnes" it answers. I rush to the gym, navigating the twists and turns.
     I finally reach the gym, and see Steve  punching a punching bag with Natalia.
"Steve!" I rush in, sweaty and bruised. Steve stops and turns to me. His eyes widen once he sees what kind of shape I'm in.

"Bucky, what happened to you? Where's Winky?" He asks.

"HYDRA found us. They took Winky" I answer.

"What?!" Both Natalia, Steve, and another voice say. I turn to find Tony right behind me.

"You lost Winky?!" He says, panic in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I really did try" I say.

"Obviously not hard enough" Tony says bitterly.

"We have to find Winky" Steve says, trying to get everyone to focus on saving her.

"Where? They have bases all over the world, they could be anywhere" says Natasha.

"I think I might know where she is" I say.

                       •     •     •     •

     I glare at the bastard who I thought was one of the sweetest guys I knew. I can't believe it, I just can't! I have to be dreaming! I have to! 

"You were the one who stole the parts from Starks lab to make the drone. You and the others shot those missiles at us when we got too close. You knew all along, didn't you?" I accuse. It all makes so much sense now...

"Guilty!" Sings Carlos, with a stupid grin as he says it.

"How could you be apart of such bullshit, Carlos?" I say, my voice laced with venom.

"Woah, watch your language Peri. you don't want another shock, do you?"

"Don't call me that, I am not your friend" I give him my most menacing glare.

"Oh, you're right! I should call you by your real name, miss Delilah Lomen" he smirks at me as he says my name. How does he know my name? I destroyed those files, they weren't supposed to exist!

"What?" I say in disbelief.  All he does is laugh and switches on the the machine. I feel the shock and the pain again. I think he put it on a higher setting, cause I feel like my brains about to explode. He turns the machine off again, expecting me to beg for death. Instead, I just laugh.
I don't know why but, it's so funny the he can actually hurt me. Like he can control me and scare me. Carlos must be out of his mind if he thinks he can ever make me do whatever he wants me to do.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"You–you think you can break me?" I burst out laughing again.

"That is the goal, yes" he says, still very confused.

"Well you're too late!" I shout, this time venom laced my voice. "I have been through the worst shit ever! I have seen things your brain can't even handle! My nightmares are worse then your night terrors, they make the Boogeyman look like a freaking unicorn! You can threaten me, torture me, and beat me senseless, but you will never, ever, MAKE ME BREAK!" 

Carlos looks at me with a startled expression. I breath heavy, exhausted from the torture. He stands there like an idiot before he finally says something.
"This will be interesting then"

    Carlos heads to the machine, but I see a little hint of remorse. I give him a smirk, but he doesn't make eye contact. Instead, he turns the dial to 11.

This is gonna sting, I think.

    He wraps his fingers around the switch, but he's hesitating. Like he doesn't want to, but has to. I look in painful anticipation at the switch.
    He takes a deep, but before he can pull the switch, I speak up.

"Did you ever care about us, Carlos?" I ask. He pauses for a second.

"Why do you want to know?" He answers with a question.

"I may have been in a lab for 60 years, but I still know what love looks like" he looks scared to answer.

"Yes" he finally says. "I did care"

"Then why are you doing this?" I ask, trying to hold back tears.

"Because, love is weak" he pulls the switch once he says that. I feel a mixture of pain and numbness. I want to scream, but I'm scared I might bite my tongue off. A scream manages to escape anyways. I think it's me, 'cause the single light fixture above me is flickering.
    Finally it stops, but it still leaves a painful ache behind. My head slumps over, and I start seeing stars and black spots. I finally succumb to the darkness, and let it swallow me up.

Well this one was fun! Don't worry they'll find Winky soon. Don't forget to vote and comment. See ya later!

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