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     We all take a breather for a second. I look at the map on the computer screen.
Hold on a second, I think. I walk towards the map. Everyone watches me as I tap and enhance a certain spot on the map.
"Huh" I say.

"What is it?" Clint asks.

"I think know where Bucky is" I point at the map.  "He's in Bucharest"

"And how do you know that?" Ask Tony  skeptically.

"Think about it, Bucharest is perfect. It's busy, easy to blend in, I could go on"

"How can you be sure?" Asks Natasha.

"I remember Steve telling me about a secret HYDRA base there" I explain.

They all look at me, intrigued by my idea.

"That's great" says Wanda. I smile.

"Well yeah I'm kinda smart" I say trying to sound as laid back as possible. Steve speaks up.

"Do you know for sure that he's in Bucharest?" He asks. The tone in his voice tells me he's not messing around. I hesitate to answer.

"Not really" I answer.

"Then we split up, cover more ground" says Steve to all of us.
"Vision, Tony, and Wanda, you take North. Clint, Natasha, Winky, and I will take The south. If we find anything that indicates that HYDRA is in one of those parts of the city, call everyone immediately. Ready Avengers?" Everyone nods.

                 •     •     •    •     •    •
      We're all sitting in the Quinjet. The others are already north of Bucharest trying to find Bucky. For some reason, I'm nervous. I look at my team members. Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Captain America. Then there's me. I stare into the reflection on a window, taking in my features. I do this all the time. At the government lab in Germany, I didn't stare into a mirror for 60 years. Now whenever I go on missions I take in as much of myself as I can, Just incase.
   I have short hair, kinda like Steve's except, my hairs thicker. I always have it spiked up a bit at the front, I like it that way. I'm short for my age, even though I'm a 76 year old inside an 18 yr olds body.
   I feel the Quinjet start to land. I get up, readying myself.

  "Hey, where are we landing, Clint?" I ask.

"Just outside of Bucharest" he answers.

Steve moves his shield out of the way, I step back a bit. Vibranium has a negative affect on me, it's kind of my weakness. I try to ignore it and concentrate on the mission.
   Once Clint lands the Quinjet, we head out. We walk through the city wearing hats and sunglasses so we don't attract any unwanted attention. The busy streets of Bucharest, Something I never thought I would go to in a million years. There's stands selling just about everything you can think of. I think we passed by someone trying to sell rats.

We walk in silence for a while before it nearly drives me insane, so I try to start a conversation with Steve.

"What's the beef with you and Tony?" I ask. Cap sighs before answering.

"A few years ago, Bucky and I found each other, but he was controlled by HYDRA so he didn't recognized me" I raise my eyebrow.

"You remember how S.H.I.E.L.D. fell right?" I nod. "Well, I fell into the ocean once helicarrier was destroyed, Bucky as well. He saved my life, but Tony...he didn't see it like that" The Captains eyes look sad, but he doesn't break. I Always admired that. To look sad, yet, strong and brave.
   I stop. Something's wrong. Everyone else notices and stops as well.

"What is it?" Asks Natasha.

"Look around" I say almost in a whisper.

They give me a funny look but do as I say. With out tilting my head back, I look up and see a strange looking flying object, flying almost as high as the tall buildings. I look back at everyone and motion them to a large ally way.

"Hey guys I think I saw something over here" I say, exaggerating on the tone of my voice, trying to make the situation as obvious as I can. I mouth, "don't look up" Before they say anything else, I walk into the ally way. Not long after I hear them following me.

"Winky, what's going on?" Asks Steve.

I take out my phone and type "flying object is following us". I show them and Clint instantly gets his bow and arrow out and shoots the thing with out missing. It crashes to the ground, hitting the concrete. We rush over to it.

"Why was a drone following us?" The archer Wonders out loud.

"That's what they're called?" I ask.

"Yeah, they're like flying cameras" explains Steve. "Never seen one like this before" The super soldier crouches down to examine the drone, trying to figure out what it could be. Natasha crouches down with him.
"That's strange" mutters the red head.

"What?" I say.

"I recognize some of the pieces" her eyes go wide. "they're Tony's"

Sorry if this one seems kinda boring Writers block is a bitch lol but at least It's out now. Enjoy! Leave comment and vote!

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