Chapter 10

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"Sedate her" says a voice.
"Yes Doctor" says another. I'm In a bed being wheeled to the surgery room. I hate that room. I realize what's going on.
"NO! DON'T MAKE ME GO! NO!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I try to move but they've strapped me to the bed. I can't move, I'm completely helpless.
  "Hold her still!"
    I'm squirming too much for them to stick a needle in my neck. They finally inject the needle in. I feel numb, but I'm conscious. I can't move at all now.
   They wheel me into the surgery room and get to work.
    Minutes turn to hours as I lay there completely motionless. I feel myself fading away. That's new.
I hear the faint sound of beeping and alarms and panicked nurses and doctors. Suddenly a burst of electricity courses through my veins. I feel like my brain is going to explode. I want to scream at them to stop, but I can't. They do it again, this time I feel like I was being chocked without even knowing it. I gasp for air, and sit up on the surgery table, finally feeling my body again. Everyone looks at me with fear in there eyes. I cock my head to the side. I gently take off all the tubes that are attached to me, and slide off the table. I walk over to a doctor, not just any doctor, but the one who has been performing surgery after surgery and made me into their perfect little lab rat.

I hate him.

I hate him with every ounce of my being.

Kill him.

   Without even thinking I stab my finger nails into his chest, electrocuting him. He screams from pain. As I melt his insides, lights are flicker and bursting. I hear people scream and running away.

I feel...powerful. I'm not helpless anymore, I can do anything! I can-

    I wake up with a jolt. I'm sweating like crazy, I feel like I ran a marathon.
"It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream..." I mutter to myself. But it wasn't a dream, it was a memory. One I wish I could forget, but when I do, it just comes back at night ready to scare me again.
   I start to cry, wishing I was back home with my parents. I wish I could play board games with them while we drink hot chocolate. I wish I can go to school, have a high school sweat heart, go to prom and spring flings. I could have been homecoming queen with my boyfriend, who's the quarter back of the football team. I wish I can just be normal.

  But you're not. At least not really.

      The tears come flooding my eyes, rolling down my cheeks, on to my bed. I just want to be home again. But I'm too late, there dead. That life is dead. I want to scream with frustration, but I don't want anyone to hear. They would come in here thinking I was in trouble, only to see a pathetic crying girl on her bed. I look around the room while counting to 100.
   I finally calm down. It's just a dream. I lie down in my bed again, hoping that morning will come soon. I'm too afraid to sleep, I guess that's normal when you have nightmares as bad as mine. I sigh, knowing it's going to be a long night.

                     •     •     •     •

    "No way, really?" I say in disbelief.

"Yes way" says Natasha.

"No that can't be right. Nope, I don't believe you"

"What are you guys talking about?"  We both look to see Winky walk into the kitchen, with a nasty case of bed head.

"Natasha beat Clint at words with friends" I say.

Winky gives us a tired smile and walks over to the fridge.

"How did you do that?" She asks while getting a doughnut and putting it in the microwave.

"Ah, it's just skill" Nat says, taking a sip of coffee.

"I don't believe you" says Winky. "I've been trying to beat Clint at that damn game for weeks now" the microwave beeps and Winky walks over to get her warm doughnut.
   Clint walks in, fully clothed and ready for the day. I thought he had breakfast already.
"Clint, Clint" I say. "Did you, or did you not, lose to Natasha at words with friends?" Clint groans as he gets a pot of coffee started "By three points" he says.

"Still doesn't change the fact that I beat you" says Nat as she sips her coffee, not breaking eye contact with Clint. He just scowls and goes to the fridge.

"Show me your secrets, oh great, and mighty gamer" says Winky, doing an exaggerated bow. We laugh a bit at Winkys attempt to be funny, but it stops when Tony walks in. I'm still mad at him. Everyone seems to notice the tension.

"I'm gonna eat my doughnut in the lounge" says Winky.

"I'm gonna....train" drawls Natasha.
Clint follows, not bothering to make an excuse.

Tony sighs and pours himself a cup of coffee. We sit there in silence for what feels like an eternity.

"I'm sorry" he finally says out of the blue. Tony Stark just apologized to me. Either he's having a rough morning, or Thor thought I deserved this.

"You gonna say anything? I just said sorry" he says.

"You insulted my friend" I say.

"And I just said sorry"

I know that's all I'm gonna get from him. He's not the kind of guy to pour his heart out. I sigh and sip my coffee.

"It's ok" I finally say.

"I may not trust him, but, he's the only one that's still alive and from your past" Tony says.

"Then trust me. He needs our help Tony"

"I trust you. Why do you think I'm still here?" I nod, and eat my breakfast.

• • • •

We exit the Quinjet, coming back from a possible lead on Bucky. Another dead end. Everyone isn't as disappointed as Steve. He has so much hope that we can find Bucky, I just hope the dead end didn't dampen his optimism. We head inside, not saying a word to each other. Some go to bed, some go to train. I go to the kitchen and hopefully find something I can microwave.
"It's ok Steve, we'll find him" I say while looking through the cabinets.

He sighs, leaning on the counter, obviously a little doubtful about it. I know that Bucky is good at hiding, but for how long. He's injured and I don't think he knows how to patch himself up.
"I don't know Winky..." He trails off. "I'm scared that I'll never see him again" I place a hand on his, trying to comfort him.

"You can't give up just yet. We all want to help you find him, and we will"

Steve gives me a small smile. "You should go to bed, it's late" he says. I shrug.

"I will soon. You should get some sleep too" Steve nods.

We say goodnight to each other, and he leaves the kitchen. I sigh. I hope I didn't give him false hope. That's like your parents saying your dog went to a "farm", only to accidentally dig up its body the next day.
I realize I'm not that hungry when I can't find anything, and head to my room. I managed to find my way a bit better then last time. Then again it was dark. I open my door, and reach for the light switch.
I suddenly feel a cold hand slap over my mouth. I make a bit of muffled noises, but it's no use. I hear the door close, leaving me in pitch black darkness.

Im so evil for leaving it at a cliff hanger😈 guess you're just gonna have to wait! MUHAHHAHAHA!!



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