Chapter 11

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"I'm going to remove my hand. Don't scream, or I'll kill you" says the low, gruff voice. I nod in response and he lets me go. I back up and feel for the light switch. I find it and flip it on as fast as I can.
    The light turns on, but all I see is half of the stranger. I look up to see a very tall man compared to me, wearing that same mask, and that same leather armour, with the same metal arm. I gasp at the sight of him. He looks like he went through hell and back, and then back to hell. His right side is bleeding, the part of his face that isn't covered by a mask is covered in cuts and scrapes.

"Damn..." Is all I can say.

He's leaning on the wall, dripping blood on my bedroom floor. What do I do? What's gonna happen? What do I say?

"Help..." Says the man–or should I say Winter Soldier. His voice snaps me out of it.

"Right, sorry" I say suddenly. I reach over to help him to my bed, but he flinches.

"I'm not going to hurt you" I say in a calm voice. He gives in and let's me help him to my bed.

"Take off the armour" I order. I rush over to my closet and open it. I stand on my tip toes as I search the top shelf for my first aid kit. I rush back to my bed once I find it.
   His armour is off and his wound is visible now. I need to work quickly, before he loses anymore blood. I get out antiseptic and a cloth to clean the wound, and remove the sloppy bandage he obviously did himself. I shake my head as I work.

"How long have you been like this?" I ask.

He pauses before answering.
"A day or two. I lost count..." He sounds like he hasn't slept in days. He's shivering, probably from the cold outside. I grab some tweezers to remove the bullet.

"This is going to hurt" I say bluntly.

    I stick the tweezers in the wound. Bucky winces at the pain, but doesn't complain. Once the bullets out, I finish bandaging it, and try to find other wounds.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"Good. lie down, get some rest" I pack up the first aid and turn to the closet.

    Once I put every-thing away, I turn to face the bed. I see the Winter Soldier sleeping on my bed, his slight, steady snoring letting me know. I walk over to the bed, and gently drape the covers over him. I stare at his face for a minute.

You know, it would be a lot easier to stare at him with his mask off? I think.

    I carefully take his mask off and revel his face. He's in desperate need of a shave, and his hair needs a good clean. I also notice he looks pale. I place the back of my hand on his forehead. He's burning up.
   He might be sick from walking around in the cold with a bullet wound. I make sure the furnace is running before I leave to find a different place to sleep.
      I know I should tell Steve, just...not yet. He'll know first thing in the morning. Bucky doesn't need people crowding around him.
    I walk to the lounge with a blanket and pillow I found in the closet. I clumsily place the pillow on one of the couches and drape the blanket over me. 
I let sleep take over my body, my eyes slowly close.

                     •     •     •     •    
     I slowly wakeup. Ugh, I feel terrible, but not as bad as I did yesterday. Wait! Where am I?
    I try to get up quickly, but a sudden pain in my side stops me. I wince at the pain, but try to get up again. This time slower. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and look around the room.
    It's walls were grey and it had a large window on one wall. The place was modern and fancy, but the one thing that stands out is that record player on the dresser.
    Last night was a bit of a blur, but, I think I remember this room. I hear running water. I look to find the root of the sound coming from behind a door. The sound stops, my eyes widen.
      The door opens and a short girl with Periwinkle blue eyes leaves the bathroom. She sees me and gives me a smile. small dimples forming on her cheeks. I stare at her as she walks over to her closet. She pulls out a shirt and jeans that are obviously way to big for her. She tosses them to me and I catch without thinking.

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