Percabeth One Shots

By dam_crazy_fangirl

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Random percabeth fluff and short stories hope you enjoy I try to update at least 1 time a week. All right t... More

Austin Jackson
Three big things that happened to Percabeth
Back from war
An amazing day part 1
An Amazing Day part 3
Thank You
Wedding reception
Dance Part 1
Dance part 2
Sally Jackson meets percabeth
Percabeth in gym class Part 1
Percabeth in Gym Class part 2
New Cover
I'm back

An amazing day part 2

506 4 1
By dam_crazy_fangirl

The picture above is Annabeth's engagement ring

Third person POV

Annabeth and Percy were driving to Sally and Paul's apartment both eager and nervous  to tell them about today's events. When they got there Sally was super happy because they hadn't seen them in a little over a month. She hugged them both and told them to come in that they were also having Paul's brother over for dinner so they could meet each other. Then Sally asked why they were here so Percy told her "yeah well mom I kinda forgot to tell you but I was able to tryout for the Olympics and uh I made it so now I am going to be in the OlympIcs this summer and they are in Greece". Sally stood there dumbstruck for about a minute then hugged Percy and congratulated him Percy said they could come if they want that he could give out 5 tickets. Sally said her and Paul would be there and then went off to make dinner because Paul's brother would be arriving in an hour. While they were in the kitchen Percy and Annabeth decided to talk about dates for their wedding because they want to give people a date when they announce it so they talked about it. (Bold is Annabeth normal is Percy)

I want to have it before you go into the Olympics it just seems the sooner the better

I totally agree and the Olympics are in late summer be I get my trainer in June so maybe we could get married in May that is only three months away and I always wanted to get married on a Saturday

May sounds amazing because then we can get married outside how about May 8th it is on a Saturday and it is in early May so it won't be to hot either

Save the date May 8th

Save the date

They both smiled and the Percy kissed Annabeth. They pulled apart and Annabeth laid her head on his chest while they talked about how they are going to tell their Godly parents. Percy suggested that they just say it because they probably won't approve so there is no point in planing something fantastic. Then the door bell rang and Sally shouted "can somebody get that" so Percy got up and opened the door. Paul's brother was there with his wife and son who looks like he was about 16. He invited them in and told the that Sally and Paul were in the kitchen. Dinner was done in about a half hour and they all sat down to eat. Paul's brothers name was Elijah and he was a Professer at New York University. Elijah asked what we planned on doing for college Annabeth said she had gotten into Harvard on full scholarship. Elijah asked where he was going for college and he said that he was actually in the Olympics so he wouldn't be going to college this year. (Bold is Percy Normal is Elijah Italics is Annabeth underline is Sally)

So where will you guys be going to your first year of college?

Well I got into Harvard in full scholarship

Wow that is amazing

Thank you

Percy where will you be going to college

Well actually I am going to be in the Olympics for swimming

That's cool who's all coming to cheer you on

Well my Mom and Paul of course then Annabeth I will probably invite my cousin Thalia to

That would be so fun

So you are bringing Annabeth if your still together that's cool

We will definitely be together we are getting married on May 8th



Crap it was no supposed to come out like that

You're getting married your only 19 don't you think that is a little young

Perseus Jackson I can not believe you didn't tell me you and Annabeth are going to get married

I was planning on telling you mom and I personally don't think that it is to soon we have been dating for three years after all

I still think you are crazy to get married this young but whatever makes you happy

Thank you and Mom, me and Annabeth have to go tell my dad and her mom so we have to go

Ok bye love you guys

Bye Mom bye Paul

Bye Sally bye Paul

(End if conversation)

With that they left


So what did you think I will write a part 3 where they tell their Godly parents soon
Word count=737

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