Her ≫ Fairy Tail Fanfic

By celestia-starlight

46.8K 1.6K 1.2K

The day she disappeared was the day a part of him left with her. ... More

Arc One: Hate and Infatuation
Chapter 1: Fragile Promises
Chapter 3: Not Mine
Chapter 4: Goodbye
Chapter 5: The Reason
Chapter 6: Leaving
Help 1
Help 2
Help 3
Arc Two: Reignite
Chapter 7: Death Plan
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: True Possession
Chapter 10: Feelings
Chapter 11: Ideas
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Hooded Figure
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Final Plan
Arc Three: Like Never Before
*** Chapter 16: Eternal Destiny ***
Chapter 17: Building
Arc Four: Regret
*** Chapter 18: Dragon Mating Season ***
Chapter 19: Just An Infatuation
Chapter 20: Mate
Chapter 21: Threats from E.D.
*** Chapter 22: Let Her Go ***
*** Chapter 23: Funeral ***
Chapter 24: Forget
*** Chapter 25: Winged Fate ***
*** Chapter 26: Photograph ***
Chapter 27: New Magic
Arc Five: Once Again
Chapter 28: the GMG's
2K: Special Oneshot
Chapter 29: Ulna
Chapter 30: Prelims
Chapter 31: Shocking
Chapter 32: Who?
Chapter 33: Participants
Chapter 34: If Only
Chapter 35: Her Death
Chapter 35.5: Thank you, Eternalis
*** Chapter 36: So Much ***
Chapter 37: Heaven And Hell
Chapter 38: Eavesdroppers
Chapter 39: Powerful
Which one?
Chapter 40: Ready
Chapter 41: Miss Fiore
Chapter 42: Danger
Author's Note of Sadness
Arc Six: Wounds of War
Chapter 43: The End
Aohturs Ntoe
*** Chapter 44: The Price ***
Chapter 45: Preemption
Chapter 46: Fury
Arc Seven: Reconcile
Chapter 47: Us Back Then
25K: Special Oneshot - Part One
Chapter 48: Never Again
Chapter 43: Amnesia

Chapter 2: My Heart

1.2K 49 29
By celestia-starlight

"People say, you don't know what you have until it's gone. The truth is, you knew what you had, you just didn't think that you'd lose it."
- Anonymous

The three girls returned to the guild with heavy hearts. What they had learnt at the library wasn't something they'd like to remember.


"Lu-chan! Levy-chan! I found a book about Dragon Mating Season!" An excited Mira called out to her two friends who were searching elsewhere. An energetic and loud "Really?" "We're coming!" echoed through the almost empty library, though reaching the silver-haired beauty's ears as merely a whisper. Nevertheless, it still brought a smile to her lips upon hearing it. Lucy and Levy had stuck by her through the pain, the ignorance, the disappointment, the jealousy -- everything. And she knew it wasn't just because they felt it too. They truly cared about her -- and she truly cared about them too. But, upon thinking back to the painful memories, Mira felt warm, wet drops of emotion -- coming down in the form of tears -- slowing sliding down her pale cheek. Her friends, who had arrived just then, were bewildered by the sight in front of them.

"M-Mira-chan...?" A soft, sweet voice brought the saddened girl out of her thoughts and back into reality. She quickly realized that she had been crying and wiped her tears.

"Mira-chan, if something is bothering you, you know that you can always talk to us."

"Yeah, we'll always be here for you." The girl in question looked up at her friends, genuinely touched by their kindness.

"Thank you, Lu-chan, Levy-chan, but I'm. Just thinking about them." At the mention of "them" the once caring and kind -- well, sadness in Mira's case -- expressions on the faces of the three girls changed to ones of jealousy, pain, sadness, and some anger.

Who was "them"? And what had they done to make the three girls have the expressions they had now?

"Well, let's not talk about that!" Mira then remarked brightly, trying to mask the pain and sadness behind a facade of over-exaggerated enthusiasm. Her friends smiled lightly, seeing through the desperate facade as they knew Mira too well, but decided to move away form the topic nevertheless.

"So, Mira-chan, what's the book about?" Lucy asked, curious as always. Levy nodded her head indignantly from her place beside the celestial mage.

The girl in question shook her head. "I don't know yet. Let's open it!" And with that, the three girls excitedly opened the ancient-looking textbook -- they had assumed it was probably one -- and quickly but carefully flipped through it until they reached a section titled "Dragons". They then proceed to look for information about Drgaon Mating Season. Levy spotted it first.

"Ah! There it is!" She cried out -- and finished in a whisper, remembering that they were in a library -- pointing at some slightly fading burgundy handwriting. Or should I say, it looked like a section of a hand-written diary.... but never mind that.

"Dragon Mating Season...... the time where both dragons and dragon slayers, no matter which generation, search endlessly for a mate. It is decided at birth who a dragon -- or a dragon slayer -- is supposed to mate, as it is a choice decided and deemed by fate. Never once has a dragon or a slayer rejected their mate and vice versa, since they are meant to be together." Lucy murmured slowly, reading the first paragraph. She then decided to let her silver-haired friend take over.

"First, if it's a slayer, he or she will grow small horns, small wings, minimal scales, a small tail, and small claws. These will continue to grow larger until Dragon Mating Season is over. Then comes pure possessiveness. The dragon or the slayer will feel possessive towards their mate, and focus purely on their mate. Following, the dragon or slayer is prone to being aggressive at whoever harms their mate or whoever attracted to their mate. Continuing on, the dragon or slayer will need to mark their mate. Last but not least, they will need to fully complete the mating process, which is to mate....." Mira trailed off unsurely, blushing lightly. Levy noticed her friends unease and decided to help her out.

"In the slayer's case, if they're away from their mate for more than an hour, they will start to feel pain, which grows more and more intense until they pass out. This does not have any effect on the mate, only the slayer. Fortunately, the pain will cease to only a small pain after 24 hours, and will be replaced -- but the small pain will stay -- by the extremely quick speed that the horns, wings, scales, tail, and claws the slayer attains at the beginning of Dragon Mating Season will grow. They will grow at a speed much faster than they normally would if the slayer had his or her mate with him or her. Also, if any person of the opposite gender touches the slayer, it immediately sends a jolt of pain through the the body of the slayer. After a year of being apart from their mate, the slayer will attain permanent, fully grown horns, wings, tail, and claws. Their scales will have had grown the up the majority of their arms, snaking around their torso and chest, and completely covering their waist and below. If the mate returns to the side of the slayer, the pain will cease."

The three girls dropped the book in horror.

"T-T-That's w-what's going to happen to Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus if they don't find their mates?" Lucy brought up the question they'd all been think about.

"Y-Yeah...." Mira replied shakily. "We better leave them to be with their mates then..."

Levy nodded sadly. "We're definitely not their mates, since they don't love us. I'm willing to give him up if it means he can be happy and live a painless life with a peaceful heart, even if it means breaking mine." Lucy and Mira nodded. They put the book back, and headed back to the guild.

End of Flashback

And that's what got the girls so down.

What will they do?

What will the boys do?

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