Take A Chance On Me || Willia...

By DodgersKings

161K 2.3K 68

Mariana didn't mean to fall in love during her semester abroad in Toronto. It just kind of happened, curse th... More

Part I
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XXI
Part XXV
Part XXX
Part XL
Part XLI
Part XLV
Part L
Part LI
Part LII
Part LIV
Part LV
Part LVI
Part LIX
Part LX

Part II

4.8K 55 0
By DodgersKings

Mariana's POV- January 2016

"Are you sure you want to stay?"

I looked at Ellie who stood up and reached for her purse as I took the last sip of coffee.

"Yeah, I promised his dad I'd wait until he got here" I told her.

I smiled at her.

"I'll be fine" I assured her.

She made a face and adjusted her purse on her arm.

"Call me when you're on your way back?"

"I will" I promised.

She squeezed my shoulder and made her way down the hallway. I leaned back and let out a deep breath. I was starving, the coffee I had just finished was the only meal I had in the past 5 hours. Right before we got to the hospital the blond had gripped onto my hand and asked if I could call his dad. As much as Ellie wanted me to just drop him off and go eat, I could not do that. His dad asked if I could keep his son company while he got there. I wasn't family, so I couldn't exactly keep my word there. All I could do was wait, and I had been doing that for the past 8 hours. I reached for one of the books I had to read for a Mexican-American Studies course I was taking. The class looked like a total joke, but it satisfied a Gen Ed requirement I needed to graduate. I read about 10 pages of the reading when I heard footsteps approaching me. I looked up and offered a smile at the older man who looked at me. He had no hair, but even I had to admit it, he was handsome.

"Are you Mariana?"

I nodded recognizing his voice from the phonecall I had a bit ago.

"I'm Michael, William's father"

He let out a deep breath and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Have they told you anything?"

I shook my head.

"No, but the nurse did tell me to tell you to go up front so they can tell you" I answered.

He nodded and excused himself before making his way towards the front desk. I looked at my opened backpack where his son's phone, sunglasses and wallet were. The sunglasses had been cleaned off, and did not have puke on them anymore.

"I'll call his nurse so she can inform you on his condition"

He made his way over and took a seat next to me.

"When you brought him in, how was he?"

"He was running a fever, and his eyes were incredibly dilated" I informed him.

He sighed and shook his head.

"Where was he?"

"Downtown" I answered.

He looked at my backpack and I took the time to reach for his son's phone, sunglasses and wallet.

"These are his" I said.

Just as he took the items a throat was cleared. He immediately stood up and looked at the nurse who smiled.

"You must be William's father"

He nodded and she eyed me. This nurse had been incredibly rude to me and Ellie the minute she saw us. 

"How is he?"

She looked back at Michael and nodded.

"He came in with a high fever, but it was not due to his concussion. CT scans showed that your son has apendicitis that will not need surgery"

"So he's on antibiotics" I said.

She looked at me and pursed her lips a bit. The appendix was a strange organ since no one really knew it's exact purpose. Humans could live without it, but I had read an journal article published not that long ago stating that appendectomy surgeries had decreased because doctors found that they could be treated with antibiotics. There was no need for surgery unless the inflammation could not be contained. 

"That is correct"

She eyed me and rolled her eyes a bit.

"He's sedated right now, but should wake up in a few hours"

Michael nodded.

"I can see him, right?"

She nodded and glanced at me.

"Family only"

He turned to look at me and I smiled.

"I should head back to campus" I told him.

He nodded slowly.

"Can I get your phone number, I'm sure my son will want to thank you"

I nodded and pulled out my phone. The nurse frowned a bit as he turned his attention towards me instead of her.

"Are you studying abroad?"

I looked at him and nodded earning a smile from him.

"Does the phone give it away?" I asked.

He lightly chuckled and the nurse cleared her throat. I sensed even he got a bit annoyed and I bit my cheek to prevent a smile after he said,

"You can go back to work, I'll ask for assistance so I can get to my son's room"

She nodded and excused herself.

"Sorry about that"

"It's fine, rules are rule" I told him.

"They don't need to be rude though"

I shrugged and he smiled.

"Where are you from?"

"Los Angeles, California" I answered as I handed him my phone so he could get my number.

He nodded and pulled out his son's phone. My phone started ringing and he cleared his throat as he ended the call.

"Where do you go to school?"

"UCLA" I replied.

"What's your major?"

"Nursing" I responded.

He smiled and nodded.

"Then you know what you're talking about"

I nodded and took the phone he was handing.

"You should go be with your son" I said.

He nodded and I zipped up my backpack.

"Thank you"

I smiled.

"It's no problem" I assured him.

I slung my backpack on my shoulder and looked at him when he didn't walk away.

"Let me call you cab"

I raised an eyebrow as I saw Ellie making her way over. 

"My roommate is actually making her way over" I stated.

He turned around and nodded as Ellie smiled at us.

"I figured you'd want to eat while you waited since you've only had coffee all day"

"His dad actually just got here" I told her.

"Oh! Well I hope your son is ok"

Michael laughed and stretched out his hand as Ellie introduced herself.

"I'm Eleanor"


Ellie nodded.

"So is he ok?"

He nodded.

"Apendicitis is much better than his concussion symptoms worsening"

He looked at me.

"I'll let you two be on your way"

He pointed at me.

"Expect a phonecall"

I nodded and with that he walked away. Ellie nudged me and I shook my head at her. 

"Let's head back to campus"

"Let's go" I said agreeing with her.

She handed me my food and I reached inside the bag. I pulled out some fries and followed her out.

"You must be starving"

"I am" I admitted.

I was looking forward to eating this burger and going to bed after a shower. It had been a long day.

A/N: I can't sleep so I decided to post another chapter cause why not. Time to watch some Mercy Street because I'm a sucker for medical dramas and US history.  

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