Get Away||Kehlani X Rihanna||

By xqueend23

153K 5.2K 4.6K

Kehlani Parrish, A 20 year new upcoming singer from Oakland California wants to make it big out in the famous... More

Chapter One: Lucky's
Chapter Two: Changed
Chapter Three: Alive Inside
Chapter Four: Parties
Chapter Five: Taking L's
Chapter Six: Visitation
Chapter Seven: The Letter
Chapter Eight: Bring Me Down
Chapter Nine: Wet Pain
Chapter Ten: How That Taste
Chapter Eleven: Work
Chapter Twelve: 1st Position
Chapter thirteen: Games
Chapter Fourteen: Missing Her
Chapter Fifteen: In New York
Chapter Sixteen: Lustful Problems
Chapter Seventeen: Problems
Chapter Eighteen: Road to Love
Chapter Nineteen: Shit Happens
Chapter Twenty: Make Up
Chapter Twenty-One: Bright
Chapter Twenty-Two: Ghosts In Air
Chapter Twenty-Three: Complicated
Chapter Twenty-Four: Together
Chapter Twenty-Five: Her
Chapter Twenty-Six: Be Alright
Chapter Twenty-Seven: New Lani
Chapter Twenty Eight: Stranger Things
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Consequences
Chapter Thirty: War
Chapter Thirty-One: Sensitive Savage
Chapter Thirty-Two: Piece Of Mind
Chapter Thirty-Four: Faded
Chapter Thirty-Five: One Night Stand
Chapter Thirty-Six: Same Ol' Mistakes
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Consideration
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Close To You
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Done With Me
Chapter Forty: Everything is Yours
Chapter Forty-One: If I ain't got You
Not a Chapter๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
Chapter Forty-Two: Regrets

Chapter Thirty-Three: Not Used To It

1.6K 86 149
By xqueend23

Houston, Texas
January 22, 2016
Kehlani Ashley Parrish

"Bitch hurry up and get to the studio so we can put this verse down and be on our way to the bay, why you taking forever?" I shook my head as I put my shoes on my feet and made the bed up, that's one thing Edward was good at was rushing niggas.

"Nigga shut up before I run yo ass over with my truck."

"Bitch how you gone do that if yo ass can't even drive? Learn to drive first whore.." I sucked my teeth. His ass didn't even need to bring that up, he know I've been traveling so I don't have the time to learn.

"Well nigga I'll run you over with my bike.."

"Probably can't even drive that either.."

"Nigga you ride a bike not drive it.."

"Same difference.." he chuckled through the phone.

"Yo ass better be downstairs."

"I'm not so ha..I'll be there soon."

"So you rush me out my room just to say yo ugly ass not even here? Fuck Edward." I rolled my eyes grabbing my coat and key, I walk around the island and grab my water bottle.

"Bitch relax..I will be there.." I unlock the door and close it behind as I made my journey down to the elevator.

"Nigga hang up I'm done talking to you.."

"Ooh is somebody triggered?"

"Yes nigga..goodbye." I said before hanging up in his face. I make it to the elevator where people were getting on so I hopped on myself and stood in the back. After the three minute ride down the elevator, the elevator stops and we all step off going our separate ways. I pull my hoodie over my head about to walk out the hotel until I hear my name being called.

"Kehlani?" I frown looking in front of me seeing the devil herself. "Can I talk ta' ya' please?"

"We're not together remember? And what are you still doing here I thought you had other shit?"

"I couldn't bring myself ta' leave..I feel terrible."

"I bet." I mumbled about to walk off but she grabbed my wrist stopping me. "No Rihanna.."

"Don' do that Lani.."

"Don't what? What Robyn? What the fuck you want from me? Huh?"

"I'm sorry.."

"You're always sorry."

"Kehlani stop and listen.."

"For what Robyn? What you wanna tell me you cheated? Is that what it is?" She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed together. "Yea you thought I wouldn't find out.."

"But it's not what you think..I promise ya."

"How you kissed that Marley bitch? The same day you came to see me Robyn..really?"

"That was all ya' heard?"

"Yea, that was all I needed to hear."

"But that time it was an accident..well no not an accident."

"Accident? Wow..." I chuckle shaking my head.

"Ya' know what the fuck I mean Lani.."

"No I don't..don't assume I know either.."

"Lani please let me finish explaining."

"Explain? You barely explained the first time, I just told you so you wouldn' if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to go.." I said looking at her one last time before I walked off.

"She drugged me Lani.." she said causing me to stop in my tracks. I turned to look at her, she stared at me and walked over towards. "She drugged me, she put ecstasy in my whiskey..and I was dumb enough to take the drink from her.."

"You're lying.."

"I'm not shitting ya' Lani..why would I lie?"

"Why would you lie?"

"Ok don' answer dat'..but she drugged me..she took advantage of me and the next day I woke up clueless as fuck..I promise ya' Lani it wasn't my intention to hurt ya'..when she kissed me I didn't know what ta' do."

"Uh how about push the bitch off couldn't do that? Or were you just in shock and just sat there?"

"Maybe a little of both, but after I came to Houston that was the last time I saw her and then she pops up at my hotel room unexpectedly."

"You know what I'm done listening to this bullshit rih..I'm done."

"No Lani.." I tried going around her but her ass wanna hold me back. "I'm trying ta' explain everything."

"Why didn't you just tell me? I probably wouldn't give a damn, I would of have just shrugged it off and said fuck you.."

"I was afraid..because I know ya' have been hurt and I couldn't bare seeing ya' like dat' again, I know I fucked up but..that was a stupid mistake that I have ta' live with."

"Well live with it..I need my space Robyn, I'll see you later." I said looking at her one last time before walking out the hotel. I was doing what she thought was good for the both of us, I was letting us be apart just like she wanted. As soon as I make it outside the truck pulls up on the curb with Edward dumb ass hanging out the window.

"Bitchhhhh hey!" He said smiling at me. I chuckled shaking my head at his retarded ass. "Bitch I said hey."

"Bye Edward.."

"Ok bitch I see how you wanna act." I throw my hands up placing hopping in the back seat with Edward.


"Lani! What's going on girl?"

"Uh shit, life is what's going on..I'm living free life for now on."

"Free life? What's that suppose to me mean?" He asked looking at me through the rear view.

"Nigga just like I said, I'm getting lit on these next couple shows and I'm getting all the weed that I've been missing out on."

"Namz..bitch who fucked some sense into your head? Was it Robyn because bitch I've missed this side of you."

" could say that." I said shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly. "But where's the crew?"

"They all at the studio waiting on us."

"Damn everybody there?"

"Yes everybody..all our bitches is there..ready for you to lay these verses down so we can release this music baby.."

"I feel it..I'm hype as fuck to drop these two songs.."

"David step on it, we ain't got all day."

"Right nigga.." he flipped us off and I snickered leaning back into the seat.

"Aye lan-" just as Edward was about to tell me something, my phone starts ringing and I sigh heavily. "Bitch answer it's probably daddy rih." I rolled my eyes at his statement, she ain't my damn daddy. I look Down at the caller Id and notice it's Melissa calling me, I frown Answering the phone and placed it up to my ear.


"Fa' fucks sake Lani, have ya' seen rob? She missed her flight and isn't answering none of my calls.."

"Yea I did, a few minutes ago..why isn't she answering?"

"Well let me think, I would tell ya' ass if she would answer her phone when I call but I guess not...look wherever she is, her ass needs ta' come back ta New York asap, we've got shit ta' Handle."

"Ok Mel..I'll let you know if she calls me.."

"Whatever she told ya' namz..just know she feels awful about it, don' blame her."

"No Melissa..I do blame her, because her ass decided to tell me the next day after she left me that dumb ass note, so therefore I'm done with her just like she wanted."

"Fine..not my problem, it's all on robz ta' fix her shit."

"I agree.."

"Call me later namz.."

"Yup.." I hung up the phone and stuffed it back inside my jacket pocket.

"What was that all about?" Edward asked staring at me. I shook my head looking out the window.

"Nothing important." I mumbled looking over at him. He just stared at me and licked over his lips. Sooner or later I was going to tell my friends what the issue is between me and Robyn, maybe I was mad maybe I was just overreacting but, no matter what she did I'll always love her and I hate myself for that.

"You call Micah? Or the rest of the crew?" Edward asked. I frowned my eyebrows looking over at him.

"Me call? I thought you called them."

"Bitch I asked you to call them.."

"Nigga stop the lies..just call them up an make sure they're at the studio once we get there."

"Well alright pushy.." I smirked as I continued looking out the window. While Edward was doing what I asked my phone vibrated in my pocket, I sighed. I was just about ready to throw my damn phone out the window..all it does is ring ring ring constantly and I've grown annoyed by it. I pull the devil of a phone out too see Robyn texted me, I sighed closing my eyes. Did I really wanna open this text? Or should I be a bitch and read it then not reply. I rolled my eyes and just opened up the text to see what she texted me.

Robyn🤦🏾‍♀️: Baby I miss you and I'm sorry.

I busted out laughing at this text, I don't know why I started laughing. My phone vibrated once again to show me that Robyn texted me again.

Robyn🤦🏾‍♀️: I love you Kehlani..please stop reading these damn messages and text me back.

I sighed and shook my head as I just started to text her back.

Me: You love me? 🤔 That's amazing.

I closed the text and put my phone on do not disturb, it was becoming tiring just reading her damn messages. "You text them or call them yet?" 

"Bitch don't rush me."

"Nigga fuck a goat I'm asking a damn did you or not?"

"I'm trying to get a hold of slick right now, I know her and Sam chilling right now."

"Alright, we almost here so I'm just asking." He nodded his head typing away on his phone. I leaned my head back because I was a little tired and drained from all that bullshit crying I did, for now I just needed the space from Robyn..hopefully she respects my wishes because I won't keep tolerating her messages.

New York, New York
January 22, 2016
Robyn Rihanna Fenty

I unclip my seatbelt and get up from this uncomfortable ass seat, I reach up grabbing my bags out of the overhead bins. Right now I was completely feeling like shit, ta' think Lani would even take me back after the bullshit I did ta' her, I feel stupid. "Ms. Fenty..have a nice day." I nodded my head at the pilot as I stepped down the steps on the private jet, right now all I could do was get back ta' my shït and not even worry about Lani. I might as well give her the space she wants, and needs from me so fuck it. Rich grabbed my bags and placed them all in the back of the escalade, I put my shades over my red eyes and hop inside the truck closing the door behind me. I pull my phone out and call up Mel ta' see what we have fa' us today. "How was Houston Ms. Fenty?" Frank asked from the front, I shrugged my shoulders typing awey' on my phone, now was a time not ta' bother me.

"Alright frank..thanks fa' asking." He nodded his big ass head and started the truck up, rich hopped in the passenger seat and we were off. I placed my phone up ta' my ear as it begin ringing, I waited and waited until it went ta' voicemail. "Dat' bitch." I said through clenched teeth. I shook my head and called her ass up again, her ass finally wanna answer something.

"Bitch did ya' send me ta' voicemail?"

"Of course not baby..I'm working on something fa' ya..why would I do such ting'?"

"I don' know.."

"I was having an important phone call fa' my photography gigs rob.."

"Well shït my mistake fa' calling, but anywey' where are ya'?"

"Ya' apartment.."

"And Jenn?"

"She's here as need ta' asked about leandra because she's here."

"Rob! We're all here baby." I chuckled.

"So anything' on de' agenda fa' today?"

"Today is January album drops in six days..tour starts march shoot fa' era of anti...oh did ya' already reveal that album cover yea?" I smacked my lips placing my hand on my face. "What?"

"Mel..ya' realize I did dat' back in 2015?"

"Oh must've forgot.."

" all there is ta' do is photo shoots fa' Anti era..get the merch and everything all put in together so we can be ready."

"Yea yea I know Mel, hopefully I'll try ta' be there at before 9 or 10, because we are stuck in traffic."

"We'll be here waiting."

"Where else would ya' go."

"Uh to get our fat asses something to eat rob duh.." Jenn said through the phone. I chuckled shaking my head.

"Yea and ya' whores better get me something or we gone have problems."

"Yea yea.." Jenn said. I licked my lips looking out the window at the fucked up traffic, sometimes I hated New York traffic.



"Ya' cool?" Mel asked. I sighed shaking my head, I swallowed back the tears that desperately wanted ta' fall. But I wasn't going ta' let my bullshit get the best of me.

"No..not at all M."

"Did ya' tell her?"

"Not exactly."

"What ya' mean..ya' either did it or ya didn't."

"My note did..sort of."

"Note? Ya' left Lani a note telling her ya' cheated?"

"Fuck M...those words wasn't exactly what I wrote, I just wrote down saying that I did some shit I'm not proud of and that I didn't have the balls enough ta' tell her ta' her I wrote a break up letter ta' her."

"Ya' could ya' do dat' ta' Lani? Why didn't ya' just tell her."

"I wanted ta'..I really did but, I couldn't handle seeing her reaction if I told her..she's been hurt so many times and I didn't wanna add on ta' that hurt."

"Well ya' hurting her more just by not telling her robz..cmon' ya' got bigger balls then ya' think..and ya' scared ta' tell her? Wow."

"Mel have ya' ever been in love?"

"Bitch don' go there..don' flip dis' on me when it was ya fault fa' not opening up ta' Lani, ya' know the same shit ya' had issues with her while trying ta' get through her? But what are ya' doing rob? The same damn thing, so don' even try ta' flip da' scrip." I sucked my teeth Staring out the window, Sadly she was right, I hated how much she knew me.

"Fine..I'll just let her be.."

"Ya' sure bout' dat' Rob?"

"Yes I'm sure..dat' is what I said right?"

"Ya' might say dat' but dat' don' mean ya' ass will do it...just saying rob." I rolled my eyes as I fiddled with my fingernails, sadly she was right but I had ta' respect her wishes. Hell maybe it'll even bring us closer if we're apart, we always get through our problems one wey' or another.

"If that's what it takes M be it, I'll just leave her alone and if it's meant fa' us then it'll happen..soon."


"Look ill see ya' guys soon."


"Bye." I ended the call and just sighed heavily biting down on my bottom lip. I didn't wanna leave Lani alone but I know that's what she wants and maybe that's what da' both of us need at the moment.


"Now Jenn what have we here? What is dis'?" I asked scrunching my nose up at the burger. Jenn laughed placing her hands on her hips.

"Rob it's my personal mushroom, philly cheese steak burger.."

"But mushrooms? That's foul Jennifer..I'm highly disappointed in ya' sweetheart." Jenn stared at me with her eyes squinted at me.

"Give me my damn shroom burger.." I busted out laughing shaking my head.

"Mushrooms are nasty Jenn, we definitely can't be friends if ya' ass chewing that shit in ya' mouth."

"It has no taste to it rob."

"If it got no taste why the hell ya' eating that bland shit anywey' gross.."

"Whatever ya' say rob." She said mocking me. I sucked my teeth flipping her off. I sighed leaning back into the couch staring off into space. "How's Lani?"

"Ya' haven't heard?"

"Bits and pieces, but I wanna hear your story.." I ran my fingers over my sweaty hands and sighed.

"I fucked up pretty bad Jenn."

"What you do?"

"I cheated on Lani with some..irrelevant hoe."

"Does this irrelevant hoe have a name?"

"Marley..but that's not all."

"Oh shit.."

"She drugged me and..probably took advantage of me.."

"Probably? What you mean probably..wasn't you there?" I shook my head. She's so slow, I'ma pray fa' her stupidity.

"Yes Jenn I was there..but I also passed out and the next day I woke up in my bed with my shirt open revealing my chocolate chip titties." Jenn cackled loudly as she hit her hand against her thigh. I just stared at her because I didn't find shït funny about this, Jenn just loved fucking with me.

"I'm sorry, I was stuck at chocolate c-chip titties." She said laughing once again.

"Fuck dis'.." I mumbled getting up from the couch walking off, if her ass wasn't go listen there's no need ta' stay and watch her ass laugh like the fat ass hyena that she is.

"Rob! I'm sorry we can finish cmon'." I flipped her off as I was walking awey'. I walk into the kitchen and grab the box that was under the sink, I pulled out some blue dream. For sure Lani got me hooked ta' this shit so I'm smoking it ta' remember her. I grab my apartment key and walk down the steps ta' the door, I unlock the door and walk out without saying anther damn word.

I make it downstairs within five minutes, I walk ta' the back and sit on the back step as I started lighting up the weed. I placed it up to my lips as it was flowing out my mouth. I sat here and just thought about a lot of shit, I was actually going ta' miss seeing her face pop up on my phone when she calls me. "In deep thought?" I look up ta' see Mel walking over towards me.

"What ya' think?" She shrugged her shoulders leaning against the wall. "This feels weird as fuck M."

"What does?"

"That me and Lani are broken up.."

"Ya' guys aren't broken up..let's get dat' started."

"How ya' know? Lani won't even talk ta' me, when I told her I loved her she texted me saying quote on quote "you love me..that's amazing" like cmon' M." She sighed.

"Maybe ya' two need a little time from each other, It'll help bring ya' guys closer."

"Ya' think so?"

"I know so..ya' two love each other like ya' married."

"Nah..not even that far of love M.."

"Well babe ya' know what I mean." She said looking at me. I stared at her and sighed placing the perfectly rolled up blunt ta' my lips. "What ya' smoking on?"

"Blue dream.."

"What ya' know about that?" I chuckled shaking my head at her.

"Nigga the question is, what ya' ass know about dis' Lani got me liking this."

"Mhm..let me hit." I took a few more drags from it and let it flow from my mouth creating clouds of smoke. I handed it ta' her and she immediately decided ta' take full control over my shit.

"Uh bitch give it back..ya' lost ya' smoking privileges with me." She busted out laughing causing me ta' scrunch my face up at her ugly ass, I shook my head.

"Robyn?" Me and M both look up towards the door and see that little drug ass bitch.

"Oh hell no."

"Rob no.." M said standing up just as I was about knock the fuck out of her ass.

"No? M get the fuck de' wey' now..dis' bitch drugged me then had the fucking nerve ta' say I took advantage of her? No M move."

"Robyn..I came to say I'm sorry."

"Fuck ya' sorry, ya' sorry ass had cost me my relationship..if it wasn't fa' ya' ass me and Lani would be together." She laughed like this shït was so amusing ta' her ass. "Bitch what's funny?"

"You..really think this was all my fault? I did nothing but taste what I wanted from the start, so no reason to be upset at me." I breathed out heavily as my fist balled up.

"What was all dat' shit about ya' saying you'd leak a tape out of us huh?"

"Oh there was no tape..I made it up, and you ma'am are stupid for believing me."

"Bitch watch what ya' say.."

"Robyn either way..I still got what I wanted..and I sure made you break the shit off with Lani it was all apart of my plan..and no matter what I'll always know how you taste." I chuckled shaking my leg.

"M please move.."

"Marley..get de' fuck outta here, ya' done here." M said staring at her. Marley shrugged her shoulders staring at me with that dumb ass smirk.

"Well best of luck to you Melissa and of course you too Robyn..oh tell kehlani I said hey too."

"Bitch leave..or else I'll let her ass go and she'll get the beating." M said.

"Fuck dat' M let me go now."

"Hush rob..go Marley." She threw her hands up blowing me a kiss. My fist was itching ta' beat the shit outta her but Marley lucky M holding my ass back. After Marley was outta sight Mel finally let me go and looked at me with a concerned look. "Ya' good babe?"

"I'm solid.." I pulled awey' from her. M sighed placing her hand on her forehead.

"Rob..ya' can't let Marley get ta' ya' like that.."

"Fuçk her Mel..that bitch's karma will come ta' her sooner than later, we'll see. Karma got something cooking up for her ass just wait."

"We shall."

Houston, Texas
January 22, 2016
Kehlani Ashley Parrish

"Ok bitch what's the tea?" Edward asked looking over at me as I was Messing around with this new single I got coming soon. But of course this nigga wanna be fucking nosy and be in my business.

"Tea? Ain't got no damn tea."

"Bitch don't play dumb, that little conversation you was having earlier isn't tea?"

"Nah..and it yo damn business either, so why you asking?"

"Because something is completely off with you, every since David picked your ass up you been giving off the shit vibe, and once that phone call come you become the bitch that I use to now what has happened."

"I opened my eyes Edward..that's what I did, now if you'll excuse me I'm trying to concentrate." He threw his hands up taking the blunt from behind his ear. "You sharing?"

"You spilling?" I smacked my lips waving him off, I'll get my own shit.

"Fuck you then." He shrugged me off and lit up the blunt and just started smoking that shit right in front of me, I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"Lani! Babe guess what!" Micah shouted busting through the studio.

"Damn noodz chill out."

"Sorry but guess who just called and said they wanna collaborate with you.." I raised my eyebrow looking at Edward, he looked at me then noodz.


"Belly! He wants to collaborate with you." Noodz said with so much enthusiasm. My eyes widen and I jumped up twerking my ass in a circle.

"Don't play with're foreal?"

"Yes I'm foreal namz..he called me up saying..yo this kehlani DJ noodz? So I said yea sure the fuck is..and he said I'm really trying to do a song with her, been wanting to for months but been so busy."

"Bitchhhhhhhh yes!" Edward said hopping his lanky ass up. I busted out laughing at his ass, he's so dumb.

"Wow, that's crazy Micah.."

"What y'all asses in here so hype for?" Sam asked flopping on the couch with kachi right beside her.

"Bruh Belly wants to do a collab with me..ah shït! I'm hype."

"Seriously? Shit namz you better fuck it up!" Kachi said twerking on Sam.

"That's sick..I'm going to be featured on his new album?"

"Yup..he wants to start recording by February and the video will be February 18 so we gotta celebrate the remaining days." I nodded my head smiling to myself, but when she said February 18 I could only think about Robyn's Birthday being 2 days from that's hella weird that I won't see her. "Nami you cool?" Sam asked.

"Yea..uh where's he shooting it?"

"He didn't give me all the details yet but he will keep me posted." I rubbed my hands together nodding my head.

"Cool cool..I love him he's amazing." I said.

"Girl no..he'll be amazing once yo ass land a feature on his album." Edward said waving me off.

"Your such an asshole.." I said chuckling.

"What it's the truth." I shook my head bouncing back into the chair as I turned the single off. I noticed my screen appeared with a message, I frowned looking at the name and rolled my eyes. Why does Robyn keep texting me? Like did she not get my last text? I picked my phone up and unlocked my phone going straight for the message.

Robyn: I know you're not talking to me right now but, I just wanted to let you know that I miss you and love you let you know I wrote a song about you, it's called close to you. On how close I am to you even if I'm not there. ❤️ Love you Kehlani, I'll leave you alone now.

After reading the text, I simply locked my phone and didn't text her back, I wasn't going to lie and say I didn't miss her because I did. I do miss her but I will not bring myself to get hurt again, I just can't. "Alright whose ready to turn up?"

"Bitch me!" Edward shouted. I chuckled shaking my head, we all gathered our belongings and left out the studio. Even though today turned out to be awful, it turned out to be a good day.


🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 update soon or what??🤷🏽‍♀️

Not much happened throughout this chapter but more will happen😏

No Riley this chapter😂 y'all gotta chill on Riley she cool asf and doesn't wanna start nothing👏🏽cut the bitch some slack

So far Lani wants nothing to do with long will this superstition between them last🤔

Marley?😕 bitch crazy.

Jenn and Robyn moment 🤦🏾‍♀️💀 don't worry I'll be bringing more of Jenn and I'll even bring Jaleel out the cut😂 and ciarra more of Robyn's close friends.

When Close To You was originally wrote about Kehlani 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚 y'all ain't know! Where y'all been.

Farewell update soon to come.


I need all the feedback on farewell, let me know what I need to do to make the chapters more interesting because chapters soon will become crazy..soon!

Love you guys❤️

Excuse mistakes🙄

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